Drowning In Love (Part 2)

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Harper sprinted up the staircase of Bailey's opulent house, heedless of her name echoing through the halls. Unaware of Bailey's desperate pleas, she abruptly halted and collapsed onto the couch in the upstairs living room, tears cascading down her anguished face. Sensing her profound sorrow, Bailey tenderly settled beside her, extending a compassionate embrace to provide solace in this moment of despair.

"Don't cry, Harper. It's his loss," Bailey reminded, her fingers delicately tucking strands of Harper's hair behind her ear.

"B-But I love him," Harper muttered, her voice barely audible, as she gently wiped away her tears.

"I know, babes. But it's my fault, I shouldn't have invited Lexi to my party," Bailey confessed, her gaze slightly faltering. However, a question suddenly arose in her mind.

"Listen, Harper, I know Griffin and Lexi used to date, but what's the real tea, like I've never seen exes act like them before," Bailey inquired.

"Well," Harper began, her voice trembling slightly.

"So, like, Lexi and Griffin met in Kindergarten, you know? And they became like, besties and stuff. But then, in 5th grade, they started liking each other in a more than friends way, and by the end of 6th grade, they were officially a couple."

Bailey nodded, captivated by the tale.

"Griffin told me that they thought they were meant for each other, and everyone thought they would be that couple who would stay together forever. But then, after like 6 months, Lexi switched to some fancy private school, and not long after, Griffin dipped and moved to Sulphur Springs." Harper explained.

Bailey questioned further, "Lexi's mad because he moved?"

"She's mad because when he moved, he found a new love. Me... or so I thought," Harper revealed. "I guess Lexi feels like they didn't really break up," she confided.

Bailey's eyes filled with empathy, understanding the depth of Harper's words. "That must of hurt, what you saw a few minutes ago," she acknowledged.

Harper nodded in agreement, her voice quivering with sadness. "It did. I think she's winning him back," she confessed, her face contorting in anguish as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Pookie..." Bailey whimpered, her lips forming a pout as she pulled Harper into a tight embrace. Harper's arms wrapped around Bailey's neck, while Bailey's encircled her waist, offering solace in their shared sorrow.

Suddenly, A perplexed 18-year-old boy emerged from his bedroom, only to be greeted by the unexpected sight. "What the hell happened?" he inquired.

Bailey refused to let go of the hug and responded with a sneer, "Just go, Blythe."

The boy rolled his eyes and descended the stairs to the kitchen, where he discovered his mother cleaning the counter. He grabbed his keys from the table.

"I'm heading to Nash's house, and Bailey's friend is crying," Blythe declared with conviction as he strode down the hallway. With a resolute gaze, he pushed open the front door.

"Blythe, Wha-"

The door closed abruptly before Mrs. Moody could finish her sentence. Worried, she set aside her white rag and made her way up the stairs, only to find her daughter and her supposedly upset friend.

"Harper, Honey, are you alright?" Mrs. Moody inquired as she approached.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Harper replied, distancing herself from Bailey and wiping her tears away.

"Are you sure? Should we call Mom?" Mrs. Moody asked.

Harper shook her head. "No, it's okay."

"It's just some love drama," Bailey reassured.

"Ah, the melodrama of high school love. It never quite tickled my funny bone. Well, if you're okay, then I'll leave you two be," Mrs. Moody said as she descended the stairs.

Bailey expressed, "You know, Harper, I'm dying to know more about Lexi and Griffin's crappy relationship, and I understand if you don't-"

"How about we find out ourselves," Harper interjected, causing Bailey to raise an eyebrow.

"I say, late tonight, we sneak into Lexi's house, and see what we can find," Harper suggested.

"So we're gonna intrude?" Bailey questioned.

Harper gave her an obvious glare, "Yeah."

"But, like, what if Lexi's home? And her parents?" Bailey's curiosity was piqued.

"It's like, all over Lexi's instagram that she's got basketball championships tonight. They'll be gone for, like, a while," Harper provided reassurance.

Bailey released a deep breath, "Okay, Pook. I guess we're gonna break into the Royal's house. We're so bad."

"So bad, it's amazing," Harper whispered under her breath.

"So amazing, it's hot," Bailey uttered, causing Harper to erupt in fits of laughter.

'βœ΅β€’.ΒΈ,✡°✡.q.✰ 8hrs. ✰.q.✡°✡,ΒΈ.β€’βœ΅'

As the clock struck 11:00 at night, Harper found herself alone in her room. With a determined gaze, she meticulously adjusted her black crop top and plush black joggers, her cascading hair framing her face like a dark waterfall. The echoes of Bailey's party had long faded, and the guests had bid their farewells hours ago. But Harper couldn't bear to be in the presence of Griffin any longer, so Jordyn had reluctantly driven her home. Griffin, consumed by guilt, desperately attempted to reach out to Harper through calls, texts, and snaps, but she defiantly ignored every single message. The flames of fury burned within her, refusing to be extinguished. The moment had arrived for Harper and Bailey to execute their audacious scheme. The time had come to infiltrate the formidable fortress that was Alexis Royal's residence.

Harper snatched her phone and keys from her cluttered desk, a sense of urgency propelling her towards the exit. With determined steps, she ascended the stairs. However, just as she was about to reach the door, a voice, so familiar it sent shivers down her spine, pierced through the air, halting her in her tracks.

"Harper? Where do you think you're going?" Jess's voice echoed through the room, her eyes fixed on her daughter as she sat on the couch.

Harper's mind raced, desperately searching for an excuse that would satisfy her mother's curiosity. With a nervous gulp, she mustered up a feeble response, "Um, I'm just heading to the gas station."

Jess's eyes narrowed, suspicion etched across her face. She glanced at her watch, the ticking sound filling the room like an ominous reminder. "At 11 at night?" she questioned, her voice laced with concern.

Harper's heart skipped a beat, her palms growing clammy. She knew she had to think on her feet, to convince her mother that everything was alright. "Yeah..." she stammered, her voice barely audible.

A flicker of worry flashed in Jess's eyes, but she reluctantly relented. "Alright, but be back soon, babe," she pleaded, her gaze returning to the captivating glow of the television. Harper couldn't help but smirk, a mix of relief and excitement coursing through her veins as she stepped out into the night, leaving the safety of her home behind.

Harper descended the steps of the porch and made her way towards her pristine white Mercedes. She deftly unlocked the door and gracefully settled into the driver's seat. With a quick twist, she inserted the key, igniting the engine. Harper meticulously adjusted all the settings, and in no time, she was reversing out of the driveway. Her first destination? Bailey's house.

'βœ΅β€’.ΒΈ,✡°✡.q.✰ 2 min ✰.q.✡°✡,ΒΈ.β€’βœ΅'

Harper's car glided into the serene neighborhood of Rivington Drive, coming to a gentle halt beside the curb of Bailey's charming two-story abode. With a sense of urgency, Harper snatched her phone, swiftly navigating to the messages app, and promptly fired off a text to Bailey. Satisfied with her completion of the task, Harper delicately placed her phone down, patiently awaiting the sight of Bailey's presence. Moments passed, and finally, a silhouette materialized from the grand entrance. Bailey, adorned in an ethereal white shirt that engulfed her petite frame, cascading locks cascading down her back, clutching her phone and a tantalizing bag of hot Cheetos. Harper's gaze fixated on Bailey, a perplexed expression etched upon her face, as she gracefully approached the car, effortlessly opening the door and gracefully settling into the passenger seat.

"Bailey Moody, what are you wearing?" Harper's voice hissed with incredulity.

"Chill, girl! Blythe and I just had a quick swim in the pool, that's why my hair is all wet. And this shirt? Well, it's Malachi's, so I had no choice but to wear it." Bailey explained nonchalantly.

"Babes, We're about to break into a house, and you can't roll up in your boyfriend's white shirt. It's all about the black vibes, you know?" Harper sternly reminded.

Bailey's eyes widened with sudden understanding, and she mustered to speak up, "My bra is black."

Harper let out a weary sigh, acknowledging the coincidence, "Same."

Bailey couldn't help but burst into laughter, causing Harper to playfully roll her eyes. With a shift in her gaze, Harper focused on the road once more. Their next destination: The ROYALS'.

'βœ΅β€’.ΒΈ,✡°✡.q.✰ 3 min ✰.q.✡°✡,ΒΈ.β€’βœ΅'

Harper cautiously emerged onto Monroe Heights Drive, her eyes scanning the addresses of the homes with unwavering focus, determined to find the right one. And there it was, in all its glory, causing her to abruptly bring the car to a halt. Harper and Bailey gazed at the house, only few lights seemed to be on inside and no cars were seen in the driveway.

"You ready?" Harper inquired, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Wait," Bailey interjected, her eyes narrowing as she sealed her chip bag. "How do we get in?"

"Griffin told me that their back door is always left unlocked," Harper revealed confidently.

Bailey scrutinized Harper, her gaze traveling up and down. "Are we seriously gonna climb the freaking fence?"

"Hell yeah," Harper declared, her voice brimming with determination.

Bailey rambled anxiously, "But like, what if, while I'm trying to climb over, my shorts get all caught up and rip apart? I can't even imagine being butt naked in someone's backyard. Ugh, they probably have those creepy surveillance cameras too," she reminded Harper.

"Then we'll bust them," Harper responded, her tone unwavering, as she snatched her phone and exited the car. Bailey let out a resigned sigh before following suit.

Harper and Bailey cautiously advanced towards the residence, taking measured strides, until they reached the entrance leading to the backyard.

Bailey, anticipating the climb, briskly rubbed her hands together and addressed Harper, "Harp, if my pants rip, cover me-."

"Wait," Harper interrupted, placing her hand on the backdoor, causing it to open with a slow creak.

Bailey grinned, praising her friend's intelligence, "Bestie's got smarts."

Harper chuckled as they both entered through the wooden door, closing it behind them. However, just as they were about to step onto the grassy field, Bailey halted Harper.

"Pook, A camera," Bailey exclaimed, pointing upwards. Harper's eyes fixated on the ring camera nestled in the corner of the roof wall. With a determined gaze, Harper's attention shifted downwards as she scoured the floor for a suitable stone. Triumphantly, she discovered a rock, clutching it tightly in her hand. Without hesitation, she hurled the rock towards the camera, causing it to plummet to the ground with a resounding crash.

Harper and Bailey exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, before swiftly retreating from the scene. As they hurriedly made their way past the backyard pool, a peculiar realization dawned upon them - it was now painfully evident that Lexi possessed no swimming skills. Undeterred by this revelation, they continued their journey along the expansive concrete pavement, their footsteps echoing with purpose as they approached the door.

Harper's hand delicately grasped the doorknob, her anticipation building as she twisted it open. With a sigh of relief, she swung the door wide open, allowing the two girls to step into the house. The grand dining room greeted them first, its opulence and elegance captivating their senses. Behind it, the expansive kitchen beckoned, promising culinary delights.

As they ventured further, their footsteps echoing through the house, they discovered the inviting living room. The soft glow of the television illuminated the room, with the Roku logo gracefully dancing across the screen.

Bailey couldn't help but express her admiration, "Lexi's house is eating, like seriously!"

Harper chimed in, her voice filled with agreement, "Yeah, it's eating for a tiny family of three."

Their curiosity piqued, Harper and Bailey directed their steps towards the curved staircase. With deliberate and measured strides, they embarked on their ascent, eager to uncover the secrets that lay beyond.

Harper and Bailey paid no heed to the photos adorning the walls of the upstairs, for their sole purpose was to discover Lexi's room. With unwavering determination, they swiftly bypassed the upstairs living area and hastened towards the sacred haven that belonged to Lexi.

Bailey unlocked the door this time, only to be greeted by the aesthetic ambiance of the room belonging to the seventeen-year-old. The room was adorned with an abundance of LED lights, casting a mesmerizing glow in every corner. A magnificent wall of vines, adorned with delicate golden fairy lights, added a touch of enchantment to the atmosphere. And there, in the heart of it all, stood a grand white letter L, meticulously cut out and displayed proudly. But the pièce de résistance was undoubtedly the colossal 45-inch television, perched majestically upon the dresser, commanding attention and promising endless entertainment.

"Wow," Bailey gasped in awe.

"All this for a violent-wishes I was dead-thinks my boyfriend is still hot, but not really my boyfriend anymore, kid?" Harper's words echoed through the empty room.

"Heellll, she is spoiled," Bailey stated.

Harper dismissed the matter, stating, "It's fine. We gotta find her yearbooks and stuff."

Bailey acknowledged with a nod, prompting the girls to embark on their search. They meticulously scoured various corners and explored different directions. Harper, on her knees, shifted her position and peered beneath Lexi's queen-sized bed. Meanwhile, Bailey remained focused on examining the drawers, yet she couldn't resist stealing a glance at Harper and smirking.

"Gyatt!" she exclaimed playfully. Harper met Bailey's gaze, her face adorned with a smile, while Bailey chuckled.

Bailey continued her search, rummaging through the drawers as Harper redirected her attention to under Lexi's bed. As she opened different nooks filled with clothes, one drawer immediately grabbed her interest.

"Oh my god! Lexi and I have the same underwear," Bailey exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

"Ooohhh myyy goddddd!" Harper chimed in, matching Bailey's enthusiasm with a mocking, high-pitched tone. With a final glance, Harper finally found what she was looking for.

"Found it!" she exclaimed, triumphantly pulling out a transparent plastic box. Intrigued, Bailey closed the open drawers and joined Harper on the floor. Harper removed the cover of the container, uncovering a pile of yearbooks.

"We should start from the beginning," Harper commented.

"Kindergarten," Bailey recited. Harper chuckled in reply, then extracted the yearbooks, reaching the final one, which she retrieved and shifted the box with her elbow to place it down.

"Maple Hills Elementary School," Bailey read the hard cover. Harper perused the yearbook and together they swiftly browsed the pages until they arrived at the section dedicated to the kindergarten students. Harper turned the page and was greeted by the image of Mrs. Kimberly's kindergarten class.

To Harper and Bailey's astonishment, the initial countenance that greeted them belonged to none other than Griffin. He appeared remarkably diminutive, his hair neatly combed back, and his two front teeth conspicuously absent.

"Oh crap," Bailey exclaimed, unable to contain her laughter. Harper joined in, reaching for her phone to capture a snapshot of the boy.

"Send that to me," Bailey remarked, to which Harper nodded in agreement.

Their attention then shifted, fixating on the row of children, until their eyes were captivated by a single figure. It was Lexi.

Bailey and Harper locked their eyes on the girl, their hearts entangled in a web of emotions.

'βœ΅β€’.ΒΈ,✡°✡.q.✰ ✰.q.✡°✡,ΒΈ.β€’βœ΅'

Alexis Royal

'βœ΅β€’.ΒΈ,✡°✡.q.✰ ✰.q.✡°✡,ΒΈ.β€’βœ΅'

Bailey expressed their affection, saying, "I love you, babes, but she's kinda cute."

Harper disagreed, stating, "Kinda? She's adorable."

Bailey's attention shifted between Griffin and Lexi, reminiscing about how they first met and how they appeared together. The dirty blonde and the redhead were close friends. As thoughts raced through Bailey's mind, a sudden idea emerged.

"Hold on, let's skip to the very end," Bailey instructed. Without hesitation, Harper flipped through the numerous pages until they reached the back, revealing a collection of yearbook messages. It was easy to spot Griffin's message, as it was the largest one.

I hop we hav more play dates. hav a good sumer Lexi - Griffin

So, like, they were having play dates. That's what made them bestie-bestie," Bailey stated.

"I guess so," Harper replied. "Should we move on to 6th grade? That's when they started dating," she proposed. Bailey nodded and began searching for the particular book of memories. After a few moments, Bailey retrieved the 6th grade yearbook, which felt weighty, indicating it must have been filled with cherished memories. Bailey placed the large book on the floor and proceeded to open it. She skimmed through the pages, bypassing the sports photographs and optional ones.

However, at that moment, the two girls became aware of a sound. Instantly, panic set in.

"Just go to the signings," Harper urged anxiously. Bailey swiftly turned the pages in rapid succession, until she finally arrived at the very last page. Both Bailey and Harper scanned the page, desperately searching for Griffin's signature, and Harper spotted it effortlessly.

Lexa-Bear, you're an incredible girlfriend. I adore you and I'm looking forward to spending the entire summer by your side. You bring so much brightness into my life, and you're my absolute favorite redhead. You're truly amazing, LOVEY! - Griffin C.

Harper's eyes fixated on the note, her mind ablaze with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The weight of each word etched into her soul, leaving an indelible mark.

"Harper, we need to leave," Bailey implored, rising from the ground. A faint murmur of voices echoed from beyond the walls, a haunting reminder of the world outside. Curiosity tugged at Bailey's senses, compelling her to investigate. Yet, Harper remained unmoved, her heart heavy with the pain of witnessing her lover's lingering

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