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Just like the victors before her time, Juniper was put into the mentorship program. Although it was her choice whether or not she wanted to do it, she knew mentoring would mean Mags can finally have some quiet time in her life.

Although, Juniper questioned if it was even a good idea. However, she was doing this for her sister.

Bring on the 70th Hunger Games.

"You're missing my birthday again?" Lilo frowned, standing with her grandmother and her older sister near the front door.

"I'm sorry, but I got you a gift in your room. It's waiting for you." Juniper kneeled down, looking up at the younger sibling. "I'll be back in a few weeks."

"I want you to stay, I don't want a gift." Lilo looked down at the ground, Juniper sighed. "I was here for your birthday..."

Juniper frowned, knowing she couldn't be here for her sister's fourteenth birthday- yet the family had celebrated Juniper's nineteenth birthday together.

"I'll be back, okay? I promise. I have to go for us." Juniper said. The family of three grew quiet before Lilo slowly nodded, wrapping her arms around Junipers neck and running upstairs to her room.

"She'll have to learn the truth eventually." Her abuela voiced. "She will want to know when she's older." Juniper stood up off the ground and dusted off her pants.

"Yeah, but right now she doesn't need to worry about any of it. I'm going to try and keep it that way." said the victor. "I'm doing this for us."

Kakalina nodded her head and gave her granddaughter a hug. The two never wanted to let go, but eventually Juniper backed away and peacekeepers arrived at her door, escorting her to the place she knew all too well.

The train station of District Four didn't hold very fond memories for Juniper Plinth, however, here she was again. She was escorted into the lobby, and she sat there alone for a few moments until the infamous Finnick Odair walked in next.

The two sat in silence, barely even batting an eye towards one another.

Ever since Juniper quit the victory tour, she hadn't seen Finnick Odair. But whenever she took a quick glance at him, she noticed how his hair was grown out a bit longer. It was sort of well-kept, but not as neat as it usually looked. He looked tired too, bags under his eyes.

Juniper stood up when she saw two unfamiliar people being escorted into the building and down another hallway into separate rooms. Shortly after, their families followed. Juniper made her way in front of the train entrance and stood waiting. She felt an angering presence behind her.

"Surprised you're showing your face again." He said.

"Do you really want to start an argument with me right now, Odair?"

"I love picking fights, Plinth." 

The two were practically shooting daggers at one another with their glares, but the clearing of someones throat brought them out of their daze.

The two looked over and saw Serenity standing there.

"Nice seeing you two again." She said, her arms were crossed and it seemed like she was tapping her foot impatiently. "You have two new tributes, can you focus on them instead of each other? Thank you." 

Juniper was taken back a bit at first, looking at Finnick, who was also a bit shocked. However, the two seemed to remember who the other was and both stormed off in the same direction.

Porter Murphy, the male tribute of District Four. A blonde sixteen year old boy who has no experience with fighting at all, he looked very frail but had some confidence in himself.

Annie Cresta, the female tribute of District Four. A redheaded eighteen year old girl who also had no experience with fighting. 

Looking at the two tributes across from her, Juniper was a bit scared, but also very determined.

"Finnick Odair, I'll be your mentor." Finnick smiled, shaking Annie and Porters hands. Annie and Porter looked to Juniper next.

Juniper just gave a small wave. "Juniper Plinth, I'll also be your mentor."

"Is there a reason you're standing so far apart?" Porter asked, pointing between the two. Finnick and Juniper looked in the direction of one another, they were standing about 15 feet apart, even though Porter and Annie were standing right next to each other. 

"No." Juniper said.

"We'll both be teaching you how to fight and how to survive in the arena." Finnick ignored Porter's previous question, wanting to get this done and over with. 

"Separately." Juniper added. "I'll teach you guys close combat." 

"I'll teach you both long ranged combat." Finnick said. 

While the two mentors continued to explain the entire process of the games, Annie and Porter had to keep looking from one side of the room to the other. 

"I don't think they like each other." Porter whispered to Annie- who repeatedly nodded her head, agreeing.

When it came to introducing the two tributes to the Capitol and the styling process, Juniper opted to help Annie while Finnick helped Porter. Although, the two mentors didn't have to do much during this process, they wanted to try and help the two tributes social skills.

"Juniper!" A woman voice practically screamed in the hallway. Both Juniper and Annie turned around to see Amirah Belle running towards the two of them.

"Hi, Amirah." Juniper said, but her breath was completely taken away when Amirah's entire body weight was thrown onto her.

"I've missed you! I'm so sorry about the tour." Amirah whispered, apologizing profusely over and over again. Amirah eventually backed away from the hug but had a frown on her face.

"It's okay." Juniper said, putting her hands on Amirah's shoulders. Juniper pointed to Annie. "This is Annie, she's the female tribute from the district. Can I trust you with her?"

"Is that even a question?" Amirah put her hands on her hips. "Of course you can."

"Annie, this is Amirah Belle, she was my stylist for my games, and now she is yours!" Juniper smiled. "You're in good hands."

"I'm Annie Cresta." Annie smiled. After a quick introduction, Amirah grabbed Annie's hand and dragged her away to her workshop. Juniper was a bit worried since Amirah tended to be very social and Annie was very reserved, but she wanted to trust the process.

Juniper made her way through the Capitol, finding her way back to the parade but was disturbed by someone pulling on her arm.

"Hey, what!" Juniper turned to see Lennox. "Oh."

"Nice to see you again, it's been some time now." Lennox smiled, giving her a hug which she returned. "Where have you been?"

"Snow has been giving me some time off after the tour." Juniper said.

"Time off? What's that?" Lennox questioned jokingly. "No, I'm serious."

The two shared a laugh and continued their way down to the chariots. Chatting along the way.

"How about your tributes this year?" Juniper asked. "Any good?"

"Both are young." Lennox sighed. "I feel terrible, they were dragged onto the train. One is thirteen and the other is twelve."

"Oh, wow." Juniper frowned. Her heart broke a little for the younger kids in the games. She couldn't imagine what was going through their heads and frankly- she didn't want to. She just imagined what it would be like if her sister was sent through the process.

"How about yours? Fighters?"

"No, but I'm determined to try and change that." Juniper proudly stated. "Still, I'm a bit worried though. Does it get any easier?"

"Nope, but I guess you get a bit used to it." Lennox said, whispering the next few words. "It's hard to see them go every year."

After the parade ended, Finnick and Juniper sat in the living room of their apartment watching the reaping of the tributes. After being introduced to some of them in person, they wanted to know what Porter and Annie were truly up against.

However, although the two sat in the same room, they still didn't talk whatsoever.

Until a knock sounded at the door.

Juniper stood up, stretching and walked to the door. She opened it and was met face to face with President Snow. Juniper was completely frozen.

Juniper turned her head to look at the person on the couch, who was still watching TV, not paying any mind to her answering the door.

She looked back to Snow who just smiled, waving her to walk with him. Juniper nodded hesitantly, walking out of the apartment and quietly shutting the door and following him through the hall.

"Where are we headed?" Juniper asked when they got into the elevator. Snow didn't answer and just pressed the top floor. The two sat in the elevator in awkward silence until the doors opened. Snow led the rest of the way, walking up a few stairs and ending up on the rooftop.

This isn't creepy at all. Was all that was going through Juniper's head.

"Miss Plinth, I haven't spoken to or seen you in a while. How are things?" He looked out over the Capitol, which was covered in darkness. However, the lights from the buildings lit up a lot of the scenery.

"I've been fine." Juniper responded. "I took time off like you expected me to do. I spent time with my family."

"Your grandmother, it's been quite a while, how is she?"

"She's fine." Juniper answered quickly, but she grew eerie from this entire situation. "I know you didn't bring me up here just to ask about how I've been." 

Snow hummed in response. "I assume you remember our deal?"

Right, the deal. Why would Juniper forget?

After Snow had agreed to let Juniper take some time off and cancel the rest of the victory tour, Snow offered that Lilo, Junipers sister, would not have to participate in the reaping if Juniper were to mentor and spend time in the Capitol.

Juniper had also agreed to more... violent methods of keeping Capitol folks quiet.

"What about it?"

"I need those songs written. During your tour, word of rebellion rose again and I cannot have that." Snow shook his head. "I want them to know that you are on our side."

"I don't sing when I'm told, I sing when I have something to say." Juniper whispered to him. "I told you that already."

Snow seemed to tense up at her answer, but he took a deep breath and directed his attention towards Juniper.

"All for your sister's protection, remember?" Snow smiled. Juniper looked down at the ground beneath him and sighed.


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