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- Dispossessed

It's been a couple of days since Ragnar and his family had taken Athelstan and Elizabeth as slaves, while everyone saw the two as slaves they weren't treated as such especially the blonde girl as they all treated her like she was apart of their family apart from Bjorn as the two of them were always bickering but apart from that she was learning to adapt her new home unlike Athelstan who spent his time praying to God hoping that it will help him.

It was morning and Elizabeth was outside with Gyda and Bjorn playing as the two girls have become inseparable these past couple of days since the blonde girl and the priest have started to live with them. The two girls were laughing and chatting aimlessly when Lagertha called out there names that it was time for breakfast causing them to follow after her when they suddenly stopped at the sight of Athelstan who was shaving his head with a knife only he had cut his head causing blood to drop down his forehead.

Bjorn started laughing as he looked at the priest causing Athelstan to immediately turn around to see Lagertha, Gyda, Elizabeth and Bjorn all standing there watching him as Elizabeth send him an concerned look while Lagertha and Gyda were unamused with Bjorn who continued laughing at the priest with an amused look on his face. Lagertha placed her hands on Gyda and Elizabeth's shoulders nudging the two girls forward, " time for breakfast" she firmly spoke causing the three children to giggle but follow after the older woman as Athelstan sighed heavily closing his eyes and running his hands though his hair at the sound of the children's laughter and Lagertha quietly telling them off.


Later that night, Ragnar was sat with Athelstan attempting to get him drunk so he could get more information out of him about England and about Elizabeth as it was clear she was different seeing as she spoke both Saxon and Pagan and believed in their gods when she was brought up in England, " No, no more" Athelstan drunkenly burped shaking his head frantically. Ragnar placed down the ale on the table shooting the priest a look and sternly spoke, " we don't like those in our house to go hungry or thirty"

Ragnar clinks his cup with Athelstan's before he curiously questioned, " I am very curious about England. Does it have one King who rules over the whole country?" Athelstan laughed drunkingly shaking his head in amusement, "There are four Kingdoms with four Kings. you landed in the Kingdom of Northumbria. The King of Northumbria is called Aelle. He is a great king. A powerful King"

Ragnar frowned with a confused look on his face as he looked at Athelstan and asked, "If he is such a powerful King then why did his men not protect your temple?" Athelstan shook his head in response narrowing his eyes at Ragnar and resorted, " before you came, we had no need to protect our monastery. We lived in peace. Everyone respected it as a place of God"

"Why does your God need silver and gold, Hmm?" Ragnar curiously questioned as he poured himself another cup of ale, " He must be greedy..." he trailed off as he started to laugh quietly to himself, " we have greedy gods too. Like Loki" Athelstan shook his head in response and firmly told him, "My God is not greedy. His Kingdom is not of this world" Ragnar leaned forward in his seat with furrowed brows and questioned, " Then why is his Kingdom so full of treasure?"

The priest sent him a weird look staying silent for a couple of moments before he began to explain, " Christian people give away their riches to the churches and monasteries in order to save their souls" the frown on Ragnar face deepened tilting his head to the side and asked, "What are their souls? I want to learn some of your language" he informed leaning forward with a determination look on his face, "Will you teach me, priest? Now, I want to know more about Elizabeth she speaks my language better than she speaks yours how is that possible"

" Elizabeth father was a pagan one of your people his ship was wrecked in a storm and was washed ashore in Cintra where he met Queen Mary of Cintra. It was love at first sight and not long after they married Queen Mary was pregnant with Elizabeth" Athelstan informed causing Ragnar eyes widened in shock as she wasn't just an ordinary girl but also a Princess, "so she believes in both your god and our gods" the priest shook his head in response, " No, no matter how many times Father Cuthbert corrected her. She always mentioned your gods her father probably taught her all about your gods"

" I can see that" Ragnar smiled in amusement at the blonde girl he had grown to love like another daughter as it was clear that they favored her over Athelstan as she adapted more in their ways than he did, " we believe that she might have the power of foresight. She dreamed that you was coming to the Monastery before it even happened but Father Cuthbert didn't believe it just told her it was a bad dream" Ragnar hummed as he smiled at the thought of Elizabeth, "Elizabeth is special indeed she is gifted by the gods" Athelstan eyes widened with an uneasy expression appear on his face as it was clear that Ragnar was curious about the Christians but he is mostly curious about Elizabeth as the girl was destined for great things and in the small amount that they have known each other they have bonded with each other.


After Ragnar had spoken to Earl Haraldson about traveling back to England for another raid, he returned back home where Elizabeth , Gyda, Bjorn, Athelstan and Lagertha were all sat around the kitchen table and informed them with a large smile on his lips, " I have the Earl's permission to sail back to England. I want to leave as soon as possible"

" How soon is that?" Lagertha questioned her husband with a saddened expression on her face as she had her back facing him letting out a heavy sigh as he had only just gotten back from England and now wants to go back again. Ragnar who was packing his things getting ready to leave shrugged his shoulders casually and replied, "tomorrow" Lagertha frowned deeply letting out a sigh as she slowly turned around with a look of annoyance and stated, " we all wish you success. We will sacrifice to Odin"

Ragnar smirked in amusement as he could feel his wife's irritation glancing over his shoulder and inquired, " are you not coming?" Elizabeth frowned in confusion at Ragnar question as Lagertha had a surprised look on her face looking just as confused as Elizabeth is and quietly asked, "what?" Ragnar smiled as he turned around to face his wife and told her, " I want you to come with me"

Lagertha beamed brightly as she tilted her head looking at her husband before she gestured towards the house as well as the children, " but the farm, the children" as no matter how much she wanted to go with Ragnar there was no one to look after the farm or the children. "Bjorn is still too young, although he can help on the farm" Ragnar stated as he walked over towards the table sending his son a pointed look.

Bjorn stayed silent for a moment before looking up at his parents and curiously questioned, " but who is to be in charge?" Ragnar had a thoughtful expression on his face before he placed his hands on Athelstan shoulder, " The Priest" he firmly said causing both Gyda's and Elizabeth's eyes to widened in surprise as the two girls shared a look, " I will leave him with key"

Bjorn immediately jolted out of his seat slamming his hands on the table with an offended look on his face and loudly exclaimed, " Father! You cannot place a slave above me, your natural son!" Bjorn narrowed his eyes at his father in disbelief only for Ragnar to raise his brows sending him a pointed look causing Bjorn to sigh in defeat sitting back down next to Elizabeth who looked down at her hands giggling in amusement only for Gyda to nudge the blonde girl but her lips also turned up in amusement.

Elizabeth ried to keep her expression natural but couldn't help but laugh as her blue eyes connected with Gyda's only for Bjorn to clenched his jaw in annoyance and snapped, "I don't know what you're laughing at! You're as much as a slave than he is!" Ragnar had a disappointed look on his face staring down at his son and sternly informed him, "I don't regard Lizzie or the priest as slaves. Athelstan's a responsible person"

Athelstan slowly stood up from where he was sitting sending a pleading expression to Ragnar, "Please, Ragnar Lothbrok, don't do this" Ragnar looked at the priest for a couple of moments before turning his attention to his daughter, " what do you think, Gyda?" Gyda smiled brightly sharing a look a with Elizabeth before glancing back to her father and told him, " I don't mind. I like the priest and Lizzie is my best friend"

Ragnar chuckled slightly but he wasn't surprised as he saw how the two girls have bonded and how the blonde girl didn't trust anyone or open up to anyone until she met Gyda and slowly had started to trust Ragnar and Lagertha as she had lost a lot in her life and sees them as the parents she wished she still had," Hmm, then it is decided" Ragnar glanced at Athelstan giving him a nod before walking away and once he was out of sight Lagertha placed her hands on the table sending the priest a threatening look and warned him, " if any harms befalls my children. I will tear the lungs out of your body, priest"

Elizabeth smiled in amusement at the terrified expression on Athelstan face before turning to face Gyda and curiously questioned, " How come your mother gets to go to England? I thought women aren't allowed to fight" she muttered under her breathe as she used to watch her father all the time training but her mother never allowed her to join him as it wasn't very lady like and that women don't fight it's up to the men when it comes to war.

"Women can here, they are called shield maidens" Gyda informed Elizabeth who's eyes lit up in curiosity and wanted to know more about shield maidens, " and what are shield maidens?" She asked tilting her head to the side causing Gyda to smile at the blonde seeing how curious she is about it, " They are warriors that are women. They fight along side men and are just as good. I would like to be like my mother and be a shield maiden one day"

"I'd like to be a warrior one day. One just as amazing as my father" Bjorn added in letting out a sigh with a small smile on his lips. Elizabeth snorted raising her brows at Bjorn with an amused look on her face, " I'd doubt you'd be any good" Bjorn had an offended look on his face glaring at Elizabeth, " like you can talk. You'd probably be the worst shield maidens to have ever lived" Athelstan groaned rolling his eyes as he looked from Bjorn to Elizabeth who always seem to be bickering with one another but it fuelled Bjorn especially when his father kept taking the blonde girls side.

" who even says I want to be a shield maiden?" Elizabeth inquired with furrowed brows only for Gyda and Bjorn to share a look before raising their brows at the blonde girl, " what? Why are you both looking at me like that?" Gyda shook her head with a small smile on her lips, " please, you are far too hot-headed and strong- willed to be just a simple woman when you're older who stays at home being a mother and housewife while the men go off to fight. You will be a shield maiden. My father already intends to train you to be one"

Bjorn had a look of jealously on his face glaring at the blonde girl but it quickly disappeared before anyone could see and was replaced with a smirk, " not before he trains me to be the best" Elizabeth laughed shaking her head placing her hand against her lips and resorted, " Please, I've seen you train with Ragnar and I already know you'll be an pathetic excuse of a warrior. You're a sore loser" Bjorn glare hardened narrowing his eyes at Elizabeth before he stood up storming out of the room.

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