capitol broadcast

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Juniper had spent all day in the training room, she didn't get any sleep that night either. Her mind wouldn't allow her to rest. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw images of Lilo getting hurt. She couldn't bear to watch it. 

She hadn't had a good nights rest since she woke up, nightmares creeped into her mind every single night. At least, every night except for the one she spent with Finnick.

Juniper threw a kunai, narrowly missing the direct middle of the target. Beetee had remade some of her weapons for her. Her chakrams and her kunai, he had also made a bladed boomerang if she ever wanted to use it or found any use for it. 

He made his own adjustments to the kunai. One the dark blue ones, when the blade hit a target, it would break down and electrocute somebody. One the purple ones, it would create explode and turn into smoke. On the green ones, the tips were laced with deadly snake venom. She also had regular ones, too. 

She sighed, taking another kunai from the table. She saw Cashmere run into her view from the door. Juniper looked at the girl who seemed to be worried, giving her an odd look.

"You might want to see this." 

Cashmere ran out of the training room and into the lobby with Juniper following close behind. Cashmere pointed to a Capitol broadcast going on, Juniper took a step towards it and saw who was on it. Peeta Mellark.

"Once you're in the arena, the rest of the world becomes very distant.

The screen flashed quickly to Caesar than back to Peeta. He looked well, but Juniper knew the Capitol had definitely told him to stick to a script.

"All the people andthings you loved or cared about almost cease to exist. The pink sky and the monsters in the jungle and thetributes who want your blood become your final reality, the only one that ever mattered. As bad as it makes youfeel, you're going to have to do some killing, because in the arena, you only get one wish. And it's very costly."

"It costs your life." Caesar confirmed, but Peeta shook his head. 

"No, it costs more than your life, a lot more. To murder innocent people? It costs everything you are." Caesar nodded, slightly understanding Peeta. "You have to hold on to your wish, my wish that night was to save Katniss. Everything was too complicated. She suggested running off earlier that day, I should've listened to her."

"You were too caught up in Beetee's plan to electrocute the lake?" Caesar asked. Peeta hesitated and nodded his head slowly. 

"I was too busy playing allies. I shouldn't have let them separate us, the moment I agreed to that plan was the moment I lost her." Peeta raised his voice slightly. He straightened himself up in his seat. 

"You had to stay at the lightning tree while Johanna Mason took the coil of wire down with Katniss."

"I didn't want to let her go!" Peeta leaned forward in his chair a bit. Juniper crossed her arms, trying to feel what he was feeling. He was upset, that was his true feelings- but she can't tell if he's been hurt. "I couldn't argue with Beetee without breaking away from the alliance. When that wire was cut, everything went to hell. Brutus killing Chaff and almost killing Lennox, then me killing Brutus. Katniss was calling my name, the lightning, the forcefield."

Peeta seemed to go over the scenes in his head, Juniper could see in his eyes how painful it was not being able to say goodbye to Katniss.

"Katniss blew it out... Peeta." Caesar reminded him, "You saw the footage."

"No," Peeta shook his head. "She didn't know what she was doing. She wasn't in on the plan, it wasn't her plan to nearly be killed by Johanna! She didn't know anything!" Peeta leaned back in his seat and fixed his jacket, taking a deep breath. "We were trying to keep each other alive."

"I believe you, Peeta." Caesar said in a semi-comforting voice. The silence between them spoke volumes, then Caesar brought up the war. Cashmere put her hand on Junipers shoulder as the two listened to Peeta.

"Everyone, whether on your the Capitol side or the rebels side. You need to stop and think about what you're doing. Think about what this war can mean for us, we can't fight another battle. Do you want to kill off humans completely?" Peeta looked directly into the camera, giving Juniper slight chills. 

"Peeta, I'm not sure I'm following." Caesar fixed his seating position, leaning towards Peeta a bit. "Are you calling for a cease-fire?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm calling for a cease-fire."

Just then, a few distant yells were heard throughout District 13, causing Cashmere and Juniper to break out of their little zone. The two looked at one another, worried.

"That's not good." Cashmere said. "You said in the deal, when they were rescued they would get full care and not get hurt?"

"Yeah..." Juniper looked back at the broadcast, which was now turned off. "I hope that grants them immunity, Katniss will probably make sure."

"Our ship to Four is almost ready, too." Cashmere said, "Are you planning on saying goodbye to anyone before we leave?"

Juniper shook her head, she already said her goodbyes to Katniss earlier that morning. That's all that came to her mind. Then, Finnick popped into her head. The two hadn't spoke in a few days since their argument in the hallway.

She didn't know whether or not she should say goodbye. The two had gotten along for one day and it went to shit immediately. Her heart hurt, if she had gotten injured on the mission and wasn't able to return, she didn't know what would happen.

"Maybe I'll say bye to him." Juniper said aloud, earning a look from Cashmere. "Finnick."

"Oh, yeah. He'd probably want to know you're leaving."

"Why?" Juniper asked, curious. "After our fight, I don't really see why he would care."

"Girl." Cashmere said immediately, Juniper's statement made her laugh a bit. Cashmere patted her friend on the back and the two began walking out of the lobby. Juniper wondered why Cashmere was laughing, but shrugged it off. "I'll meet you at the ship, good luck."

Juniper and Cashmere turned down two different hallways. Juniper made her way to the hallway where Finnick resided. She knew he was moved out of the hospital wing a few days ago. 

She stumbled across his room, taking a moment to herself before softly knocking four times. Juniper heard a 'come in' before she opened the door. She didn't enter the room fully, she just stayed near the door. Finnick turned and saw her. His stare seemed to soften, but he took a deep breath, tensing up.

The two of them stayed silent, expecting the other person to say something first.

"I'm heading to Four." Juniper said.

"Okay?" Finnick said hesitantly, his voice low. "I... don't care." 

"Sorry, I'd thought I'd tell you." Juniper shrugged. He seemed unsure but at the same time, he was pretty direct with his answer. "I thought you'd want to know."  

He was silent still, Juniper noticed he a had a rope in his hand and he was just messing with a knot tied into it. He just kept tightening it. He looked back up at her, no expression was on his face.

She didn't know what to expect, maybe a goodbye? But then again, he did seem pretty angry at her, though she let it rest for a few days. Juniper just thought after their night together, things would be a bit different.

"Fine, continue to act like you hate me." Juniper had grown tired of it. "The ship is waiting for me, I'm leaving." Juniper turned on her heel, opening the door and left. Finnick just sat there, staring at where she just was in the room. She was gone. Finnick's eye twitched slightly and in one second, he had thrown his right arm up and hit the wall next to him.

Juniper was doing this for a reason, if he couldn't accept that, she didn't care anymore. Lilo was gone, and Juniper needed to save her sister. She didn't have time to wait around for something that showed no hope for her. She already had enough on her plate.

Juniper sighed when she saw the ship and Cashmere, walking onto it and a few minutes later, the door closed. Juniper didn't know if she expected Finnick to walk in and stop the ship or if she wanted him too, but it didn't even happen.

Cashmere put her hand on Juniper's shoulder, prying her out of her thoughts.

"So,  now that we have some kind of privacy." Cashmere said. "Why are they sending you exactly to where the battle is, but keeping Katniss here, where... nothing is happening."

"They don't care what happens to me. I'm just a pawn in this plan." Juniper admitted. She had figured that out a while ago. "If I get hurt or taken by the Capitol, they don't care. They still have their Mockingjay. I'm just a bonus. If they lose Katniss, they lose the rebellion."

The Mockingjay was the most vital part of the rebellion, more people would stand with her then they would with Juniper. Though, Juniper was still able to change peoples opinions of her. That's what Plutarch said, at least. 

Cashmere nodded. Cashmere and Juniper had talked about it prior, but neither of them were really fans of Alma Coin. She just seemed odd to the both of them and frankly, she reminded them of Panem's President.

"So, do you have a plan when we get there? Peacekeepers are going to be crawling everywhere, you can't go to Victors Village." Cashmere got off topic. Juniper nodded.

"I... yeah I have a plan and a place we can maybe crash, we just have to lay low and be careful." Juniper smiled. "I know a guy." 


sorry no update yesterday TOTALLY forgot but ill double post <3

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