6:00 am
Harper was in her bed soundly asleep. Her body relaxed and eased Until her mom burst into her room.
"Harper Honey, Today's the day "
"What," Harper said sleepily
"Harper, you have a dance competition."
Harper Dunn. A competitive dancer. Harper has been dancing since she was 2 years old. It's always been something she was good at. She could use her dancing skills for an advantage like if it was being the most flexible in P.E. or even to show off her Ariels to some people who think they know it all. Harper was at the Tremont with Griffin a lot but when she wasn't, she was at what's known as Sulphur Spring Dance Studio.
"MOM," Harper said drooping her face into her pillow slightly annoyed that she was woken up this early
"Today is nationals remember," Jess said walking over to Harper, crouching beside her bed
Harper was honestly just drowning out all the things her mom was saying until she heard those words
"Any way you need to get ready, you have a ballet class this morning before the competition,"
Jess said just before kissing Harper's forehead and leaving the room.
"Kay," Harper said, giving a fake smile.
Once Jess left the room. Harper sat up on her bed, putting her back on the headboard. She quickly grabbed her phone only to go to messages and to a group chat called "Land Of A Thousand Dancers "
Nationals is today?
Yeah, harps
God, I thought you would be one to remember
I thought I would to
Why do you seem so like... Alarmed
Cuz I told Griffin he could
watch me dance at frickin' nationals
and I said that 4 months ago,
I guess I thought that nationals wouldn't come so fast.
Oh griffin your bf
he's not my bf
Don't worry he's probably already forgotten
I mean you said that 4 months ago
Yeah, I guess you're-
Harper was about to finish typing her sentence when she got a text from Griffin.
Can't wait to see you dance today Harper! Good Luck
Harper read the text. Instead of replying she just sat and stared at it. She wasn't ready for Griffin to see her. Yes, Harper was an amazing dancer, but she needed time to mentally prepare for her friend (crush) to watch her dance. It wasn't just any other dance too. It was a solo, A SOLO.
"My god" Harper mumbled to herself as she got up from her bed and walked over to her drawer to get a leotard and tights. She walked to her bathroom, still a little tired. She thought that today she would take a shower before her ballet class, just to see if that would relax her about the whole situation.
7:34 am
"Up and down"
"Wait so your boyfriend is coming to see us, you, dance? River asked
Everyone was at the ballet bar. Holding onto the handles doing simple foot exercises. Harper had lots of classes this whole week, but ballet was her favorite. It is a graceful style of dance that can relieve lots of stress. Unfortunately, Harper's solo for nationals was the style Contemporary, an expressive style of dance using slow and robust movements.
"He's not my boy -
"Yes River, her boyfriend is coming to watch her dance," Matt said
" I honestly don't see the problem, your friend - I mean boyfriend"
Harper rolled her eyes.
" Is coming to see you do a solo in one of your best styles, with a great costume, and at the most important dance competition of your life" Liberty stated
"'Yeah, but still I don't want to mess up in front of him," Harper said with a slight pout.
"Aww harps, it's okay, your boyfriend would be happy with whatever you put on stage," Saylor said with a smile.
" Again, he's not my-
"Ok, you guys, less chit-chat," Coach Lotus said slowly walking by the dancers to check their foot placement.
9:34 am
"Did Harper even invite you?" Zoey asked
Griffin was in his room, sitting on his bed looking at the text he sent Harper. Still on Read. Harper rarely leaves Griffin on read, but when she does, she always seems to respond 10 or 15 minutes later, but no. It's been about 2 hours since Griffin sent the message.
"I mean yeah I think," Griffin said sounding a little confused
"Has she responded?" Wyatt asked, looking over Griffin's shoulder.
" No dummy," Griffin said, pushing him away with a slight smile.
"Well then that probably means she didn't want you to come," Wyatt said with a small chuckle.
"Don't jinx it" Zoey said looking irritated by what her twin brother said
"Griffin, Harper might have been at dance when you sent the text, but I don't know because I was asleep," Topher said shrugging.
Topher had come over to the Campbells' house previously that morning because Harper had early dance classes she had to get to, and also because Jess went out with one of Harper's dance team's parents for a while.
"Sure you were asleep," Wyatt said sarcastically
"I was," Topher said defensively.
"You were probably just watching some scary movies," Zoey said followed by a light laugh.
"I swear to god I was slee-"
The room went silent as everyone heard Griffin's phone ding. It was comfortable silence as Griffin opened text messages to see who it was. He was stunned by who.
"It's Harper," Griffin said, a smile growing on his face.
Can't wait to see you dance today Harper! Good Luck
Read 6:24 am
Thx Griffin, I'm excited to show you!
P.S sorry for the late response, I was doing something
(Griffin smiled as he saw that Harper had answered, but he was still curious about why it took her so long to)
As in "something" you mean...
Attachment: Image...
"So are we going to watch her dance or what?" Zoey asked, getting bored with waiting for an answer.
"We" aren't going anywhere." She only invited me, remember" Griffin said, getting up from his bed and walking over to his closet.
"Yeah, you guys are going to have to sit this one out," Topher said, sounding in charge.
"That's not fair, she's your sister you can go to as many competitions as you want," Wyatt said looking annoyed with his friend.
"Exactly," Topher said
"Please can we go," Zoey said practically begging
Griffin was now looking for something to change into in his closet.
" I don't know I'll have to ask Har-"
He was about to finish what he was saying when his phone rang again. He looked at his lock screen and saw a text from πHarperπ€©
Oh, and you can bring your siblings to the competition too!
Griffin sighed before walking out of his closet.
"Ok, Harper said you guys can go"
"Yes," Wyatt and Zoey said smiling
"C'mon let's go pack," Zoey said, gesturing her hand to Topher and Wyatt.
"Pack? It's a dance competition"
"Oh we know," Wyatt said with a wink.
"No, No, you are not gonna mess anything up ok, your-"
The door had already slammed shut before Griffin could finish his sentence.
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