special โคท The shadow of you

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scenario ; the god of chaos can't help but favor his apostle.

The war has descended upon the lands of Teyvat, ravaging the mortals and anything living. Corpses lay on the land, sink to the sea, and burned to ash. The rivers tainted by blood, crimson turned the clear waters.

Many fled from the destruction, hiding till the war ends, but that would be decades till it came. But the war did come to a finish,

And eight gods sat on their thrones, ruling over Teyvat, and blessing mortals with their divine power. Visions came to being, gods bestowing upon their chosen ones.

Apostles were born for the gods, several came for every generation to one, but there one difference for a certain god.

Chaos's incarnation, Astaroth claimed only one Apostle. An immortal child, forsaken by the world. His one and only apostle, a child who wasted their life following him.

To Astaroth, he saved them out of pity, but now be sees the child as foolish. Blindly following him, their loyalty offered to him as their life was for him to use. No matter what the archon would do, the child continued to follow him.

Even when the snow engulfed his form, as he laid into slumber, that child continued to stay by his side... Witnessing the destruction of a nation treasured by their god.

Later on, in the future, that apostle continues to follow him.

That apostle...

Was you.


People come and go in Astaroth's life, even when he took on the name noir, he still left and met new people. But, as he laid in Inazuma, an unexpected reunion came upon him.

His precious apostle, once he regarded them as a fool, but he now can't help but feel a sort of favoritism.

The first thing he saw when stepping foot into Yashiori island was not the destructive scenery, but a familiar pair of eyes filled with tears. An embrace fell upon him, as the child cried in his arms, yelling his name and expressing their relief.

"Master Astaroth! You've finally returned!"

The child cried in his arms, weeping in joy as they finally reunited with their master. They felt a hand caress the back of their head, sniffling until they fell asleep.

Astaroth smiled at the sight of them, placing a gentle kiss in their forehead. Such a precious thing he though, must never weep for him.

"I've finally got you back... My dear Apostle."

No matter the cost, Astaroth kept you by his side. The moment Nyx found you, she was overjoyed, launching her body and embracing you tightly.

"Dear Y/N, you've finally found us!"

Nyx exclaimed, pressing your head against her chest. It left you blushing from it, having been squished between her breasts.

You tried to push her away, but Nyx kept hugging you tight, chuckling at your flustered expression. "Lady Nyx, please release me!" You yelled in flustered embarrassment.

Nyx continued to giggle, until her eyes laid her master. She blinked in surprise, giggling with a mischievous glint. Nyx turned the little apostles body towards her master, showcasing their red face.

"Nyx von kaiserin... Release my apostle at once."

Astaroth narrowed his eyes at Nyx, the shadow beneath him violently writhing. His eyes filled with annoyance and... Jealousy.

You saw him get angry, trembling as your thoughts raged assumptions. You could only think that he was upset that it was you who fell to Nyx's embrace, but-

"Master, there is no need for you to be jealous. The only person in dear Y/N's heart is you."

The moment those words were uttered, your face became even redder if possible. And a small smirk formed on his lips. Nyx gave you a teasing smile, as you covered your face with your hands.

"It's not like that! Of course, I belong to master! I'll follow him anywhere!" You declared, a small smile forming your lips. They didn't realize what those words meant for Astaroth.

Astaroth's eyes fell on your vision, dangling by a chain connected to your belt. He couldn't help but smile, seeing it shine for a moment, a vision he gave you...

As if it were a mark he placed on you.

He already claimed you as his own, even when some other Archons tried to give you their blessing, Astaroth didn't allow them. He wanted you to choose him, not anyone else...and his wish was granted, the crystalline orb decorating your appearance, a sign of your choice.

"Nyx, you can go now. Baal might want your company." Astaroth shooed her away, making his familiar pout. But the serpent glanced at the apostle for a moment, before giving her master a slt smile.

"I see~ well then, Y/N dearest, do take care of our master." She giggled, skipping away with a bright smile. You watched her with confusion, turning to Astaroth for answers.

"Little Apostle, let's go now."

You hurried to him, entering the city side by side. The atmosphere of Inazuma was calmer than expected, and you smiled as people passed by the two of you.

That is until a man began to approach you. Noticing this, your smile faltered, become uncomfortable just by their presence, and suddenly..that man froze, fear clouding their expression as he fled from you.

"Y/N... Don't look at them."

Your blood went cold, your body going rigid as you turned your head to the archon. His cold gaze fell on you, and you trembled in fear. You've witnessed this many times, but getting used to it was harder than you thought.

"Keep your eyes on me. Don't look at others when I'm in front of you."

Meekly nodding, the apostle hurried closer to his side, and the moment you were close enough, his hand grabbed yours.

"Y/N, who are you?"

Startled, you stared at him for a moment before answering with confidence. "I am you apostle, lord Astaroth. Your devoted follower." With your opposite hand placed over your heart,

"...who do you belong to?"

"You, of course!"

Astaroth gave you a smile, but it wasn't as gentle as you remembered. There was a menacing feeling beneath that smile, an unknown emotion you did not know.

Wincing in pain as his grasp on your hand became tighter. The world around the both of you grew darker and darker, until his name was whispered by your lips. The next thing you knew, you were outside of the city, and in the forest filled with glowing flora.

"Y/N...don't let others touch you so carelessly, even if it's Nyx." He...ordered you, wrapping a hand around your waist.

You shuddered as you felt your shadow act up, glancing down to see Astaroth's shadow.

"Are you jealous?" You dared to ask, almost regretting it as Astaroth's hold on you grew tighter. You avoided his gaze, fearing that he was angry at you but his answer...

"If I am?"

Simply a question answering a question, you sighed as you could not get a proper answer, but you concluded the rest. He was envious, envious that others would freely touch you when you could have been stuck on his embrace.

"Then...what about master?"

Astaroth stared at you with surprised eyes, before laughing in amusement. The sound of it was melody to your ears, melting at the joyous expression he wore. The next thing you knee, he wrapped his other arm around your waist, nuzzling his head to the crook of your neck.

"Do as you please then. As long as you stay loyal to me, as long as you stay by my side, you can do whatever you want."

You blushed at his words, clutching the back of his coat. "O... Okay then... I'm your apostle, so it's expected for me to follow you." You declared, gently grabbing one of his hands and pressing it against your cheek.

Astaroth smiled, your eyes gazing into his as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "That's good... My precious apostle... Your mine okay?"

Although you were embarrassed to be reffered to that, you nodded eagerly. After all, you devoted your life to him. Ever since he appeared before you 1,500 years ago, you existance revolved around him.

And he cherished you like the rarest jewel of Teyvat.

The first you met, you thought that something was telling you to run, but you refused that feeling. You followed him, devoted yourself and accepted his blessing, and became his first and only apostle.

Although Astaroth never treated you like an actual apostle, instead you were a companion that was truly loyal to him. He never told you to spread his name, he never told you to create verses and legends of him. All he asked for was to stay by his side.

Astaroth grasped the vision he ga e you, smiling as he felt your presence within it.

"Master... You won't forsake me, right?"

"... I'm not sure.... You can't always follow me, little apostle."

Your heart broke, knowing that one day he will leave this world. You would just be a memory to him...but you strived to spend as much time with him, follow him to the places you could reach.

As long as your memory was engraved into his mind, you were satisfied.

"I love you master."

Astaroth fell silent, holding you tighter in his embrace. He was caught if guard when you pressed your lips against his, and he didn't hesitate to reciprocate it.

You were his precious apostle. The only person that could have the honor of being by his side. A human cursed with immortality, he could use that curse to use...

To have you by his side till it was finally time for you to rest.

It was just a soft and passionate kiss. But it felt forbidden... They were an apostle and he was a god, was this even allowed? But Astaroth didn't care, as long as he could have you in this moment, it was all he needed.

"I love you too, my dear Apostle."


author's note :

Surprise surprise my dear readers! You now have Astaroth x g!neutral reader. Since some of you asked for it, I've decided to feed you with my beloved OC.

Small headcanon of him is that he is possessive for you, but very much gentle and caring. He won't restrict your freedom, as long as you continue to be loyal to him.

He even gets jealous of Nyx when she touches you too much.

- anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little special.

Take care and stay safe!


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