district two

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As soon as Finnick and Juniper landed in District Two, it was chaotic. There was multiple meetings, at least one a day, on plans to take over 'The Nut'. Juniper questioned why it was called that, but she didn't want to question it, nor did she care that much.

The Nut was an impenetrable mountain that housed the Capitol military, it was like the heart of District 2. At this point, it was one of the only areas of District Two that the rebels hadn't taken. Juniper was concerned on how they would be able to break through to them, since they were extremely loyal to the Capitol. This is where the Peacekeepers were trained.

The meetings the first week were pretty bare, not much was said besides more failures of attempting to take it. However, a week after their arrival, more help was forwarded to the District. Beetee Lautier and Gale Hawthorne arrived and another meeting was held.

Beetee had suggested trying to break in electronically and override their computer systems, but nothing seemed to be working. Sending spies came up as a failure, too. Getting people in and out seemed pretty impossible.

"Do we have to take it?" Gale asked. It had been silent for a few minutes before he spoke up, making everyones head turn.

"What do you have in mind?" Beetee asked. Gale stood up and began slowly pacing on on end of the conference table.

"Think of it as a wild dog den. You can't fight your way in, so you only got two choices. Trap the dogs inside or flush them out." 

"We already tried bombing the entrances, the area is too far inside the stone for it to do any real damage." Commander Lyme- a victor of the Hunger Games from many years prior had her head leaning on her hand, she seemed pretty beat from all the failures they had gone through.

"But what about the mountain?" Everyone questioned his intention, but a few people looked out the window to see what he was pointing to. "See that? Running down the sides?"

"Avalanche paths." Juniper mentioned, Gale nodded.

"It'd be tricky, we'd have to design the detonation sequence with great care. Once it's in motion, we couldn't hope to control it."

"We don't need to if we want to give up on the idea to take over the area, just shut it down instead." Gale returned back to his seat, putting both arms on the table and leaning forward to Beetee.

"You are suggesting we start avalanches and block the entrances?" Lyme questioned. Gale pointed over to her and nodded.

"That's exactly it. Trap them inside, cut off their supplies, they won't be able to send a hovercraft out, either." Gale says. Everyone begins nodding along. Juniper grabs the blueprints in the middle of the table but shakes her head. Finnick places a hand on her shoulder and she points to what she sees. Boggs joins them.

"If we do that, you could kill everyone inside." Juniper said, a few people grabbed a copy of the blueprints. "The ventilation systems would be blocked and filled with rubble. The only way they are getting fresh air is from the mountain sides."

"They'll suffocate." Boggs added on in simple terms for people at the table.

"Yes, but not if we keep the train tunnel untouched." Beetee nodded, understanding some of the plan. Gale seemed a bit uneasy and laughed to himself a bit.

"Not if we blow it up." Gale said- this caused everyone to turn their heads. The room grew quiet. Juniper leaned back in her chair and put one of her hands on top of Finnick's hand that sat on her shoulder. She stared off into space, trying to think.

Gale Hawthorne was suggesting killing everybody inside. 

"Majority of the workers inside are District 2 citizens." Beetee's voice was just above a whisper, Gale shrugged.

"So? We'll never be able to trust them again, anyway."

"They should be able to have a chance to surrender." Juniper spoke up again. Gale glared at her and she glared back. 

"That's a luxury we weren't given when they firebombed Twelve, but you're all so much cozier with the Capitol here. We watched children burn to death and there was nothing we could do about it!"

Juniper looked at Lyme, who seemed beyond pissed off. She glanced at Cashmere, too. Who jsut had her head in her hands- shaking her head slightly in disapproval.

Finnick's grip on Juniper's shoulder tightened slightly, she had to rub the back of his hand with her thumb lightly to try and calm him down. Juniper directed her attention to Katniss, who just seemed out of it, but she straightened out and put her hand on Gale's arm.

"Gale, doing this would be like causing a massive coal mining accident, it's an old mine."

"What happened to our fathers, Katniss?" Gale spat back. "Is that the problem with everyone? Our enemies might just have a few hours to reflect on the fact they're dying instead of being blown to bits?"

A lot of people in the room seemed pretty uncomfortable. Some seemed with it, some seemed totally against the idea.

"What about the people in there that might be held against their will? What if they don't even work in there, some of them are our spies? You want to kill them, too?" Katniss said.

Gale didn't even hesitate. "Sacrificing a few to take everything out, yes."

Juniper scoffed, not believing what she was hearing. Gale was suggesting a literal death trap. Yes, the plan would work, but it was inhumane. Capturing or disabling The Nut would cause a lot of losses for the Capitol. They would lose a lot of their ground troops and air force if they were to go through with this.

"I think we're all avoiding the fact that if we go through with this, we're no different from the Capitol." Juniper spoke honestly, placing both of her hands on the table. It was pretty clear where she stood with this. Yes, it might be the only plan they had right now, but she would never stand for it.

Juniper heard Boggs sigh from behind her. "You said we have two choices, flush them out or trap them. I say we try to avalanche the mountain but leave the tunnel entrance alone. People can escape into the square, and we'll be waiting for them."

"Heavily armed, I hope. Cause they will surely be."

"Let's bring Thirteen into the loop." Beetee suggested, cutting off the conversation before it turns into a heated argument. "Let President Coin weigh in." 

Juniper's eyes were full of anger, just looking into the direction of Gale. She understood in a way- she would sacrifice her life if given the chance to save everyone, but this wasn't the same scenario. Juniper glanced at Katniss and noticed she might have the same thing going through her head.

Letting President Coin weigh in wouldn't change things, either. Gale mentioned it, too. Coin and Gale were like one of the same, and Juniper didn't like Coin all that much.

"Peeta had a point in the propos. The dangers of killing ourselves off, I've been playing around with the numbers." Beetee spoke. "Factoring in casualties  and the wounded... I think it's worth at least a conversation."

Everyone nodded, Gale popped out of his seat and stormed out of the room- followed by Katniss. Juniper stood up from her seat with a look from Beetee.

"I hope what I said is also given to Coin." Beetee hesitantly nodded. Juniper took a deep breath and faced Finnick with a fake smile on her face. Finnick looked down at her, narrowing his eyes. He grabbed her hand gently and led her out of the room.

Once they were ways away from the conference room and into the room they were staying in, Juniper sat down on the edge of the bed and put her head in her hands. Finnick sat next to her and put a hand on her thigh.

"I feel terrible what happened to Twelve, I do. But going through with this, especially if we block the train entrance. It's absurd, we're no different from Snow." Juniper sighed. Finnick rubbed his thumb against her leg slowly, giving her physical comfort. 

"Gale went too far." Finnick mentioned, siding with her. "And you are right, I won't stand by it either, it's disgusting...But we aren't the ones making the decisions."

Juniper rose her head and looked at Finnick, who had a sad look on his face. She could tell he didn't like the plan either, he could see how wrong it was. But he was right, their input didn't matter. 

Juniper laughed to herself slightly, standing up and walking towards the closet. She pulled out her Serpent attire, the all black outfit with a vest and a hood. The weapon belt was also in the closet with her kunai. They would have to go to the armory to get guns.

"Well, might as well start getting ready. We have a mountain to storm." Juniper smiled at the outfit, holding it up to her and looking at Finnick- who had a smirk on his face.

"As much as I don't like the situation we are in," Finnick started, getting up and walking to Juniper, placing hands on her hips. "I do love that outfit on you."

Juniper rolled her eyes and pushed him away lightly. "Not the time, Mr. Odair."

"Apologies, Ms. Plinth." Finnick went into the closet, grabbing his outfit as well. It was similar to hers, but she was excited to see him in all black. She would never tell him that.

The two got changed and when either of them finished, the look on the others face was memorable. 

"Like it?" Juniper said, raising her arms up and doing a small spin. She pretended to have a gun in her hand, too. Finnick laughed to himself, being seated on the end of the bed. He placed his hands behind him and leaned back slightly.

"I think you already know my answer." Finnick said, sending a wink her way. Juniper felt her face heat up slightly, but she walked towards him slowly and placed her hand under his chin, lifting his face up to meet with hers.

"I think I'll need you to tell me again."  Juniper smiled and Finnick was at a loss for words. Before anything else happened, they received the call. Juniper backed herself up and Finnick groaned in annoyance.

"Always interrupted." 

"Sorry, maybe later." Juniper winked at him and walked out of the house, he quickly followed behind her before the door shut in his face. "We need to head to the Justice Building."

"Roger that."

When the two of them arrived, Finnick was handed a hand gun and his trident that Beetee made for him weeks prior. Juniper was given a sniper. Beetee promised that after he went back to Thirteen, he would finish her chakrams. She was thankful.

They all stood at the Justice Building and watched the hovercrafts go over the mountain and send down the bombs. After about two rounds of bombing, District 2 began utilizing their anti air craft weaponry, but it was too late. The avalanches had already begun. Sections of the mountain had started collapsing as well. The plan had worked.

Juniper held onto Finnick's arm as they watched it all happen. Katniss put on an unphased expression, but everyone watching was at least a little affected by what was going on. Cashmere came up next to Juniper and laid a hand on her shoulder.

Juniper was used to the destruction and killing of people, but usually it was always done by someone she considered an enemy, not the people she was working side by side with.

Eventually, the bombing stopped. Juniper and Katniss were given earpieces to put in with Haymitch on the other end, giving them advice for propos. Juniper came back to reality and noticed Haymitch was calling Katniss's name, trying to get her attention. Juniper reached a hand out and nudged her, making her turn her head and nod. With that, the group began their expedition over to the train tunnel.

Juniper imagined what it was like inside. Probably chaotic, they had no idea what was coming for them until it happened. She remembered how Katniss brought up the coal mines and how it would be the same thing. A random thought had popped into her head, Juniper wondered if the panic they were all going through right now was the panic her parents were through in their last moments.

She took a deep breath and shook the thoughts off for now, it wasn't the time to get emotional. 

The group waited patiently near the tunnel, Juniper was propped up on a small tour with her weapon. She had hoped she wouldn't have to use it, but she was prepared to. Gunfire was heard in the distance, and the rebels had sent some troops in, but out where they were- there was no action.

Finnick and Juniper were stationed next to each other, holding one another's hands and keeping close for warmth.

"Katniss." Haymitch's voice came through. "We had another interesting turn of events with Peeta." 

"Another?" Katniss asked. Right, Katniss didn't know Juniper spoke with Peeta. She didn't mention it when she got to Two, either. 

"Juniper can tell you about the first. We showed him the propo of you singing The Hanging Tree, he said he remembered the song."

"That's not possible. He never heard me sing it." Katniss spoke. Haymitch sighed on the other end.

"Your father. Peeta heard him singing it one day in the bakery. Peeta was probably six or seven at the time."

Haymitch and Katniss continued talking about the song and Juniper didn't butt in, she just listened to them. 

"Are you alright?" Finnick asked, Juniper looked up to meet his eyes and she nodded. When Finnick gave her a disapproving look, she sighed and looked out into the darkened tunnel.

"Just hoping there is some survivors." Juniper shrugged. "Also thinking of some new songs to write."

"Are you ever going to write one for me?" Finnick asked, batted his eyelashes at Juniper jokingly.

"I wrote one about you already!" Juniper smiled. "Not even one, more like three or four."

"Four?!" Finnick rose his voice slightly, but it wasn't loud, keeping the conversation between just the two of them. "I've only heard like, two."

"Haven't had a reason to show you the other two." Juniper smiled, Finnick frowned.

"Please?" He pleaded and Juniper shook her head. He kept repeating the word over and over again, but she wasn't budging any time soon.

"Juniper!" Haymitch called. Juniper rose her hand and tapped the earpiece. 

"Haymitch!" Juniper said happily, sticking her tongue out slightly at Finnick- getting him to stop bugging her. He crossed his arms in annoyance.

"We are going to have Katniss do a speech with the crew, you alright sitting this one out?" 

"Oh, you know I'm perfectly fine with that." Juniper smiled. She tapped on the ear piece again and when Katniss began her speech, metal screeching is heard. Juniper readied the sniper and got into a good position, Finnick did the same next to her. 

Two trains were arriving.

One man stumbled out of the train and fell face first into the ground beneath him. Some people aimed their guns at him, but Juniper watched the scene play out through the scope on her sniper, keeping her finger off the trigger for now.

Katniss ran up to the man, stopping any fire that was about to happen from the rebel side. All of a sudden, the man steadies himself on his knees and pulls out a gun, pointing it at Katniss. Juniper puts a finger on the trigger, but doesn't shoot just yet. Katniss stumbles back slightly.

The two begin talking, but Juniper can't hear them that well. Katniss throws her bow off to the side and the man seems a bit confused, but he drops his gun eventually.

Katniss stands up straight, looking towards everybody surrounding her.

"These people are not your enemy! The rebels are not your enemy! We all have one enemy, and that is the Capitol. Turn your weapons to them." Katniss yells out, her voice echoes out into the tunnel.

"Please! Join us! Turn your weapons to Snow!" Katniss finished her short lived speech and Juniper noticed in the corner of her eye a man stand up in the crowd, someone who had recently gotten off the train.

Juniper fixed her weapon at him and noticed a gun in his hand. She pulled the trigger, and the entire tunnel had erupted into chaos. 


crushing on my own oc, yall her with a SNIPERRR!??!

rest in peace to donald sutherland, an absolute legend. will never forget this man, literally built my childhood, so sad  man :(

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