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As I slowly awaken, I notice Chris being unusually affectionate, staring at me, and I can't help but feel a little uneasy. "Morning, my gorgeous girl," he whispers in a sultry voice. My response is sleepy and casual as I say, "Hello, Chris McLean from FameTown," causing him to wince slightly.
"Ouch, okay," he responds quietly, sitting up and getting out of bed. I can't help but wonder why my response bothered him. Was it not as funny as I thought?
"You okay?" I ask as he turns slightly to me on the bed. He nods without saying much, continuing to walk away like nothing happened.
As I get up and walk into the main area of the cabin, Chris is nowhere to be seen. I sigh and get a glass of water to wake myself up.
Feeling a bit lonely, I search for Chris, unaware of the special occasion. Finally, I find him outside, gazing at the horizon.
As I slowly walk up behind him I place a had on his shoulder causing him to look back at me.
"Hey, what's up? Did I say something?" I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. He turns to me with somewhat sad look in his eyes.
"Do you know when you arrived here?" He asked out of the blue.
"You want the honest truth? No. I have no idea." I reply being completely honest, the only time I started to realise the days going by was when Chris bought me a new phone, but still then I don't realise when things are happening often.
"Well... do you wanna know something crazy?" He says enthusiastically. "It's already been a week since you became mine." He has a smug look on his face as he says the last half.
"Has it really? Wow I guess time does go fast."
"Okay then. It's been a week since you became my girlfriend!" He teases
"Even worse.. anyways is that what you were mad about?"
"Hey! I wasn't mad, just slightly disappointed. But then I remembered you probably don't even know what day it is anymore." He chuckles making me giggle slightly.
"You're so dramatic."
Me and Chris had breakfast together, just the two of us. It was oddly sweet. To me this milestone in our lives wasn't that big of a deal, I understand one month but a week? no. But it's cute that he's taking it so seriously.
Later the crew gave Me and Chris pirate costumes to put on and of course I obliged. The only problem with this was that the pirate costumes skirt was barely covering my butt.
It was then time to start filming and the first thing we were instructed to do was fire a cannon at Leshawnas new trailer. Luckily she wasn't in it of course.
"Arr, maties! Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!" Chris tells the campers in a pirate accent through the megaphone.
As everyone began to gather at the amphitheater every one was staring at us and the sheet covering a giant lump on the stage. They were probably realising how ridiculous we really look. The thing that really got to me was that Chef only had to wear a pirate hat but no matter how much I haggled the staff they insisted.
"Nice ass, Mo!" Duncan yells at me as I'm stood on the stage and everyone laughs.
"Shut up! This costume is minuscule." Chris stares at me and clears his throat as he gets ready to start the challenge.
"Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for ye?" Chris announces in a pirate accent as his fake parrot falls off his shoulder.
I tut and go to pick it up as Chris places a firm hand on my shoulder instructing me not to because i'll most likely end up flashing everyone.
"What's under the sheet?" Trent asks us.
"All in good time, laddie." Chris answers "Who here has a-hankerin' for a good ol' fashion treasure hunt?" Gwen sighs.
"Hey, but listen! This treasure hunts got a twist." I tell her trying to make her feel better as Chris interrupts me.
"Ye need to talk in a pirate accent, me lassie!" Chris tells me and I shake my head. I am not embarrassing myself in front of he world, even more than I practically already have.
"No thanks."
"Then leave the jabbering to me, lassie!" I roll my eyes and leave him to it. "Now where we're we? This treasure hunt's got a twist, mates. What you're looking for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure."
"If there's no treasure, then what's with the eyepatch, your girlfriends sexy outfit and the plastic parrot?" Duncan asks Chris very unamused now.
"Arr, shiver me timbers! Good question, me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest!" Chris unveils the sheet and it reveals some treasure chests. "Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you landlubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Ha har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank!" I roll my eyes at Chris as Chef picks up a bucket and gives it to me and everyone gathers to me and they take their plank of wood with a picture on it.
"These clues will tell ye where your key be stowed."
"Ah, wha, bear?!" Owen shrieks.
"I was hoping you'd get that one, dude." Chris responds to Owen and then turns to Heather. "Haha, Chef's fridge. Nice. I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints." He then turns to Geoff. "That there is the septic tank. For the washrooms." I fake a gag at Geoff and then giggle at him.
"All you scallywags, go find your keys and bring them back by six p.m. Eastern Standard Time to open up your chest and get your loot!" Chris finishes.
"Fair thee well, young scallywags."
While the campers find there keys crew told me and Chris that we we could do anything we wanted with our time, not that there's much to do trapped on this tiny island.
We just decide in the end to sit outside our cabin and have a drink of coffee in our crazily uncomfortable pirate costumes.
"I look so stupid." I complain pulling my skirt down some, the skirt was so short my bare butt was sat on the chair and giving me splinters.
"You do not, you look hot. Maybe we could use it later in bedโ"
"CHRIS!" I try and stop him from finishing his sentence.
"I promise I won't do the accent."
"I wasn't expecting you to do the accent, but then again this is you were talking about."
"Maybe you should try the accent. You know it would really turn me on." He smirks as he sips his coffee.
"That is quite possibly the worst thing I think you've ever said to me." Chris chuckles.
"I'm kidding! But it would be funny."
"Tis would not be funny, laddie." I try and do the pirate accent, but I cringe myself out halfway through the sentence and start laughing.
"That was horrible!"
"Yours is 10% worse! I think I did quite well."
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh uh."
We both pause and stare at each other. As I stare at him I begin to realise that he's just another human being. Chris McLean. The man who I used to fan-girl over. So much to the point where it because a borderline obsession.
Maybe if the younger version of me could see where I am now in life, she'd be proud of me in some way. My parents never really thought I'd get anywhere apart from a basic low paying office job. I always had the perfect grades but not really the perfect family. They were always rooting for her. My sister Taylor.
She wanted to be a professional dancer so bad and my parents would enroll her in all the clubs, classes and competitions that they could, and she'd always end up winning them. They'd always pay attention to her, and never to me.
Yet here I am. I wonder if they're watching now. I'm sure they are. If I could just speak to them right now i'd probably let them know that the majority of the time they're hovering in the back of my mind. Or maybe it's just the things that they used to say to me.
"Morgan?" Chris interrupts me and my thoughts.
"Sorry, my bad."
"Where'd you go off to?" He asks me sipping his coffee again.
"Hmm.. Back home. Not like my Aunts home but my old home. In England." Suddenly I remember back to when we played Truth or dare by the campfire and Chris had asked me a question about why I left home. How would he even know that? How did he know about any of the things that had happened to everyone else.
"Did you get in contact with everyone's families?"
"Huh, When?" He seems confused to why i'm even asking this.
"The 'truth or dare' episode."
"You mean 'truth or bear'" He chuckles.
"No seriously Chris.. Who told you I walked out on my family? You made me seem like I was some dead beat dad."
"I- uhh.. I got in contact with your cousin Faith, who then gave me contact to your Aunt and Uncle, who then gave me your mom's number."
"Ooo stalkerlicious." I roll my eyes. "Surely she knew why I did what I did."
"Of course she knew, and so do I."
"Did she ask how I was?" He shakes his head "What did you even ask everyone?" I ask genuinely curious as I swivel in my chair, going to sit in a different position but can't because of my obscenely short skirt.
"I just asked for dirt on everyone when they were in their youth. Obviously Faith, your Aunt and Uncle had nothing and just decided to let your parents deal with it." I make a noise of disagreement.
"Faith definitely has some dirt on me.." I giggle as I remember fond memories of her. "She just isn't a snitch like most."
"Oh really? Got some dirt you wanna share?" I puff up my cheeks as I remember some thing we previously did.
"One time during a swim class, we stole some girls underwear and then hid them in this boys locker who I liked to break him and his girlfriend up." Chris laughs surprised and then tries to get his breath back
"God! That's evil!"
"I did feel bad.. Although I hated both of the girls involved." I giggle.
"Well, did they break up?" Chris asks invested in the story.
"Nah... but the girl who's underwear got stolen ended up getting bullied and then transferred because of it." Chris sighs and stares at me.
"What did the girl ever do to you?"
"Nothing really, she was just really bitchy. Also there was already a rumour going around that he was cheating on his girlfriend with her anyways."
"Jeez, didn't know you were that kind of petty.."
"I'm not.. just extremely obsessive."
"Like you are with me?" He says getting closer to my face as I dismiss him.
"Like I was with you."
"All right, campers. Meet me and Chris at the campfire in ten! And bring your keys." I announce through the loudspeaker.
After that conversation by the cabins Chris and I spoke more about our pasts and we began to learn more about each other. Chris told me more about his life on the other side of his fame and it was very interesting. It was also pretty unfair how I knew basically everything about him and he only knew that I walked out on my family. What an impression to make am I right?
Chris and I stood by the campfire while everyone begins to gather. Geoff is sat by himself and he reeks of something real bad.
"Hey, guys! Whoo! What stinks?" Izzy announces very loudly with a snake wrapped around her neck. She turns to me and shrugs as I subtly point at Geoff and she lets out an extremely loud 'Oohh'.
"Heh, Izzy, you've got a snake on your head." Duncan Tells her while chuckling.
"I know, but don't worry. He's friendly." She says as he takes a bite at her head and everyone gasps in shock.
"See? Kisses." She replies and falls to the ground.
"Yarr. It be time to claim your treasure. Who's fortunate enough to bear the precious key, come forth with it!" Chris says in his pirate accent.
First one to open a chest is Duncan, he turns the key and reveals some potato chips.
"Is this the best you can do?" He turns to us and we both nod.
"My key won't open any chests." Owen states disappointedly.
"Oh, yeah. We forgot to mention that some of the keys don't open up any chests. Sorry Owen." I tell Owen in sympathetic voice as Chris chuckles.
"Oh, come on! Can you at least do something about him?" Owen sighs disappointedly and points to the bear who is trailing behind his back. Some tranquilliser darts are thrown at it and it falls asleep.
"Oh, and look! An invincibility pass. Lucky me." Heather brags as she pulls out a basket with a pretty bow on it that has plenty of treats in it. No one is impressed.
Pretty much all of the contestants just get a load of random junk such as a lamp, an accordion etc.
"What the...?" Geoff pulls out some cologne and holds it up.
"Geoff will be able to cover up that foul stench with a can of New Cleaver Body Spray. Cleaver. It cuts through the stink." Chris and I say in unison to the camera as we read off the script behind it.
"I just snorkled in a septic tank for cologne?! Nice!" Geoff celebrates and sprays himself.
"I hope everyone got the treasure they were looking for. And more. But now, it's time to do your duty and send one of you off the island for good. So cast your votes." Chris announces as I pull a frown beside him. It may have been for the camera but I also liked everyone who was left and I didn't really want any of them to leave. "And I'll see ye buckaneers back at the campfire after sundown! Arr har har." Chris brings his pirate accent back.
"Ew, stop it please"
"And now the moment we've all been waiting for. The moment of truth. Marshmallow time! You know the routine. Whoever doesn't get a marshmallow, it's curtains for you." The atmosphere then gets very tense as I reach for the first marshmallow. "Izzy. Geoff. Gwen. Leshawna. Lindsay. Bridgette. DJ. Duncan. Owen. Marshmallows for the lot of you." Me and Chris say speedily as we then turn to Trent."Sorry dude. You're out."
"That's right! Take your two-timing ways back to where you came from!" I furrow my brows confused on what the poor guy even did.
"What? But I thought I was getting along so well with everybody." Trent explains.
"I guess you were wrong." Heather tells him
"You don't even care, do you?" Gwen gasps at her words.
"Hey, just playing the game." Heather admits as Trent walks over to Gwen.
"Why should you care? You think I'm a clichรฉ."
"Where'd you get that from?!" Gwen exclaims confused, me and Chris watch this unfold by the dock.
"Her." Trent points to Heather.
"You know, even after all this, I still didn't vote you off!" Gwen raises her voice a little."
"Then how'd I get the boot?"
"My bad! I jumped the gun on that one. Told everyone to turf either you or Heather." Leshawna owns up to her own mistake.
"But tonight, I'm invincible. So that leaves poor old Trent here." Heather brags again.
"Looks like we got played. Sorry, hun." Leshawna comforts Gwen along with Trent.
"It's okay. Whatever happened, happened. At least we both know that we're still okay. We're still okay, right?" Trent asks Gwen holding her face in his hands as she nods. "I want you to be tough and fight through the end. For both of us. I'll be watching and cheering for you back home."
They both bring their faces closer to each other and go in for the kiss as Chris gets in between them.
"Trent! You have an appointment at The Dock of Shame and a ticket for The Boat of Losers. Let's go." Chris goes to drag Trent away as I stop him.
"Just let them kiss already." I tell him and he rolls his eyes giving in as they go and kiss each other everyone watches in awe as they get a little more intense.
"Alright, alright! That's enough!" Chris separates them again and drags Trent off to the dock.
"Thanks Morgan. I'll always remember running from a clown and a mime with you." I pout and then pull a sad face.
"Me too, buddy." I wave to him as he gets sent away on to the dock of shame and everyone waves him goodbye.
"Love to stick around, but it's been a long day and I'm gonna hit the showers. Great work, everybody." Heather exclaims happily and then walks off with no care in the world.
"Alright campers, do with your evening what you will! Me and Morgan will see you bright and early tomorrow!" Everyone bids us farewell. I say us but we know very well they meant just me.
"Bye guys, have a good night!" I say to them, some blew kisses and some just waved. It was very cute.
As Chris and I walk back to our cabin he puts his arm around me and I sink into it.
"Had a good day?"
"I suppose I did, we didn't really have to do much. Did you?" Chris nods at my answer and smiles.
"I enjoyed spending quality time with you earlier, we don't get to do that very often on challenge days." I nod back in agreement.
"True, although that pirate costume was horrendous." I sigh "My ass was on show the entire day!"
"I didn't mind it at allโ And you know... my offer from earlier is still on if your up for it." Chris teases me and I giggle at his words.
"How about that but minus the pirate costume?" I correct his offer.
"Hmm.. sounds good to me...
...you sexy thing."
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