Juniper's eyes weren't open, but she felt weights on her arms. She kicked out her feet, someone was holding her back from something. She finally gained the strength in her arms to lift it and swing it- she guessed it hit someones face.
Her eyes slowly opened, then closed again. The lights were bright. They had to adjust, like they had been closed for so long.
When she finally adjusted, there was three doctors across from her, and it looked like two nurses who were quite young. She didn't recognize any of them. They were all looking her, blankly. Then, they got to work.
They attempted putting wires and tubes she had ripped off before back on.
"No!" Juniper yelled. One of the doctors hit a red button on the wall and an alarm sounded. A doctor had attempted to keep her legs down, but she kicked him in the face, knocking him onto the ground.
Juniper sat up, elbowing one of them in the side of the head. She looked at the last doctor, who was in the corner, her arms around a younger girl. Juniper ran out of the room.
She saw two people to her right, one was dressed in all black and the other was covered by them. She couldn't see who the other person was. Her ears were blaring with the alarm sound.
"Miss Plinth!" Someone called. She started running away from where the voice was. Where was she?
The halls reminded her of the Capitol, but they were so much more cramped and much smaller. Where was she? Turning the corner, she had run right into a man. He was tall with brown hair, he tried taking a grab at her arm but grabbed his forearm and twisted it, he made a painful face.
Juniper tackled the man and flipped him over her body. He landed on his back, she checked to see if he stayed down and continued turning through the hallways.
"Juniper!" Someone called. "June!"
Only one person called her June.
Juniper turned around and saw Finnick Odair at one end of the hallway. She stopped running. Right, he was visiting her when she was in the hospital. They must've escaped the arena. She was remembering little by little.
Before she was able to walk towards him, someone grabbed her from behind by her two arms and another stuck a syringe into her skin. Juniper tried kicking whoever was behind her, but it was no use.
She was lowered to her knees slowly, and before Finnick could run over and catch her from hitting the ground, she fully passed out.
"What are you doing!" Finnick yelled, lifting her up off the floor. Her body was limp. "She just woke up and you put her under again?"
"She's dangerous." A guard said, lifting her off the floor. Finnick wanted to hit him for touching her. "She knocked out Gale, two doctors-."
"She just woke up, she has no idea where she is! She probably thought she was in the Capitol for-"
A hand rested on Finnicks shoulder and he turned, seeing Boggs. Boggs shook his head, no matter what Finnick had said, it wouldn't get through to the guards.
"She's being put back into her room." The man said, walking away. Leaving Boggs and Finnick alone again.
"The people of Thirteen don't trust, Juniper." Boggs admitted. "She's been killing people in the Capitol who rebelled for years. The only reason she's not in a cell is because of Plutarch."
Finnick stayed quiet, eyeing the guards that had taken her away as they turn down another hall. Finnick knew briefly that Juniper had been killing people in the Capitol, however, she was part of the alliance in the end. She protected Katniss for the revolution. Snow probably had something to do with it, if he guessed.
Juniper laid her head back on the pillow. She tried moving her hands, but they were strapped onto the bed. Same with her ankles. She had been staring at the ceiling for a few minutes now, allowing the doctors to do their things.
As long as she wasn't in the Capitol, it was fine. She didn't really care. She just wanted to see her friends again.
Memories from the arena played back in her head. Screams of horror from Lilo and the Jabberjays, Nina's death, the man she brutally murdered. Juniper had already missed being in her own dream world, but she needed to live in the present and not dwell on the past anymore. That wasn't real life, this was.
After a while, the door to her room opened again revealing Plutarch Heavensbee.
"Plutarch." Juniper sat up- or at least tried do. Her wrists were tied down, tight. She winced from the pain, but relaxed her arms. "How long was I out? What happened? Nobody will tell me anything."
Plutarch put his hand up, stopping Juniper from rambling and asking questions. "You're in District Thirteen. You've been out for 3 weeks now. Your vitals are stable so you'll be let out of the hospital soon and into your own room. However, the President wants to meet with you."
"President?" Juniper laughed. "Great, I think I'm in fancy enough attire to do that." They both looked at her hospital gown. Suddenly, the young blonde nurse Juniper saw before stepped forward with folded grey clothing.
"I have this for you." She placed it on the end of the bed.
"Does someone want to put it on for me?" Juniper pulled at her hands and moved her feet. "I'm being held captive."
The young nurse seemed to realize and untied the ropes around her limbs. Juniper rubbed her wrists with her hands when they were free, standing up. She stumbled a bit- but she balanced herself.
Plutarch and the nurse dismissed themselves out of the room and Juniper got dressed. Plutarch dismissed bodyguards and the two walked beside one another.
"So, what's going on?" Juniper asked.
"The President and I will fill you in on everything once we get up there, don't worry." He assured her. Juniper narrowed her eyes looking ahead of her, he seemed so secretive. She also began to wonder why she hadn't seen any of her friends.
The two of them hopped into an elevator.
"Can you at least fill me in on some things? Is Katniss safe?" Juniper asked. Plutarch nodded. "Okay..."
"Katniss is perfectly fine, however..." Plutarch hesitated. "We are here."
The two of them walked out of the elevator and into a room, the room was pretty big and had a giant oval table in the middle. Two people sat themselves at the table, a woman with straight grey hair and Haymitch Abernathy.
"Juniper!" Haymitch cheered, raising his hands in the air. "Nice to see you awake." Juniper stood across from the two while Plutarch took a seat near the end of the table.
"Haymitch, you look..." Juniper examined him. He looked clean. "Are you sober?" Haymitch laughed, leaning across the table.
"How'd you know?"
"Miss Plinth, it's nice to finally meet you." The woman softly spoke. Juniper felt uncomfortable. "I'm Alma Coin, the President of District 13 and one of the leaders for the rebellion."
"It's nice to meet you too." Juniper said. Whispering an 'I guess' under her breath. She still couldn't tell what kind of person she was.
"I'm sure you're very unaware of what has been going on." Coin leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and putting her hands on her knee. "Katniss Everdeen has refused to be our Mockingjay, the leading symbol of the rebellion."
Juniper computed the phrase in her mind. Why would Katniss deny it? There had to be a reason. Juniper also remembered Katniss was still a teenager, she probably didn't want all of that pressure. Nobody asked her to begin with.
"Well, she's still a kid." Juniper shrugged, taking a seat across from Coin. "She was kind of forced into it, wasn't she?" Coin seemed to ignore Juniper's question.
"The Mockingjay was always the plan, but before that- there was a plan to have you as our Songbird."
"Me?" Juniper laughed. "I can't be a symbol of revolution. Don't you know my history with the Capitol?" Juniper looked between Coin and Plutarch. Coin sighed, looking at Plutarch.
"We do." He said, standing up from his seat. He placed his hands on the table, leaning forward a bit. "However, you have a long history with the Capitol and Snow. Your songs seemed to sway people before, we want you to do it again."
Juniper looked down at her hands. Her songs before did seem to sway people, that was what Snow was so afraid of. But after her victory, she's not quite sure if that's still the case. She's done a lot of things she can't just take back and make it alright.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Juniper asked, looking back up at the two of them. They looked at her intently.
"We are sure." Coin nodded her head. Juniper looked at Haymitch carefully, who sighed and rose his eyebrows.
Juniper hesitated. She always said she would sing her songs when she had something to say, but she did have things to say against the Capitol, against Snow. They would be used for a good cause if Plutarch and Coin were sure about it, too.
"Districts 3, 8, and 11 are already rebelling." Plutarch said. "District 4 used to be a rebellious district, but they seemed to go quiet after the quell. We think they're waiting for their victor to speak up."
Juniper sighed. "What other districts?"
"We think District Four and One will easily come to when word goes around that you're joining the rebellion. Cashmere has agreed to help as long as you're on it. District 7 is also on the edge."
Juniper needed time, this wasn't a choice she could make right now. She also wanted to see her friends, get their opinions. Maybe talk to Katniss as well about her thoughts.
"Can I have a day to myself?" Juniper asked. "Not in a hospital room, tied onto the bed? I'll get back to you guys tomorrow."
Plutarch and Coin shared a glance and hesitantly nodded. "Haymitch will show you to your room." Haymitch looked at Coin, not knowing why he was volunteered. But he eventually left the room with Juniper following behind.
"I think you have your opinions." Juniper said. Haymitch glanced at her and shrugged. "Tell me."
"Coin is... a tough one." said Haymitch. "She needs her symbols for the rebellion now, especially to use with propaganda. She's desperate for help, she just doesn't show it. Use that to get what you want."
"What would I need?" Juniper asked. Haymitch was silent.
"...I think you need to talk to Katniss first."
The rest of their time together was silent. Juniper was eventually put into her room. It was quite small, but it had four beds. She guessed she was going to be sharing with people, but they weren't there.
Juniper took the time to walk around District 13, looking around. She noticed she got uneasy stares, and nobody really talked to her even after she would save and smile at them. She came across the cafeteria, guessing it was dinner from how packed it was.
"Juniper?" A voice shouted, she looked to her left and saw a familiar blonde.
"Cashmere?" Juniper was practically jumping with joy, somebody she knew was here. The two girls ran to one another and hugged. It was quite awkward, they received a lot of strange glances.
"I didn't know you were awake!" Cashmere smiled, not wanting to let go. But eventually led the girl to her table.
"You don't sit with anyone?" Juniper asked, sitting down. Cashmere took a moment to herself before shaking her head.
"No, I don't really fit in here. Nobody likes me." Cashmere whispered, looking around. "I'm glad you're here though, someone I can talk to other than Finnick."
"Finnick!" Juniper gasped. "Right, he's here. I haven't seen him."
"Really?" Cashmere wondered, kind of surprised. "I'm surprised. He-" Cashmere stopped herself and smiled. She shook her head again. "Never mind, you'll probably see him later."
Juniper didn't question it, but she took a look around. "Why does everyone seem so, uptight?"
"District 13 doesn't really accept us, Juniper. We were very attached to the Capitol, they aren't very welcoming." Cashmere gave Juniper a reality check, making her sigh and nod.
Right. Juniper changed the subject.
"I was asked to be the Songbird of the rebellion." Juniper said, Cashmere looked up, confused. "They want to use my songs to try and sway public opinion, since a lot of people seem to understand the meaning behind what I write, especially the districts. They think I can sway Four."
"Yeah, that's right. I heard someone talking about that." Cashmere pointed, remembering something. "District Four has gone pretty quiet. It seems abnormal. Your voice might help them change their mind. I heard One is also debating it."
"If I do it, will you join me?" Juniper asked. She wasn't sure what Cashmere would think about it. Cashmere shrugged, agreeing to do it if Juniper had joined like she had promised Plutarch.
The moment the clock struck a certain time, everyone had gotten up and started leaving. Cashmere and Juniper followed behind the crowd.
"Is there like a set schedule?" Juniper asked.
"Yeah, everyone has places they need to be at certain times." Cashmere displayed her arm. "Some people work as doctors, in the kitchens, weaponry, whatever. I don't do much besides the cafeteria and training."
Juniper looked at the schedule on Cashmere's arm, it seemed to be inked into her skin. Cashmere assured her it washes off every night for the next schedule. The two had found out they were actually roommates, along with Katniss- who hasn't been staying in the room recently.
When the two came to the room, someone was waiting outside.
"Hey, you're the nurse from before." Juniper recognized her as the blonde young girl. The girl looked up and looked a bit afraid of Juniper. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." The fear sort of disappeared from the girl, but it disappointed Juniper. Though, the nurse did see her beat up a few doctors.
"You beat up the bunch of doctors in front of this girl?" Cashmere laughed, shaking her head.
"My name is Prim." The girl shyly introduced herself. Pieces seemed to click in Junipers head.
"Oh!" She said. "Katniss's sister. Right."
"Someone wants to see you." Prim said. Cashmere and Juniper looked at one another, a bit confused. "Please."
Cashmere patted Juniper on the back before opening the door to their room, and Juniper followed Prim. They were back into the hospital wing. She wasn't quite sure where they were going, though.
They stumbled across a door and Prim knocked, opening it. She held the door open for Juniper, who stepped inside and Prim quickly ran out.
stayed in bed all day and wrote like 6 chapters
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