Dancing Through A Dream

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The year was 2024. On a busy, cold, and breezy night, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were on the phone with 20 different restaurants it felt like, trying to plan out the catering for Zoey's 15th birthday party - her first celebration separate from her twin brother Wyatt's which had taken place the previous week. Zoey was certain that this special occasion would be extraordinary; she could sense it. Zoey and Harper were upstairs in Zoey's bedroom, selecting an outfit for the big day. Even the Dunn kids managed to enter the busy residence. Topher, accompanied by his friend Wyatt, was in Griffin's room. The three of them conversed until one of them raised the stakes.

"Wait, You like my sister?" Griffin asked.

"Yeah. Like a lot" Topher spoke. Wyatt nodded.

"You knew about this?" Griffin questioned

"Ever since that Orlando trip" Wyatt shrugged "So like a few weeks ago"

Griffin rose an eyebrow "That was 7 months ago"

Wyatt looked taken aback "God, does time go by fast-"

"Wait" Griffin interjected "Does Zoey know you like her?"

"No? I don't know" Topher arose to his feet "I want to impress her" He sighed

"Maybe at her party, you could?" Wyatt suggested

"But how?" Topher paced around the room

Griffin got an idea "Dance for her"

Topher stopped his movements "That might work, but I don't know how to dance. Who would teach me?"

In disbelief, Griffin and Wyatt glanced at each other.

Griffin held out his phone "Does this answer your question?". Topher leaned in.

He pulled back "What does this have to do with your pizza being ready?"

"What- Oh!" Griffin turned his phone around before sliding it back into his pocket

"Why would you order a pizza at midnight?" Topher wondered

"Midnight snacks" Griffin grinned "But that's not the point-"

"Topher! You live with a competitive dancer, Dummy" Wyatt reminded

Topher chuckled "Like Harper would ever teach ME how to dance" He scoffed

"She would. Just ask" Griffin affirmed "She rarely says no to me"

"That's cause your her boyfriend" Topher mentioned

Griffin smiled a little "I'm her what?"

Wyatt rose an eyebrow "Her boyfriend?"

Griffin fell back into his pillows "Say it again-"

"Oh my god!" Topher cut off

"I'm gonna think of something else" He declared before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

Wyatt spoke up "I don't know what's sadder, The fact that Topher didn't take our master advice or that you still get giddy whenever anyone mentions that your Harper's boyfriend"

Griffin shot up "Say it one more time!"

"You've been her boyfriend for 4 years!" Wyatt yelled

"OH MY GOD" Griffin clutched his heart before falling off his bed with a thud

Wyatt laughed before grabbing one of his pillows and throwing it at him.


It was now 12:48 AM, and Topher considered the advice of Griffin and Wyatt, pondering if he should surprise Zoey with a dance. Regardless, Mrs. Dunn drove to Tremont to fetch her kids. She knocked on the door and it was soon answered.

"Hi" Jess smiled

"Hey," Sarah replied "Come on in" She gestured. With a step inside, Sarah closed the door.

"I'll go get the kids" Sarah spoke. Jess nodded "And thank you for keeping them tonight"

"No problem" Sarah brushed off before dashing up the stairs.

"Hey, Jess! Come look at this menu" Ben called from a distance.

"Coming!" She called back


Once Sarah made her way upstairs she went to Griffin's room first knowing that the boys would normally hang out in there.

"Hey guys," She said upon opening the door

"It's time for you to go home, Toph"

"Ugh" Wyatt groaned as his friend stood up

"Come on, bud," Sarah said before Topher walked out the door and down the stairs.

"Harper's with Zoey?" Sarah asked

"Yeah" Griffin confirmed

Sarah nodded as she shut Griffin's door. She trailed her way over to her daughter's room. As Sarah opened the door. She skimmed the room and didn't see anyone though she heard tiny mumbles. Walking farther in she discovered both teenagers tucked away in Zoey's closet. Loads of clothes everywhere.

"We just cleaned your closet yesterday, Sweetie" Sarah leaned upon the helm of the door

"I know, but my outfit has to be perfect for my party," Zoey said nearly paying attention

"How about this one?" Harper held out a fate blue crop top

"No, it's giving... Dasani," Zoey answered, scrolling through her hangers.

Harper tossed the undesired item to the floor and went in search of something else.

"Well as much as I'd hate to ruin this, Your mom is here to pick you up, Harper" Sarah reported

"God" Harper sighed as she stepped out of Zoey's closet, Zoey following.

"C'mom, I'll walk you down" Zoey offered. Harper nodded "I have to say bye to Griffin first though"

"Yeah," Zoey said as she, her mom, and Harper headed out the door. The Campbells headed downstairs while Harper went to her boyfriend's room. Harper pushed open the door.

With smiles from both parties, The two collided in a big hug before kissing passionately. They both pulled away.

"Did Topher ask you yet?" Griffin wondered

"Ask me what?" Harper questioned

"Guess he hasn't" Griffin sighed

"Is it something bad?" Harper asked

"No. You'll probably say yes or at least if I was the one asking"

"That's cause your my boyfriend" Harper took Griffin's hands, a giddy smile on Griffin's face. She leaned in close to him, her lips just brushing against his right ear. "My boyfriend," she whispered before pressing a kiss to his ear. Pulling back with a smirk, Harper looked into Griffin's eyes.

"You'll be here tomorrow?" Griffin questioned


"Good, 'Cause there's something new I want to try with you" He rubbed circles on Harper's hands.

"I'm in charge, Campbell" Harper reminded

Griffin had a smug smile "Always. I love you"

"I love you more," she added as she exited Griffin's room. Harper descended the stairs, where she met her mom, brother, and the others.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow," Jess said as she opened the front door

"Bye, Guys" Sarah smiled as The Dunns walked out. One of them was stopped though

"Topher! There's something I want to give you. Wait here" Sarah announced before heading to the back. Topher nodded and waited.

Upon looking around he saw a cardboard box with the words "Curtain Call" written on it. Additionally, he couldn't help but notice the tag that said "Zoey Campbell" on it. Zoey decided to explain after observing Topher's interest.

"It's my dance costume for my competition next week" She smiled

"Really?" Topher questioned

"Yeah," Zoey said as she pulled the box folds open

"Are theme is 'A Walk Through Neverland'. It's probably my favorite theme we've done" Zoey held up her plastic-packaged costume.

"That's really cool" Topher quoted "Are you portraying Wendy?" He asked.

"Well, we're not really specific characters. We're more like an ensemble or something, but I was told that I'm inspired by Wendy in the dance"

"Your sister is inspired by Tinker Bell, and Savannah is like Captain Hook I believe" Zoey smiled. Topher too wore a smile, but for a different reason. The fifteen-year-olds held each other's gaze in silence. Zoey was unaware of the sparkle in Topher's eyes, though he noticed hers and her beautiful smile. Before either could say anything further, Sarah returned in a rush.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" She apologized "Make sure to give this to your mom, honey" Sarah handed Topher an envelope. He nodded.

"Bye, Topher" Zoey waved

"Bye Zoey" He smiled as he walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

Zoey held back a grin as she trailed back upstairs.

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It was the following day. The Dunns' house was quiet, as it is throughout most winter breaks. Not because there isn't any school disruption, but because every winter vacation means 'Open studio'. What exactly is it, you might ask? Every winter and spring break, Sulphur Springs Dance Studio hosts a "open studio." All leisure dancers, competitive dancers, and other people are welcome to practice or play in the studio. Harper, being the competitive dancer she is, was always at 'Open studio,' which made Topher happy. Now that he had a location for Harper to teach him her dance moves, all he had to do was ask his mother to drive him...without jeopardizing his plan.

Topher crept down the stars. Looking over the guard rail, Topher noticed his mom sitting on the couch, knitting and watching television. Topher smirked as he walked gently behind the couch. He yelped in pain as he came to a halt on his toe, alerting his mom. Jess raised an eyebrow and turned around. Topher smiled at his mom before standing up straight and sitting next to her.

Jess let out a sigh. "I'm guessing you need something from me?"

Topher nodded and said, "I do."

"What's up?" Jess inquired as she arranged her things.

"I need you to take me to the studio," he said.

"Why?" Jess asked, her brow furrowed.

"Um..." Topher trailed off, "Because I'm bored," he lied.

"Why don't I drive you to the Campbells then?" Jess proposed

"No!". He let out a sigh. "I'd like to spend time with my sister."

"Really? "You guys were fighting over Chick- Fil- A sauce just a few hours ago," she chuckled.

"I know, but it's still" "It's like a knife in the heart when she's gone," the 15-year-old said.

Jess let out a sigh. "Ok. Baby, come on!" She rose to her feet. Topher followed suit.

Sulphur Springs Dance Studio, here they come.


Harper emerged from Studio C, her body glistening with perspiration. After completing a strenuous private conditioning class, Harper made her way toward the water fountain for a few sips of water.

Hearing a voice call out, "Nice job today, Harper" she felt an encouraging pat on the back from one of her coaches.

With renewed vigor, she finished her drink and wiped her mouth before heading to Studio B for the day.

Upon opening the door, Harper was met with her friend, Savannah. She was passed out on the floor, her hands covering her face.

"Why are you in here alone?" Harper questioned

Savannah lowered her hands "I didn't want to collapse in front of eyes. I was just in a conditioning class"

"Same" Harper groaned before shutting the door. She made her way over to Savannah and sunk down beside her.

"Why didn't Zoey show up?" Savannah wondered

"I don't know. She's planning her birthday party so.."

"Oh yeah! It's Tomorrow" Savannah remembered

"Yeah" Harper sighed

"Hey" Savannah raised an eyebrow "Can I ask you a question?"

"What's wrong?" Harper asked

"Why is your mom here?"

"What?" Harper sat up. She spun around and peered through the windowed wall. Her mom's car was parked directly in front of her.

"She said she wouldn't pick me up until 7:00," Harper spoke, perplexed.

Savannah looked at her Apple Watch and said, "It's 5:51."

"I know, so why is she--OH MY GOD" Harper yelled.

"What?" Savannah inquired, terrified.

"Why is my freaking brother with her?" Harper observed him getting out of the car.

"I think he's coming in," Savannah observed as he walked out of the window frame.

Harper appeared surprised. "SAVVY, HE'S COMING BACK FOR REVENGE"

"Revenge? "What exactly did you do?" Savannah inquired.


Savannah's eyes widened. "Go, Go!" She demanded as the two girls stood up and exited Studio B. Harper and Savannah made their way to the front desk. The 17-year-olds jumped onto the counter without thinking.

"Lock the doors!" Harper frequently urged

"Why?" The lady behind the counter asked. She was referred to as 'Coach Hayes'. Topher walked through the doors before anyone else could.

"Yo, what's up, big guy?" Coach Lotus rose from behind the desk to greet him. Harper sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Why are you standing on the counter?" Topher inquired.

Harper and Savannah exchanged glances.

Harper asked, "Better question," "Why are you here?"

"I have a question for you," Topher said.

"You couldn't have asked me it over the phone or..."

"It's something serious," Topher said.

Harper groaned for about 10 seconds before hopping off the front desk, along with Savannah. Harper and Savannah guided Topher studio b. Harper shut the door behind them.

"What's wrong?" Harper inquired.

"I'm going to need you... and Savannah-"

"The heck does this have to do with Savvy?" Harper enquired

"I'll do it as long as I get paid," Savannah stated.

"He's broke-"


"Why?" the females exchanged glances.

Topher groaned, "I'm trying to impress Zoey at her birthday party with a dance"

"Is it because you like her?" Savannah was perplexed.

Topher nodded, his face flushed.

"I understand. Zozo is quite likable," Harper said to Savannah.

Savannah nodded, "She is."

"Ok. "We'll teach you to dance." Harper came to an agreement.

"I actually already have a song picked out," Topher said with a smile.

"Oh, yeah?" Savannah inquired, "What is it?"

"Well, Zoey told me that you guys were planning a 'Neverland'-themed dance or something, so I was working off of that," Topher explained.

"It's "Peter Pan" by Kelsea Ballerini" He spoke.

The ladies nodded. Savannah reassured Harper, "We can work with that."

Harper confirmed, "We can."

"All right, spread out," Harper said.

Topher dashed to the room's middle.

"Let's start with a little stretch," Savannah replied, as the 17-year-olds stood on either side of him.

Savannah sat straddled, and Harper and Topher followed.

"Right side," Harper said. The three of them leaned to the side and touched their toes. As they grasped their ankles, Harper and Savannah's ears brushed against their leg.

Topher made a soft grunt as he groped for his toe. He grasped it, but just for a little moment before releasing it.

Savannah said, "Left side," before shifting to the opposite leg. The females quickly reached for their feet, almost feeling a stretch. Topher, on the other hand, felt a lot of strain.

"Center," Harper said as she and Savannah moved forward, their bare stomachs touching across the dance floor. Topher reached forward but stopped in the middle. They held that for about ten seconds before declaring themselves finished.

"Splits," Savannah remarked as she slid down into them, and Harper did the same.

Topher sighed before extending his right leg and sliding. He felt a sharp agony run through his body.

"All right, we're done," Harper said as she and Savannah rose up. Topher lurched up, almost out of breath.

"And you do this every day?" Topher exhaled deeply.

"Yeah," Savannah groaned, "but come on, let's get started."

"Let's see what you can do for starters," Harper said. Topher nodded.

Harper demonstrated a simple pirouette "Your turn"

Topher gulped before executing a pirouette, stumbling in the process.

"It's okay" Savannah brushed off "Let's try a Grand Jete"

Savannah dashed to the corner of the room before performing a Sachet and a Grand Jete.

Topher appeared surprised. He looked at his sister, who motioned for him to try. Topher rushed to the far corner of the room. He took a deep breath before beginning to run lightly. Topher stumbled over his feet and fell to the floor before he could complete the leap. He groaned in agony.

Harper and Savannah exchanged glances before sighing.


Time had passed and the Tremont was now filled with its owners, the Campbells and their family friends the Dunns. Harper stepped out of Zoey's room, shutting the door behind her as she made her way toward her boyfriend's room. As she walked past Wyatt's room, Harper caught a glimpse of Topher teaching him some steps that he had learned today. She smiled at this sight before continuing along her path.

Harper opened the door to Griffin's room. He was sprawled over his bed, scrolling through his phone when she arrived. Harper closed the door shut behind her. She walked up to Griffin's bed and sat next to him, facing him.

Griffin turned off his phone. "He asked you today?"

"Yeah," Harper rested her hand on his leg. "It was all for Zoey" She massaged his knee with the flannel pants cloth he was wearing.

"Did you know that he had a crush on her?" Griffin enquired

"I know they had their little 'The ice machine isn't working' moment" Harper recalled

"Oh, they did," Griffin responded. Griffin became aware of Harper's eye stream

"Lovey?" Griffin trailed. She leaned in as the two locked lips in a passionate kiss. Feeling the brims of each other brush against their lips. Harper gently tugged on Griffin's lip, but the door burst open before anyone could do anything.  Griffin and Harper sat up

Wyatt stood at the helm of the door. He rose an eyebrow "The food's here"

Griffin smiled as he said, "We're coming." Wyatt walked away with a slow nod. The 11th graders exchanged glances before giggling slightly. Griffin stood up as Harper did a front walkover off his bed. Griffin took Harper's hand and intertwined it with his before they exited his room.

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On a chilly yet bright morning, Zoey awoke to the sunlight streaming in through her window. With her ocean-blue eyes glinting in the radiance, she slowly opened them. She heard small vibrations from her phone as her hearing came into being. She yawned and stretched, reaching over to take her phone from her nightstand. Zoey's phone screen displayed approximately 37 messages. After skimming over them, she noticed they all stated the same thing. That's when Zoey recalls. Today is the big day. Her Birthday Celebration.

Zoey's door opened as she placed her phone down. It was her mom.

"Hi, sweetie." "Happy birthday," she said, smiling.

"Thank you," Zoey said, rubbing her eyes. Sarah laughed as she walked up to her daughter's bed and sat down.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Yeah," Zoey said.

"I knew you would be" "C'mom, a gourmet breakfast buffet made just for you is downstairs," Sarah smiled before kissing Zoey's forehead, standing up and leaving the room. Zoey grinned as she grabbed her phone once more and exited her room.


The time was 8:09 p.m. The Event Hall was quickly filling up. The dance floor, the screen, and the banners all said 'Happy 15th Birthday Zoey'. Silver and gold lights draped across the vast pavilion, making the gathering hall dim. The circular tables that surrounded the massive dance

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