special โคท Can't handle the Cold?

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scenario ; Kaeya finally snaps after being forced to fight an Abyss mage, but got a fever too.

For Centuries before the fall of khaenri'ah, he has watched over all of Teyvat, including those of khaenri'ah's royal court. Including the Alberich family. The Royal family itself.

Once he had discovered that the last of khaenri'ah's Royal family was adopted into the Ragnvindr clan, he somehow was quite delighted. Well, mostly because he had a small bit of favoritism for Ragnvindr. Well anyways, even to this day, he has watched over the last remaining descendants of these two families.

To his disappointment, those two children no longer see each other as family. Not after an incident he now was investigating.

"For the love of Chaos! The Fatui again?" Noir yelled, scanning through the papers Nyx had written for him. They were antagonistic comments to the Fatui and somehow he could understand why she would give such a biased report. Well, she was not the kind of person to make a report out of personal opinion, so the Fatui seriously angered her now.

"releasing an Ursa Drake on a carriage bringing Wine?... That killed a Ragnvindr?!" He yelled and hear the sounds of crunching as he nearly ripped the papers. He sat on top of the walls, muttering angrily to himself.

Rage bubbling inside him, he instantly threw the papers in the air and snapped his fingers. The parchment burst into dark flames, quickly burning to ash.

"Tsaritsa, what have you done?" He sighed tiredly,

"Technically this is your teachings and lessons fault."

"Nyx be quiet." He snapped, making the powerful familiar who emerged from the shadows shrug at his bad mood.

Noir once again let out a sigh, "Tell me where both of them are." He ordered, resting his arm over his knee. He expected an appropriate answer, however, Nyx was hesitant somehow.

"Master Diluc is currently out on a business trip..... Captain Kaya, however, is... In dragosnpine."

Noir did a double-take, groaning in annoyance to the information. 'You're a Cryo and you fight alone in Dragonspine which is swarmed by several enemies... Without your Cavalry too.' He thought to himself and immediately stood up.

"You can go and hang out with your Cryo companions while I go look for the other Cryo that went and fought in dragonspine."

Nyx stammered in embarrassment, not able to retaliate as Noir jumped from the wall and disappeared inside a shadow portal.



Tightly gripping his blade, Kaeya sent a wave of ice to the Abyss mage, as its hydro attacks swirled around him. The abyss mage looked at him with pity, before sending a lethal wave of boiling water to him.

"F*CK!" He yelled as the water splashed on his arm. He hissed in pain, cursing under his breath.

"Pitiful prince. You cannot even defy the orders of those knights. Have you already abandoned us?" The abyss mage asked, watching as Kaeya took his sword with fiery eyes. They burn slowly healed as his transparent shield formed around him.

"I... That's none of your business!" He yelled, charging with a frozen blade in his hands. He slashed at the abyss mage, eyes filled with pain.

"khaenri'ah may have been my home, but my family here is important as well. I've already lost both of my fathers! You can't expect me to just choose!" He roared, swinging his blade in fury and vigor. It hit the mage's shield, creating a small crack.

The battle went on, Kaeya sending frigid icicles while the abyss mage sent as many bubbles and formed shields just to defend itself. Snow and water danced around them, a never-ending fight as neither wanted to give up.

There were some abyss mages more advanced than others, and Kaeya was unfortunate enough to encounter one. But, he was determined to defeat it.

With another wave of ice crashing down on the abyss mage, Kaeya thought he won.

That is until he felt himself drown in a bubble. He couldn't breathe, neither could he even see his enemy now. Only the faint colors and silhouette of a black being. He felt like it was the end of it all, gripping his neck for even the smallest breath of air to enter his lungs.

Outside of that bubble was the abyss mage bowing to the dark-haired man, his silver eyes filled with disappointment.

"Release him at once and return to the abyss. I'll take care of him for the time being." He ordered, causing the abyss to manage to silently nod to his words.

It snapped his fingers and the bubble instantly popped, releasing a drenched and sickly-looking Kaeya.

His eyelids were drooping, unable to see clearly. Everything was blurry, thus Astaroth did not worry about his appearance. The abyss mage disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Astaroth alone with Kaeya.

"You absolute fool." He whispered, gently picking up the unconscious Cavalry Captain. (Bridal style)

He quickly turned back to his pseudo appearance, jumping into a rabbit hole with Kaeya in his arms. He landed in a quite messy room, which he assumed was Kaeya's living quarters in the Knights of Favonius.

"Does this man not know how to clean?" He asked, slowly laying said man on his bed. Noir tucked him in and pressed a hand against Kaeya's forehead, only to scowl at the high temperature.

"Of all things it had to be a fever?" he asked, summoning a damp cloth to his hand and placing it over Kaeya's forehead. In the meantime, while the Cavalry captain was asleep, Noir had cleaned up a bit to the cavalry captain's room.

He found extremely odd things, but he somehow got used to it due to old acquaintances... Even his own 'Allogenes'.

Still, being cooped inside Kaeya's room had certain perks. Like how he managed to see Nyx enter the Favonius Headquarters with Amber and Eula. He found himself smirking because of that.

Hearing a pained groan, Noir turned to the now groggy, but slowly conscious Kaeya. He rubbed the side of his head and tried to recall what had happened.

He felt a hand press against his forehead he immediately jolted awake. His Blue-lilac eyes stared at Noir who was once again checking his temperature. The small frown on his face showed that it hadn't improved.

Kaeya however, was flushed and surprised. He never expected his heart to be beating so fast just because he was aware that Noir was taking care of him. His heart was racing, a strong sense of euphoria coursing through him.

" You're still hot."

"I know I am," kaeya smirked, smug at his remark.

Noir rolls his eyes, slapping the towel to Kaeya's face. The captain chuckled, before noticing that his room became a bit tidier than what it usually was. With this observation... Kaeya quickly snapped his gaze to Noir, who was nonchalantly summoning random things through his shadow.

"Y-You didn't clean...right?"

"Yes. You are messy... And should clean up more."

The awkward silence, for Kaeya, was unbearable. Noir simply didn't care about it.

Kaeya's hair shadowed his expression, as he gripped his sheets tight. Gritting his teeth, he was silently cursing himself of the humiliation and his ruined chances. He stood up and hurried to Noir.

"Noir..." He pouted, sounding a bit too needy. Wrapping his arms around the Albino, he nuzzled his head into the crook of Noir's neck.

"I don't feel too good." He murmured, feigning a pitiful expression. He was only a little tired, but if he could use this to his advantage, he will allow himself to get what he desired.

"Your fault." Noir scolded, reluctantly rubbing his palm to the man's hair. He easily rotated himself and pressed Kaeya's head to his shoulder.

The Cavalry captain tightened his hold on him, smiling to the softest touch. He never expected Noir to just easily caress him, even after seeing the rather...

Noir pulled at the ribbon tying Kaeya's hair, gently rubbing the man's back. Kaeya may have not known it, but he was in pain. Conflicted by his destiny, miserable every time he was forced to fight someone from the abyss. Noir... knew this pain all too well. The pain of having to fight with someone you cared for deeply.

Cold sweat dripped from Kaeya's forehead, feeling weaker than what he had felt. His legs gave in, but rather than falling to the floor, he was effortlessly scooped up bridal style. He was extremely flustered but wrapped his arms around Noir's neck as if his life depended on it.

"W-wait! You don't have to do that! I'm fine on my own..." Kaeya protested, but deep down he was silently enjoying the treatment.

Noir gave him a small smile, chuckling as the Cavalry captain refused to let go of him. Even when Kaeya was already resting on the bed, he still wouldn't let go of him. Muttering quietly, Kaeya pouted at the Reisender, hoping his charm would work on him. Alas, Noir was unaffected by the attempt.

"Go to sleep."

"Then kiss me goodnight."

Noir stared at him in surprise, not expecting Kaeya to just blatantly request such a thing. It felt childish, yet at the same time, Kaeya was serious. Would Noir entertain him?

He rolled his eyes, getting up to leave, but Kaeya tightly grasped his wrist. He didn't need to speak, his eyes showed that he was somewhat begging for something. He just wanted... He simply wanted a kiss to the cheek after all.

Kaeya hesitantly let go of his wrist, smiling sadly to himself. He was about to apologize until a pair of lips pressed against his.

Warmth and tenderness filled him, losing control over himself. Kaeya gripped Noir's shoulders, silently begging for more.

It felt like drugs, he was addicted to them. This one single kiss he had experienced.

Eyes closed and a soft moan was muffled into the kiss. It surprised him, yet he wanted even more. He tried to pull down Noir into the bed, but the man separated himself the moment he tried to do so. Kaeya was disappointed, yet not at the same time.

The Reisender smiled slyly, patting Kaeya's head as if he were a child. He smirked at the needy Kaeya, giving him one last peck before he gently whispered into the man's ear.

"Goodnight." He said and pushed the man to bed. Leaving with a smirk, he left the room in a satisfied mood.

Kaeya on the other hand was madly blushing, hiding under his blanket.

"Gah~ I wanted more. Stupid fever!"

Yet, said fever was the reason why Noir was taking care of him in the first place.


"Nyx, why do you keep staring at the window?" Amber asked as the lady gawked at the said window. Eula gave Nyx a questioning gaze, also curious as to why she was so interested in the glass.

"Isn't that, the Cavalry Captain's room?" Eula commented, causing a horrified expression to form on Nyx's face.

"What?" She gasped, clasping a hand over her mouth.

"Yeah. But, why do you seem so agitated?" Eula asked.

"I just saw Noir smirking at me from the window! That's Kaeya's room?!"

Eula and Amber froze, before gasping. Amber had a small nosebleed.


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