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I wake up not in the same sofa bed i've been sleeping in for weeks on end but instead in a warm comfy bed, although there was no sound of the alarm, no Chris around, and it was bright outside.

I stand up from the warmth of the bed and walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror where I see a note perched on the edge of the sink. I pick it up and read it.

Good morning, Gorgeous. I decided to let you get your beauty rest in a comfier bed, those eye bags weren't suiting you.

throughout the days Chris has still been leaving notes on my bed so this is nothing new, but it would normally be things like.

The more you're mean to me the hotter you get ;)

Me and 'someone else' were happy to see you today ;)

And to be fair they do keep getting progressively worse than that, and I guess today he didn't bother waking me up. I don't know what his problem is or what I should even do about this whole situation.

I decide to just get ready for the day and just think about it later.


I walk to the breakfast area to see Chris sat by himself with no Chef since he's making food for the others.

"Chris, what's going on?" I ask him scratching my head yawning as he looks up at me confused.

"What do you mean, what's going on?" He says with a mouth full of food whilst furrowing his eyebrows

"Why was I in your bed this morning?"

"I put you there let you get some proper restโ€”" He pushes suddenly. "Also cause I needed to borrow the sofa bed." oh damn, I didn't even realise it was missing.

"What for?" I sit down at the table full of food and look around.

"Don't worry about that right now, just eat up, we've got to get to the campers in a bit." He smugly as she slices an egg on his plate and shoves it into his mouth.

"Right.." I trail off as I transfer the food that I want from the table onto my plate.

I carefully put my food into my mouth and look up at Chris who was staring off into the wilderness outside the breakfast tent, he seemed so content and calm. He scratches the slight stubble that frames the lower portion of his face. His dark eyes slowly blinking and looking around.

If he had kids he'd so be a dilf..

"I know you're staring." I jump slightly as he snaps me out of my daze.

"Like fuck was I." I aggressively defend myself pretending I wasn't and look away embarrassed that I got caught.

"Yeah yeah, whatever.." Chris starts eating again, looking at me this time. "I like you when you're stubborn."

I continue chewing while looking at him and not answering as he stares at me intently.

"Don't pretend like you don't like me."

"I don't like you." I say flat out.

"You know you don't really mean that." We both sit in silence while I think about it for a minute.

"I like the idea of you.." I own up and disclose honestly to him.

"Well that's a start I suppose." He finishes off with the last bit of food on his plate. We just awkwardly stare at each other as I try and finish my food.

The more I think about this entire situation the more I feel like being on Chris' good side would be a good thing. Even if he said he wasn't using me for publicity, imagine he was. And then imagine I did the exact same thing.

Suddenly my impulses reach across the table and grab him by the collar pulling his lips towards mine for a rough and from his end seemingly desperate kiss. His tongue slowly manoeuvres it's way inside my mouth to press itself against mine. As I go to pull away he places his hand on the back of my head to make me stay in place a little longer. I've never kissed someone who was as desperate as him.

When I do a manage to pull away there's a small string of Chris' saliva that stretches across the table but soon disappears. I sit back down in my chair awkwardly and look back up at Chris who is sat there staring at me.

"What?" I tease him a little.

"What do you mean 'what'" He stares at me star struck again, like okay we get it calm down. I then stand up with my plate and Chris grabs my arm. "Again later?" I scoff at his words.

"Nu-uh." I then walk away with my plate getting ready to start the day.


The challenge for today was taking place in some random field area with a plane for some reason, i don't really know what's going on.

"Mo! Where've you been?" Duncan beckons me over from where i'm walking over.

"Oh hey! My alarm didn't go off this morning." I half lie to him.

"Oh sickโ€”" He pauses for a moment and looks around him before pulling me closer to whisper.

"You haven't seen my needles by any chance have you?" He pauses again as he slowly pulls away. "If you have i'd really like them back, i wanna give myself a piercing."

"Uhhโ€” I don't think I have." I lie again knowing full well Chris had the staff of the show go into the cabin and take them away from him.

"Ah... Right." Duncan sighs as Chris loud voice comes into ear shot

"Campers! Now, remember! Ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing." Chris tells the campers from his dodgy looking plane, I guess that's where my bed went then.

"Sayonara, Trent. I hope your attempts to impress weird goth girl are worth the chalk outline." Heather tries to intimidate Trent, bit harsh, even for Heather.

"Uh, did you ever think that maybe Trent's doing this as a form of self-expression? Like haiku? Or... Not." What Gwen was talking about was beyond me but by the look on Bridgette's face when Gwen glanced at her something was going on.


Chris tried to get me into the plane, like hell was i going to do that, so I stayed below with the others.

The Gophers team grunt as they attempt to push my sofa bed to make the landing zone.

"Push!" Heather demands.

"Why is this thing so heavy?" Leshawna complains as she peeks her head over the back of the sofa to see Owen snoring on the unfolded bed.

"Come on, you big tub of lard, move!" Heather shouts at his restless body as it doesn't move an inch.

"Any other bright ideas?" Gwen sighs looking at the others.

The solution the group came up with was to draw an X on Owens butt instead of the bed.

"At least it'll be a soft landing." Gwen giggles as we hear screams coming tom above us as we look up and see Trent coming down from above. Instead of hitting to sofa bed Trent hits the not so soft sand

"Trent?" Gwen queries, all Trent does is let out a muffled grow in return.


Im walking with the Gophers and watching them push my bed again as Bridgette interrupts the silence.

"You know what's really romantic?" She asks Geoff.

"Uh, writing someone's name in the snow with your pee?" He responds to no one's surprise.

"Uh, actually I was thinking more of the written word."

"Oh! You mean like a tattoo? Haha yeah. I've got one on my butt, wanna see?" excuse me, he slightly pulls down his shorts and tries to show us, thanks Geoff, and anyways i swear he's like 16.

Suddenly we hear a blood curdling muffled scream from above us, we look up and see DJ barely surviving floating in the air with his parachute.

"Go, go, go!" Bridgette and Harold yell in sync as the entire team pushes the sofa bed even faster to its destination.

Just like magic the Killer Bass manage to get the sofa bed under DJ in time for him to land on it safely, they cheer.

"Everything's still here. Nothing's broken? Phew." DJ says extremely relived as the sofa bed folds in on itself and swallows him whole.

The entire team just whistles and walks away as if nothing even happened.


"Gophers lose, Bass wins! One-zero!"Chris says through his megaphone in his plane that i'm surprised he can even fly. I suppose he's man man of many talents

"Nice going, Trent." Heathers spits as he's placed into a stretchers

"Trent, is there anything you wanna ask me before they take you to get, uh, re-boned?" Gwen asks him.

"Yeah. Is my hair messed up?" He says strained and in pain.


"Okay, cowpokes! Let's start..." Chris shouts through a megaphone and then passes it to me.

"The rodeo moose challenge!" I finish off for him.

"Rodeo ridin's kinda like surfin'. Once you catch the lip, you just flow with the mojo. Haha." Geoff says as he approaches the moose.

"Yeah! "Flow". Kinda like the ancient art of Japanese haiku?" Bridgette asks him hoping for a half decent response.

"What's a haiku?" Bridgette sighs at his answer. I wonder what she actually wants him to say.

"Hey Bridge, hah. Wanna see that tat?"

"Whoa!" Gwen stops him.

"Definitely not haiku-y." Bridgette responds as Chef lets to moose out with Geoff sat on it.

Geoff immediately starts screaming as he's flung from it into a pile of socks face first.

"And Geoff's..." Chris says as Geoff screams in pain. "Out?" He suddenly decides to switch to megaphone. "Ooh, that stinks big time for Bass! No, seriously? That is some rank stuff. Leshawna, let's get!" Leshawna cracks her knuckles and mounts the moose

"I hope you got a moose burger recipe handy!" She says to Chef in a cocky tone. "Heheh. Easy, boy. You don't wanna make me mad, now." She strokes the moose carefully which clearly aggravates it.

"Sweet mother ofโ€“ Aah!" The mood crashes through the fence and trampled over Chef.

"So? Your guy's a metro with a broken back!" Bridgette voice comes into shot as she complains to Gwen.

"So your guy's a grammatically challenged skater flake." Gwen argues back to her as Leshawna seems to be having trouble on the moose behind them.

They begin facing away from each-other with their arms crossed over their chest as they slightly side eye each-other.

"Okay. So it wasn't Trent or Geoff." Gwen finally says.

"Yeah, plus we kind of just assumed it was for us." They both hug each-other and i'm assuming make up. "Well, whoever it is, we're gonna find out. Deal?"


Soon after the whole ordeal Chris comes over on his quad bike.

"So, we have a tie! Whoever wins the extreme sea doo waterski challenge... wins invincibility!" He says through his at this point overused megaphone.

"I'm ready!" Lindsay exclaims wearing her green bikini holding her water skis, everyone decides to stop and stare at her.

"Ughโ€” We are so dead. Unless... I get to drive the wave jumper!" Heather interiors everyones daze.

"Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair did." Leshawna responds as Heather gets onto her water ski with Harold on on the skis behind.

"You are so out of your league, Alpha Geek." Heather tries to intimidate him.

"Here's the road rules." Chris says as he parks up next to me on his quad bike and hands me an empty sheet of paper that says road rules on the top of the sheet, what.

I turn to him deathly confused on what was going on, i flipped the sheet over and then flipped it back.

"Oh wait, there are no rules! Which means this is gonna be awesome!" He says as he gets off the quad bike and stands awfully close next to me.

"How do you feel?" Chris asks me in a whisper with a certain twang in him voice, I decide to go with my same plan as before and play my cards right.

"How do you feel, Christian?" I tilt my head as I speak to him, using the same twang in my voice.

"You knowโ€” the usual." He responds, knowing him the usual was probably constantly being horny.


As we wait for the teams to get ready me and Chris are still standing next to each-other, him still talking like before, although at this point he's also placed his hand on my shoulder.

Chris signals for me that the shooting id about to start so we get into our positions.

"And go!" He announces to the teams.

"Ahh! Oh! Ow! Oowah!" Harold complains to Heather as she drags him through the mud face first, little did she know that Harold was still going to manage to get the flag.

"Flag one for Bass!" I announce through the loudspeaker, I feel hella important.

The Bass celebrate much to Heathers distaste as she complains about it to herself.

"Five flags and headed home!" Chris then says through the loudspeaker as I look up and see that Harold had managed to collect five of the flags.

"That's impossible!" As much as i hate to agree with Heather the way he managed to do that is so surprising to me.

"Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified! but when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!" Chris announces once again as they race towards the finish line.

Heather then decides to rotate on her vehicle and pull out a pocket knife to cut the rope attaching him to the water ski.

"Game over, guppy!" She declares to him.

"Victory is... huh?" Harold starts and then realised her words.

As Heather bends down to complete her task a tree branch grabs ahold of the back of her tank top and rips it clean off, Heather screams in terror and covers herself.

Harold gasps surprised and then crashes into a tree stump. Heather rise too shaken up also, crashes and is flung off the bike.

"I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration, but its a total wipeout for the Bass team!" Chris announces knowing full well what just happened, I giggle a little bit but still feel slightly bad for Heather

"Boobies..." Harold mutters.


It's now time for the other team to ride, this time consisting of Lindsay and Duncan.

"Ready, set, ride it like it's sweeps week! Go!" Chris says to them as Duncan races off.

Lindsay does a really good job, mananging to stay on her two legs and earning flags as she goes along.

"Flag one!" I cheer through the loud speaker.

"Flag two, three, four..." Chris finishes as Duncan gets mad and revs the engine and crash's the water ski causing Lindsay to go straight through the finish line.

"She won?" Chris turning to me actually confused, I shrug back at him also slightly confused.

"Gophers win!" I announce to the campers.

"Sorry about that Doug, I just really wanted that shower." Lindsay shouts back to Duncan who is buried face first in a bush.

"Uhhโ€” Whatever." He respond sun a muffled tone.


"The Bass team went belly-up and will now decide which fishy to flush, while the Gophers totally scored some much-needed showers." Chris and I share the line for the camera pointed to our faces.

As the cameras pan off to the campers having a shower Chris taps my shoulder to get my attention.

"Maybe you could do a Heather for me later, eh?" He twiddles his eyebrows a little bit as i roll my eyes, gross.

"Maybeโ€” Who knows." I then walk away from him to see how to Bass are doing with their new found loss.


Skipping to the ceremony, the Killer Bass are gathered around the fire.

"As you know, if you do not recieve a marshmallow, you will be forced to walk the Dock of Shame, and you will never ever return to camp. Bridgette and DJ, you are safe." Chris hands them their marshmallows.

"Geoff! You're safe, too!" I then hand Geoff his

"Muchos luchos, compadre!" he then says to me.

"Uhhโ€” Sure bud, I tap his shoulder mistakenly forgetting he still stinks from the sock pile.

"Okay, that leaves Harold, who bailed big for... reasons unknown." I turn to Chris to make sure I didn't say something I couldn't

"And Duncan who bailed even bigger because Lindsay left his circling the drain in a shamelessโ€“" Chris finishes for me.

"The chick was determined." Duncan walks over to Chris grabbing him by the collar much like I did earlier but much more aggressive.

"Dude, chill. Open your trap, you're safe." He opens his mouth and I carefully place the marshmallow in between his teeth and he winks at me as he goes to going the rest of his team.

"Harold, sorry dude. You're done like dinner." Chris breaks the news, much to my liking I still felt bad for him.

"Well, it's been fun, guys." Harold says to us lot.

"Farewell Total Drama Island! I loved, I lost, and I saw boobies! What more could a man ask for?" Harold says his little speech holding his luggage.

"You loved?" Gwen questions.

"You're a man?" Leshawna questions him.

"You saw boobies?" Bridgette says shocked, i suppose they didn't see what I witnessed.

"Leshawna, I meant every word of that poem!" Harold says heartfelt.

"Poem? That was you?" Leshawna runs towards Harold to pull him into a hug.

"No. Way." Bridgette says flabbergasted.

"Baby, you some kind of freaky!" Leshawna says picking him up a little off the floor.

"Give daddy some sugar." Harold stains his words as they slightly peck on the lips, awh.

"Wait a sec. So, Harold saw your boobies?" Geoff asks Leshawna.

"Can we see?" Owen asks seriously to my shock.

"Heck no." Leshawna declares as she realises. "Wait a minute. Who's boobies did you see?!"

Heather makes her way out of the shower and Leshawna walks over to her cracking her knuckles, I just decide to ignore it.

"Well, that's settled. Night." Gwen says cheerily to Bridgette.

"Night." She responds, I turn to Chris.

"Well thenโ€” What now? I have no bed..." I ask him although I know he's gonna ask me to sleep in his bed, I Just wanna hear him say it.

"You're sleeping in my bed." He flirts grabbing me by the wrist as I let him drag me back to the cabin giggling.

We get inside and Chris immediately takes his shirt off to my surprise as he normally does it in the comfort of his room. He then looks up at me.

"Your turn~" I stare at him squinting my eyes in a sultry way.

"Uhmโ€” No." I walk my way into the bedroom grabbing my pyjamas locking myself quickly in the bathroom.

"Oh come on...

...You're giving me major blue balls right now!"

hey heyy,
i was looking through total drama visuals on pintrest since i like to plan my stuff out and i found what i think chris' cabin looks like

initially i did think it'd be same like the others but thinking back on more recent *cough* bad *cough* seasons and chris' cottage i feel like this would be more of the vibe.
also it's not all his, it belongs to the crew also, he only has a

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