One week after the Juju and Harper incident
It was a breezy day at Sulphur Springs High School when Harper arrived back on campus after being away for at least 3 days due to her nose condition, which was far more problematic than originally thought. After school that day, Harper had to go for a doctor's visit because of Juju's actions. The end of the 6th period had come as Harper and Griffin did their best to stay away from Juju in class and on the athletic field. Everyone knew about what Juju had done, yet her parents still remained unaware. It was sad since Harper and Juju were once good friends; the last time they interacted was when they were each eight years old. Back then, Harper's house visit with Juju's family went over quite well with all parties involved. However, over time their relationship faded as Harper flourished in her dancing career while Juju harbored feelings for Griffin. This only made matters worse between them as they both struggled to face each other knowing who the other liked now. Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Campbell, and Mr. Campbell especially warned everyone in school against letting them interact too closely with each other. The hallway grew chaotic with students filing out of gym classes right as Griffin pecked Harper on the cheek before she departed to attend theatre class by herself while he stayed behind with the group
walking down the corridor. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Juju caught up to him.
"Griffin!" Juju said as they walked
"Stay away from me, Caspian" Griffin said, not even making eye contact with her
"Griffin? what's up with you?"
"What's up with me?" Griffin mocked
"What's up with you?" He spoke, annoyed
"Griffin, if this is about Harper, then who cares" Juju scoffed
"She deserved it"
"Juju, you made Harper have a severe nosebleed, and you bruised her wrist" Griffin pointed out
"It wasn't severe" Juju sneered
"She went to urgent care" Griffin reminded
"It's not my fault Mrs. Dunn was being over dramatic, and took her to a doctor"
"It was gushing" Griffin referred
"Whatever" Juju scorned
Griffin just rolled his eyes and walked away. Away from Juju.
Juju sighed, before spotting her friend. Destiny.
Juju walked through the horde of students, to get over to her
"Hey Destiny," Juju said, with a beam
"Griffins still mad at me," Juju said, looking down
"Of course he is, you literally caused so much damage to his girlfriend" Destiny spoke
Juju raised an eyebrow
"Who's side are you on?"
Destiny stayed silent
Juju rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I was thinking, you have Harper's number right?"
"Um... yeah"
Juju wore a satisfied smile as she recalled informing Harper that she had a week to end her relationship with Griffin, yet they remained together. It was time for her to take decisive action.
"Great, ask her if you could come over"
"Why?" Destiny questioned, pulling out her phone from her pocket
"Just do it!" Juju instructed
Destiny wasted no time unlocking her phone and going to her messages icon. Destiny texted Harper
It was a short while
"Has she replied yet?" Juju asked, impatiently
"She read it," Destiny said, turning her phone toward Juju
Juju sighed
"Oh wait, she replied!"
"She said "Sure," Destiny told her friend
"Good, so instead of you showing up at her house, I will," Juju said, with a smirk
Destiny made a confused look
"Frick!, I don't know her address" Juju complained
"Oh, you've been over to her house, do you know her address?"
"Um...not by heart," Destiny said
"My parents do though"
"Then just ask Harper," Juju said, gesturing to Destiny
"Juju, you really shouldn't be doing-"
"ASK HER!" Juju yelled
"Ok, ok, I'll ask"
After School
Harper had once more informed Destiny of her address, and Destiny imparted the information to Juju. Uncontrollable excitement surged through Juju throughout the remainder of the school day; she was desperate to talk to Harper regarding her mischievous behavior. As soon as school was over, Juju did not even wait for the bus home; instead, she made use of her exceptional running ability in order to make it back to her house. Upon reaching home she did not take a moment to converse with her parents but instead rushed out the door, knowing that she had an important mission ahead of her. Though Juju went to exit, her mother managed to impede her departure.
"Juliette, where are you going?" Her mom asked
"Um... Destiny's house" Juju lied
"But you just got home from school, shouldn't you have gone home with her?"
"Guess I could have" Juju shrugged
"Ok then, just be back before dinner, honey" Juju's mom said, sweetly
"Ok, Mom," Juju said, before walking about the door
Juju took a brief stroll to Harper's house and suddenly remembered that she lived very close by - only two minutes away. Upon arriving, Juju opted to hide in the bushes near the residence so she could contact her friend Destiny.
Juju: Hey
Destiny: Hi
Juju: I've made it to the targets house
Destiny: What?
Juju: I've made it to Harper's house
Destiny sighed
Destiny: Please don't do anything stupid
Juju: Destiny please, I have my ways
Destiny: Juju no-
Juju hung up
Juju took a deep breath before she nervously knocked on the door. After a few moments, Mrs. Dunn answered and she could not help but smirk; she had taken a risk coming here.
"Hi," Juju said, sweetly
"Um... Hey" Jess said, opening the door wider
"Harper invited me over," Juju said, with a smile
"What's your name, honey?" Jess asked
"Umm... it's Destiny" Juju fibbed
Jess raised an eyebrow
"You know, you look really familiar," Jess said, eyeing Juju up and down
"Guess I just have that face" Juju shrugged
Jess nodded
"Well come on, sweetie, Harper's upstairs" Jess said, gesturing for Juju to come inside
Topher watched as an unfamiliar figure walked into the Dunns household, noticing a change in atmosphere. Juju was walking into a house of love, family, and friends; she didn't hesitate to
march upstairs to Harper's room.
"Who is she?" Topher inquired suspiciously.
"I think her name is Destiny," Jess replied, perplexed.
Once Juju ascended the stairs, she went directly to Harper's room. Her entrance was dramatic as she suddenly pushed open the door and yelled out, "HARPER!"
Upon making her way into Harper's bedroom, Juju immediately noticed that Harper was lounging on her bed in black leggings and a crop top emblazoned with the logo of Sulphur Springs Dance Studio. She was absorbed in a book.
"OH MY GOD, JUJU" Harper yelled startled
"I GAVE YOU A WEEK, HARPER" Juju yelled, as she picked up a nearby book from Harper's desk
"AND YOUR STILL WITH HIM" Juju cried out, throwing the thick book at her
Harper whimpered when the book made contact with her. God, did it hurt
Just then the door opened
"Harper, your dance team wanted to know-"
Jess's eyes widened in astonishment upon seeing Juju striding toward Harper. Her daughter's eyes were also moist, an indication of the emotion she felt.
"What's going on?" Jess questioned, worriedly
"Juju, just leave," Harper mumbled, ignoring her mom's question. Her voice starting to crack
"Juju?" Jess spoke
Jess soon did realize
"Oh my god, you're the one who put Harper in urgent care"
Juju smirked "Yeah, that was funny"
"But I only did I because Harper stole Griffin" Juju scoffed
"Do you know how much pain you put my 16-year-old daughter through?" Jess said in a serious tone
Juju took a moment to observe Harper, who was trembling and attempting to stifle her tears. Juju also noticed the bruise that was still visible. Harper seemingly appeared fragile and helpless.
"I'm sure your dumb daughter is fine" Juju sneered, before grabbing a nearby water bottle and throwing it at Harper
Harper winced, luckily the water bottle wasn't that heavy
Mrs. Dunn's mouth dropped. That was it for her
"Get out!" Jess said, significantly, pointing to the door
"LEAVE. MY. HOUSE" Jess spoke
"No, I have some unfinished-"
"UGH" Juju screamed, as she walked out Harper's door
Jess and Harper remained unmoving until they heard the front door open and shut.
"Baby," Jess said sweetly, walking over to Harper
Harper and her mom collided in a hug.
Harper tried to hold the tears back, but she failed. She sobbed loudly on her mom's shoulder.
"I know, Babe," Jess said gently, as she rubbed Harper's back
"She won't stop" Harper muttered, through sobs
Jess didn't say anything, but hugged Harper tighter, stroking her hair
Harper was just falling apart.
Juju exited the Dunns household, firmly closing the door behind her. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed a friend.
Juju: My plan failed
Destiny: How?
Juju: Stupid Mrs. Dunn caught me
Destiny: Oh thank god
Juju: But don't worry, I have another trick up my sleeve
Destiny: Juju, please don't-
Juju: Homecomings this Friday
Juju: It'd be a shame if something went wrong
Juju had a smug smile
Destiny: No, No Ju-
Juju: You might wanna be there
Juju: Because trust me... This year's Homecoming... will go down in history
Juju smirked
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