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pic of dress above <3
The day of the wedding finally arrived. However, a lot of things had happened the day before that made Juniper worried. First, exams for the victors were held. Finnick passed with flying colors, same with Cashmere.
However, the same didn't happen for Lennox and Johanna. When it came down to the final task, they used weaknesses the two endured in the Capitol. Juniper had no idea Coin had planned that and wanted to take it up with her, but Finnick had to hold her back.
Johanna failed the exam and was back in the hospital, but she was released early in the morning. They flooded her exam room with water which brought back memories from the Capitol.
Lennox passed, though he was pretty mentally beaten up. They used voice recordings of Juniper, Nina, and Cashmere against him, but he pulled through. Juniper was proud of him, but still was pissed off at how it was executed to the two of them.
With that information, Finnick, Cashmere, and Lennox were assigned to Juniper's team.
However, right now she was being put into her wedding dress. It was beautiful to say the least, she was surprised at how much Amirah and Effie had accomplished in the amount of time they were given- which wasn't a lot.
It was a white dress with green accents of flowers and vines. The dress trailed behind her, there was no sleeves, and the top was made almost entirely flower based. The trail was also easy to take off, which Amirah could do after the ceremony.
"You're beautiful." Amirah smiled, eyeing Juniper as she slowly turned around. Her hair was down, and some pieces were braided and pinned back. A small flower piece was pinned into her hair, something Lilo made for her. She also had a veil.
Amirah made some last minute touches to her hair and bowed to her work. Juniper laughed and grabbed parts of the dress, swaying it around.
"And, whenever you're ready to dance, you tell me, I'll take the trail off. Underneath is just a white dress with more accents, but it's shorter so you don't trip."
"You're amazing, Amirah. Seriously." Juniper looked into a mirror that was put up for her. This situation reminded her of whenever Amirah made her outfits in the Capitol for interviews or the games. Just the two of them in the room and letting Amirah's stylist imagination run wild.
A knock was heard at the door and with Amirah's call, it was opened. Lennox Hale was standing at the door in a dark grey outfit. He smiled at Juniper's outfit and lifted his eyes to meet hers.
"You're beautiful!" He looked astonished, walking towards her and reaching his arms out, hugging her. "Wow, Amirah, you did an amazing job." He let go of the hug and backed up a bit, staring at the dress.
"Thank you." Amirah smiled, staring at the work she had done. She reached her hand out and Juniper grabbed it. They just smiled at one another. They've been friends for so many years. Amirah designed her first dress during the games, her first dress as a victor, and now her wedding dress. How time passes.
"Everyone is ready whenever you are." Lennox smiled, putting an arm out- allowing Juniper to place her hands on his arm. Lennox would be walking her down the aisle, she wouldn't have it any other way.
Amirah seemed to remember something and went to the other side of the room, grabbing a small bouquet of flowers off a table and running back over, handing it to Juniper.
"I'll see you guys out there." Amirah winked, leaving the room first. Lennox and Juniper followed soon after.
The dining area came into view, and Juniper could see lines of people waiting. In the distance, she saw Finnick waiting at the end of the walk. A small figure was walking down the aisle, throwing flowers. Nila Sonnet.
"Are you ready?" Lennox whispered, Juniper took a deep breath and nodded. "You know, I already gave Finnick a talk yesterday.-"
"Oh, stop." Juniper smiled, rolling her eyes. Lennox laughed a bit and began walking with Juniper. Music began playing and the two made their way down.
Finnick turned his head and his facial expression softened when he first saw her. The two locked eyes and just smiled at eachother. It took everything in the two of them to not run to each other right then and there, but they both held back.
Juniper looked to Lilo who was standing near where Juniper was meant to stand. Lilo's eyes were glassy, but she wasn't fully crying. She just stood waiting for her sister.
Juniper finally made it to the end of the aisle and handed her bouquet to Lilo, who took it. They two shared a small hug and Juniper turned to see Lennox patting Finnick on the back and walking to his spot.
Juniper Plinth and Finnick Odair finally faced one another head on. They both took a big deep breath and smiled. Finnick reached his hands out slightly and Juniper laid her hands in his.
The officiator began speaking, and all of it flew by in Juniper's mind.
"Do you, Juniper Plinth, take Finnick Odair to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you honor and cherish him; love, trust, and commit to him, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do." Juniper smiled, nodding her head slightly. Her eyes during the entire ceremony had never left Finnick's, and his never left hers either.
"Do you, Finnick Odair, take Juniper Plinth to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you honor and cherish her; love, trust, and commit to her, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do." Finnick answered.
The officiant looked to Finnick and nodded his head, it was time for Finnick to say his piece. Juniper's heart jumped, not knowing what he would say. Juniper had thought about hers, trying to come up with a script, but she couldn't. She would say what came to mind when it was her turn.
"I can't express how much I love you into such a short statement no matter how hard I tried." Finnick said in disbelief. Juniper whispered 'me too', causing a few people in the front row to laugh.
"Juniper, you're my everything. You are all that I desire, and you're the only one I love. Nothing will ever change that, I promise to give you all of my attention and honestly, and to make you feel like the greatest person in the world. I vow to protect you, love you unconditionally, and walk with you through our life no matter what happens. Being with you makes me a better person each and every day, and I'm so lucky to call you mine."
Juniper smiled, and it really took everything in her soul not to reach out and kiss him. His eyes were glassy and he gave her a small smile, gesturing to her that it was her turn.
"Finnick, you are my sunset and my sunrise. My day starts and ends with you, and as long as the stars burn in the sky, my love for you will never die. You are my person, my inspiration, the love of my life. I can't wait to spend a lifetime with you by my side. Anywhere you go, I will be, I will follow you till there is no tomorrow. I vow to love and cherish you for eternity. I've finally found my home."
Juniper smiled and Finnick's facial expression never changed. He just looked down at her and continued smiling at her. Juniper nodded her head to the officiant to continue.
"The wedding ring is symbol of binding. A symbol of attachment and of belonging, not of possession, but of partnership." Is what the officiant said next. Lilo stepped forward with a small box and handed a ring to Juniper and another to Finnick.
"Juniper, with this ring I wed, and I promise to love, honor, and cherish you my whole life." Finnick took Juniper's left hand and slipped the ring on her ring finger. "In good times or bad, richer or poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."
Juniper looked down at her hands and examined the wedding band. It was just a simple golden band, but it meant the world to her. She took the one in her hand and lifted Finnick's left hand.
"Finnick, with this ring I wed, and I promise to love, honor, and cherish you my whole life. In good times or bad, richer or poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." Juniper's hand was shaking slightly, so it took her a moment to slip the ring onto his finger, but she eventually got it.
"It's my honor and greatest pleasure to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Plinth-Odair!" The officiant yelled to the room. Lilo pulled the guy out of the way as the film crew got the footage of Finnick leaning down to kiss Juniper. His hand lifted up her chin and connected their lips. Cheers were heard throughout the room, along with applause.
At the end of the ceremony, Finnick and Juniper walked off the aisle together and the party had begun. Juniper re-entered the room with Finnick, arm in arm, wearing her slightly shorter dress.
Finnick let go of her arm and dramatically spun around in front of her slightly, putting his hand out for her to grab. She reached out and laid her hand in his, laughing to herself a bit. He slowly walked her over to the dance floor and stood in the centre.
As the two danced, other pairs of people began to join them. Juniper's eyes were on Finnick the whole time, and the two danced as if nobody in the room was watching.
Plutarch had actually managed to gather a small band. Someone from District 12 played the fiddle beautifully, two people also had guitars. The two continued to dance.
"So, are you going to play me that song soon?" Finnick asked, earning a look from Juniper. "You said you might."
"Maybe..." Juniper smiled to herself.
"Please?" Finnick asked as the two circled around one another. Juniper looked to the ceiling for a moment but back at her husband.
"Fine, before Lilo's speech I can." Juniper said, Finnick winked at her and grabbed one of her hands and spun her around slightly, causing her to laugh.
When the song ended, they parted for a little while, talking to some guests. Juniper noticed Katniss and Johanna standing off to the side. She walked towards them.
"Juniper, lovely to see you. I was just talking to Katniss about medical shipments." Johanna winked, sending a smile towards her. Juniper placed a hand on her chest, giving her a small thank you. Johanna parted with the pair.
"How are you holding up?" Juniper stood next to Katniss, looking in the direction of her eyes and noticing the cake Lilo and Peeta had baked. It was decorated beautifully. It had white icing, dark green flowers following up the three tiered cake. She was very surprised to say the least.
"Peeta made that?" Katniss asked. Juniper nodded her head.
"Yeah, with Lilo." Juniper said. She looked back at Katniss and noticed how off she seemed. "Have you talked to him?"
"In District 12, he purposely burned a piece of bread and gave it to me. He told me he should've given it to the pigs instead." Juniper slowly nodded, looking off to the dance floor and noticing Lennox and Cashmere dancing together.
"You just gave to give him time, he's getting better day by day." Juniper attempted to get through to Katniss, but she seemed pretty set on giving up on him. Juniper frowned, grabbing Katniss's hand and dragging her to the dance floor.
"Dance with your sister, let Snow see your face." Juniper winked and handed Katniss off to Prim, who joined the dance circle. Juniper noticed Lilo standing close by and grabbed her hands, dragging her in.
"Never thought I'd be seeing my sister and my best friend getting married." Lilo smiled to herself.
"You're still on this?" Juniper asked. Lilo looked surprised.
"Yes?! You two literally hated each other, then I get tortured and mentally destroyed and I come back and you two are all over each other!" Lilo laughed to herself, and her statement caused Juniper to laugh, too. Lilo was always a comedic relief sort of person.
The two danced in silent for a moment until Lilo spoke up again.
"Will you still perform in Four after all of this is over?" Her smile dropped slightly. "Will you even go back home?"
"Lilo, of course I will. And wherever I go, you can follow. Finnick and I won't mind."
"Are you sure?" Juniper gave her sister a serious look. "Okay, okay. I believe you."
Soon enough, the music eventually slowed down and the circle stopped, making Juniper questioned what was going on- but the crowd parted and Finnick was holding out a guitar with a smile on his face.
Juniper laughed and walked towards him slowly, taking the guitar from his hands. He stole a quick kiss from her and backed up, clapping for her.
"My wife will now perform a song she wrote for me because she's soo in love with me." Finnick spoke, the crowd laughed and Juniper rolled her eyes. She walked to where the band was playing and noticed a microphone waiting for her. The crowd eventually made their way around.
"There's so many of you, wow." Juniper said, laughter was heard. "I don't think I've performed to an entire district before, I mean, all of you are here. But you heard right, Finnick begged me to do this actually."
Juniper looked to Finnick who was standing off to the side and sent him a playful wink. Juniper played a few notes on the guitar and sighed.
"Darlin', I will give up everything. Who I'll be and who I am."
"You can have it all."
"Baby, you could start a cult, you see. Anywhere you go, I'll be. You are so much more, than beautiful to me."
"Oh, I'll follow you till there's no tomorrow. I'll follow- you till there's no tomorrow."
"I'll follow you."
"Lately, what I know of reality."
"I let go of it happily, when I look into your eyes."
"Swear it's true, no mountain that I wouldn't move- or sea I wouldn't part in two."
"To wake up by your side is all I want to do."
"Oh, I'll follow you till there's no tomorrow. I'll follow, you till there's no tomorrow."
"I'll follow you."
Juniper noticed the crowd swaying along to the music as she played through an instrumental part of the song. She noticed Finnick had his arms crossed, just looking at her as if she was the only person in the world.
"Baby, you could start a cult, you see."
"They will say that we're crazy."
"But you are so much more than beautiful to me."
After Juniper's song, she handed the guitar to one of the band members and Finnick ran up to her and hugged her, spinning her around a few times. Lilo went up after and gave her speech to Juniper, Finnick, and to them as a couple. Juniper definitely thought it was the most she ever heard a room laugh.
Eventually, the people stared to leave the room. The band started packing up and Juniper went to them, thanking them for everything.
"You're playing is lovely." Juniper said to the old man playing the fiddle.
"Been playing for years, glad I'm able to play in a band again." He spoke. "You play and sing beautifully, reminds me of a girl I once knew." Juniper smiled, going to turn and leave with Finnick who was waiting for her, but she stopped herself.
She eyed the man. "What's your name?"
"Clerk Carmine Clade." He put his hand out for Juniper to shake, which she took. He seemed to be in his late 70s.
"You're from Twelve?" Juniper asked, the man shrugged.
"You could say that."
Juniper was in a bit of disbelief, not knowing if she was making up things in her mind or not.
"Do you know Kakalina Plinth-" Juniper paused, people from Twelve probably wouldn't know her by that name. "Kakalina Anela, sorry."
"Kakalina?" The man whispered, pausing what he was doing and just looking at Juniper. "You know her?"
"She's my grandmother." Juniper smiled. "You were a covey."
The man hesitated, but nodded his head, smiling. Juniper had so many questions to ask, this man directly knew Lucy Gray and the covey band, and her grandmother. But something stopped her from asking.
"I'm glad you still play music." Juniper spoke. The man smiled.
"Of course, it's been a part of who I am since I was a boy." He picked up his case and walked to Juniper, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Your grandmother was a lovely woman, I'm sure she's proud of you."
With that, the man walked out- passing Finnick. Finnick was making his way towards Juniper and grabbed her hand, kissing her cheek and smiling to himself.
"What was that?" He wondered, looking at the man walking out of the room. Juniper's eyes followed the man as well.
"It's a story for another time." Juniper smiled, turning to Finnick and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm ready for our short honeymoon night."
You Could Start A Cult - Niall Horan, FT Lizzy McAlpine
okay lovies, BACK to the mockingjay story.
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