S1 EP:3 Love Triangles

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Griffin stormed back upstairs. His own father didn't believe him. Griffin was lost. His 17-year-old girlfriend was being assaulted by her mom's boyfriend, but she begged him not to tell anyone. Harper didn't want the matter to worsen, but Lucas is going too far. Griffin returned to his room. When he opened the door, Harper was sound asleep on his bed. Griffin grinned before he walked over to her and lay beside her. Griffin gently slipped his arm around Harper's waist and brought her close to his chest. Griffin kissed her forehead before closing his eyes.


Griffin's eyes gradually opened. He looked around the room, observing that the sun was no longer shining through the window. Griffin looked at his watch, which read 8:02 p.m. Griffin yawned and leaned back against his headboard. Harper awoke as a result of the movement.

"Sorry," Griffin apologized before softly massaging Harper's curls. Harper smiled as she nuzzled into his fingertips. Her phone began to vibrate. Harper reached over to Griffin's nightstand and took her phone. She sat up. Harper swore at the sight of a message notification.

"What's wrong?" Griffin inquired.

"My mom wants me to come back home" Harper stated

Griffin let out a sigh. "I don't want you to go back home with... him"

"Neither do I" Harper lowered her gaze.

"Will you stay over for the night?" Harper whispered with hopeful eyes.

Griffin smiled, "Of course, I will." Harper beamed as she softly grabbed Griffin's chin and kissed his cheek. Griffin went into his closet and took out one of his duffel bags. He returned it to his bed. The 17-year-old packed his backpack with the help of his girlfriend for a two-day stay at best. Griffin and Harper put on their shoes, gathered their belongings, and exited the room. The teens moved down the stairs and towards the door when the twins peered over the yellow couches in the front living room.

"Where are you going?" Wyatt inquired.

"Um, Harper's house for the night" Griffin responded

Zoey shrugged before she and her brother slouched back on the couch, delighted by their phones. That's when Ben arrived on the scene. He examined the bags his son was carrying.

"What's going on?" He was curious.

Griffin stated, "I'm going to Harper's house."

"Why?" Ben inquired. Griffin gave him a strange look.

Griffin gestured, "You already know why, Dad."

"Oh," Ben exclaimed, unable to hold back a laugh. Harper gave a puzzled expression.

"Good luck with that," Ben said with a smile. Harper clasped Griffin's hand in her own.

Griffin scoffed and rolled his eyes as he walked out the door.


Griffin and Harper drove to Dunn's house. Griffin pulled into the driveway and let out a long sigh of disappointment. A white 2020 Ram 1500 caught both parties' attention. Lucas was there. Harper let out a whimper thinking about what he had done to her earlier.

"It's okay, Lovey" Griffin consulted as he put the car in park. The two alighted from the vehicle, and Griffin retrieved his duffel bag from the backseats. With a slam followed by a subtle click, they ascended to the porch steps. After Harper found the key hidden under the doormat, they entered the home only to meet with Mrs. Dunn- Harper's mom

"Hey guys," Jess said with a smile. Griffin could tell Harper was overjoyed to see her mother. He wasn't surprised when the two locked arms. Jess kissed Harper on the cheek before pulling back.

"Are you planning on staying over, bud?" Jess inquired as she examined Griffin's baggage. Griffin gave a nod.

"All right," Jess beamed. "Have you guys eaten?" She inquired.

Griffin and Harper exchanged glances before shaking their heads.

"We didn't even have lunch" Harper muttered.

"Poor babies." "I'll make you two something," Jess said as she walked into the kitchen.

Griffin and Harper noticed a speck of Lucas's hair peaking over the couch in the distance. The two made their way over there. Griffin cleared his throat over the television noise. Lucas turned his head.

"Well, if it isn't tweedle hot and tweedle dum" Lucas smiled.

"Uh, okay." Griffin wrapped his arm around Harper's waist. "If you could just get up and leave, that would be great."

Lucas exclaimed, "Are you going to let him talk to me like that, Harper?"

"Leave my dam living room," Harper said. Lucas rose up with a scoff. He slapped Harper's butt as he exited the room. She flinched at the unexpected movement.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Griffin. Lucas simply flipped him off before fleeing to another room in the home. Even though it was difficult, the two brushed it off and sat on the couch. Griffin grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around the two. Harper rested her head on Griffin's chest while Griffin chose something for them to watch.


Lucas was sitting in the dining room, scrolling through his phone. He'd been lighthearted for a while as he scrolled through Harper's Instagram, screenshotting any photos he found...amusing. 

Lucas couldn't help but inhale with joy at the aroma emanating from the kitchen. Lucas rose up and began heading towards it until he collided with Jess.

"Hey, Baby" "Did you cook?" Lucas asked with a smile.

"Homemade Mac and cheese," said Jess.

"Baked?" Lucas questioned

Jess gave a nod. Lucas licked his lips and smiled.

"What are you doing?" Lucas inquired.

"Harper's laundry," Jess remarked, holding a basket full of Harper's soon-to-be-washed garments. She let out a hushed yawn.

"Aw, I'll do the laundry." "You need to sleep, babe," Lucas urged as he grabbed the basket from her grasp.

"Are you sure?" Jess asked.

"So sure," Lucas affirmed before kissing Jess on the cheek.

"Night, baby," Lucas whispered as she made her way to her room. He remained motionless until he heard the door close. Lucas went to the back of the house, exiting through the door to enter the shed garage. Lucas walked up to the washing machine and placed the basket on top of it.

Lucas smiled smugly before digging into the 17-year-old's clothing pile. Lucas found a crop top and pressed it against his nose, inhaling Harper's smell deeply. Lucas grabbed additional items, each of which smelled like Harper. He rubbed them on his nostrils. Lucas scented his way through leotards, shirts, leggings, shorts, and his particular favorite, letting out a groan as he did so.


"Hey, do you have like an air mattress?" Griffin inquired.

"Yeah, it's in the shed," Harper answered, her gaze fixed on the screen.

Griffin laughed before kissing Harper on the cheek. Griffin released himself from the warmth he and Harper had created, and his socks brushed against the flat floor.

Griffin stepped outside to the shed. He pushed open the door, revealing the horrifying scene.

"What are you doing?" Griffin inquired.

"Can't a man have some peace?" Lucas sighed, placing another piece of clothing to his nose. Griffin recognized the item as Harper's right away. He jumped into action, taking the clothes from Lucas's grasp.

"Stay the frick away from Harper's stuff," Griffin said as he returned any stray clothing to the basket.

"What's your problem, man?" Lucas inquired.

"My "problem" is that you are assaulting my 17-year-old girlfriend." Griffin brought up

"I'm not" Lucas defended himself.

"Your touching her" Griffin recalled

"She loves it-"

"She. Hates. It. "You're like 45," Griffin stated sharply.

"If Mrs. Dunn ever finds out-"

"Well, she's not going to find out," Lucas said as he approached Griffin. Griffin gazed at him, scared, before taking a step back.

"Do anything else to Harper, and you're going to jail" Griffin stated before taking the basket of clothing and exiting the shed. Lucas scoffed.

Griffin returned to the house. Harper's clothes were placed on a nearby hall dresser by him. Griffin entered the living room, reacquainting himself with his girlfriend.

"Did you find it?" Harper enquired.

Griffin seemed perplexed. "Oh, no...I didn't." "We can look later," he said as he kissed Harper's nose. Griffin laughed as she scrunched it.


Lucas slammed the shed door, before walking inside the house himself. God, he hated Griffin with all his heart. Always trying to get in the way of him and his girl. Lucas wasn't going to stand for it for long. He went into the kitchen. Lucas came upon two glass bowls filled with macaroni and cheese with a silver fork lodged inside of them. He quickly located the medicine cabinet and began rummaging for an item. Lucas smirked as he grabbed a medicine container, quickly unscrewing the lid, and pouring out three pills. He grabbed a knife and began chopping up the pills. He then put the pill tabs on top of Griffin's Mac and cheese. Lucas mixed the tablets in with the fork, concealing them from view. Lucas smugly collected the bowls and led them to the teenagers.

"Your food is ready," Lucas said as he entered the living room.

Harper reached for the pill bowl, but Lucas quickly drew back.

"This is yours, Harp," Lucas said as she handed Harper the other bowl.

"This is yours," Lucas insisted. Griffin raised an eyebrow as he grabbed the bowl from Lucas' grasp. Lucas smirked. 

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