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"แด›ส€ส แด›แด แด‹ษช๊œฑ๊œฑ แดแด‡ แด€ษดแด… ษช'สŸสŸ ส™ษชแด›แด‡ สแดแดœส€ สŸษชแด˜๊œฑ แด๊œฐ๊œฐ."

ษชษด แดกสœษชแด„สœ,

แดษดแด‡ แดกษชสŸแด… แด›แด‡แด‡ษดแด€ษขแด‡ส€ ส€แด‡แด›แดœส€ษด๊œฑ แด›แด สœแด‡ส€ สœแดแดแด‡แด›แดแดกษด, แดษดสŸส แด›แด แด„ส€แด๊œฑ๊œฑ แด˜แด€แด›สœ๊œฑ แดกษชแด›สœ แด€ษด แดแด แด‡ส€ษดษชษขสœแด› ษชษดแด›แด‡ส€ษดแด‡แด› ๊œฑแด‡ษด๊œฑแด€แด›ษชแดษด.

Vesper Rowan portrayed by Billie Eilish

Luna Gomez portrayed by Zoe Saldanaย 

Miranda Gomez portrayed by Bianca (BIA) Miquela Landrauย 

Mya Lester portrayed by Maggie Gyllenhaal

Tobey Rowan portrayed byย Finneas Baird O'Connellย 

Lake Messnerย  portrayed byย Dominic Fike

Rest of Austin and Ally characters are portrayed by their respective selves.ย 

A/N :ย 

Damn you impulse! Not another disney fanfic. Btw this isn't your ordinary Disney fanfic.ย 

This book will include the following:ย  vulgar language, mentions of suicide, sexual themes,ย  drug usage, etc.ย 

You have been warned. Anyways expect an update soon! Also, there aren't enough Austin and Ally fanfics on Wattpad. Let's change that! Won't follow every episode (don't kill me ) Luvs you.

- bbdqqce1

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