Sweet Relief

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i decided to give you guys a break from all the lucas crap 😭

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Griffin noticed his 17-year-old girlfriend's expression as soon as she stepped off stage. She looked like she was in excruciating pain. Griffin suddenly rose from his seat and squeezed himself in front of his family (friends).

"Where are you going?" Sarah spoke in hushed tones as they sat in an auditorium.

"Something's wrong" Griffin mumbled. He ran up the aisle before anybody could object. Griffin pushed his hands on the door quietly but quickly, departing the darkened auditorium, a wave of light from the lobby dazzling his brown eyes. Griffin made his way to the dressing hall, sprinting down the lengthy corridor to the backstage doors. Griffin walked in and noticed a slew of dancers getting ready to take the stage, but he didn't give a dam about them. He was looking for one person, his Harper. He noticed her in a matter of seconds. Harper was bent down in the corner, gripping her abdomen.

"Harper?" Griffin questioned as he approached her. She stared up at him, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, Lovey, don't cry. "We don't want to ruin your pretty make-up," Griffin reassured. Harper sniffed and blinked back tears. Griffin could tell by her body language that it was that time of month again.

"Are you cramping?" Griffin inquired.

Harper nodded, clutching her stomach even more tightly. "It hurts"

"Aw, I know it does," Griffin said, frowning. "When did it start?"

"Before I went on stage. "I had to dance through it." Harper whined.

"Your so strong," Griffin complemented . Harper smiled briefly before breaking into an agonizing whimper .

"Did you bring your hot packs?" Griffin inquired. Harper gave a nod.

"All right, let's see if that helps," Griffin suggested , holding out his hand and shaking it slightly. Harper grabbed it as the two exited the backstage area. Harper's cramps worsened as they strolled down the corridor. She leaned herself against Griffin, wanting to be carried. Griffin wasted no time in sliding his hands under her arms and picking her up . Harper's thighs brushed up against Griffin's waist, and her legs dangled down his legs. Griffin cradled her head and spoke soothingly to her. The 17-year-olds made it to the SSDS dressing room. Griffin opened the door to the brightened room, but no one was there. Simply a collection of team backpacks, wrappers, stretching equipment, and makeup. everywhere.

Griffin found Harper's backpack and trailed over to it. Harper was gently placed on the smooth floor by him. Her hands returned to her bare stomach, her arms lightly brushing against her two-piece costume. Griffin reached inside Harper's backpack and extracted an instant hot pack. Griffin removed the pack from its packing and squeezed the contents to activate it. Griffin then returned his attention to his girlfriend . Harper covered her eyes with her hands, softly groaning into them.

"I'm sorry it hurts" Griffin spoke. Harper lowered her hands and softly grasped his chin, leaning forward to lock lips. Harper let out another groan before the two could really enjoy the moment.

"Where does it hurt, Lovey?" Griffin asked. Harper lightly touched her abdomen in response. Griffin carefully rubbed her smooth stomach, causing her to whimper in pleasure. Despite feeling good, the pains intensifying throughout her body. Harper took hold of Griffin's hand and directed him to where she desired more pressure to be applied. As he rubbed the area gently, Griffin couldn't help but smile as he heard the pleasant sounds coming from Harper.

Griffin grabbed the hot pack and softly pressed it against Harper's abdomen after the stroking session. Harper let out a sigh.

"Does that feel really good?" Griffin teased

Harper nodded eagerly as she pressed her hands on top of her boyfriends.

"I told you I could make you feel better" Griffin grinned.

"I never doubted you," Harper recalled.

Griffin smirked "You made such pretty sounds, maybe I can hear them more tonight"

Harper sat up "I'm on my cycle"

Griffin scoffed "Like I care" 

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