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"Today's breakfast is Hawaiian-Italian fusion casserole!" I hear Chef chant from behind me where I'm standing with Duncan in the queue for the coffee machine.
"You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge?" I turn around hearing Gwen respond to Chefs remarks.
"Yeah, that's right! You got a problem with that?!" He raises his voice getting in her face.
"Sir, no sir!" She answers walking away and walking towards her table in the cafeteria.
I hear a faint little sneeze come from the opposite side of the table to where Gwen is going to sit, it was Heather.
"Need a little echinacea?" Gwen smugly responds sitting down.
Heather's stuffy nose distorts her words. "Ha, you're so funny. Do you think that you can just lock me up in a freezer and get away with it? I am gonna make you sorry that you ever met me."
"Too late."
"You are such a... a... a... achoo!" She sneezes making a mess on the table to her left. "Ugh! I hate this place!" Duncan grabs my wrist making me realise I'm next in the queue.
"You need to start paying attention," Duncan mutters as we grab one of the orange mugs each and start filling up our coffee.
"Sorry, Chris told me to keep an eye on everyone." I turn to face him and he's concentrating on not overfilling his cup but getting the most that he can.
"Yeah. He said to keep an eye, not stalk them. Weirdo." He scoffs as he tilts his head up to look at the last orange mug on the shelf and swipes it.
Suddenly Courtney appears out of nowhere to scold Duncan "I saw that! How could you just steal a mug?"
"Cause it's cool looking and I don't have one. Hm. Didn't have one, that is." We all start to walk over to the Killer Bass table, me and Duncan sit down leaving Courtney to stand up.
"But you might get kicked off!" Courtney whispers close to his face standing at the edge of the table.
"Awww, and here I thought you didn't care about me." Duncan smugly remarks to her.
We're one player short and I don't wanna lose because you feel like going all criminal on us." She places her hands on her hips and moves her face further away from him.
"Pfft, whatever. You dig me."
"Ugh! Why do I even bother?!" She walks away swinging her hips, Duncan's eyes drift slightly down as he then turns to me and grins, I roll my eyes and sip my coffee.
"Morgan!" I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders from behind me, Duncan turns his head to look at them in surprise.
I spin around slowly on the picnic bench to see Chris with his signature smirk on his face.
"We need you to film right now," Chris says grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the bench.
"Oh- okay then, bye D." I flatly say as we walk out of the door and follow the crew to a location in the woods. The crew position us in front of the cameras.
"Chris you know your lines, Morgan you just have to stand there and look pretty." The director smiles at me as I nod to them.
"That'll be easy for you then." He smirks at me.
"Shut up," I say plainly and turn to the camera and smile
"Hi. Chris and Morgan, here. Sometimes teams just don't get along. So the producers and I thought the best way to work through the group friction would be... to exploit it for laughs! This is gonna be awesome!"
"So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues." Heather and Gwen glare at each other. "And I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too." Duncan nudges Courtney and she shoves him over.
"So, this week's challenge is going to be centred around building trust." Chris finishes.
Because all good things begin with a little trust." I add.
"There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team," I say to the cast members.
"Normally, we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time! More fun for me!" Chris chuckles.
"Okay! So for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme freehand rock climbing adventure!" Chris explains to the contestants.
"DJ and Duncan will play for the Bass. Heather and Gwen for the Gophers." I say.
"Ugh..." Gwen lets out.
"Here's your belay and harness." Chris hands them to each of the pairs as Heather snatched them off of Gwen.
"Hey! What's your damage?" Gwen complains.
"If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts!" Heather turns away flicking her hair into Gwen's face.
"You won't be holding her up exactly. One camper pulls the slack through the belay as their partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop them from crashing. The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like...
Rusty nails.
Slippery oil slicks.
Mild explosives
...A few other surprises." Chris tells everyone.
"Wicked!" Harold adds.
"The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust, people. And remember, never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it." I say making sure it's certain so no one dies.
"Excuse me, can we trade partners? I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today." Gwen says with her hands placed on her hips glaring at Heather.
"Please. As much as I love your company, I'm not gonna throw a challenge just to kill you. Yet. Now spread 'em." Heather grabs the rope and walks toward Gwen.
I turn to see what the other team are up to.
"Never tried this before. Have you?" DJ says nervously looking down at Duncan who is fastening the harness onto him.
"Oh yeah. They teach you how to climb walls in prison all the time." Duncan says sarcastically as DJ's bunny pops out of his pocket.
"Aw, sorry little buddy. You can't come up with me. You can trust Geoff. He's my buddy. Yo Geoff. Hold Bunny while I'm on the rock. Thanks, G." DJ gives Geoff his bunny.
"Sure, man. Little furry dude. What's up?" The bunny looks up at him in awe.
I turn to see what the other team are doing.
"There. You're all hooked up." Heather says to Gwen who checks herself out.
"What's the second rope for?" Gwen questions.
"It's a backup line."
"What are you smiling about?"
"Nothing. I'm just really happy we got on this challenge together." Heather very obviously lies to her face.
Now time for the challenge to start, I watch Gwen as she climbs up the mountain with ease leaving DJ behind in her trails. An explosion gets set off beside Gwen and then one underneath her hold on the mountain and it launches her off
"Ow!" Gwen exclaims as Heather pulls the rope keeping her safe.
"It's okay, I've got you!" Heather yells.
"I promised surprises! Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?" Chris says to the camera handing me a water pistol filled with the sauce, we immediately both turn and aim for Heather and start giggling, this is the highlight of my career.
"Ugh! What the heck, You two?!" Heather lets go of the rope and rubs her eyes to get rid of the sauce.
"Whaaaa! Ow!" Gwen hits the floor. Oopsie.
"Muy Caliente," Chris says as I look at him and roll my eyes. Our next target was Duncan so we aim at him and pull the trigger.
"Ah..." He gets taken by surprise as he opens his mouth and drinks it. "Is that the best you can do?" Duncan asks us.
"Is that the best we can do?" Chris turns and asks me as I shrug my shoulders and we both look into the camera lens.
"Come one, Gwen. You don't wanna fall behind" Heather shouts up to Gwen as she pulls the second rope and it rips her skirt off, Gwen looks down in surprise and her shorts fly into DJ's face.
"Well, you don't see that every day," Duncan says to me and Chris who are standing beside him.
"No, you don't, my man. No, you don't." They're staring up in awe and I hit them both on the shoulders. I look back up at what's going on as I see DJ falling from the mountain.
As he's falling Duncan accidentally lets go of the rope and gets it tangled around his ankle, by instinct I try to grab him but miss.
"Oh shit!"
"Whoa!" Duncan exclaims being pulled up into the air.
DJ and Duncan grunt as they whack into each other balancing each other out on the rope.
"This bites," Duncan says.
"Ugh. Big time." DJ responds
"Aw, screw it." Gwen continues to climb through the circumstances.
"Looks like the Gophers have won the first challenge." Chris declares as Gwen makes it to the top of the mountain.
"Yeah!" Gwen lots up her hand that was covering her crouch before "Crap!"
the lights fizzle as they reveal Geoff and Bridgette, and Trent and Lindsay.
Chris and I are hiding behind a podium waiting for two stunt doubles to do and cool trick for us so it looks like we jumped in.
Except the stunt doubles look nothing like us and it's extremely obvious.
"And now, round two! The extreme. Cooking. Challenge!" Chris and I say in unison over excitedly.
as the stunt doubles try to crawl out of shit without being seen. Clearly, it doesn't work though as everyone notices.
"Each team must choose who cooks and who eats."
"I was head chef last time. You better cook." Geoff kindly says to Bridgette earning a piloted nod back from her.
"Ooh, Todd! I'll be the cook!" Lindsay exclaims to Trent.
"Today you'll be preparing Fugu sashimi, the traditional Japanese blowfish," Chris announces.
"Which also happens to be extremely poisonous if not prepared correctly so listen up!" I say pulling down a board with where within the blowfish is poisonous and where isn't.
"The Fugu Blowfish contains enough lethal toxins to kill thirty people," Chris says.
"Fishes, meet your maker!" Chef tosses the still-alive fish at Lindsay and Bridgette.
"They must be sliced very carefully to cut around the poisonous organs." I point out.
"The poison paralyzes the nerves and there is no antidote. So no worries." Chris says.
"You have taken biology, right?" Trent asks Lindsay as she nods her head.
"Phew..." Lindsay stabs the pufferfish and it slowly deflates on the chopping board.
"Finished!" Bridgette sighs wiping sweat from her brow and handing the dish over to Geoff who cautiously takes a piece of the fish and places it in his mouth.
"Excellence!" Geoff exclaims.
"Ta-da!" Lindsay serves a baldly prepared dish with a ketchup smiley face on it.
Trent takes a piece into his fork. "Mm-hm." He punches himself and starts screaming. He then looks up and chuckles to himself before beckoning to the floor.
"I thought you said you passed biology!" Trent says slurring his words.
"I said I took biology." Trent starts puking while on his back
"It's cool. Give him twenty-four hours and he'll be up walking and breathing, good as new." Chris walks away from the situation.
"Uh, is anyone gonna help this guy?"
"For real. Chris what the hell." Chef then walks in to sort him out.
A little later we all had free time to ourselves for a bit and Chris went to go check on Trent while I was sitting with Duncan.
I had since then gotten up to go check on Trent also when I heard Chef and Chris talking.
"The audience seemed to really like her... and every time we'd have an interaction in an episode there's always so many compilations of us."
"True. But is it really okay to toy with a girl's feelings like that?
"I meanβ notice how the ratings went up when I made her co-host!"
My jaw drops out of disbelief as I walk away from the medical tent.
After that fiasco, we all come together once again to film the next part
Chris gains everyone's attention "Good news. The third round involves three more challenges. It's the three blind challenges." He pauses for a while waiting for me to say my line.
"Oh... It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze, and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan." I speedily say to get it over with.
Chris narrows his eyes at me as he walks over to DJ and places an arrow upon his head.
"Like legendary marksman William Tell, you'll be knocking arrows off your partner's head with crab apples."
"Um, wasn't it the other way around?" Courtney inquires.
"Shush!" He dramatically remarks. "Also, the shooter will be blindfolded!" Chris hands me the blindfold and gestures towards his head asking me to put it on him.
I do as he asks but purposely tie it tightly around his head and eyes.
"The person who knocks off the arrow while causing the least amount of facial damage wins." Chris launches an apple at DJ and it hits him in the balls.
"Aw, nuts!" Chris puns.
"Leshawna and Owen, you'll be one team. Courtney and Sadie, you'll be the other." I say.
"I'm violently allergic to apples!" Harold puts his hand up standing still.
"Ooh, let me shoot! I'm a good shot!" Sadie exclaims jumping up and down.
Courtney sighs. "You'd better be." She then folds her arms.
"Okay, let's rock and roll!" Chris cheers.
We all watch apples fly about for a long time.
I stand there with folded arms as Chris chimes in. "Who do you thinks gonna win?" I shrug my shoulders not even bothering to look at him.
Finally, Leshawna's apple hits the arrow making it fall off of Owen's head.
"Ooh! Did I get a bullseye?" Leshawna says peeking from under her blindfold.
"I've got her this time!" Sadie cuts in and aims to win.
"Leshawna won already!" Chris yells to Sadie.
"Hey moron, it's ovβ ooh!" The apple hits Courtney directly in the centre of the head, and Chris walks over to Sadie.
"Sadie! It's over, man! Let it go!" He starts shaking her shoulders.
"Oopsie. Sorry." She apologises.
"Ugh... You're going down." Courtney says light-headed.
"And now, the blind trapeze! To avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond, which is full of jellyfish." Chris explains making the Killer Bass gasp.
"You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump." He gives the blindfold to Bridgette and Heather.
"And then?" Heather sensibly asks.
"Then hopefully they'll catch you. Or that's gonna be one heck of a painful swim." He turns to me and laughs earning no reaction. "Okay! Hut hut!"
"Okay, Bridgette! Jump now!" Harold continues to swing as he sighs. "Aw! If we're going to win, you've got to trust me!" Harold says sweetly to Bridgette.
"Okay, sorry! Next time!"
"Okay. One. Two. Three. Jump!" Harold catches her.
"All right! You did it! Woohoo!" Geoff cheers for them.
"Okay, Gophers. Your turn!"
"Okay, one! Two! Three! J-Jump! No, oh, no, not yet!" Lindsay stammers. Heather confidently jumps but misses Lindsay's hands and falls into the lake and gets zapped.
"Ooh, that's a point for the Killer Bass!" Chris exclaims.
"And now, the final leg. The blind toboggan race."
"They say what?" Leshawna asks.
"Each team will have a driver and a navigator," I say.
"The driver steers while the navigator show directions. Oh yeah. And the driver will be blindfolded!" Chris finishes. Geoff and Harold: gasp.
"Not many of you left, huh? Keep losing you guys." He laughs and looks at me I just blankly stare back. "Oh well. Uh... Gwen and Leshawna, Geoff and DJ."
"DJ, dude. I know you're sad about your pet bunny, but we've gotta focus here. This could be life or seriously heinous injury, bro!" Geoff warns DJ.
"Bunny deserted me. Why should I trust you?" DJ blubbers.
"Because I don't wanna get hurt either!"
Finally, everyone is ready to go. Chris keeps trying to get my attention for interactions and it's starting to annoy me.
"On your marks. Get set..." Chris blows an airhorn as he and Chef push the sledges down the hill.
"Right! Right!" Gwen shouts so Leshanwa can steer, they hit a rock and fly off.
"Ooh, girl! We are flying now!" Leshawna says pleased with herself.
"Uh-oh!" Gwen covers her face as they splash into the lake above the waterfall.
"Ahh! I'm not ready to die yet!"
"DJ! We really need you to steer, dude! Bunny would want you to live!" Geoff says scared.
"Hey, DJ! Look who I found!" Duncan says from below the mountain.
"DJ! Duncan found Bunny!"
"Don't tease me, man!" DJ takes off his blindfold. "Bunny! You came back! A'ight, let's do this!"
"Left! Right! Go, DJ, go!" Geoff chants.
"Right! Left!" Gwen and Geoff say in unison as an explosion goes off.
"What the heck was that?!" DJ asks.
"We had a few explosives left over and I just hate to waste them," Chris says to the camera in front of us.
Explosions continue to go off as directions continue to be shouted. An explosion goes off underneath Geoff and DJ sending them flying.
The Gophers begin to cheer as Gwen and Leshawna approach the finish line. Suddenly Geoff and DJ fall on top of the finish line. The Bass begins to cheer.
DJ gets up and sniffs walking over to Duncan. "Thanks, Duncan. You're the best."
"Whatever, man. It's just a stupid rabbit." Courtney walks over to Duncan.
"I can't believe you found a new bunny for DJ. You're a good guy." She says
"What? No, I'm not."
"You are. You're actually nice."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Hah, I saw you do it, Duncan."
"Whatever! He wouldn't leave me alone, weird rabbit!" He pauses. "Okay, fine, I did it. Are you happy now? Listen, don't tell anybody, okay? I don't want 'em to think I'm soft or anything."
"Your secret's safe with me."
"And the Bass are the winners of the toboggan race!" I say as the Bass begins to cheer.
"Unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment, you broke the number one rule, which makes the Gophers today's big winners!" Chris finishes. The Gophers begin to cheer.
"Rock and roll!" Gwen says.
"Oh, yeah, baby! That's how we roll!" Leshawna high-fives Gwen.
"Who wants a treat? A tasty goodie that represents exemption, security, but peace of mind." Chris discusses.
"Just get on with it." Courtney sighs.
"And if you don't get a marshmallow, you have to walk the Dock of Shame and you can never come back. Ever. Let's see. One for Duncan. One for Bridgette. One for Courtney. DJ, Geoff. Well done, my brothers. Looks like we only have one left. Sadie and Harold, the final marshmallow..." Harold gulps at Chris' words.
"Mm, come on already!" Courtney rushes.
"Don't rush me! The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion!"
"I bet they doβ" so pause before deciding to do it myself. "It's Harold." Chris looks at me in disbelief as I throw his
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