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It was the last interview of the day
for Gigi, which she was definitely
happy about since she's been on the
go doing back to back interviews since
11am. As soon as her and her (small)
team of five landed back in Los Angeles,
they made their way to the location of
the last interview. When they reached
the studio where the interview would
be held, Gigi had changed into her second
outfit of the day β€” something more
comfortable, an olive green lace bodysuit,
and matching high-waist trousers, which
a pair of nude heels.

Once 6pm rolled around, the interview
with 'Nessa On The Air' begun; Gigi sat
on the little stage across from nessa
with my legs crossed and a mic in hand,
while smiling over at her. As questions
were being fired left and right, Gigi saw
the silhouette of a figure appear from
behind the curtain, behind her and Nessa.
Nessa too, saw the figure, and shortly
after they were met with the presence
of the last person Gigi thought she'd see
... Edwin Joel Honoret.

Edwin had a mic in his hand as he took
a seat in the mysterious extra seat next
to Nessa, which Gigi had been wondering
about since the interview started. Nessa
was smiling like the ultimate school girl
who had just received all 'A's on her
report card ... so she figured she was in on
this little so-called "surprise". Edwin
interrupted the interview just to make a
public apology ("public" because the
interview has a small live studio audience);
Gigi so badly wanted to roll her eyes
due to the fact that he just inserted
himself into her interview, but she quickly
put on a small smile and forgave him
just so he'd get off the stage.

When the interview was over, Nessa
thanked Gigi for coming and allowing
her to speak with her. They shared a
small embrace before signing out, and
walking offstage. Gigi immediately sped up
walking o where she saw Edwin sitting
with a huge stupid grin on his face. She slyly gripped a handful of his shirt in her fist,
and pulled him up out the seat. Once they
were in a small quiet hallway Gigi began
going off on Edwin about how embarrassing
that whole situation was. Edwin heard
nothing because he was too focued on her
glossy lips, which caused him to shut her
up by placing his soft plup lips onto hers.

She was clearly without a doubt taken
aback fully by surprise, so she didn't kiss
back ... instead she pulled away.
And with that, she walked off, leaving a
confused Edwin to touch his lips and grin
at the fact that he just kissed his crush.
Edwin was so focused on that moment
with Gigi, completely forgetting about

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