* Starting off, Leona can, will and has changed most of your wardrobe to clothes with either his or Ruggie's scent on it.
* On bad days (no matter whos), no one's leaving the bed, its just an all-day cuddle session (you'll be lucky if you're able to convince Leona to let someone leave for 5 minutes to get some food).
* Leona's love languages are Quality Time and Physical Touch, and Ruggie's are Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service.
* You've been threatened twice since officially dating these two. Once by Granny Bucchi (don't worry, she also threatened Leona as well), and again by Cheka (however you and Ruggie don't take his threat too seriously, I mean seriously his threat was "If you're mean to Unca Leona, then, uhm, I'll be really mad and upset at you!").
* A person hc I have is that Ruggie is a transman, and that there's potions that can remove hellweek for uterus-sufferers. Any and all kinds of surgery can be done easily and with little-to-no recovery time with magic (the age for consent for any surgeries is 16+, but usually there needs to be a second person above 18 for major surgeries).
* Aside from a ton of scenting and cuddling, there's also a ton of biting, nips and nibbling, enough to leave marks (ĖķmĖķaĖķyĖķ ĖķtĖķhĖķeĖķ ĖķsĖķeĖķvĖķeĖķnĖķ ĖķpĖķrĖķoĖķtĖķeĖķcĖķtĖķ ĖķyĖķoĖķuĖķ ĖķwĖķhĖķeĖķnĖķ ĖķiĖķtĖķ'ĖķsĖķ ĖķmĖķaĖķtĖķiĖķnĖķgĖķ ĖķsĖķeĖķaĖķsĖķoĖķnĖķ)Ėķ.
* Leona loves to spoil you and Ruggie. Either of you look at something a bit too long while shopping? You're getting it the next day (if Leona can wait that long).
* There's two different freezers that you three keep food in, y'alls main freezer and one that Ruggie uses to bring food back to the slums;
* Leona and Ruggie have pet name wars, it never gets too serious, but they do give the other pet names that will annoy them
- Leona's common pet names to call you and Ruggie are Cuddle Bugs and Snuggle Bugs, his pet name just for you is Kitten, and for Ruggie it's Pup (it annoys Ruggie, but he likes it too much to seriously hate it)
- Ruggie's common pet names to call you and Leona are Food Stealers (jokingly) and Bubbie/Bubs (serious), his pet name just for you is Honey Pie, and for Leona it's Honey Bunny (to which Leona states he's a lion and not a bunny)
(It's almost 4 in the morning, I will, hopefully, finish and/or add more to this later)
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