Shang calmly stood as he watched Y/n speak with Lord Qin, not liking this man one bit, and he knew Milan wouldn't like him at all either. The sun was shining through the window behind the man's throne as the light sky was out instead of the dark sky and the rain pouring down on the people of China.
"What do you mean, they are gone?" Lord Qin repeats in question.
Y/n sighs. "There was an accident, Lord Qin. The royal carriage fell into the river and was destroyed."
"Oh. A grave loss." Lord Qin states as he rubs his beard, seeing the advisors shaking their heads. "But it does not alter my agreement with the Emperor. And unless it is honored, I will sanction no alliance with the Middle Kingdom. A marriage was promised."
"And a marriage there will be." Y/n promises.
At her words, the crowd inside the palace all gasp while Shang's eyes widen, his brows furrowing as his dark eyes look to his friend with wide eyes. She didn't tell him anything about promising a marriage without the princesses.
Y/n bows her head. "I would be honored to wed a prince of Qui Gong."
"You?" Lord Qin asks in disbelief.
One of the advisors rush to him. "My Lord, L/n Y/n, the hero of China. Oh, a jewel in your crown far more dear than three mere princesses."
As he was rubbing his beard, Lord Qin looks to his other advisors, watching as they all nodded in agreement to what the first advisor had said. A rather mischievous smile comes onto his face while sharing a look with the man beside him.
"This is not what was agreed. However, the Golden Dragon of Unity smiles upon you today. And in view of the tragedy, I will accept your offer. You will make a fine bride for my eldest son, Prince Jeeki." Lord Qin announces.
Looking to the spot he motioned to one spot, Y/n turns her head in the direction as a loud gong rings out while two guards move out of the way, revealing Lord Qin's eldest son, Prince Jeeki, who was playing with a fingertrap toy. Noticing eyes on him, the prince hides his hands behind his back before his eyes land on the female soldier.
"This is her?" Prince Jeeki questions as he points at her. "She's so old."
At the look of him, seeing he looked rather a bit young and by the sound of his voice, Y/n scrunches her face up as she glanced around, meeting Shang's narrowed eyes. As some guards began to lead her somewhere, Shang was right beside the girl as he walked along beside her, his jaw clenched as he tried to act normal.
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Shang asks quietly, just loud enough for only them to hear. "We could've figured this out another way."
"I promised to finish this mission and that's what I'm doing." Y/n replies, gulping.
The general went to follow his friend when she was led down a hall, but two guards stopped him as the girl was led into a room, instructed to get ready for the wedding she didn't want with a prince. She wanted her wedding to be the the man she actually loved.
Mushu had somehow gotten into the room as he had followed her and Shang and he sat on a the table in the room as Y/n was behind the wall, changing. After walking out, revealing the pink dress she was wearing, she grabbed her comb that her mother had given her into her hair that was placed into a bun.
"Looks like we won't be a team after all, Mushu." Y/n states, reaching to grab the hat for her outfit.
Mushu gets in-between her, looking up at her with sad eyes. "Oh, Y/n." Y/n places the hat down while the dragon places his small hands on her cheeks. "I would give up a thousand pedestals if I could stop this."
Y/n frowns as a loud horn fills the air. "I doubt even the Golden Dragon of Unity could stop this now. Goodbye, Mushu."
Mushu watches with tears in his eyes as he lets her take his small hands off her face before she grabs the hat, stopping by the doorway while placing it on her head. The doorway is opened up, revealing a large crowd down at the bottom of the balcony she was near as the gasped at the sight of her.
They watch her walk to the stairs and near Lord Qin and Prince Jeeki were at, the prince still playing with his fingertrap toy. Lord Qin smiles as the soldier soon stops on his other side before they both turn to the crowd. Quickly, at the sight of her, Prince Jeeki hides his hands in his sleeves when he couldn't get his toy off his two index fingers.
This was the only way to complete the mission.
"My people, the Golden Dragon of Unity, who guides us in all we do, today sanctifies a union that will be a blessing for all of Qui Gong." Lord Qin announces, handing one of the cups he was holding to the girl.
When he turned to his eldest son, the prince gave his father a nervous and sheepish smile before holding out his hands, revealing the toy was still stuck on his two index fingers. Connecting them a bit, he reaches forward and grabs the gold up, nervously chuckling while his father shook his head at him. With a frown, Y/n glanced amongst the cheering crowd, catching sight of Shang in it as he frowned at her when they met each other's eyes.
Looking down at the cup in her hands, seeing her reflection from the liquid inside, her eyes close shut as a tear falls down and into the liquid, making a small splash. After that, she holds up her cup, Prince Jeeki doing the same as Lord Qin wraps a red sash around the cups, tying it off.
"With the tying of this sash, we shall unite not only two lives, but two kingdoms." Lord Qin continues.
All of a sudden, sharp weapon was thrown right in-between the two cups, cutting the red sash as the metal star-like weapon lodged into the wall behind them. Head snapping to the source of who threw the weapon, Y/n's eyes widen at the face of Milan on his horse down in the aisle as the crowd murmured to one another.
Shang's eyes had widened in shock before a smile came onto his face, realizing that his friend wasn't dead. His hair that was usually tied back was down. His hair wasn't as long as Shang's, but his curls did fly out a bit as his clothes looked to have been ripped a bit.
With the realization that the boy she's always loved and will still always love was alive, a smile etched onto Y/n's face as she watches him ride his horse forward, the crowd moving out of the way. The crowd, Lord Qin and Prince Jeeki all watched as Milan hopped off his horse before him and Y/n were rushing to one another, surprising Lord Qin as they met halfway, their hands holding tightly to one another's as they stared into each other's eyes with love in their gazes, making Shang smile.
"You're alive." Y/n breathes out.
"I couldn't let you get married without me." Milan jokes, causing her to smile.
Lord Qin comes in-between them, shoving the boy away. "This is outrageous. You will leave at once."
"I'm not going anywhere." Milan objects.
Y/n rushes to his side, refusing to leave it. "What are you doing?"
"I don't know. I'm winging it." Milan whispers back.
"How dare you trample upon this sacred ceremony?" Lord Qin exclaims in anger.
"My Lord, I love Y/n, and I don't care what the rules say. If she'll have me, I intend to marry her right here, right now." Milan tells him, smiling lovingly at the love of his life.
"Insolent dog. Seize him." Lord Qin orders.
Doing as told, two guards grabbed ahold of the boy and began pulling him away as Y/n went to rush to him, but Lord Qin grabbed ahold of her and pulled her back. Shang had went to go forward to show Lord Qin a piece of his mind, but he stopped when a breath of fire was shot in-between Y/n and Milan, making Lord Qin let go of the girl as Shang shared a glance with the three soldiers and three princesses who had came in and joined him in the crowd.
"Yo, what's with all this drama?" A familiar voice echoes.
Lord Qin gasps. "The Golden Dragon of Unity. He lives."
"Mushu?" Y/n mumbles in question, remembering when he did this to her when they first met.
Almost right after, Lord Qin falls to his knees as he bows, clearly convinced that it was the Golden Dragon of Unity and not just one small red dragon. The crowd all followed as they placed their hands together and bowed, Shang and the others doing the same thing when they glanced around to see everyone else doing it.
"Oh, you dang right, I live. So you best drop your dumpling-eating behind on down and tell me why we ain't busting out the vows already, huh?" Mushu's voice continues, making Y/n try to hold in her smile.
"But, Your Greatness, that boy is not a son of Qui Gong." Lord Qin replies, stammering.
"Silence!" Mushu shouts, fire being flown out and towards him, making the man scream as he ran behind Milan. "I am the Golden Dragon of Unity. And I decide whom to unify. My all-seeing eye has peered into the very heart of China. And I've never seen two people more right for one another than this lovely couple right here, Y/n and Milan. Give it up for them, would you please?"
The said couple look at each other as their hands were clasped together, resting their foreheads against one another's while the loud sound of cheering from the crowd fills their ears, seeming to agree with the idea of them getting married. The couple's friends were cheering the loudest as they smiled.
"Now, I command you to proceed at once." Mushu demands.
Lord Qin falls to his knees again, bowing with a look of fear on his face. "Yes, Your Greatness, as you command."
"Now let's get down to business. Y/n, do you love Milan? Of course you do. Milan, do you love Y/n? Yes, very much, moving on. By the power vested in me, by me. I hereby pronounce you husband and wife." Mushu announces. "You got anything to say, Lord Double Chin?"
Lord Qin jumps when fire is blown again. "Yes. I mean, no. I mean, whatever you say."
The crowd all cheer loudly as the man stops beside his son, who looks at him as he was playing with his fingertrap toy again before holding it out for his father. Lord Qin takes it in his finger, a smile coming onto his face as he plays with it like his son had previously been doing.
"And furthermore, I hereby decree that the princesses of the Middle Kingdom, wherever they may be, are released from their vow and may marry whomsoever they please. And who pleases them, that's very important." Mushu finishes.
Y/n and Milan look over at their friends, seeing Yao and Mei, Chien-Po and Su and Ling and Ting Ting kiss one another as they pleased, glad they were finally able to do so and love each other without rules going in the way.
Shang claps with a bright smile while the couple look back at one another. Milan raises his hands, cupping his love's cheeks before they both lean in and press their lips together as the girl's hat falls off her head, her hair falling down from the bun it was in before as fireworks explode in the night sky.
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