23. plans & progress

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no uhhh

hey do you think you could
give me a ride to the fair??
max was supposed to take me
but he scheduled this last minute
photoshoot so he's flaking

no uhhh
sure i'll be at your
place in 20

oh and kj's philosophy class is
going a little late so he's just
gonna meet us there eventually

no uhhh
okay no problem


right β€” brielle
left β€” noah

the time was around 6 o'clock and brielle and noah had paid for their tickets and we're making their way inside of the fair at santa monica pier. noah's eyes widened a bit in amazement as he took in all of the rides and attractions that were placed along the large pier.

"wow, and i thought santa
monica on a normal day
was cool."

"(laughs) you're acting like
you've never been to this

"i haven't."

"wait, really? you're a santa
monica fair virgin! oh my god,
this changes everything."

"(laughs) okay, now i'm
kinda scared."

"don't be. it's just that i have now designated myself as your very cool
tour guide around this place, so yeah. (smiles) first stop: the ferries wheel."

"alright then."

brielle grabbed noah's hand and led him toward where the ferris wheel was. she still had a smile on her face and now so did noah. he knew that her taking his hand was more than likely seen as nothing but friendly to her, but he silently wished that she saw it as something a bit more than that.

and even if it wasn't, he was okay with that because he knew, mainly hoped, that kj's plan would work tonight and the curly haired girl would recognize her feelings for him.

noah honestly wanted nothing more than to just call her out on it and hope that she would respond in a positive way. but, he knew the odds of that happening weren not in his favor and that it would probably end with him pushing the girl away from him and losing their friendship forever, which was something he did not want to do.



liked by maxyalvy, kjmcall, and 201,349 others
briellethompson: don't mind my weird face, instead just look at the beautiful sky behind me 🌌😍😍
πŸ“Έ; @ncentineo

view all 14,589 comments. . .

username1: the sky + you in this pic = my heart going mother fucking wHOOShπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ€©

username2: the fact that noah took this pic is goddamn amazing

username3: now post a pic of you an noah together because thAT would be the teA πŸ‘πŸ‘
– username4: why is this a mood

kjmcall: ayeee the iconic ferris wheel !! looks funnn
– maxyalvy: ugH true wish we could be there
– briellethompson: well y'all shouldn't have flaked on me and noah last minute thenπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
– username5: is this tea i smell??


briellethompson started a livestream watch it before it ends!

"hey, guys! noah and i are currently at the fair in santa monica and i decided to livestream because why the fuck not, y'know?"

( noah, putting his face in the camera ) "hi, guys, what's up?"

"hey, no talking to the viewers. you need to keep trying to win me the unicorn that you've been trying to get for the past half an hour."

( brielle sticks her tongue out at him to which noah responds with laughter )

"very mature."

"i know, right."

( the comments quickly start to come in )

username1: i love how they're flirting with each other right in front of my salad😍😍🀩🀩
username2: awW noah's trying
to win her a prize das pretty fucking
cute or whatever
username3: okay but
flirt harder please
username4: sjdjdjfjk y'all are
ducking cute as hell
username5: ummm lmao is
bri drunk or something ?

"(laughing) no, i'm not drunk. i'm just pretty fucking happy right
now, guys."

( noah, smiling ) "and obviously it's because she's with me right now."

"it's definitely not because i'm with you, because you lied to me and told me you were a baller and would be able to make these three baskets, but you have yet to do so."

( noah ) "i'm just a little rusty. i will get you that stuffed unicorn i promise."

( noah holds out his pinky to which brielle responds by wrapping hers around it, and they hold it there for a quick moment )

username6: im cryinG did
they really just ??
username7: this is truly the
cutest shit i've ever seen
username8: woahwoahwoah what
is happening and why do i like it ?
username9: i'm REALLY living
for this right now
username10: alright but the real question is is it the stuffed unicorn
from despicable me??

"yes, it is the one from despicable me! that shit's cute as hell. but, at this rate i'm probably not gonna
get it."

( noah ) "hey! we just pinky promised
on it. i'm definitely gonna get you that unicorn."

"okay, but if you don't you're
buying me a churro."

( noah, smiling ) "i was already
gonna do that."

"damn, you sure know how to
make a girl feel special."

( noah ) "it's mainly because you've been such a great tour guide for the last two hours."

"you hear that, guys? i am no longer a youtuber instead i'm in the tour guide business, so if you're ever in santa monica hit me up and i will give you an amazing ass tour of the pier."

username11: i wish i lived in cali so i could be with you guys rn 😭😭
username12: oof we love a youtuber turned tour guide !!
username13: i'm cryin this is amazinG
username14: noah in the
background rn shooting the baskets
is fucking iconic lmaooo
username15: ok but can you guys
do a quick/impromptu meet&greet at
the fair rn ???

"i wish we could do a quick lil meet and greet but we've been here for a while now and after noah wins me the unicorn and we get churros, we're probably gonna be leaving. . . but, if you guys are here right now or are coming in the next hour please come and say hi to us, we're not gonna be assholes and turn y'all away."

( noah, still playing the basketball game ) "yes! please come say hi guys."

( brielle flips the camera so that it is pointing at noah who is shooting baskets. for the few next minutes, brielle continues to respond to some of the comments on the livestream while noah keeps playing the game until he finally makes all three baskets and wins. the girl immediately goes up to him and gives him a high five )

"(smiling) finally! nice job, dude."

( noah, smiling too ) "you can now get your unicorn."

"best moment of my life. . . (turns the camera back on herself) alright, guys so i'm gonna end this livestream now because i'm about to get my amazing stuffed unicorn and then we're gonna get some churros. so i'll see you all later. new video coming, um, eventually. so yeah, look out for that. (laughing) okay, bye!"

( noah, putting his face in the camera ) "bye!"

briellethompson ended the livestream!


right β€” brielle
left β€” others

the time was around ten thirty and the pair of friends, brielle and noah, were finally leaving the fair. the girl was holding the small stuffed bear that noah managed to win her at the game in her hands since she actually couldn't get the unicorn because it was one of the more "advanced" prizes, meaning that noah would have to make three more baskets to win it.

when they found that out it made noah really want to keep going at the game so that she could get it, but she told him not to worry about it because he already spent so much money winning her that prize and instead buying her two churros would suffice.

after about twenty minutes of driving, noah pulled up to the front of brielle's apartment building.

"and we are now at
your humble abode."

"can i stay here for a little
bit, i don't wanna go in just

"of course."

a comfortable silence began to linger between the two as noah turned off the car engine and brielle leaned her head back against the seat.

"okay, be honest. how was your
first time ever at the fair?"

"(smiles) it was pretty great.
like i said before you're an
awesome tour guide, bri."

"(smiles) aw, thanks. let's do
something like this again some

"(laughs) it's a date."

the three words slipped out of noah's mouth before he could really even think about what he was saying. he looked over at brielle to catch her reaction at his accidental words, and she surprisingly didn't look scared or worried by what he said. and that gave noah a little more faith in kj's plan possibly working, even though there was pretty much no more time for it to.

"hey, i have a great idea! we should
take another trip to san fran, but instead  of it just being a day thing, we should make it like a weekend long thing. . . and this time i'll probably have to invite kj and max because last time they were actually kinda sad that didn't get an invite."

"(nods & smiles) i'd like that.
we can do it next weekend?"

"yes, that sounds good. i'll text
max and kj about it probably


another comfortable settled between them as they sat in the car a little while longer. after a few minutes brielle decided it was finally time for her to go.

"i should probably head inside.
i'll see you later, noah."

"see ya, bri."

noah watched as the girl opened the car door and made her way toward the front door of her apartment building, giving him a small wave and smile as she walked inside.

the night may have ended with kj's plan not working, but noah couldn't say that it was a complete fail because that night with him and brielle was filled with many laughs, smiles, and overall just a lot of fun. so, even though the plan wasn't a complete success noah knew that there was actually some progress made between the two of them.

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