no time for breaks

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π˜›π˜°π˜Άπ˜€π˜© 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘒𝘯π˜₯ 𝘺𝘰𝘢'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘯.


Lilo, Juniper, and Kakalina all stood in a grassy area near the outskirts of District Four. Under a large tree. The grass was well kept in the area, it was the place the family always went to have lunch. However this time, two stones laid in the ground.




They weren't perfect, Juniper had to actually carve their parents name into them herself. She had to take a few tries on different rocks because she kept messing up the spelling. 

They couldn't afford to get real headstones. There was nothing buried underneath them either, their bodies couldn't be recovered.

Lilo was hugging her grandmother in tears, her face buried into her grandmothers shirt. Lilo had almost passed out from the amount she was crying, Kakalina had to bring her home.

Juniper stood in front of the gravestones all day and only got back home at night.

It was her fault.

She could've provided to the family more, she could've gotten a better job to make more money. Her parents had to go back to work, and they had died. It was because of her.

It was her fault.

The sea had taken away her parents, what if she went instead? Lilo would still have her parents to grow up with, they wouldn't have to miss her becoming a teenager, they wouldn't have missed her milestones. They could see her growing up.

Juniper took that away from Lilo. She had ruined her childhood.


It was her fault.

"Run!" Another scream was let out by Katniss. Finnick helped Juniper up by her arms, taking her wrist and running down the hill. 

"What is it?" Juniper yelled, looking behind her. 


"The fog, it's poisonous!" Katniss yelled again. Katniss led the way while Peeta, Finnick, and Juniper followed. The four ran in the jungle, unaware of where exactly they were headed. They had no set destination, but they needed to get away from the fog.

It was no use though, it started circling them on either sides and was gaining more ground then they were. 

Finnick eventually let go of Junipers arm when the two were separated by a few trees, but they kept running the same direction. Peeta tripped ahead of them and Juniper picked him back up from his right arm and Katniss grabbed his left, attempting to drag him along.

The fog had finally reached the group, it was low on the ground, but it had started burning their heels first, then their ankles, and the back of their calves. 

Katniss fell to the ground immediately, but pulled herself back up.

"We have to go, come on!" Juniper yelled. Her legs were in so much pain, but she had to stick through it. 

Peeta got up with the help of Juniper and Finnick grabbed hold of Katniss. They were now walking in the fog- which wasn't making it any better. 

It seemed never ending, Juniper questioned if they would even make it out alive at the point. It seems like if they breathed even a little bit of it in, they would be a complete goner.

Juniper didn't even notice on the right- the smoke had started gaining on her and before she knew it, her entire right side had started blistering and burning like hell.

She let out a scream, and with Peeta in her left arm, she started running with him to the left. She could barely feel her right side. It was in complete pain. 

Juniper heard Finnick begin yelling. The same thing was happening to the left. Katniss and Finnick were being overtaken as well, starting with their legs and slowly making its way up. Finnick had almost completely collapsed, Katniss was trying to get him up. Juniper couldn't even tell what was the right way to go, it was everywhere.

"Can you walk?" Juniper asked. Peeta nodded a few times. She noticed a hill. It was steep, but there were no trees. It could be the easiest way to make ground and get them down there. "Go down there! I'll get Katniss and Finnick." 

Peeta and Juniper let go of each other and Peeta ran down the hill while Juniper ran back for Katniss and Peeta- who were struggling.

"I can't carry him myself. " Katniss said, completely out of breath. The fog seemed to be moving slower at this point, but it was still after them. Juniper put Finnick's arm over her shoulders and put a hand on his back. 

"There's a hill up ahead! We can go down that way, Peeta is already down there." Juniper pointed at the upcoming dip in terrain. 

"How are we going to get him down a hill, he can barely walk." Katniss asked.

"We roll 'em!"  Juniper smiled,

"What?" Finnick managed to utter before Juniper crouched down and let Finnick fly down the hill, rolling in all of the leaves and vines. The moment the two girls went to run down, the fog had already caught up, completely covering their back with blisters.

 Katniss fell to the ground and Juniper did as well, but Juniper managed to grab hold of Katniss's forearm and with a pit of potential, roll Katniss and her down the hill as well.

They were dizzy when they made it to the bottom, but they opened their eyes to see a wall of fog completely covering where they had just come from and view of the sky in front of them. Juniper laid her head on the ground in relief that it was over.

However, that didn't take away the amount of pain her body was in and what it had just endured and is currently enduring. The fog was gone, but the marks it had left weren't. How were they supposed to get it off of them?

Katniss let out a scream and Juniper quickly sat herself up and turned. Katniss was now swimming in a pond.

"What a great day to go swimming." Juniper remarked, wanting to lay back down.

"The water, it helps!" Katniss said. Peeta stepped in next, letting out a groan for the pain it had on him, but slowly it felt more refreshing. Juniper stood up with all she could and slowly limped over to the pond. She couldn't feel her right leg at all. It what like it wasn't there.

Stepping into the water was completely and utter torture, but once the skin had been soaked, it didn't feel so bad.  Katniss and Peeta helped one another, finding a leaf and forming it into a bowl to dump over each other. Juniper had just dunked her head under and called it a day.

She looked over at Finnick, who was laying on the ground, looking up into the sky. She walked over to him and grabbed him from under his arms, dragging him across the ground. He groaned in pain, but Juniper told him to suck it up, she couldn't carry him.

Juniper stepped into the pond again, this time with Finnick. His entire back was soaked first, then his legs. Juniper cupped some water into her hands and brushed them against his neck and over his head. He was almost yelling with pain, but his throat was hoarse and not much escaped it. She was sure not to dunk his head under, unsure if he would be able to even breathe after taking in water, especially how he was right now.

She dunked his legs and arms under completely. Weirdly, even when his body was fully covered with water, she kept soothing her hands through his bronze colored hair. (It was just to make sure she got everything.)

No matter how much Finnick opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out. Out of all four of them, he seemed to get the worst of it all. When Juniper went over to help them, almost his entire body was covered. 

Juniper was lucky she got Peeta out of there fast, if he had gotten as injured as Finnick did, they would've had to make a choice and it would've been one she wouldn't have liked.

"I'm going to try and tap a tree." Katniss stood, holding the spile in her hand and making her way out of the water.

"I'll go with you." Peeta said, following. Katniss looked back at Finnick and Juniper and Juniper nodded, assuring her that she would be fine with taking care of Finnick.

"Finnick?" Juniper whispered, putting her hands on the side of his head to get his attention. "It's going to hurt like a bitch, but you need to dunk your head under the water to clear your airways."

Juniper sat on her feet in the water, it covered up to her hips. Finnick's head was lying on top of her thighs to ensure he stayed above the water. The rest of his body was floating.

Finnick shook his head and Juniper narrowed her eyes at him. Finnick opened his eyes slowly and looked straight up, seeing Juniper's face. He was caught a bit off guard to say the least, she was right there- but he obliaged.

Juniper helped him up and held him by his shoulders when he dunked his head under. She hated how much she was helping him right now.

When he was fully ready to stand, he still didn't speak much. His throat was raw and dry, they needed water. When Juniper looked to Katniss and Peeta, she saw them drilling a hole into a tree to get some.

Juniper looked back to Finnick who seemed completely out of it. He was staring at the water beneath him, his hair was completely drenched, dripping back into the pond.

"Are you feeling alright?" Juniper asked, patting his arm. She got no answer. "Mi amor?" 

Finnick's voice was barely a whisper. "Stop calling me that." Juniper had caught what he said, but wanted to annoy him.

"What, mi amor?" She asked, asking him to repeat the question.

"That." He said, looking at her. The staring and glares between the two would definitely drill holes into anything that came between them. Juniper tilted her head, smiling, but had a confused expression on her face.

"Mi amor, mi amor, mi amor!" Juniper sang over and over. Finnick took a knife from his belt and his hand shot up to her throat. She held her head up, looking straight up at him as he loomed over her.

He wouldn't kill her. She saw it in his eyes.

"What's wrong with it?"

Finnick seemed to be looking between Juniper's eyes and her lips. Hesitating to answer. She could feel his breath from his nose on her face. Water dripping from his hair to his forehead, down to the side of his face.

"Katniss told me what it meant." Finnick said. Juniper's face had definitely gone completely red, she thanked the darkness of the night. 

Juniper broke eye contact with him. "What, you don't like it?" She asked, not looking at him. When he didn't give an answer, he eyes met his again. 

Finnick's heart skipped a beat.

"Call me it again, and I'll kill you."  Finnick lowered his knife and put it back on his belt.

"I look forward to it." Juniper smiled. Finnick didn't answer and just walked away to Katniss and Peeta who had finally gotten water from the tree. 

Juniper stayed in her spot, completely embarrassed. He seemed desperate, he really wanted her to stop.

Juniper heard a twig crack in the distance, making her draw her weapon from her belt. Then, some moving above her. She looked up,  noticing monkeys. Everywhere.

"Juniper, want some water?" Peeta called.

They were huge, they were looking down at her. Looking like they were ready to pounce any second. She took her movements slowly, grabbing Finnicks trident that was on the ground next to her with her free hand.

"What are you doing with my trident?" Finnick walked over, his voice was still quiet and hoarse. He stepped in the water, which made a loud splash. Juniper shushed him and nodded her head up, telling him to look at what she was.

"Juniper?" Katniss called. Juniper held up her hand and waved for them to walk over.

"Take the spile and come over here slowly." Juniper said, she made sure not to shout, but made sure her voice was loud enough for them to hear. Katniss and Peeta slowly walked over while Juniper handed Finnick's trident to him- which he took in his dominant hand.

When Katniss and Peeta saw what the other two were looking at, she drew her bow and Peeta readied his machete.

A bunch of growling had started by the monkeys as more and more surrounded them. Juniper noticed they could see the cornucopia from where they were. 

"We need to get to the beach." Katniss said.

With that, the monkeys made their move. The first one jumping out from a tree to Finnick- however, it met its demise when its throat was sliced into by Juniper's chakram.

The four had started to turn to the way they could see the beach, however, more appeared.

Peeta and Katniss fought them off on one side whilst Finnick and Juniper handled the other. Juniper had wished she was skilled in using a spear. Using hand on hand combat with giant monkey mutts that were definitely stronger than her didn't prove to be suffice.

One mutt had jumped out of a tree and attempted to get Juniper from above her, but she disassembled her chakram into two and when it got down to her, its chest was sliced open.

She was almost attacked by another one to her right until Finnick stabbed it with his trident, killing it instantly.

The more they killed, the more that seemed to come.

One had started jumping to Juniper on her left, which she killed, and another on her right, which she had kicked backwards and jumped on top of to slice its neck open. However, another one had jumped on her back, pulling her backwards and under the water.

An incredible amount of pain went through Juniper's shoulder area. She could feel its teeth dig into her skin. Completely piercing through a part of her back and right underneath her collarbone on her frontside. She was losing her breath.

A load of weight was lifted off of her and a hand grabbed her arm, helping her up out of the water, she began gasping for air. She saw a trident was removed from the remains of the monkey. 

"We need to get to the beach!" Peeta yelled, pulling Katniss alongside him as they began running through the jungle again. They never seemed to catch a break.

Juniper's vision began to blur a little, she looked to her right shoulder, which was bleeding. A lot.

In her dazed state, she was almost jumped by another monkey. But she pulled herself out of it and killed it. Another bit at her leg, which met the fate of Finnick's trident. Great, now she had wounds in both her right shoulder and her left leg. 

Juniper ran over to Katniss, who was on the ground struggling to get a monkey to let go of her foot. Juniper took her chakram and sliced the back of its neck, helping Katniss up. 

Suddenly, a woman screamed. Juniper and Katniss ran over to where it came from. Peeta helped a woman off the ground and with the help of Katniss, began carrying her down to the beach.

A monkey jumped out at Finnick and before it could dig its teeth into his neck, Juniper threw herself in front of it and tackled it onto the ground. Finnick turned over to it and stabbed it in the face.

Not a pleasing sight, but the two of them ran out of there and onto the sand. They turned to fight off any mutts that had followed them, but they all stopped on the border. Eventually turning away and leaving.

Juniper was hyperventilating, her heart was racing. Finnick put a hand on her shoulder to turn her towards him, but she shouted in pain and smacked his hand away, backing up from him.

"What?" He offensively asked, wondering what was wrong.

Juniper grabbed a knife from Finnick's belt and cut away at her suit, opening the wound up. She dropped the cloth on the ground, she cut off the entire right sleeve and some portion of the shoulder part. Her entire shoulder was covered in blood. 

"Holy shit." Finnick said. "That's not good."

"No shit." Juniper felt really dizzy and was out of breath. "I need to sit down." Before she could even finish her sentence, she had collapsed onto the sand. 

Finnick dropped his trident to help her and sat next to her on the ground. He sat her up straight and leaned her back against his chest. He took his right hand and applied pressure onto her back wound and his left hand went around the front of her, applying pressure to the front wound.

"Just breathe, don't close your eyes, okay?" Finnick panicked. He didn't have any bandages to close the wounds, no medicine to apply to it to make sure it didn't get infected. He was freaking out.

Juniper on the other hand felt very relaxed for some reason, she was looking out at the sunrise. Her body felt very light, and she was also being held by Finnick. She rewinded what she had just thought.

Nope, scratch that. She didn't feel relaxed at all. Her body was in an immense amount of pain.

The moment she let her head rest on Finnick's shoulder behind her and got comfortable, a cannon went off in the arena. Finnick's heart dropped.

"I'm awake!" She shot her head up. "I'm not dead."

Finnick hated how jokingly her tone sounded, but he was relieved. The two of them looked out in the water and noticed Peeta holding the woman they saw before. Her body was now floating out in the water.

Peeta and Katniss came to the shore, interlocking hands and comforting one another. This made both Finnick and Juniper gag at the same time. 

"Why don't you just let me bleed out?" Juniper asked, concerned. Finnick had threatened to kill Juniper so many times and vice versa. 

"I would, but I would probably get killed by Lennox if I let you die so easily." Finnick said. He mad himself think that was the true reason.

"Yeah, he probably would." Juniper nodded. "I would much rather bleed out than admit I'm letting you help me, though."

"Oh please." Finnick rolled his eyes. "I'd pay good money for you to admit you tolerate me." 

"Tolerate being the operative word." Juniper said back, making Finnick laugh.

A ringing sound came from the sky again. The two of them looked up and saw a parachute making its way down. It placed itself right on Junipers lap.

Juniper took it and opened it. A small note inside was from Mags, a heart.

"Cute." Juniper said. She pulled out a roll of bandages and some a can of something. Opening it up, it seemed to be some sort of medicine.

"Give it to me." Finnick demanded nicely. Juniper sat up straight and handed it to him. Finnick wiped the blood away from her skin on the back of her shoulder and began applying some of the cream. She winced a few times, it stung, but it meant it was working.

"Turn around." Finnick demanded next. Juniper wanted to say no just to annoy him, but she didn't want to be known as the victor who died just because she held a grudge. 

Juniper turned around, facing Finnick. She sat far from him, making him loosen his shoulders and glare at her. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She couldn't really get closer without kneeing him in between his legs, which she really wanted to do. However, what she decided to do instead was straddle one of his legs. She sat on his knee and scooted a bit closer. 

Finnick was a bit hesitant and lost, but he shook his head a bit and began applying the medicine again. Once he was done, he took the bandages and wrapped it around the wounds, making sure it was all covered and secure.


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