briπ | @briellethomspon
someone please explain to me how max has such a fucking cool car but can't drive for shit. like we're literally lost right now because he's so directionally challenged and refuses to use a gps because he keeps saying, "i got this." which me and kj have now realized after 10 minutes of going around in circles that he clearly doesn't ππ
3.8k retweets | 25.9k likes
β 1,856 replies β
β³ @username1: just put the gps directions in your phone and make him follow it sis
9 retweets | 73 likes
β³ @briellethompson: wish i could but max is sadly the only one that knows the address
13 retweets | 94 likes
β³ @username2: max's g wagon is the cutest thing ever i just wish he could drive it ππ
18 retweets | 109 likes
β³ @kjmcall: why is this the funniest i've ever read LMAOO
7 retweets | 49 likes
β³ @noahcent: lol i'll text you the address
26 retweets | 198 likes
β³ @briellethompson: thankssss that would be very appreciatedπ
18 retweets | 99 likes
25 retweets | 302 likes
β³ @username4: im just as shook as you are sister
17 retweets | 96 likes
right β brielle
left β noah
the three friends made it to noah's house around ten forty-five. and when they knocked on the door and we're let in by a smiling noah, brielle quickly felt out of place because it seemed as if max and kj knew pretty much everyone there, while the girl sadly did not. there weren't a lot of people at the party, maybe only nine or ten, but that was still enough people to make the girl feel very overwhelmed.
her two best friends were able to immediately notice the girl's discomfort, and they tried their hardest to make her feel okay with all of the new people around her by introducing her to everyone and slowly getting her out of the shell she would typically be in anytime she met new people. and that, for the most part, was able to work; making her very grateful that her friends were there for her in her anxious filled state.
however, there was a point in the night where brielle no longer felt like talking and engaging with people; instead she desperately wanted a moment to herself. so, that's how the girl found herself on noah's rooftop.
the bright night sky shone down on her as she walked around the spacious area. it was different from regular house rooftops, instead it reminded her of apartment building ones; more of a flat surface and much easier to walk around.
she was walking toward the edge of the roof to get a good look over at everything else in front of her when she noticed a couch with tons of books on it. brielle moved some of them out of the way, so she could take a seat, and then began rummaging through them. there had to have been at least ten or fifteen books, most of which brielle became quickly intrigued by and others that the girl knew and liked a lot, such as "the outsiders" and "the great gatsby."
upon hearing the sound of the random voice calling her name, the curly haired girl let out a yelp because of how startled she was and then turned toward where the voice came from, immediately getting met with the sight of noah walking over to where she was.
"shit, my bad. i didn't
mean to scare you."
"it's all good."
noah moved the books toward the middle of the couch so that he could take a seat. he instinctively lay his head against the back of the couch and kicked his feet atop the small coffee table in front of it.
"so what brings
you up here?"
"i don't know, really. i was looking
for the bathroom and somehow i
found myself here."
"oh, i can show you
the bathroom if you
need it."
"no, no, it's okay. i didn't really need
to use the bathroom i just wanted to go somewhere that was quiet. i like parties, but sometimes i just want a break from everything. no offense to your friends or anything, they're very nice."
"no, i get what you mean.
parties or just events with
a bunch of people can be
pretty overwhelming at
"exactly! so, i'm guessing you're
here for the same reason."
"something like that."
brielle was about to ask him what he meant, but instead she turned her attention to the pile of books that rested between the two of them.
"these are all yours right?"
"yup, these aren't all of them though, only some. the rest are
in my bedroom. . . i go to these
used bookstores to find them."
"that's pretty cool. i can never
find any good ones around here."
"i go to these ones
in san francisco."
"holy shit, that's really far."
"(laughs) yeah, but the drive's actually not that bad. i try to
always do it with some friends,
and even if i have to do it by
myself it's not that unbearable. . . next time i go you should come
"definitely. as long as you're
driving though. i hate driving,
especially long distances."
"it's a deal."
brielle immediately thought that noah was saying that just to be nice, like when he said he'd watch her youtube videos, but there was a tiny part of her that could hear the truthfulness behind his words.
a comfortable silence began to linger between the two as noah stared up at the sky and brielle continued to look through the books. that silence was broken when noah's phone began to ring in his back pocket.
"hello? . . . yeah, i'm just
up on the roof right now
. . . okay, i'll be down in a
second. . . yup, see ya, babe."
noah hit the end call button and placed his phone back in his pocket. brielle knew exactly who was on the other end of the line; claudia, noah's girlfriend.
the two girls had met briefly when brielle first got to the party and they hit it off pretty easily. she already previously knew of the girl because she was also a youtuber and brielle had seen a few of her videos before. and from what she saw the past hour at the party, brielle could tell that noah and claudia were a very cute couple.
"i gotta go head downstairs.
but, you can stay up here for
as long as you need."
"it's okay, i should probably
go back down too before kj
and max notice i'm gone and
start blowing up my phone."
brielle put the book in her hand back on the couch and got up along with noah, following him to the door and back into the party.
briπ | @briellethomspon
max, kj, and i are lowkey drunk right
now and have decided to film a video.
so tweet us some funny, weird, and ΒΏΒΏcontroversial?? shit to talk about. lol
ok. thanks bYE
2.5k retweets | 19.9k likes
β 1,070 replies β
β³ @username1: oof this is gonna be amazing. can't wait to sip all of the tea
22 retweets | 309 likes
β³ @username2: please talk about youtubers you don't like / find annoying
15 retweets | 188 likes
β³ @username3: lmao like they'll ever do that
8 retweets | 99 likes
β³ @briellethomspon: i got you sisπ
29 retweets | 382 likes
β³ @username4: if you don't answer this veryyyy important question i'm unsubscribing. the office or parks and rec??
18 retweets | 160 likes
β³ @username5: yes this is sooo important
7 retweets | 79 likes
β³ @noahcent: damn now i feel like i should've stayed at your apartment after dropping you guys off instead of taking that uber back home
36 retweets | 909 likes
β³ @username6: dude please go back to brielle's place so you can make this video even greater than it already was gonna be
12 retweets | 133 likes
β³ @briellethompson: you would've instantly regretted it because max and kj are annoying as hell when they're drunk
21 retweets | 259 likes
β³ @kjmcall: HA! you're one to talk
14 retweets | 93 likes
β³ @briellethompson: bitch i'm a fucking angel when i'm drunk soππ½
18 retweets | 99 likes
β³ @maxyalvy: LMAOO
11 retweets | 78 likes
β³ @noahcent: now i DEFINITELY wish i would've stayed
34 retweets | 895 likes
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