S2 EP:5 Gone Without a Trace

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The golden rays of the sun cascaded into the Caspian household, filling the home with a warm glow. Nestled in the embrace of their cozy bed, 17-year-old Juliette exuded an aura of serenity. Her lustrous brown locks cascaded across her pillow and flowed gracefully down her back, like a waterfall of silk. Her breath, calm and even, created a soothing rhythm in the room. Suddenly, Juju's light brown eyes stirred from their slumber, gradually unveiling their captivating radiance. With a gentle yawn that whispered a symphony of contentment, she gracefully sat up, her back resting comfortably against the headboard. Leaning over, her fingers effortlessly found her phone, and she embarked on a journey through the tapestry of her social media.

An Instagram post caught Juju's attention, causing her wide-eyed astonishment. It featured Zoey Campbell, the sister of her crush, in a series of captivating photos capturing her growth from ages 3, 7, 11, and 15. Juju's eyes scanned the caption, captivated by its heartfelt message: "A star gone too soon." Although the comments were silenced, a surge of affectionate reactions flooded in. Suddenly, Juju's expression shifted.

"Oh god," she whispered, her voice brimming with a mix of annoyance and subtle melancholy.

Suddenly, the doorknob turned, and the door swung open, revealing Juju's mother, Mrs. Caspian, a graceful presence in the room.

"Good morning, Love," she greeted, drawing closer. Juju responded with a faint smile, before redirecting her focus to her phone.

"Are you all right?" Inquired Mrs. Caspian.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Juju affirmed. A subtle smile graced her mom's lips as she leaned forward and gently kissed Juju's luscious brown locks.

"Come downstairs and have some breakfast, sweetheart. JJ is already eating," Mrs. Caspian stated as she neared the doorway, tenderly closing it behind her.

Juju rose to her feet, her steps meeting the soft embrace of the carpeted floor. She glided towards her closet, her nimble fingers selecting a pair of wide, light ripped jeans, and a spandex crop top promised a hint of allure.

Closing the closet door, Juju held her chosen ensemble close, as if guarding a treasure. Leaving her room behind, she strolled down the hallway, approaching her to her bathroom. With a flicker of her hand, the lights illuminated the space, casting a gentle glow upon her surroundings.

The shower came alive at her command, water cascading with rejuvenating vigor. Juju placed her belongings on the countertop. Pausing for a moment, she met her own reflection in the mirror, a sigh escaping her lips.


First period had just begun, and Lexi found herself seated at her desk. Her vibrant ginger hair was meticulously styled into two elegant french braids, complementing her casual attire of a blue ribbed tank top and flowing black shorts. As she focused on her writing, her phone lay close by, its screen constantly illuminated as she tapped away with anticipation. Without fail, Lexi and Juju would rendezvous daily in the girls' restroom to discuss their ongoing investigation into Griffin. It had become soft of a tradition the two came up with.

Moments passed, and Lexi let out a sigh before once again tapping her phone. To her delight, the clock showed 9:15, causing a radiant smile to grace her face. Coincidentally, her screensaver had switched to a 0.5 photo of her and Juju, taken during a spontaneous Walmart trip, filling Lexi's heart with joy.

The 17 year olds hand then shot up in a desperate plea for attention.

"Yes, Lexi," the teacher called out, comfortably seated at her desk.

With a mischievous smile and a hint of innocence in her teasing green eyes, Lexi asked, "Can I go to the restroom?"

"Of course, darling," the teacher replied, grinning warmly. Lexi swiftly rose from her seat, making sure to grab her phone before leaving the ELAR class. As she made her way down the hallway, she spotted Juju waiting in the distance.

"Hey," the redhead greeted as she approached, wearing a wide grin.

"Lexi-Lu!," Juju's face lit up with a smile as her arms extended. Lexi's embrace enveloped Juju's waist while Juju's arms clasped around Lexi's neck, swaying ever so slightly. Moments later, the two separated with utmost tenderness.

"Did you see the thing about Zoey?" Lexi inquired.

Juju nodded solemnly. "I think she died."

Lexi's expression turned grave. "That would explain why Griffey hasn't been responding to any of my texts."

"Doesn't he usually ignore your messages?" Juju wondered.

"Well, yeah, but he usually reads them. Besides, I send them from my spam accounts," Lexi explained. However, before her words settled, her phone buzzed, and her countenance instantly clouded with sorrow.

Juju's heart skipped a beat as she noticed the distress etched across Lexi's face. She couldn't help but ask, "You okay?" Her voice trembled with concern, her eyes locked onto Lexi's.

Lexi hesitated, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She desperately wanted to open up, but the fear of being vulnerable held her back. Her vision blurred with tears, and she didn't even realize it until Juju's gentle touch snapped her back to reality. Their matching black acrylics completed the perfect picture of two souls intertwined.

"It's okay. You can tell me," Juju whispered, her voice soothing and reassuring. Lexi's green eyes met Juju's hazel ones, and a soft smile graced her lips. Juju returned the gesture, but her heart was racing a mile a minute.

Suddenly, Juju realized what she was doing and quickly pulled her hand away from Lexi's. The two straightened up, and the tension in the air was palpable. Lexi fanned her eyes, trying to hide her vulnerability, while Juju fidgeted with her hair and outfit, trying to regain her composure.

"Um, Im sorry. I have no idea why-"

"No worries," Lexi declared. "I'll talk to you during lunch?"

"Of course," The brunette replied.

"Okay. Bye, Juju," Lexi uttered, strolling away, leaving the hazel eyed behind. Juju pondered for a moment before a grin appeared on her countenance. She released a chuckle before making her way back to class.


The Tremont Hotel was quiet, but not quiet of peacefulness, quiet of grieve. Everyone was still shocked by the loss of 15 year old Zoey Campbell last night, weeping was all that anyone of doing in there free time. As the boys were upstairs, Ben and Sarah, on the other hand, tenanted the lower floor of the Tremont hotel, occupying a white cloth-draped round table towards the rear. An array of papers enveloped them, and their computer screens illuminated their surroundings. They found themselves organizing preparations for their daughter's funeral, a task they had never anticipated performing for a long time, if at all.

At that moment, Sarah's phone rang. With a heavy exhalation, she lifted her phone and held it to her ear. Ben occasionally stole glances at her while she conversed with the person on the other end, but his attention was fully captured when an overwhelming blend of surprise, fear, and distress adorned her face.

"Okay, Thank you," Sarah uttered, her voice quivering as she struggled to hold back her emotions until she terminated the call. As her phone emitted three soft beeps, Sarah gradually lowered it, her eyes widened in astonishment.

"She's gone," Sarah whispered softly, locking her gaze with Ben. The pain in her eyes was almost palpable.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked, his curiosity tinged with eagerness.

"Her body isn't at the hospital," Sarah muttered.

Ben looked perplexed, "Are you sure they didn't transfer her to-"

"We haven't informed them about the arrangements yet. They were supposed to keep her until we did," Sarah mumbled, her words filled with a mix of slight confusion and agony.

Ben spoke with deliberate slowness, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Zoey's body-"

"WAS STOLEN, BEN!, THEY TOLD ME IT WAS STOLEN!," Sarah said as she burst into sobs. Ben's expression transformed into one of sheer astonishment as he processed the unthinkable news. Despite the brief duration of just 9 hours since his daughter's death had been declared, her body had already been snatched away by an unknown perpetrator. However, Ben's self-centered thoughts faded into oblivion as he shifted his attention towards his wife, who sat there in a state of emotional anguish, tears streaming down her face unabated. Ben instinctively pulled Sarah close, tears streaming down his face, mirroring her grief.


Griffin faced immense challenges. He not only experienced the physical loss of his sister but also the mental loss of his lover. These burdens weighed heavily on the 17-year-old. Standing in the bathroom after a warm shower, he wore a pair of grey joggers and let out a sigh. Resting his hands on the counter, Griffin stared into the mirror, attempting to gather himself. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing, breaking his concentration.

Knowing his parents were occupied and Wyatt remained secluded in his room, Griffin became the default choice to answer the door. He draped a rolled towel over his shoulders, absorbing the water droplets that trickled down his hair, and made his way out of the bathroom, through his room, and down the stairs. Approaching the door, he pulled it open, his eyes widening as he laid gaze on Harper Dunn. She stood on her own two feet, her hair parted in the middle, cascading curls framing her face and flowing down her back. Clad in a Sulphur Springs Dance Studio hoodie, with high-waisted shorts hidden underneath, and Nike Blazers completing her ensemble. Nervously clutching her iPhone 16 in her delicate hands, she stood before him.

"Hey," Harper whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Um, H-Hey," Griffin stammered, his voice trembling. "When did you get out?"

"Early this morning," Harper replied. Griffin nodded, feeling a wave of uncertainty wash over him. With Harper standing before him, he couldn't decipher their relationship anymore. Were they still a couple? Best friends? Or had everything changed after the events that unfolded?

"Griff, can I talk to you?" Harper asked. Griffin nodded, stepping aside to let her in. He closed the door behind them and led her up the stairs, Harper trailing behind. They entered his room, shutting the door behind them, and settled on Griffin's bed. An awkward silence hung in the air before Harper finally spoke.

"Um... I'm really sorry about Zozo. I only found out recently," Harper confessed.

Griffin shrugged, his voice filled with self-blame. "You have nothing to apologize for, Harper. I'm the one at fault here. I'm the reason you ended up in the hospital, and my sister lost her life because of my own recklessness."

Harper raised an eyebrow, her eyes filled with understanding. "Griffin, you know you had no part in any of that. Also, I know you didn't poison me."

"Then why did you make it seem that way to everyone?" Griffin looked bewildered.

"I was manipulated," Harper admitted, her gaze falling to the ground. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Griffin sat there for a moment, a small smile slowly spreading across his face. He gently lifted Harper's chin with his finger, meeting her gaze.

"You have nothing to apologize for," he reassured her. Harper's lips curved into a mischievous smile as she spoke softly.


"Yes?" the 17-year-old replied, intrigued.

"Am I still your lovey?" Harper asked, hope shining in her eyes.

Griffin's smile grew warmer. "Always and forever," he whispered.

Harper returned the smile and leaned in, embracing the dirty blonde tightly. Griffin cradled her head, holding her close to his neck, savoring her familiar and intoxicating scent. In that moment, he realized just how much he needed her.


The evening had descended upon Sulphur Springs, Louisiana. The disappearance of Zoey's body had recently been unveiled to the children, plunging them into a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions that seemed to stretch on endlessly. Though, amidst this somber atmosphere, the Sulphur Springs Dance Studio had closed its doors, allowing only family and close friends to gather and mourn the loss of one of their most talented dancers. Topher and Wyatt had been brought to the studio by Coach Lotus, and together they found themselves in the locker rooms, engaged in the heartbreaking task of clearing out Zoey's locker. Tears streamed down their faces as they sorted through her belongings - her dance gear, clothing, and various items that the 15-year-old had stored there. The suddenness of it all was overwhelming, and it was even more surreal to think that just 26 hours ago, Zoey herself had been rummaging through that very locker, preparing for her next dance class.

Coach Lotus had momentarily stepped away, leaving the boys to their own devices. One by one, they unearthed various objects, their minds racing as they examined each one before setting it aside.

As Topher reached for yet another item, he stumbled upon a crumpled note. Intrigued, he carefully extracted the paper and studied it intently.

Wyatt noticed Topher's sudden shift in focus and inquired, "What's that?"

"A note," Topher replied, his voice filled with curiosity. He painstakingly unraveled the message, smoothing it against his thigh before sharing it with Wyatt. To their astonishment, they discovered an entire paragraph. This was unusual, as they knew Zoey to only write lengthy pieces for mundane ELAR essays.

It's a constant struggle to put on a happy face and pretend like everything is okay. But deep down, I am hurting and I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I just wish someone would listen and understand what I am going through. I wish I didn't feel so alone and misunderstood. I've been going to the counselor at school, expecting some assistance, but they were absolutely no help at all. I don't know how to deal with any of this anymore.

Topher and Wyatt's eyes widened as they absorbed the contents of the note, their minds racing with questions. Was Zoey unhappy? Had she been hurt? How?

"She's been going to the counselor's office?" Topher asked, his voice trembling with concern.

"I don't know. I'm just learning about all of this now," Wyatt responded, a hint of panic creeping into his voice.

"What was happening to her?!" Topher exclaimed, his desperation evident.

"I have no clue. She always seemed so happy, like her usual self," Wyatt replied.

"Maybe it was the pressure from dancing?" Topher suggested, his voice tinged with panic.

"I know my sister, Topher. She loves this place. It's like her second home, her second family. If she felt any sort of pressure here, she would have told someone," Wyatt asserted firmly, his eyes welling up once more.

"Then what could it be?" Topher questioned, his voice filled with anguish. "She didn't find peace in any way," he concluded.

"I know," Wyatt murmured, his gaze falling downward as a tear trickled down his cheek.


The parlor was filled with both the Dunn and the Campbell family, creating a tense atmosphere. As night fell upon the town, the vibrant activities of Louisiana were winding down and beginning anew. However, within the walls of the Tremont Hotel, the tension remained palpable as everyone eagerly awaited Wyatt and Topher's revelations and discoveries.

"-I wish I didn't feel so alone and misunderstood. I've been going to the counselor at school, expecting some assistance, but they were absolutely no help at all. I don't know how to deal with any of this anymore..." Topher had finished reading the note out loud, capturing the attention of everyone present.

Griffin's restless leg betrayed his mounting anticipation as he posed the question to his mother, "Mom, has she been going to the counselor?" Harper, sensing his unease, gently placed her hand on his thigh, attempting to steady his nerves.

Sarah let out a weary sigh, confessing, "She told me she was. I never imagined it would escalate to this extent."

Jess interjected, her voice filled with astonishment, "I'm shocked because, from what I've observed, a smile rarely left her face these past few weeks."

"Exactly. She seemed like her usual self," Topher chimed in, his agreement echoing through the room.

"But she also mentioned that it was difficult to maintain a face of happiness," Wyatt added.

Under his breath, Ben muttered, "Those damn acting classes taught her!"

Sarah shot him a piercing glare, shaking her head in disapproval. Ben's gaze fell to the ground, consumed by shame.

"At first, I thought it had something to do with dance. She was at the studio almost every day," Topher shared.

"If it were related to dance, she would have told us. The team is like a family, and I believe I would have known if something was wrong within company," Harper asserted. Griffin nodded in silent agreement.

Wyatt's stomach churned as he reluctantly asked, "Any progress in finding Zozo's body?" The words felt foreign on his tongue, a reality he never anticipated.

Sarah sighed, her voice heavy with the weight of adulthood, "That's a concern for grown-ups, my love. I think it's time to call it a night. We've experienced an overwhelming flood of emotions today."

Jess nodded in agreement, concluding, "Well, I suppose we should head home." She stood up, bidding farewell to everyone. Topher waved goodbye, while Griffin leaned in to kiss Harper's cheek.

"Bye, lovey. Call me once you're home," he whispered. Harper nodded softly, their intertwined hands reluctantly parting as she walked away, catching up with her family as they made their way out the door.

Sarah planted a gentle kiss on each of her son's heads before vanishing into the depths of the Tremont. Ben followed suit, joining her. Griffin and Wyatt rose from their seats and proceeded down the hallway, ascending the stairs towards their respective rooms. As they neared their rooms, Wyatt pondered silently before speaking up.

"Goodnight, Griffin. I love you," he expressed.

Griffin responded with a tender smile, "I love you too, bro," as he entered his room and shut the door. Wyatt returned the smile, entering his own room and closing the door behind him.

As he spun on his ankles, a bewildered expression etched across his face. The sight before him was a perplexing tableau - the window stood wide open, allowing the moonlight to cascade into the room, while the trees danced in the wind. Wyatt approached the window, his gaze fixated on the outside world, before decisively closing it shut.

But fate had more in store for him. Just as he completed his turn, his eyes caught sight of an enigmatic envelope resting upon his bed. Wyatt's gaze darted around the room, a mixture of confusion and curiosity swirling within him. Unable to resist the allure, he leaned in and snatched the envelope, his actions driven by an unknown force.

With unwavering

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