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- Eye For An Eye

The next day King Ecbert's had come to an agreement to meet with one of the northmen to talk only for a hostage exchange with the Saxons. Ragnar had informed that he himself will be the one going to the Kings royal villa while the King son Γ†thelwulf will be arriving at their camp. The gates to the villa opened as a few guards had walked out before Athelwulf appeared on a black horse.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lizzie questioned with a concerned look on her face as she looked at her father who sent her an assured smile cupping the side of her face and replied, " I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me and If I do not return I want you to kill the Kings Son" Lizzie sighed nodding her head in agreement as Ragnar smiled pressing a kiss to the blonde's girl head before handing her his weapon before he began to ride towards the entrance of the Villa.

It didn't take long until Ragnar returned back to camp a little while later after he spoke with King Ecbert about an alliance he was interested in making with Ragnar, " what else did this King of Wessex have to say?" King Horik curiously questioned with a suspicion look on his face as he stared at Ragnar who hummed as he took a sip of ale before looking up at the King and informed with a shrug of his shoulders, "That he might offer us land"

King Horik scoffed in disbelief narrowing his eyes at Ragnar and resorted, "and you believe him? Can you trust him, this Christian?" Athelstan shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the looks he was receiving from both Horik and Floki as Ragnar glanced around the group of people and stated, " he wants something in return" King Horik frowned as he stared down at Ragnar, "What does he want in return?" King Horik inquired but when Ragnar was about to respond a horn was heard from afar causing Lizzie to stand up sharing a look with Ragnar who looked as equally as confused as she did. " it's one of mine. It's Thorvard!" Horik informed as everyone stood up making their way towards the shore, "Thorvard!"

The boat reached the dock causing Horik to laugh as he walked forward to greet his friend, "Thorvard. Welcome!" Thorvard nodded his head with a small smile and replied, "Thank you, my lord" he then turned his attention towards Ragnar and informed, "I bring grave news for Ragnar Lothbrok" Lizzie and Ragnar had an worried and concerned look on their faces as Thorvard approached them, "Your lands are lost, invaded by Jarl Borg."

"What?" Elizabeth asked in surprise with her eyes widened as Thorvard nodded his head in confirmation sending Ragnar a sympathetic look, "Your family has fled. Only the gods know where. Now, Jarl Borg lives in your Great Hall and rules in your place" Ragnar had a furious look on his face clenching his fists together as the news that Jarl Borg had took over his home and that his family are nowhere to be found.


Later that night, Elizabeth and Ragnar were in their tent packing their belongings so they could leave the following day to come up with a plan to find his family and take back Kattegat, " you're leaving?" King Horik questioned walking into the tent with a few of his men causing Ragnar to scoff in disbelief shooting him a look and confirmed, " of course I am. Lizzie will be coming with me. We must find our family. Are you not coming?"

"I'm minded to stay here, Ragnar. To speak with this King Ecbert further. I think he is afraid of us and we'll make some deal to our advantage" Horik informed with a shrug of his shoulders as Ragnar chuckled quietly to himself walking past Horik to pass his and Lizzie's belongings to one of his men to put on the ship and resorted, " you cannot even speak their language. How will you even communicate without me or Lizzie here?"

Horik planned his hand on Athelstan shoulder before glancing over at Ragnar, "If you will permit this man, Athelstan, to remain with me, he can do the talking" Lizzie had a suspicious look on her face as she looked at King Horik as while Ragnar treated Athelstan with respect the others did not because of his Christian beliefs," Athelstan is a free man. It is his choice" Ragnar pointed out narrowing his eyes at Horik but expected Athelstan to join him and Lizzie to return back home to find his family and claim Kattegat back to its rightful ruler.

"If I can be of help to King Horik, then I am happy to stay" Athelstan stated as he glanced between Horik and Ragnar only for Ragnar shook his head with a saddened and hurt look on his face, " I am surprised to hear you say that. For you know my family better than anyone" Athelstan stayed silent for a moment as he walked over to Ragnar and Lizzie looking between the two of them, " you've always said how important these contacts are for the future and prosperity of all your people. So is it not more important for me to remain here?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ragnar questioned Athelstan making eye contact with the priest who looked around at the group of men before turning his attention back to Ragnar with a nod of his head. " Then so be it" Ragnar muttered under his breathe glaring over at his friend before he looked around the room at the men and women who will be joining them traveling back home, "Prepare the ships!"

Ragnar picked up a chest letting out a sigh as he turned to face the priest once again and told him, "If you change your mind, your friends will be leaving at first light," Ragnar and Lizzie both left the tent as he glanced over at his daughter, " don't tell me you want to stay here too. Are you going to leave me next?" Lizzie rolled her eyes sending him a look and resorted, " don't be stupid. Our family are in danger I would never stay behind when you need my help to get them back. I will never leave you, Ragnar. Jarl Borg won't get away with what he has done. He's going to get what he deserves"

Ragnar had a small smile on his face as he stared at his daughter as she was brave, loyal and stubborn and would let the world burn if it meant saving the people that she loves and nothing would get in the way in getting her family and her home back, " Yes, he will. He has no idea what he's done and what I'm capable off especially when it comes down to our family and we will do it together, Lizzie"


After leaving Wessex, Ragnar and Lizzie travelled back to Kattegat with a group of men including Floki, three of their ships sank leaving only two remaining when they ended up pulling up outside of Floki house where Helga was waiting for them. Ragnar didn't even wait until the boat stopped until he jumped out of the boat and into the water as he rushed towards the blonde women and frantically questioned, " are my family here?"

"No, but I know where they are" Helga informed placing her hand on his arm in attempt to comfort him knowing how worried he is about his family and if there alive or not, " Siggy sent a boy to tell me, a farmers son." Ragnar nodded his head as he moved forward and demanded, " take me there" Helga placed her hand on his chest with a shake of his head and assured him, " tomorrow. After you have slept."

" I shan't sleep. Jarl Borg has taken away my sleep." Ragnar muttered under his breathe as he turned his attention back to the two ships remaining, " unload!" Ragnar was helping the men unpack their belongings as Lizzie jumped down from the ship to help her father as while Ragnar wanted to immediately go after his family he knew his men needed rest before they could go where his family is currently staying.

It didn't take long until they made their way to a farm the next day where Aslaug was hiding with her sons, Siggy, Uhtred and Rollo who had been the one to save his brothers family and kept them safe until Ragnar returned for them to figure out a plan to get their home back. The blonde beauty wrapped her cloak tighter around her body with her hood up as it was heavily raining when Ragnar ran ahead of everybody else to greet his family

Lizzie smiled when she turned her head only to see Uhtred standing outside tending to the animals, "Uhtred" Lizzie called out beaming brightly at the dark haired boy as she rushed forward bringing him into a tight hug before the two pulled away from one another as Uhtred cupped her face in his hands and breathed out, " Thank God, you're okay. I was worried something happened to you" the blonde girl sent him a small smile cupping his face in her hands pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling away, " I told you I would be completely fine. You worry to much"


" I want to attack Kattegat. Now" Ragnar growled as he, Lizzie and Rollo where all standing outside to make a plan to take back their home, "I want to destroy Jarl Borg. I want to make him suffer as he has made my family suffer. I want to kill that bastard with my bare hands" placing his hands around Rollo neck as Lizzie nodded her head in agreement.

Rollo looked between the father and daughter duo letting out a heavy sigh and told them, " then I must be frank with you both. I know you lost boats in the storm, but it's a pity you didn't return with more men. As it is, we have no chance of defeating Jarl Borg or regaining Kattegat" Lizzie had a thoughtful look on her face folding her arms across her chest, " then we must find more men"

"There are no more to find. Believe me, I have tried. And what's more, is that news of your arrival has only made our discovery more certain" Rollo began to explain as Freya and Ragnar turned their attention back to him as he looked directly at his brother, " Jarl Borg has placed a fortune on your head." Rollo sent the two one last look before going back inside as Freya ran her fingers through her hair, " now we figure out how we're going to find more men and kick Jarl Borg ass for even thinking he could get away with this"


"Ragnar, they're here!" Floki called out loudly as Lizzie and Ragnar shared a confused look before walking outside where Floki rushed over to the two of them, "Ragnar, they're coming." Helga frowned with a puzzled look on her face as she walked over to Floki and questioned, " who's coming?" Floki picked up an axe sending the blonde a look and resorted, " who do you think? Jarl Borg and his men. They've come to finish us off!"

Lizzie walked slightly ahead raising her hand against her forehead saw she squinted her eyes only for them to widen in shock to see who it was who was leading an army causing a bright smile to appear on her lips, " trust me, that is not Jarl Borg or his men" Floki, Uhtred and Helga frowned in confusion as they watched Lizzie and Ragnar who walked ahead towards the direction off the army.

Ragnar and Lizzie looked at one another with smiles on their faces before turning their attention back to the army only for the horses to come to a stop in front of them revealing Lagertha, " it has been a long time" Ragnar spoke staring at his ex wife who had a small smile on her face as she climbed off the horse, " Hello Ragnar" Lagertha then turned her attention towards Lizzie as her eyes winded in shock at how much she had changed over the last four years, " Lizzie. Oh, my, look at how beautiful you are."

"Lagertha. It's so nice to see you again after all this time" Lizzie smiled wrapping her arms around the women she saw as her mother as Lagertha kissed the crown off her head running her fingers through her long hair, " it's good to see you as well" Lagertha spoke pulling away from Lizzie and turning her attention back to Ragnar, " I heard of your troubles. I have brought these warriors to help you."

Lizzie looked around before her eyes landed on a blonde man with blue eyes, who was climbing off his horse as she knew immediately who it was as he had changed as he's grown rather tall and muscular. Bjorn stopped walking for a moment as he gazed at the blonde girl knowing exactly who it is before a smile appeared on his lips as he was still memorised by the girl even now after all these years.

"And you are...?" Ragnar trailed off walking towards his son in amazement and happiness. " I'm your so..." Bjorn began to say only to be interrupted by Ragnar who immediately hugged his son tightly happy to be reunited with him after all these years, " Father!" Ragnar pulled away with a small smile looking into familiar eyes that was staring back at him, "I always knew in my heart that I would see you again, but I would have never guessed in such circumstances"

Bjorn turned his attention to Lizzie, wide eyes and disbelieving at the sudden appearance of his father and his old crush, " Lizzie" he greeted shyly making the blonde girl smile softy at him as she raised her brows in response, " Hello, Bjorn." Walking forward bringing him into a hug, " it's nice to see you again" the two pulled away from one another Elizabeth not noticing the look Bjorn was sending her.

Ragnar cleared his throat loudly standing in front of his daughter protectively only for Lizzie to frown in confusion, " who can guess the plans and ways of the Gods?" Bjorn resorted looking between his father and Lizzie, "But now they contrived to bring us all back together and I, for one, am glad for it."

"Ha! I do not have to ask if you've been fed well. You have grown so tall! When this is over, we shall have many stories to tell." Ragnar replied with a large smile placing his hands on his muscular arms turning him around. "You and I, Father, are bound by both ties of memory and blood" Bjorn stated as Ragnar placed his hand against his sons face looking at BjΓΈrn up and down before commented, "It seems your mother and I have produced a son that is both strong and wise"

" and if my sister had lived, she would have been the same" Bjorn said with a saddened look on his face as Lizzie hand immediately reached for her necklaces around her neck one that Gyda had made her before she died and ever since then she hasn't took it off. "Yes, and you are right to carry her memory, as do I"Β  Ragnar muttered looking between Lagertha, Elizabeth and Bjorn.

"For a long time, Father, I feel I have carried nothing but memories. But now here, in this place, with you and with Lizzie and my mother, I feel...reborn," Bjorn informed happily looking at his family with a big smile on his lips, "As if I have a life to lead." Ragnar laughed in amusing lighting slapping the sides of Bjorn face before bringing him into another hug, "For far too long," He whispered before pulling away from the hug and wrapping his arm around his shoulder and walking away from Lizzie and Lagertha.

Lizzie smiled as she watched Ragnar and Bjorn before turning her attention back to Lagertha, " it's good that they've been reunited once again. No matter how many times Ragnar wouldn't admit it he missed you both" Lagertha smiled wrapping her arms around Lizzie and replied, " yes, Bjorn had longed to see his father again and now, he has. He can finally be happy with Ragnar and you" the two began to follow after Ragnar and BjΓΈrn, "how have you been? I'm sure the men in Kattegat have been asking your father for your hand in marriage"

Elizabeth giggled shaking her head frantically gesturing her hand towards Ragnar, " have you met Ragnar. If anyone comes remotely too close to comfort he scares them off but only one of them stayed. Well, he's my husband now" Lagertha smiled laughing happily for her daughter but she knew Bjorn wouldn't be happy about it as he had been in love with the girl since he was a child, " and what is his name?"

"Uhtred. He is actually here if you want to meet him" Lizzie informed making Lagertha nod her head in agreement, " oh, of course I want to meet him. I have to make sure he is treating my daughter right and I might threaten him if anything where to happen to you I'd kill him" Lizzie laughed wrapping her arms around Lagertha as it didn't feel like anything changed with Ragnar and Lagertha who are still protective over the girl they had brought up as their own.

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