As soon as you were gone Peter was resisting again.
One of the men he'd fought hit Peter over the head with the butt of his gun. It wasn't hard enough to knock him out, but he hit the floor with a grunt.
"Pleaseโ please don't hurt him, he's my nephewโ pleaseโ" May was nearly crying.
The leader of the group gave a signal and the man holding May's hands behind her back took out a length of rope. "This'll be easier if you don't struggle, lady. Otherwise boss says we gotta kill both of you's. And that'd be a hell of a lot of paypa' work." He began to wrap the cord around her wrists.
"Hey, you," the other man kicked Peter in the head. "Get up and sit still. Or I'll blow your auntie here to kingdom come."
In a daze, Peter pulled himself up and leaned against the wall.
"There we go," The man said, setting to work.
Peter felt sick. He could no longer hear your footsteps from the lobby seven floors down, and he and May were stuck here, on the verge of being shot. If he made one wrong move, both yours and May's lives would be at risk. But if he didn't at least try to find you now, who knew where they would take you? He was useless without being able to see; how did you find someone if you couldn't use your eyes? It was hard enough to walk alone to school.
When both Peter and May were tied up, the leader of the gang smiled evilly down at them, brandishing the knife he'd pulled from the wall, and bowing dramatically. "Thank you for your generous offerings." He held up two bags of everything they'd found of value in the apartment. "Good day." He smirked and led his team out into the hall. "That's it! Boss wants us back in an hour, let's hit the trucks!"
They were leaving? Peter began to move about frantically. If he could get free and somehow track their vehicles in timeโ
A man suddenly ran back into the apartment. "Almost forgot." He grinned before swinging his massive fist towards Peter's head. With a dull THUNK, he went limp. "This one's feisty, can't have him following us."
"Peter!" May screamed.
"Audios!" The man laughed.
The next time Peter opened his eyes it was dark outside.
"What the hell...." He groaned, feeling the binds on his wrists and trying to remember what had happened.
"Peter? It's gonna be okay, alright?"
That was May's voice. What was she doing here? Was she tied up too? And where was ___?
Then, in a flash, it all came back to him. He gasped suddenly, as if he'd been underwater for hours. "Where are they?" He said. "Mayโ how long have I been out? Are they gone? What time is it?"
May made shushing sounds and tried to get him to breathe. "There's nothing we can do right now, Iโ"
"Nothing we can do?!" Peter fired up.
"She needs my helpโ"
"She's gone, Peterโ"
"I have to FIND HER!"
"You can't!" May cried, and Peter could hear the loss in her words. "You can't Peter, they've been gone for hours and you're in no state to save her. We need to call the cops."
Peter was taking deep breaths to calm himself. May didn't understand. The physical pain Peter was going through while imagining what those awful men were doing to you was incredible. He felt rage boiling in the pit of his stomach but he pushed it away. He had to keep his head on, even if it was aching horribly from that blow.
"I've been fumbling with the rope around my hands for about an hour and I think I've got it loosened, maybe I can get it in another few minutes." May was saying.
But Peter wasn't listening. In one fluid motion, he pulled his arms apart behind his back and the rope broke, fraying at the end, giving Peter's shoulders back their blood flow.
"Ohโ" May sounded stunned. "That works too. Can you help me?"
Peter moved over to her and felt around for the knot. He quickly undid it and helped May to her feet.
"Alright, good." She said. Then she pulled him in for a hug. "Oh, Peter."
He just stood there.
"Aren't you going to hug me back? Please, I almost lost you, promise me you won't do something like that again."
Peter sighed and wrapped his arms around his aunt. "I... promise, May." He whispered.
"Good." She let go of him. "Now let me see if the landline still works. They took both of our phones, but the number for the cops is relatively easy to remember."
Peter bit his lip however as May made her way to the kitchen. He did promise, that was for sure, but he hadn't said out loud what he was really promising.
Silently, he felt his way to his room and pulled open the drawer in his bedside table. He held the vial in his hand and felt for the latch of the window. You were out there, hurting, suffering, or maybe worse, and nothing was going to stop him from finding you.
"I'm sorry," He whispered as he stood beside the window. "I promised I'd save her."
It wasn't until May had called the police four times before she realized something was amiss. "Peter?"
She checked the bathroom and the living room, but there was no sign of him. Her fears mounting, she ran to his bedroom. Sure enough, the window stood open.
She rushed to it and looked all around, but she knew he was gone. She had raised her boy to always watch out for his family. And that's what he was doing. But...
"Oh no...." She said aloud as she saw the empty dresser drawer. She turned back to the kitchen and went straight to the phone, dialing a number she hadn't called in years.
When it picked up, May steeled herself and spoke.
"Tony, we have a problem."
[note.] two updates back to back because I feel guilty for not uploading for three weeks? couldn't be me....
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