15 | S L E E P I N G W I T H D R A G O N S

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     WHERE ONCE HAD been a small cabin in the deepest parts of Transilvania's woodlands there was nothing but debris and dust left. They must have come for her a while ago, as grass and moss had already started to grow on the remaining of what once was the rooftop. Ashes covered parts of the ruins, and what used to be a blooming garden, now was nothing more than a hog wallow. Not a single primrose was left.

     Charlie Weasley did not know what he had expected to find in this place, though a part of him had hoped for it to be Ana, just like he remembered her with her wavy strawberry blonde hair and pale face, a Kneazle sitting on her arm, and fiery eyes that left no doubt that she was ready to kill.

     But there was no sign she had been here at all. Ezra, her Kneazle, was resting on Charlie's arm, his bright yellow eyes scanning the ruins of his former home, and the dragon tamer felt sorry for the catlike creature, as a small mewl escaped the animal, that seemed to announce that his last hope to ever find Ana was lost.

      Because Ana didn't want to be found. When she herself had visited her home days ago, a fire had started in her chest that no one could ever kill. A rage she hadn't felt in what seemed like ages roared inside her, burning and contagious. Rosie felt it and a sting flame shot up into the night sky, before the both of them shot up into the starry night and left the remaining a of Ana's once beautiful solitude behind.

     Ana was out for revenge, and what Charlie Weasley had suffocated of her wrath, it returned in full strength. She hated him. Oh, did she hate him for weakening her. She should have known right from the night the Death Eaters had attacked, that Charlie's intentions weren't honourable or pure. He didn't want her to fight with him, no. He just wanted her to never being able again to fight at all. One opponent less.

     What a fool. Because Ana never intended to fight for or against anyone. This war wasn't hers, she had fought her own war for ages; what mattered the wizarding world to her, if all they did was trying to destroy Ana? Now she would watch its downfall with a grim satisfaction.

     But before she would do so, she would get her revenge. All the regret she had felt when being with Charlie had been lifted from her shoulders and for the first time since she had met the brave ginger, Ana felt freedom. He wouldn't hold her down ever again, wouldn't stop her. Nobody would.

     All she needed to do now, was find them; all of them. The good and the bad, as they spoke of themselves, though Ana knew better. None of them were good. All of them deserved to die and it was her who'd take their lives as they took hers. She would find them and cheer to the sounds of their screams, the melodies of their last wishes and beggings for dear life itself would be nothing but their death sentences.

     Ana vanished into the mountains with a dragon by her side. Rosie became her companion, her friend. Her soulmate. Because who else could understand the devastating feeling of the mighty forces inside of herself, than a fire spitting dragon? The bond she had with this majestic creature was the strongest she ever felt, and she sensed her power growing as she lay down to rest next to Rosie. With the fire of hers, and Ana's own power, they could end the world in screams of despair. And that's what was going to happen.


     The search wasn't easy, but Ana hadn't predicted it to be. She had done this before. All of this. Hunting down muggles was easy; they were blunt and oblivious. Ana had thought it would take some time to get at her parents. She had predicted them to be aware of their fate, but they were not. At least, even if they'd tried to hide, there was nothing that could have stopped Ana. Nothing.

     She had watched them through the kitchen window, as they both were sending prayers to a non existent god, before they'd take their dinner. Ana's mother had noticed her first: red glowing eyes shining in the nightly forest behind their house. She had been dead, before she could have screamed.

     Her father had tried to run, but he hadn't even reached the front yard. He hadn't been warned by ruby red orbs in the darkness. All he had seen had been a flash of crimson, before his wife had dropped dead. The chair behind him had clattered to the floor as he had jumped to his feet and rushed for the front door. Ana had hit him with his hand on the door knob, and that's how they had found him hours later: finger still around it, knuckles white, eyes burnt black in their holes ...

     It had been so easy. But finding wizards was a whole different level, especially after having become aware that Ana Voinescu was out for revenge.

     It had taken her a full week to get at medi-magician that had signed her death sentence in St. Mungo, but oh did she have the time of her live pressing the air out of his lungs while he was taking a shower. Another full week, before she found Orlanda McKenzie, the witch that had presumed to destroy Ana before it was too late. For her it had been on August fourteenth, when a red flash of light appeared around her neck and her head rolled into her daughter's birthday cake.

     This time, it was easier, because they didn't know she was coming for them. So when Ana reached Walden McNeir's house on the back of her loyal dragon, she sealed his doors with her magic, before letting Rosie set it on fire.

     Satisfied, she watched the flames rise higher. He'd been lucky enough to escape her once, but as his fists hammered against the window and his wand was being ablaze, Ana knew it won't happen a second time.

     And what she felt while watching an old man dying, was nothing at all.



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