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โ„'ve got sunshine on a cloudy day โ”€ แกด๊ชซ


Y/n took a deep breath as she stepped onto the university campus her heart pounding in her chest. It was her first time here and the enormity of the place filled her with both nervous energy and excitement. She made her way towards the student affairs office to collect the key to her dorm room. Stepping into the imposing building she approached the counter and waited to be called. When it was her turn she received a small key and clutched it tightly in her hand

With the key in hand Y/n made her way to the dormitory. As she walked down the halls her heart kept up its rapid pace. She found her room number and took a few calming breaths before knocking twice on the door. A moment later, the door opened, revealing an incredibly beautiful and cute girl who burst into a huge smile when she saw Y/n. Before Y/n could say anything, the girl pulled her into a tight embrace. Y/n was caught off guard by her roommate's affectionate gesture and stood there, flustered and a bit dumbfounded

The girl pulled back from the hug, still smiling widely. Y/n could see warmth and excitement in her eyes.

"You must be my roommate! Btw I'm Lisa manobal," the girl said. "I'm so happy to meet you!"

Y/n managed a small smile in return, still trying to recover from her surprise.

"Yeah, I'm your roommate. It's nice to meet you too myself Lee y/n," she replied shyly.

The girl led her into the room, chattering animatedly as she showed her around.


Feeling a bit overwhelmed I followed her inside and looked around the spacious room. It was nicely furnished, with two single beds, desks, and lots of storage space. The room was bright and airy, with a large window looking out onto the campus grounds

Meanwhile, my roommate kept talking, showing me where i could keep my clothes and other belongings. I did my best to listen and respond, but my mind was still racing with thoughts about my new university life

As I unrolled my luggage and started unpacking my clothes, Lisa continued to chat, telling me all about herself and her experiences at the university. I was trying to pay attention, but I found myself distracted by her lively personality and pretty face.

She must have noticed me staring, because she suddenly asked,

"Is everything okay? You seem a little quiet."

Caught off guard, I quickly looked down and continued to unpack.

"I'm fine," I mumbled. "Just a bit tired from the journey."

She nodded in understanding, "Ah, I get it. Travelling can be exhausting!" She was silent for a moment, watching me unpack before speaking again.

"You know, when I first came here, I felt pretty nervous too," she said with a grin.

I looked up from my suitcase and met her warm gaze. "Really?" I asked a bit hesitantly

She nodded and continued, "Yeah, everyone does. It's completely normal to feel nervous about starting something new, especially in a big place like this."

Her words were gentle and reassuring, and I felt a little bit of the tension leave my shoulders.

"Did it get easier, though?" I asked, folding a shirt and putting it into the drawer

She chuckled and flopped down onto her bed, sprawling out on top of the covers.

"Yeah, definitely. You just have to give yourself time to adjust."

She rolled onto her side and rested her head on her palm.

"The best thing is getting involved in stuff. Join clubs, go to events, meet people. That's what really helped me settle in."

I thought about what she said as I closed my empty suitcase and pushed it under my bed.

"That makes sense," I replied, sitting down on my own bed. "It's just... I've always been a bit shy, you know?"

She sat up, sitting cross-legged. "That's okay," she said. "Honestly, I was too. But the more you put yourself out there, the more comfortable you'll become."

I looked up at her and smiled, feeling a bit reassured by her words.

"Thank you," I said quietly. "It means a lot."

She grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Anytime," she replied. "We've got each other's backs now, right?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Right!"

There was a moment of comfortable silence between us, and then Lisa leaned back against her headboard, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"You know, I've been wondering something," she said, her voice hinting at a bit of mischief.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her curiously. "What is it?"

She laughed and bit her lip, clearly enjoying teasing me.

"Well," she drawled. "I was wondering if you have a boyfriend."

My eyes widened in surprise, and I felt my cheeks flush a deep crimson.

"What? No, of course not!" I sputtered, completely caught off guard by her question.

She just chuckled, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Oh come on," she chided teasingly. "You're telling me a pretty girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend?"

I shook my head vigorously, feeling embarrassed.

"No, I don't," I mumbled, avoiding her gaze. "I've never actually had a boyfriend before."

Her eyes widened in surprise."Really? But you're so pretty! I would have thought you'd have guys flocking around you all the time."

I laughed nervously, a bit uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was taking.

"I guess I'm just not the type guys go for," I muttered, looking down at my hands.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please," she said, waving her hand dismissively.

"That's total bull. Guys would be lucky to have you."

I felt a small smile tug at my lips, despite my embarrassment.

"I don't know," I said with a small smile. "I've always been a bit shy, especially around guys."

She smirked. "Oh yeah? So you get all tongue-tied and awkward when a guy talks to you?"

I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up again.

"Yeah, kind of," I admitted sheepishly. "I always feel like I'll say something stupid or look stupid, so I just clam up."

She rolled her eyes again, but her expression was affectionate.

"That's dumb," she stated matter-of-factly. "You're not going to look stupid or say anything stupid if you just relax and be yourself."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I know," I said, "I just... It's hard, you know? I always end up being too self-conscious."

She looked at me understandingly, and then an impish smile crossed her face. "You know what you need?"

She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You need a little confidence booster," she declared.

I blinked, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Confidence booster? Like what?" I asked.

She glanced at me up and down, her gaze thoughtful. "I think I know just the thing..." she mused, a sly smile on her lips.

"Now, don't panic," she said, noticing my growing anxiety. "It's not anything too crazy. It's just a little trick I've used before, to help boost my confidence."

She just gave me a mysterious smile and stood up from her bed. "You'll see," she said, walking over to her closet. "Just give me a second."

I watched as she rifled through her closet, rummaging through the clothes and pulling out a few items. I was both curious and a bit nervous to see what she had in mind.

After a few minutes, she finally found what she was looking for. She held up a short, tight black dress that hugged the body. I stared at it and then back at her, feeling my heart race.

"No way," I said, shaking my head. "I can't wear that. It's too short."

She rolled her eyes, clearly not taking no for an answer.

"Oh, come on," she coaxed. "It'll look great on you. You have a killer body, why not show it off?

I stood my ground, shaking my head firmly. "No, I can't wear that. It's not my style," I protested.

Lisa rolled her eyes again, but she could see that Y/n was not going to budge.

"Okay, okay, I get it," she said, holding up her hands in surrender. "No dress."

I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that Lisa had given up

"Alright, alright," Lisa conceded, sighing playfully. "I give up. You win. You don't have to wear the dress. But I'm getting hungry, so I'm heading to the cafeteria for some food. Do you want to join me?

I smiled gratefully, "No thanks, I'm good. You go ahead and eat. I'm not really hungry right now.

Lisa nodded understandingly . "Alright, suit yourself. But make sure you rest up a bit, okay? You must be tired after the long journey here," she advised.

I nodded, realizing that she was right. "Yeah, I probably am a bit tired," I admitted

Lisa smirked a little. "See, I know what's best for you," she teased. "Now go lie down and take a nap I'm going bye bye."

I chuckled, shaking my head at her teasing. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll get some rest. See you later," I said, waving goodbye as Lisa left the room.


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Dear readers,
Thank you so much for reading the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and found it entertaining. If you did, I would be incredibly grateful if you could take a moment to vote and write a little comment. It's really encouraging for me as an author to get your feedback and know that you're enjoying the story.

Love You All<3

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