48: Meet UA's Big Four

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"Ha! So you got house arrest?!" I laugh at Bakugo. Apparently, he and Deku got into a fight and Mr. Aizawa placed them under house arrest. "Shut it Lamb Face!" He barks back. I can't help but laugh at his expressions. The two boys stay back as the rest of us walk out to the main building. I stick my tongue out at Bakugo as I flip him off walking out the door. "Sucks to suck...Kacchan." I smirk. We had an assembly for the start of a new semester and were all asked to go to the front grounds. My class and I walk down the hall and have a run-in with so many familiar faces. "I heard Class A had two people fail the license exam...well all of Class B passed!!" Monama says as Class 1-B enters the hall.

"Hey! Mr. Vlad said that we might have some classes together this semester! I can't wait!" Pony says walking up to where I was standing with Ejiro and Denki. "That's super cool!" I say with a smile. "Hey isn't she that foreign exchange student?" Denki asks. "Hey, Iris don't you know her?" Ejiro asks. "Yup!" I smile. Monama whispers something in Pony's ear and says it out loud. It was something in Japanese. "Monama! Stop filling her head with crazy!" Kendo says slapping the blonde in the neck. "He's been crazier than usual...sorry about that." Kaya sighs rubbing the back of her neck.ย 

"Who failed the exam in your class?" She asks as both classes walk down the hall. "Bakugo and Zuko." I say counting my fingers. "Wow! Aren't they like the top students in your class?" She asks. "Yeah...and yet they still failed." I sigh. "Hey, do you know anything about what's gonna happen this semester? Since your brother's a third-year." Kaya asks. "I forgot but I think he said something to me about us first-years getting to do work studies...and I'm just a tad too tired for my brain to remember exactly what the work studies are so...just this...they're basically like second internships but with higher ranking Pros." I say.

"Do you think I'll be able to go to Water Manipulator's agency again for my work-study?" She asks. "I don't really know. But I know who I'm going to go with!" I say with a smile. "Who?" Kaya asks. "The Winter Heroin: Siberia!" I say. "Woah cool! Is your brother currently in a work-study?" She asks. "Yeah, with the Lock Hero: LockLock," I say. "He was offered one during his second year so he's been there almost two years. He says it's more fun than you think." I say. "Now I'm super excited it sounds amazing!" She says as her face lights up.ย 

We exit the building and into the front grounds of the school. Pr. Nezu gives a speech about how this semester is going to be safer and different even though we had some bumps. We then go back to our classrooms and Mr. Aizawa tells us about work studies. I raise my hand for a statement. "Yes, Cotton?" He asks. "I might have some information on the work studies, sir." I say. "Go ahead..." He says. "The work studies are offered to typically second and third-years but the first years do one. A work-study is basically the same as an internship except you stay for a longer period of time and typically are with higher ranking Pros...Like my brother who's doing his with the Lock Hero: LockLock." I say.

"Well thank you for that and all that she said is true. If you first years choose to do a work-study you must choose from an agency that has good work-study track records, it's for your safety..." He says. After our morning we had lunch and after lunch was our heroics classes and we then went back to the dorms. I walked with my class and we all entered the dorm building and into the common room. I went to my room to change and put some normal clothes on. I change and put on a light pink long sleeve sweater dress and tied light blue ribbons around my horns. I went back downstairs and sat with Mina on the couch. "I guess it pays to have a third-year brother go to the same school as you." She laughs.

"Sure does!" I smile. We all eat and then head to our separate rooms for the night.ย 

(Timeskip, Next morning when Deku and Baku get out of house arrest)

We sit in our classroom and I doodle on my arm making funny shapes using my quirk to animate them and move them around on my skin. "Like I said yesterday you all will be having work studies and to give you more information on those are these guys...they are the top four ranking third-year students in their class and have been in work studies for almost two years...they worked hard to get to where they are and are here to help you it's...The Big Four." Our teacher says as four familiar faces enter. It was Nejire, Ricky, Tamaki, and Mirio. Why was The Big Four here?

"Hello!" Nejire says. "Ok now introduce yourselves but don't be so loud..." Our teacher says before slipping down to the ground. "Hello, there! I'm Nejire Hado and these are my classmates!..." Nejire says before setting eyes on me. "Hello, Iris!" She smiles. "Hey! Hey! Ricky look it's your sister!" She says looking at my brother and back at me. "I'm Ricky Cotton your classmate Iris Cotton's super cool older brother!" He smirks. "Oh-oh! And this is Mirio Togata and our class kitten...Tamaki Amajiki." She says pointing to Mirio and then Tamaki who had his head against the wall.ย 

I think that boy needs some confidence... I say to myself. And since when is Ricky 'Super cool'? I ask myself. "By the way as a way for you first years to get to see what you will be learning as you go on in your years here, you'll be fighting...but not each other no-no you'll be fighting...me!" Mirio says pointing to himself. Oh dear god!ย 


I think that's a good spot to leave it! Bye!

-Wobble wobble, Ricey-chan

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