When they stopped ringing you removed your hands, and the music had steadied. It was an even thrum rather than a rocky blast now.
The foyer was crowded with just about everyone from school. This wasn't your first time at a party, but you were still a bit anxious. Where were your friends?
"___!" You heard from somewhere to your left.
Turning, you made eye contact with MJ and saw that Abraham and Cindy were with her by the kitchen counter.
"Hey guys!" You called over the music as you reached them.
Abraham waved and Cindy nodded her greeting.
"Where's Peter?" MJ shouted.
"Not sure! He said he was coming later!" You said loudly as someone pressed a cup into your hand.
You glanced down at the drink. "Where are Flash's parents?"
MJ shrugged. "Far away apparently." She took a sip from her own cup.
You shrugged, considered who your ride home was, and lifted the cup to your lips.
"Hey, MJ mentioned something about Peter wanting to join the team." Abraham said in his buoyant voice from beside you. "What's that about?"
You glanced up. "He used to be in it and he misses it. I think he would be great."
Cindy latched onto Abraham's arm.
"She also said you'd be his guide!" He continued.
This meant Mr. Harrington had discussed the email with MJ.
You turned. "MJ!"
She flipped around, tearing her eyes away from the far corner.
You looked in that direction but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Just Betty dancing by a few other kids.
"Did Mr. Harrington talk to you about Peter joining the decathlon team?"
MJ nodded. "I'm not supposed to say anything, but they're seriously considering it. You made some good points in that email." She said loudly, glancing back to that corner.
Satisfaction coursed through you. "Good!" Then, after another drink: "What's in the corner?"
MJ didn't look at you while she answered: "Betty's not alone tonight."
You frowned. Ned had needed to study for a test tonight and hadn't been able to come. What did MJ mean?
Squinting, you tried to locate Betty in the mass of students now moshing in the living room.
Your eyebrows shot up. MJ was right. Betty wasn't alone.
Jason was dancing far too close for Ned's liking; and Betty was doing nothing to stop it.
Unease bubbled in your stomach as you considered what was happening.
Eventually, MJ turned away, declaring that she couldn't be bothered by Betty's antics and that she wanted to go dance.
You laughed. The MJ you knew would never have initiated something like this. You figured the drink in her hand wasn't her first tonight.
Speaking of which, you glanced down at your nearly empty cup. I need a refill.
The party around you danced and laughed. People you knew and didn't know were talking, shouting, smiling, and relaxed. You found yourself leaning against the kitchen counter, just watching people for a while.
"Heyyy!" A loud and energetic voice said from behind you.
Looking around, you saw Flash jumping all over, slapping people on the back and receiving praise for his excellent party.
You refilled your cup and jumped as a slap on your shoulder told you Flash had located you. "___! What's up? Glad you could make it! Where's Penis Parker?"
Grimacing slightly, you faced him and smiled. "Thought you said he wasn't invited?"
Flash rolled his eyes and moved closer. "Obviously I was joking. But if he isn't here..." Flash's hands fluttered around your waist and you stiffened.
"Ah," You said, understanding blossoming. "I've got to get back to MJ." You said loudly.
"Whatโ" Flash tried to protest but you were out of his reach before he could react.
Concentrating on solely distancing yourself from an intoxicated Flash, you weren't paying too close attention to where you were going and suddenly ran into someone. You started, blinking. You were feeling a little woozy.
"Sorry," You shouted, not looking up at who you had bumped.
"___?" A familiar voice said.
You blinked hard and tried to bring the boy in front of you into focus. A wide smile tugged at your lips. "Peter!"
Hearing the jubilation in your voice, Peter grinned. "I made it!"
"What took you so long?" You demanded. You had surely been here for more than an hour.
"May got called in for work. I had to take the subway."
You creased your eyebrows. "You could have called me!" You said.
Peter nodded. "I know, but I figured you'd already be here. Didn't want to take you away."
You still wished he would have called you, but you let it slide.
"Are you lost? Let's find everyone else." You said.
"No, they're right here." Peter moved aside and most of the decathlon team stood around, dancing and talking.
"Hey guys!" another voice said.
A few people turned. "Ned!" Cindy cried.
Sure enough, Ned stood on Peter's other side.
"I also picked him on the way. Figured he would be finished studying." Peter said to you.
"Where's Betty?" Ned asked.
A few people looked around and you sensed MJ's gaze boring into you. For everyone's sake, you both silently agreed not to tell him in front of everyone.
As Ned walked off to find his girlfriend, someone suggested everyone go dance.
You rallied a cry of assent and made to follow them.
Peter grabbed your arm. "Hold on," he spun you around to face him. "What are you drinking?"
You pulled at your cup, instinct telling you to lie, but Peter was too fast, even without his sight.
In less than a second his hand was gripping your wrist. "___," For some reason butterflies ignited in your stomach when he said your name so seriously. "How many drinks have you had?"
You frowned, trying to remember. "A few."
Peter sighed. "I think it's time to be done." He gently took the cup from your hand and let you go. "How am I supposed to help you home? I can't be your eyes, you know."
A flicker of shame popped inside of you and hot blood suddenly rose in your cheeks. To cover it up, you felt the urge to glare at him. "I'm going to go dance." You snapped.
Peter didn't stop you, and you turned on your heel and marched to the dance floor.
People were jumping and yelling and laughing all around you. You grinned and joined in for one song and then another.
After a while however, a nagging thought from the back of your mind surfaced and as you jumped around you considered it.
Peter was right. You had been careless in choosing to drink tonight. Even though you knew you wouldn't be driving, you should have been thinking about more than just yourself. Peter needed you often, and if you were drunk, how much help would you really be?
Shame rose back up within you and your eyes suddenly felt very full of tears.
You stopped dancing, accidentally hitting someone with your elbow. You didn't stop to apologize. You had only one goal on your mind.
Peter was where you had left him, leaning against the counter, listening to the party around him and waiting for someone to talk to.
You walked straight to him. "I'm sorry." You declared.
Peter raised an eyebrow and turned to face you. "What was that?"
You huffed and crossed your arms. "I... I'm sorry. You're right. I shouldn't have drunked that much."
Peter's mouth twitched. "Drunked?"
You sniffed and rubbed your eye. "I need to be there for you, and I can't when I'm like this." You gestured to yourself. "I messed up."
Peter smiled patronizingly. That irritated you, but you held your tongue.
"It's okay, this party isn't too bad, I'll be fine."
But this did not satisfy you. You had made a horrible blunder and someone had to be angry with you! "Butโ I'm sorry! I know it was wrong!"
Peter tried to tell you it was fine, but you became more distressed.
"I was just anxious without you being here!" You said without thinking. "I missed you!" Peter's eyes widened the tiniest bit. "And then Flash wanted me to dance on him and I tried to get awayโ"
Peter grew stiff.
"And now you're here and I messed up." You dropped your hands and looked at the floor pitifully. "So I'm sorry."
After a moment, you felt two soft hands on your shoulders pulling your close.
You glanced up, realizing Peter was now very near you. You also noticed a shift in the music; it was a slower song.
Peter pulled you into his chest and you wrapped your arms around him. Slowly, he began to sway with you in his arms.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled again into his shirt.
Peter's chest rumbled as he silently laughed. "It's okay, I promise."
You finally became mollified and elected to let Peter lead in the dance. Despite the energy you had demonstrated earlier, you were rapidly growing weary.
You lost all sense of how much time passed, but a fair amount later, Peter bent down and said: "Your mom's here. We should go."
Not even stopping to question how he knew your mom was here, or even that she had been the one picking you up, you nodded and let him lead you to the front door.
The night air was freezing and you pulled at your sleeves, trying in vain to cover your arms even more.
Peter took care of the problem for you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, steering you down the front steps and towards the street.
You shuffled into the car and immediately, your mom began bombarding you with complaints. "I can't believe I have to drive you around still." And: "You'd better not be drunk, I'm not about to condone that behavior!" And then: "You're eighteen for heaven's sake, why can't you drive?"
You wanted to point out that you would like to drive yourself around, but she refused to let you drive her car.
Peter said a few calming things to placate her, and then she was silent, listening to a report on the radio.
You leaned into Peter in the back seat. His shoulder was so comfortable.
By the time the city had grown bright with lights, you were feeling drowsy. And eventually you recognized the street you were on.
"Just by the door. Again, thank you so much." Peter was saying.
Before you knew what was happening, you felt a squeeze on your hand, heard Peter say something like "drink lots of water," and then the door closed, leaving you alone with your mother.
She began talking again, though, to you it was nonsense. All you could comprehend was the very sudden lack of warmth in your hand, and trying to understand why it had left when Peter had.
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