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Her name was called, but she didn't really care. At this moment, she was sharing a drink with Nina. Specifically, she picked up the small shot glass and downed it, having the burning liquid make its way down her throat. She winced a little, but placed it back on top of the bar.
"Oh, that burns." Nina opened her mouth and fanned it with her hand, laughing. Juniper assisted her, both sharing a good laugh with one another.
"I don't think this'll help." Juniper said, but continued to fan the girl.
"Probably not!" said Nina.
Juniper had just finished performing one of her songs for the entire Capitol. She wanted a break before her next one. However, the beginning of her break consisted of multiple people bombarding her with compliments.
She usually took compliments well, however, she had no love or desire for the songs she performed and created for the Capitol. They were a facade of her self.
"Juniper." Lennox called again. Nina and Juniper looked to the man who seemed a bit more serious now.
"What?" Juniper wondered, Lennox looked a bit disappointed. "I'm allowed to drink."
"I'm not saying you can't, but Snow wants to see you before your next performance." He stood next to her and put out his arm. Juniper rolled her eyes, picking up her glass and finishing her drink before taking his arm.
Nina sighed, not wanting to be alone. But Lennox assured her he would be back.
"What does he want to see me for?" Juniper slurred her words a bit. She was tipsy.
"How much did you drink?" Lennox questioned. The girl seemed a bit flushed and her face was warm.
"Just like three shots and that glass. I'm fine." Juniper said. "Now what does he want?"
Lennox shrugged, genuinely not knowing what Snow wanted with Juniper. However, her visits with him were quite frequent. Lennox already grew worried, but Juniper assured them most of their visits were just about her musical performances, nothing else.
Up a few stairs, Snow sat on a makeshift throne of some sort, smirking when his victor came into his vision. He waved off a few of his maids and guards, who stayed in the vicinity, but kept their distance.
"Thank you, Mister Hale." Snow stood up, waving Lennox off as well. Juniper let go of his arm, not sparing a glance at him. Lennox hesitated leaving, but he eventually walked off to meet back up with Nina.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" Juniper asked, throwing her arms out and then back to her side. She had grown tired of the man very fast. Then again- she never liked him to begin with.
"I wanted to check in with you before your performance." Snow said plainly. Juniper looked at him with a bit of dissatisfaction, knowing it wasn't the real reason. "Have you met our two young victors yet?"
"Maybe a quick hello?" Juniper answered. "Why does it matter?"
"How do you feel about two victors?" Snow asked, tilting his head.
"How do you think I feel?" The girl asked. "I think deep down we both know how it makes me feel, I just don't think its appropriate to voice here."
Juniper's response made him laugh, but the laugh was short lived- replaced with a serious of coughs. He placed a napkin to his mouth, wiping it clean and smiling.
She didn't want to be an asshole to Miss Everdeen and Mister Mellark, however, she was pissed. Would that been a rule placed into her games if her and Wade were to fake an entire romance? Would Wade still be alive today, could she have changed things if she wasn't so- She shoved the thoughts out of her head.
"I understand your hatred, Miss Plinth." Her surname slid off his tongue like poison. "I expect it to be taken care of, can I rely on the help of our dear Miss Serpent if it were to come to that?" Snow asked.
Juniper tried understanding what he had meant, but she didn't have a clue. It sounded like Snow wanted the two victors taken out. But he can't do that.
The Serpent nickname was something used for Juniper Plinth throughout the Capitol. The folk living there loved it, especially if they had seen the games and they were huge fans. However, the name ticked her off sometimes. It was her killer name, she didn't want to be that person anymore.
"I can't make any promises." Juniper crossed her arms. "Depends what you mean."
Snow smirked, taking a sip of his drink that he had in his hand. It was silent between the two, until a throat was cleared behind them. Snow nodded.
"You're back on, Miss Juniper. I do hope nothing leaves this conversation?"
"It never does." Juniper answered very quickly, growing tiresome. Snow turned his back to her.
"I do hope to enjoy your song." Snow walked back to his chair, overlooking the entire crowd spread out below him.
Juniper turned on her heel and walked forward, colliding her face into someones chest. The person grabbed her arms on both sides and gently pushed her back a bit. When she looked up, she saw Finnick Odair, the man himself.
"I don't understand why I need an escort to everything." Juniper said, walking past him and down a series of steps- a fast pair of footsteps trailing behind her.
"Because you're so special, fragile." He spat, grabbing her bicep and having her slow down to match his pace. "A diamond, perhaps? Or a scaly, fake one." He pondered to himself.
"You could've just sent someone else to fetch me if you are going to smother me with your lovely compliments!" Juniper yelled slightly, earning a few eyes, but she just smiled at the people, who practically fainted to be looked at by her.
The two turned a corner to get backstage.
"I actually do what I'm told and listen so people don't get hurt." He whispered-yelled into her ear. "It's crazy how people love you so much to listen to your voice all the time." He added, Juniper sighed, growing more and more tired by the second of Finnick Odairs bullshit.
"At least they like me for my voice and I'm not primarily looked at for anything... physical." Juniper smiled. It looked as if she struck a nerve with the man, who quickly shot back.
"At least people like me for the way I look. I have a pretty face, wonderful figure, and women love me. Where's your man?" He let go of her completely, and she stood in front of him. He looked around for someone, then back at Juniper with a blank face.
"I think when God was creating you, he overestimated his ability. Now can you feed your own ego? I actually have a real job, maybe stand with the statues at a museum?" Juniper smiled, walking up the stairs to her band.
She didn't look back to see Finnick's reaction or where he went, but she really couldn't care less. Right now, she wished to have her guitar in hand from at home, however, Capitol music nowadays didn't really enjoy music like she enjoyed writing. It was more... electric.
Juniper Plinth stood in front of the microphone, however, the curtains were closed to the rest of the stage and she was hidden from the audience. She fixed her dress and moved her hair out of her face. She took a deep breath.
She kept thinking in her head over and over again, the sooner she gets it over with, the sooner she can go home to Lilo and perform there. She didn't care for the popularity of these songs in the Capitol, she wanted to enjoy songwriting. Not have it be the bane of her existence.
Yes, she liked the way her songs came out. But they weren't her style, they weren't hers. They belonged to The Serpent.
"All I ever wanted was the world."
"I can't help that I need it all, the primadonna life, the rise and fall."
As Juniper began singing the song, the curtains slowly opened, revealing a ginormous crowd of Capitol folk. However, the lights on stage stayed dark.
"You say that I'm difficult, but it's always someone else's fault. Got you wrapped around my finger, babe. You can count on me to misbehave."
"Primadonna girl!"
As soon as the beat kicked up, the lights flashed all over the stage, revealing Juniper and her band. The crowd cheered over the music and applauded, and Juniper took a few steps forward, microphone in hand.
"Would you do anything for me? Buy a big diamond ring for me?"
Juniper kneeled in front of the front row, flashing her left hand to them. A man standing in the front row repeatedly nodded his head, which made Juniper laugh a bit.
"Would you get down on your knees for me? Pop that pretty question, right now baby."
She noticed off to the right that a hot headed bronze haired man stood there, the one she had just argued with moments before. She stood up, slowly making her way over to him, but trying not to make it obvious.
"Beauty queen on a silver screen, living life like I'm in a dream."
Juniper stopped in front of Odair, smiling down at him. She put her hand on her knee to give her balance as she leaned down a bit, not getting closer than a foot or so.
"I know I've got a big ego- "
Juniper made sure to point to him.
"I really don't know why it's such a big deal though."
Juniper stood up fully and shrugged, continuing to dance and sing around the stage, giving love to everyone in the first few rows.
"Fill the void up with celluloid, take a picture I'm with the boys!"
Juniper waved to Lennox and Nina- who was practically jumping up and down with full delight.
"Get what I want 'cause I ask for it, not because I'm really that deserving of it."
Juniper looked up at Snow, but continued to look around the landscape to try and involved everyone.
"Living life like I'm in a play. In the limelight I want to stay."
"I know I've got a big ego, I don't really know why it's such a big deal though."
"Going up, going down, down down. Anything for the crown, crown, crown."
"When the lights dimming down, down down, I spin around!"
Juniper Plinth continued to sing the rest of the song and as soon as it wrapped up, she put the microphone right back on its stand and bowed to the enormous applause she received. She put her hands out to the band, who also bowed and received some whistles. She had a smile on her face the entire time, it was starting to hurt.
With that, the curtains came to a close. She sighed, her face dropped. She thanked the band for their work and left the stage, going around the side and meeting up with Lennox and Nina.
"You were absolutely amazing!" Nina said. "I want to hear some of your folk songs, I'm sure they're so good."
"I'm sure you will soon, don't worry, I promise." The two girls hugged, jumping in each others arms. Lennox smiled at their relationship, loving that the two got along so well.
"What do you want to do? Dessert?" Lennox asked the both of them.
"Honestly, I want to sleep. You guys can stay, though." Juniper yawned. The night of performances took her out, and she honestly didn't want to stay much longer.
"Will you be fine getting back on your own?" Nina turned to Juniper, worried. The Capitol at night was very much safe, especially for a victor, however, she was still nervous.
"I'll be fine. I'll see you guys soon."
Juniper frowned when she bid her friends goodbye, unsure of when she would see them again. She wished she was allowed to visit other districts- or wished they were allowed to visit her and see her small performances at Four, but Snow would never allow it.
She wanted to escape the party before Snow might want to have another meeting with her, she wasn't in the mood at all. In fact, she had Amirah bring her a complete change of clothes so she could sneak out of the party easily- in common wear and a cloak covering that had a hood.
Before she could even take a step, she ran into Plutarch Heavensbee.
"Juniper Plinth, wonderful performance. It's nice to see you again." He held a hand out, allowing Juniper to take it and shake it as a hello. "I see you're eager to get out of here."
"I don't really like the attention afterwards, as much as I do love performing." Juniper smiled, keeping her voice low and her hood up- not wanting to reveal herself.
"Well, good luck getting out of here." He said. "I do wish you luck in the future though, if you need anything at all, perhaps some game troubles or another escape plan, you know where to find me."
With that Heavensbee dismissed himself, leaving Juniper a bit confused, but nonetheless, she wanted to get out of there. She pushed it to the back of her mind.
Juniper walked out of the party, standing by the side of the road, telling a peacekeeper her destination and waited.
The sound of music still came from the area, and Juniper noticed people leaving, and nobody noticed her, perfect.
"I guess she sounded wonderful, though." Juniper heard from a distant conversation, she turned to see who it was, but it was too dark and they were sort of far away. However, the voice sounded very familiar. But, she left before looking into it.
Songs in Chapter - Primadonna by Marina
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