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𝘐𝘧 𝘐 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘢 𝘒𝘨𝘒π˜ͺ𝘯, π˜ͺ𝘡'𝘴 𝘨𝘰π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘡𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘒 π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘡 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭π˜₯.


Katniss and Juniper were going to the Capitol dressed as refugees. Finnick fought to go with them, but he was still injured. It would be dangerous for him to go out, Juniper refused to let him. Though, they both promised to meet up again after the war was over. 

The two slipped on their hoods, and walked out the doors. Juniper looked back to meet Finnick's eye, then the door shut. There was hundreds, if not thousands of people walking up the block, towards the mansion. Katniss and Juniper slipped right into the road of people, never lifting their hands to meet anyones eyes.

"You really think he's going to let all these people in?" Katniss whispered as the two walked, getting closer and closer to the mansion. It slowly came into view.

"I'm not sure." 

Peacekeepers were standing in a spot every 20 feet or so, and there was more and more the closer they got to the mansion entrance. Juniper nudged Katniss, realizing peacekeepers were starting to pull down the hoods of the refugees.

They wouldn't be able to get in. The two girls turned around and started walking the opposite way through the crowd, but another peacekeeper appeared, doing the same thing as the ones up front.

The two girls turned around again. Juniper put her hands on her belt, gripping onto her chakrams just in case. When a hand touched Juniper's shoulder, an explosion blew up a building right next to them.

The refugees of the Capitol all crouched down and began screaming. The rebels had completely broken through to the Capitol, they were here. Peacekeepers were firing back at them, but they were totally outnumbered. Juniper grabbed Katniss's hand and began running forward, passing the screams of children mourning for their parents who were killed.

The two hopped over a half wall and took cover from the bullets, and a peacekeeper was right in front of them, looking at the two unhooded women. Juniper swung out her legs from underneath her and kicked the guy in the calf. She took his gun and hit him over the head with it.

"Let's go!" Juniper said, Katniss nodded, following her lead. They jumped over another wall and kept rushing forward. Smoke was filling the air from the amount of fire that was burning, it was fogging up the area.

The girls hid behind a truck, but it exploded, separating the two of them. Juniper was thrown onto the ground and two set of arms picked her up from the ground, dragging her. She realized they were peacekeepers. 

She swung her right leg and kicked the knee of one of them, knocking them down. She took one of her arms and broke free from his grip. She wrapped her two arms around the next one and headlocked him, throwing him over her shoulder. 

Juniper ran while she good, reuniting back up with Katniss and continuing to race forward. There was a crowd of people swarming the gates, they wouldn't be able to push through. To get a better look at things, Katniss climbed on top of a truck and pulled Juniper to be up there with her. 

Children were being passed up from their mothers and fathers, peacekeepers were putting the children closer to the gates. The children were all screaming, trying to break free of their grip, but it was no use. They kept being passed forward.

A hovercraft coming from above them, from the rebels side, flew by. However, it had the Capitol logo painted all over the bottom of it. Everyone began to calm down, reaching up at the silver parachutes that were raining down on everyone. 

Before Katniss and Juniper could even register what was going on, the first bomb went off. Then the next, over and over and over again. They were thrown off of the truck they were standing on and back into the crowd of people. 

The Capitol had just detonated a bomb on their own citizens.

Juniper's ears were ringing, her eyes were a bit blurred but they slowly came back to their normal vision. She kneeled up and looked for Katniss, who was laying on the ground still. Everything seemed to be covered with dust, it was everywhere. Juniper shook Katniss up. And in front of the gates was hundreds of dead Capitol children.

Rebels medics were there, nurses. Juniper tried rushing towards the line of them, and noticed a familiar set of hair. 

"Lilo!" Juniper called out, causing her to look up. Lilo abandoned everything she was doing and ran to her sister, pulling her away from the crowd and checking on her head.

"You're bleeding!" Lilo said, pulling out medical equipment from her jacket, but Juniper held her hand down.

"What are you doing here?" Juniper yelled. Her ears were still ringing, she could barely hear herself, but she knew people were freaking out all around her.

"I'm a medic!" Lilo said, explaining herself. Juniper picked up on a familiar noise happening. More parachute noises. 

"Lilo get down!" Juniper wrapped her arms around her sister, another set of explosions.


"A snake." Young Juniper smiled, putting her hand down on the grass and allowing the snake to slither around her hand. 

"Juni, don't get yourself hurt." Her grandmother laughed, knowing it was just a simple garden snake, it was only a baby. Not poisonous at all. 

"He's friendly." Juniper smiled, showing off the snake to her grandma. "I'll name you, Cosmo!" Juniper laughed, lifting the snake into the air a bit. It never threatened to harm her.

Everything blacked out around her. Juniper was no longer a little girl, she was further away from the ground. But it was the same scene. However, her grandmother was nowhere in sight. The snake was still around her hand, but it was no longer a baby. It had grown up with her.

She looked at the snake with some sort of pity, as if it had gone through something itself. She sighed, putting it down onto the grass and walking away from it. She had kept it for too long, it probably missed its family if it had any. She went to walk into the house, but it wasn't the same. It was more run down, as if someone hadn't lived it in for years.

That's right, they didn't. They moved out when she won. That's right.

She turned and the snake was following her.

"Go." She said, taking a few more steps away. "Go!" It didn't move.

She loved snakes as a child, but now the thing haunted her. It was something that would always be with her, Juniper Plinth, The Serpent. The darling of the Capitol, the one that killed. 

Juniper kneeled down, sitting on her ankles and picking up the snake again.

"I guess you'll never leave me."

The next time Juniper woke up, there was beeping from a hospital monitor. She sat up straight, ripping the wires off of her. It was just her in the room.

Where was Lilo?

Juniper stumbled, as if she hadn't walked in ages. She had to hold onto the side of the bed to stop herself from passing out. She slowly made her way to the door. She had no idea where she was. The Capitol. She was in the Capitol.

This was the Capitol hallway, at least the hospital maybe. But something wasn't right. No peacekeepers.

That's right, they had probably won the war. They won, Snow was out of power.

Voices came down the hallway, and Juniper looked around, attempting to hide, but there was nowhere. She heard the voice stop, and she turned.


As if nothing else in the world mattered to them, they ran towards each other. Their bodies collided as if they were made for one another all along. Her legs wrapped around his torso and her arms around his neck.

They were just hugging at first, but Juniper used one of her hands to redirect him to face her, she put her lips against his. It had felt like forever, but it only seemed like a minute she had been gone.

They stayed like that for a moment, but he eventually let her down.

"How's your shoulder?"

"It's been good, for weeks actually." He smiled, putting his two hands on her faces. "You've been asleep for weeks. We won. It's over."

"Snow's dead?" Juniper questioned, Finnick shook his head.

"He's up for execution in just a few days." 

Juniper sighed, as long as he still lived, it wasn't over. It would never be over till he was dead. But something in her didn't want him dead just yet. He knew he was in his final moments, it was the perfect chance to talk to him.

"Glad to see you awake, honey." Haymitch barged in on the conversation, and Juniper backed up from Finnick, smiling at Haymitch. "The Capitol lost the moment they dropped those bombs to defend the palace, rebels took it right after, walked right in."

"Where's Lilo, is she okay?" Juniper's voice cracked, she grabbed onto Finnick's wrist looking at him with some hope that Lilo was alright.

"She's alright, I promise." Finnick said. "She said you took the hit for her, you suffered the most burns. She was barely touched besides that."

Juniper nodded, loosening her grip on him.

"She moved into the mansion with Cashmere and Johanna. Our room is waiting for us too, when you get cleared." Finnick smiled, and just as that happened, a few doctors came round the corner and walked her back into the room to examine her. Haymitch and Finnick weren't allowed in, however, she was cleared shortly after- demanding to be let out.

"How's Katniss?" Juniper asked Haymitch.

"She just woke up this morning. She's a bit shaken up." Haymitch took a deep breath, noticing a certain look from Juniper. "Prim was sent on the front lines, she didn't survive the second bombing."

Juniper has a small gasp escape her throat and looked ahead of her, seeing the mansion. The steps were all too familiar, she remembered walking up and down these too many times. But something was odd. Prim was no older than fourteen, if Juniper had gotten the years right. Why would they send out a fourteen year old?

"I want to talk to Snow." Juniper demanded. Finnick grabbed onto Juniper's hand.

"Okay, hold yourself there. You can, just not now." Haymitch answered. "You have to talk to Coin first."

"Coin?" Right, Coin was probably in charge now.

"She's has taken over." Haymitch said excitedly, but it was purely sarcastic. "Superb, right?"

Walking into the mansion, she hated. The place gave her awful memories, she hated being there, everything about it she hated. She could go on forever saying it. However, she would just be here for a few days, spending her days with Finnick.  

The moment she settled in, someone was sent to fetch her for Coin. She wanted Finnick to come with her, but he wasn't allowed inside the office. He waited outside.

"Juniper." Coin smiled, sitting at the desk Snow once sat at himself. Juniper wanted to make a face of disgust, but being her enemy would make her Panem's enemy.

"President Coin." Juniper smiled, walking further into the room and standing near the desk, not wanting to sit down. "I heard you needed me?"

"I wanted to let you know that Snow's execution is set in 3 days time." Coin smiled. "I thought you would love to know."

Juniper nodded awkwardly, not knowing what else to really say until Coin continued.

"I've temporarily taken over, as you can probably guess. After everything has passed, I wanted to know if you would be residing in the Capitol?"

"No." Juniper answered immediately, earning a concerning look from Coin. "The memories here, don't do me any good. I'll be going home, with my husband." 

Coin nodded, narrowing her eyes at the girl and waving her off. Juniper rolled her eyes and left the room willingly. Not wanting to spend a second longer in there then she needed to.


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