Chapter 3

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 at 1:26 pm

Griffin (Topher) and his family had just arrived at the competition. Griffin had never been to a dance competition. Sure he's been to a recital, but this was a competition. Much more complex. Griffin knew Harper was an excellent dancer, and she was at her dance studio a lot working her butt off.

When Griffin and his family walked into the building of the competition he was completely amused by all the chatter, the people, and the slight chaos. He almost got caught in the crowd before his mom pulled him through the door of the auditorium.

Griffin was amazed by how big the stage was, the lights, the camera, and the huge backdrop that read Up Stage National Dance Competition. He wondered how Harper could dance on a stage as big as this, he knew if he was up there dancing he would have looked like a deer in headlights.

He and his family took their seats in the auditorium. Once Griffin got settled he opened the brochure of the Dance competition. He skimmed through the entries, not paying attention until He saw his friend's (crush's) name. It read "Entry Number 84: Harper Dunn - "Can You Hear Me?, Sulphur Springs Dance Studio". He smiled as he read her title.

" Hi guys," Jess said walking down the aisle up to their seats.

"Hey," Ben and Sarah said in sync as they both stood up to give Jess a light hug

Jess took a seat next to Ben and Topher.

"Do you know when Harpers coming out?" Sarah asked

"No, all I know is she is entry number 84, and the Tiny, Mini Petite, Junior, and Teen division has already competed in solos," Jess said

" So like an hour, or 2," Jess said sounding somewhat sure

"Okay," Ben said sounding satisfied


2:14 pm

After warms up. The team went to put on their costumes. Everyone put on their group dance costumes while Harper put on her solo costume.

Everyone was in and out of the bathroom, but Harper was taking a bit longer than usual

" Where's Harper," Coach Lotus said as he scanned the room and didn't see her.

" She's still changing I guess" River said

Everyone was at their makeup case table. Some tried to figure out what the makeup look was for the dance, and others called their parents to come and help them.

"Let me go see," Saylor said, getting up from her chair to exit the dressing room. waking up to the restroom



"Harppie, you look so good," Heritage said as Harper stood in front of the mirror admiring herself

"For real!" Harper said, agreeing with her friend.

"Your boyfriend's gonna love this" Liberty said smiling coming out of a stall.

Harper just sighed, chuckled a little, and shook her head

The bathroom went silent as the door opened loudly. It was Saylor

"What's going on in-"

Saylor could barely finish her sentence when she saw Harper.

"Harper, you look stunning," Saylor said, walking over to Harper and looking at the mirror in front of her.

"I know Say-Say," Harper said, smiling in the mirror and looking at her friend's face.

"But anyway, Coach Lotus was asking where you were," Saylor said

" Oh yeah, we should probably get back," Harper said walking towards the door.

Her friends followed.


The dressing room was loud, as parents started to come in to do their kid's makeup and hair.

That's when Harper and her friends walked in

"Harper!" everyone seems to say at the same time.

Sulphur Springs competitive team all admired Harper's costume, and her friend's parents would pat her shoulder while walking by her as she walked to her makeup case.

"You look so good, Harper" Matt's Mom Kami, said

"Thanks, Mrs.Caba," Harper said as Kami smiled at her

Just then the door opened. It was Harper's mom, Jess.

"Mrs. Dunn!" The Dance Team said in sync, followed by a laugh.

Harper has been a part of the Sulphur Springs Competitive team for years, and Harper's mom is such a big support. Everyone on the team knew Harper, which means they knew her family, especially "Mrs. Dunn''. Jess seems to have a special connection with the dancers, always there to act as a second mom to all of them.

"Hi, guys," Jess said, walking over to her daughter.

" You look so pretty," Jess said to Harper while they looked in her makeup case mirror.

Harper smiled at what her mom said

"How is your hair spouse to be," Jess said lightly stroking it

" Half up Half Down," Harper said sounding certain

"Ok," Jess said

"Let's do this," Jess said, picking up some primer.


3:02 pm

After Jess did Harper's makeup and hair she went back to the auditorium. Harper and her friends were just chatting again.

"Harper, I think it's only fair we get to see this Griffin guy," Coach Lotus said as the room laughed while Harper blushed

Coach Lotus had known Harper since she was 6 years old. He was always known to build strong connections with his students, as he was only 21 years old. All his students could talk to him better than their other dance teachers.

"I mean he is here, in the building," Matt said with a smile.

Harper just rolled her eyes before receiving a text from her mom.


Harper, could you come to the auditorium real quick?

Harper looked at the text as normally as can be, and was going to go see what her mom needed until she realized Griffins is in the auditorium too.

"Ugh, I have to go to the auditorium," Harper said sounding slightly annoyed

"And that's where your boyfriend is," Liberty said "boyfriend" with enthusiasm.

"I'll be right back, Coach" Harper said getting up from her chair to exit the dressing room

"Take a picture with your boyfriend for us," Coach Lotus said with a slight chuckle.

Harper just playfully glared at him before walking out of the dressing room.

She walked down the chaotic hallway to the "lobby" to enter the auditorium.

When she opened the door to the auditorium she was welcomed by so many people sitting in their seats waiting for the "Senior Solo Division" to start

She looked around for her mom, catching small waves from many people that knew her. Once she spots her mom, she spots the Campbell family too. Ben, Sarah, Zoey, Wyatt, and Griffin.

Harper decides it would be nice of her to say "Hi" to Griffin to make up for leaving him on read (again) earlier.

Harper walks down the aisle, to the row of seats her mom, her brother, and the Campbells are in. She walks through the row to sit in the empty seat next to Griffin.

"Hey," Harper said lightly tapping on Griffin's shoulder, so he could look at her

Griffin turned around, and immediately his eyes widened. This was Griffin's first time seeing Harper in her dance costume, with makeup and hair done. She looked so lovely.

"Harper!, you look so.. so- Oh my god," Griffin said trying hard to find a word that could describe how beautiful she looked

Harper just giggles with a large smile.

"Harper, come here honey," Jess said leaning over towards her front to see Harper and Griffin "talking"

Harper waved Griffin goodbye, as he waved back to her. Harper then slides through the row, in front of the Campbell's legs, to get to her mom.

'"Wow, Harper, you look so nice," Sarah said, as Harper once again smiled.

"She looks gorgeous" Ben corrected admiring his son's best friend.

Jess was looking through her purse for her blush and a brush, she pulled it out to blush Harper's abdomen.

"Wow, it must be nice being a dancer" Zoey said watching as Harper gets brushed with blush by her mom.

"You can join if you want" Sarah to Zoey

"Really?" Zoey asked 

"Yeah, Just in some time" Sarah said catching Zoey's eye

" What do you mean" in time" " Zoey asked curiously

"Well..." Jess took over.

"Harper has been doing this for a while," Jess said, still brushing Harper.

" You know, she had to try out to even do competitions," Jess said closing the blush container and putting it away

"I tried out to be on the competitive team when I was 7," Harper said to Zoey

" And the studio had to watch me closely, to see if I worked hard enough at dance to be on the team," Harper said, fiddling with a costume a bit.

"You must have been at dance a lot, have you ever missed school for dance? Zoey asked

" Um yeah, a lot of times actually," Harper said to Zoey

" She also had to make up for those days she missed at school too," Jess said looking at Harper.

Harper was going to continue talking until she got a text from Matt.


Harper, come back to the dressing room. Coach wants you to run your dance.

"You guys, I have to go," Harper said looking at the message.

" Ok, I'll see you later, sweetie," Jess said as Harper kissed her cheek.

" Bye" everyone said

Griffin gave Harper an infinity heart with his hands.

Harper smiled and gave him one back

Harper walked back up the aisle to exit the auditorium, going back to the dressing room.

When Harper was walking to the dressing room, she could hear the announcer starting the Senior Division Solos. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she heard.

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