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LATER IN THE DAY, Y/n found herself walking inside her yard at her home, her horse and Milan by her side, the boy having his horse. Milan had refused to leave her side upon seeing how sad she was. Standing on the porch, the girl's father gave his daughter a smile when they met eyes.

However, he frowns when she looks away, opening up the gate towards the barn. The man looks to Milan, seeing the boy sadly shaking his head at him. Milan gives his best friend a longing gaze before he starts walking back to his place with his horse.

Meanwhile, Y/n unhooks her horse from the straps, dropping them on the ground as she looks down in the water below her, seeing her reflection staring back at her. Letting out a sad sigh, she moves a piece of hair out of her face.

"Look at me, I will never pass
For a perfect bride.
Or a perfect daughter."

Walking away, she takes off her jewelry as she watches her mother walk up to her father, giving him a sad look and a shake of her head, just like Milan had did. Looking down, she walks a little away from her house as she takes out the cage with Cri-Kee inside, releasing him on a tree branch.

"Can it be I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself,
I would break my family's heart."

The girl walks across a bridge, walking near a lake as she leans against a statue.

"Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?"

Walking away from the lake, she climbs up the stairs towards her ancestors temple, reading all the carving on the inside when she makes it up.

"Somehow I cannot hide who I am,
Though I've tried.
When will my reflection show who I am inside?"

Kneeling in front of one of her ancestor's grave's, she looks at her reflection, using her sleeve to wipe off all the make-up, then putting her hair out of the bun that was created.

"When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?"

Holding the comb her mother gave her, Y/n walks back out, soon seating herself at a bench near the lake, underneath a tree, while playing with her hair. The sound of a throat being cleared his heard, making her look over, seeing her father standing there. She looks away, which only makes her father seat himself beside her.

"My, my. What beautiful blossoms we have this year." Her father speaks up, pointing at the tree above them. "But, look, this one's late. But I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all."

Reaching out, he grabs the comb from her lap, tucking her hair behind her ear as he places the comb in her soft h/c locks, causing his daughter to smile at her father. Just then, the sound of drums fill the silent air, making her father stand up.

"What is it?" Y/n questions.

The father and daughter walk to the front of their house, meeting the girl's mother and grandmother. The husband and wife peak through the gates, seeing Chi-Fu, the Emperor's trusted advisor, and two guards riding on horses, stopping in front of them.

"Y/n. Stay inside." Her mother instructs before her and her husband walk out.

The girl's grandmother clears her throat, pointing behind her. Understanding, Y/n runs near the roof, climbing up as she sees the other civilians walking out of their houses. Her gaze lands on Milan and his parents, seeing the three walking out.

"Citizens, I bring proclamation from the Imperial City." Chi-Fu announces. "The Huns have invaded China." His words make everyone gasp. "By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army."

Chi-Fu brings out a piece of paper, listing out names of families in the small town they lived in.

"The Fa family." Chi-Fu reads out.

Y/n watches as the father and son of the Fa family speak quietly with one another before Milan walks over, his father trailing behind him. The boy grabs the piece of paper from Chi-Fu.

"I will serve the Emperor in my father's place." Milan informs.

Y/n gasps as she stares at him. "Milan, no!"

"The L/n family." Chi-Fu reads out.

"No!" Y/n exclaims quietly.

Looking down, she watches her father hand his cane to his wife before walking over, the others clearing a path for the older man. Milan's eyes widen in fear, knowing the man was the only male in the family.

The girl's father bows. "I am ready to serve the Emperor."

The guard grabs a rolled up piece of paper, beginning to hand it to the man.

"Father, you can't go." Y/n protests, running in-between them.

"Y/n!" Her father exclaims quietly.

"Y/n..." Milan whispers from where he stood.

"Please, sir, my father has already fought bravely--" Y/n begins.

"Silence!" Chi-Fu shouts, standing in-between her and the guard. "You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence."

Holding out his hand, the guard gives the paper to Chi-Fu, who then hands it the older man in front of him.

"Y/n, you dishonor me." Her father tells her as he looks away from her.

The girl stares at the ground sadly as her grandmother walks over, gently pulling the girl away from her father.

"Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp." Chi-Fu orders.

"Yes, sir." Her father replies.

The man starts walking back to his house, ignoring his wife who was holding out his cane for him. Milan watches with a frown as Y/n glances over at him, giving the boy a knowing look before she and her grandmother and mother walk back inside.


Later in the evening, Y/n through the hallway of her home, stopping outside a room as she peaked over the wall, watching as her father grabbed his old sword from the cupboard that sat in the room, against the wall.

She watched as he did the same moves he used to do back when he was younger and back in the army. As he continued doing so, he grunts in pain while collapsing to the floor, sword making a clang noise as it falls as well.

Y/n watches her father with a frown before walking off, finding herself walking outside, crossing the bridge she had walked across earlier and going near the lake where she and Milan always spent time with each other at.

The said boy stood at the lake, staring down at the fish that were swimming around. Hearing her footsteps, Milan looks over, seeing her walking over. When they made eye contact, Y/n wastes no time and runs to him, wrapping her arms around her best friend. The two hug each other as the girl slightly sobs against the boy's shoulder.

"Y/n... It's alright. I'll be fine." Milan assures in a whisper.

Y/n pulls away, but keeps her arms wrapped around him. "How do you know that?"

"Because I have something to come back to." Milan whispers, cupping her cheeks with his big hands.

The two stare in each other's eyes, finding themselves leaning closer and closer before they could feel their breathes against each other's faces. Milan glances between her eyes and her soft lips.

"Don't go." Y/n quietly whispers just as he goes to lean in. Slowly, he looks in her eyes. "Please. You can't go, Milan."

"Why not?" Milan asks, fully pulling away from her. "I'll be serving the Emperor in my father's place."

"Yeah, but--" Y/n tries.

"Are you trying to say that it would be better if my father went?" Milan questions, interrupting her as he narrows his eyes on her. "Let my father, who is already weak as it is, fight in the army and possibly be gone forever?"

"No, Milan I--"

"I didn't know you could be that selfish." Milan states, cutting her off again.

Y/n couldn't help but glare at him. "At least your father doesn't have to go like mine does! At least you don't have to worry about your father fighting against the Huns unlike I am with mine. I just watched my father collapse to the ground, because of how weak he is now! So don't tell me that I'm selfish, when I have to watch my father leave and possibly be gone for the rest of my life!"

Milan's gaze softens. "Y-- Y/n, I didn't mean--"

The boy doesn't get to finish as the girl walks off, heading back to her home while hugging herself. This day couldn't have gotten any worse. Her father and best friend were going off to fight against the Huns. She couldn't honor her family like she wanted to.

And was possibly gonna lose her best friend, the man she loved, and her father for the rest of her life.

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