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IT WAS THE PERFECT DAY for a beach party, the sun was high up in the clear blue sky, the tide wasn't too far up, and the girls were for once not talking about boys or whatever else they conversate about.

"Why did you make me wear a swimsuit, Cindy?" Rory grumbled, covering up the exposed skin of her stomach with her hands where her jean shorts couldn't reach.

Cindy squinted at her form, slightly proud of managing to get Rory into a white bikini that contrasted perfectly against her naturally tan skin and showed off her slightly curvy body "Because it's a beach party, can't exactly wear sweats, can you? And plus the other girls are wearing costumes."

"Whatever, I don't even know why I let you drag me here"

Cindy had seen the way Daniel and Rory acted around each other, mostly due to how the girl didn't seem too keen on making friends with LaRusso. So it was her mission to get them to be friends "Oh shut it Aurora, please just try and enjoy today...for me? And hey, if you still wanna go in half an hour, we can skate back home"

Flickering her eyes back up to Cindy, Rory begrudgingly nodded and continued down the beach to where the girls sat on towels and the boys played soccer.

Rory's eyes scanned over the two teams of boys playing and paused on a dazed Daniel who seemed to be staring at none other than Ali, resident nice girl. She sighed, remembering what happened the last time someone tried to flirt with the girl, ending up being pummeled by her brother and his goons.

Daniel's eyes flickered up to where Rory and Cindy were, making eye contact with the former who sent him a sarcastic smile and proceeded to fakely greet the girls sitting on the sand (not that they noticed it wasn't real).

Not looking where she was standing, Rory felt the soccer ball hit her ankle, making her yelp and glare in the direction of who had kicked the ball at her. The boy winced, going to apologize but being interrupted by the girl tossing the ball harshly at his chest.

Ali laughed and looked back over towards Daniel who's eyes were staring at the scrunched up face of the angry girl. Daniel looked back over to the blondie who seemed to be interested in who he was before sending a grin and taking off after the other boys.

Rory's eyes trailed over to him as she heard him ask the others "hey, who's that Blondie over there!" That made her sigh and follow the other girls down to the ocean after taking over her jean shorts to reveal the white bottoms.

Looking over to her best friend, Cindy raised an eyebrow at her tense shoulders and strained jaw but shook it off.

The day consisted of releasing stress, the girls went swimming (but didn't get their hair wet-pussies) and tanned, the boys played soccer and drank beer. Surprisingly, Rory laughed along with the others as they wold stories of their junior year, bringing up some of her impressing pranks on the boys.

Night fell on the group and Ali invited Cindy and Rory to sit with her and another girl, but she couldn't concentrate with the feeling of someone staring holes into the side of her face. Rory looked up to find Daniel looking over at their group, but quickly looking away once she caught him.

Rolling her eyes, Rory stood up and made her way over to the boy that pretended he couldn't see her walking over. "You should probably stop staring"

"I wasn't staring" he denied and quickly shook his head before rolling up the sleeves of his red hoodie.

"If you really want Ali to notice you, staring at her is going to do the complete opposite" Rory laughed making Daniel's head shoot up, surprised that she thought he was staring at the Blonde "anyway, I'd be careful with that one if I was you"


"Oh, you'll find out sooner or later"

"What do yo-"

"Hey, Danny!" Freddy cut in from behind, sending a suggestive look towards Rory when she was the only one that looked up, but he earned a scowl in return from her.

"What, what?" Daniel focused back on the sausage he was hanging over the fire, concentrating so he doesn't burn it.

"I think the blonde is lookin' at you" that made Rory snap her head over to look at Ali in question who was in a conversation with Cindy as well as having her eyes trained on the boy next to her.

Daniel stood up slowly, still looking at his kebab stick "oh yeah, right"

"I'm serious. I think she has the hots for you, man" Freddy nudged Rory and she looked back at him, making kissy motions and pointing at a distracted Daniel who was now looking straight at Ali. He raised an eyebrow at Rory before turning back to the boy "why don't you make a move on her, huh?"

Rory rolled her eyes, which Daniel caught making him furrow his eyebrows, wondering why she was annoyed at the blonde "no, I'm eating man." Smiling slightly, Rory walked away from the 2 boys and sat beside Cindy.

"Hey, Rory" the girl in question snapped her head up to look over at a smiling Ali "who was that boy you were talking to?"

"Freddy?" she furrowed her eyebrows jokingly, shaking her head at the blonde "we've gone to school with him since preschool"

Ali laughed and nudged the girl "No, I mean the other cutie...red hoodie"

"Ohhhhh, um, just some new kid that moved here yesterday from New Jersey"

"Well, what's his na-"

Ali was cut off by a soccer ball being kicked into the group, the girl that caught it throwing it to the blonde after seeing who it was meant for. Ali stood up before jogging over to an approaching Daniel who looked a bit sheepish making Rory unknowingly smile a little.

"Rory? Rory!" Cindy waved her hand in front of the girl's face making her shake her head and clear her throat "why were you staring at Ali?"

Cindy knew the girl wasn't staring at Ali, but at the LaRusso boy, but chose to ignore it and nag her about it at the sleepover they were having that night. Maybe her plan to get Daniel and Rory to be friends wasn't going to be so difficult.

The sound of multiple motorcycles coming down onto the beach made Rory stand up, dust the sand off her shorts, and turn around. The red leather jackets were a dead giveaway since Rory had the same one stuffed in her cramped closet.

"Hey Ali, I wanna talk to you" Rory's idiot brother came over after she had sat down on the sand.

"Godamnit Johnny, not again" Rory groaned "just leave Ali alone"

"We've been over all this, all right" Ali sighed as she remained focused on her interesting hands, guess Daniel was about to figure out what she meant by be careful. "I don't wanna talk"

"Oh shut up Aurora, stay out of this!" he snapped at her leaving Rory to glare distastefully at the boy "Well, I wanna talk to you, all right?"

Johnny reached over to turn off the music playing from Rory's black boombox, obviously, that annoyed Rory who leaned over and turned it back on (and not forgetting to crank it louder). Johnny ignored her and switched it off again.

"God, what is your problem, John!" Rory swatted his hand away from where it rested on her boombox "just take your little posse of hormonal, brainless monkeys and go annoy some other group of teenagers"

"oh, yeah, right" Rory stood up followed by Johnny who then grabbed at the boombox in her hand "and that's going to solve everything"

Rory glared down at where he held her boombox before going straight for it, but he swung it out of reach just in time "give me back my boombox dumbass"


"I said, give me my boombox!"

"Not until you stop butting into my relationship!"

"yeah, your relationship that you don't have? She broke up with you! Now give me my boombox" Rory grabbed it from the boy's hand and hid it behind her back out of reach, but not before switching it back on to piss him off.

And piss him off it did, because in lightening speed, Johnny grabbed the boombox out of her hand and slammed it on the ground making the sound blow out "You dick head! You broke my Boombox!"

"Don't touch it, punk!" Johnny yelled making Rorysnap her head to the side where Daniel had gone to pick up the boombox. As if remembering how close Daniel seemed to be towards Ali when he was watching them talk, Johnny started taunting the boy "you want it? you got it!"

Jonny thrust the object into Daniels's chest making him stumble and fall backward onto the sand. The Cobra Kai members cheered whereas Rory looked over towards the boy on the floor with a concerned expression which turned into alarm when she saw the determined look on his face as he pushed himself back off the ground.

"Come on, Daniel" Johnny laughed as he rolled up the sleeves of his jacket, looking straight at Daniel.

Daniel went to run and swing at the blonde, but he side-stepped and stuck out his leg making the boy trip into the sand. Not knowing if she could watch the rest, Rory slapped her hand onto her face before peeking out of her fingers to watch Daniel get back up and run at him again.

Johnny again stepped to the side and tripped him, watching Daniel fall to the sand. Rory lunged forward to hopefully stop her brother from hurting the poor boy but got held back by one of Johnny's friends.

"Stop it, Johnny!"

"I'm not doing anything" he waved her off, looking over to where Ali was standing wide-eyed before looking back forward to where Freddy was helping Daniel back up.

"Toro! Huh, toro!"

"Come on!"

Johnny did a spin before kicking Daniel in the stomach, the latter folding like a beach chair and collapsing to the floor once again as he groaned in pain. Now, the former turned to look at his kid sister who was looking at him in disgust as she continued to try and fight against the 2 boys holding her "Look, you started this"

"Started this? No, I'm going to end this. Tell your little minions to let me go you pussy! Fight me like a real man instead of some helpless boy you were hoping to take out your pent up anger on!"

"You talk too much" that made Rory angrier, she now started to push harder against the 2 boys holding her, but she was once again helpless "How about you, hero? You have enough?" Daniel jumped up and punched Johnny in the nose before getting into some odd stance across from him, holding his arms up. "No mercy, man"

Johnny kicked up at his stomach before kicked him across the face and finishing off with a backhanded punch to the face. He started stalking away from the boy making Rory grasp onto his jacket and continuously keep struggling "let go of me assholes!"

She finally got an elbow loose and jammed it up into one of their noses before twisting and slamming her fist into the other gut. She turned back to her brother and glared harshly "You're such a lousy pathetic excuse of a man"

"It's your fault!"

"What the fuck do you mean by my fault, I wasn't the one that beat the kid up!" she yelled in anger "It's always your fault, why do you always have to fight your way out of everything?!"

"You're one to talk Miss Violence is the solution to everything!"

"Yeah, but at least I've changed over the break, you're still the same asshole from last year!"

"Bullshit" he spat in her face before waving off the other guys and walking away "get on your bikes guys"

He sauntered off making the girl suddenly remember the other kid in the fight, faintly hearing the sound of one of the other Cobra Kai's talking "You sure pick cool people to be friends with, Freddy"

"where'd you find this guy?"

"Come on, let's go. He'll be alright"

Rory stared in disappointment as Freddy walked off with the other boys, but looked over her shoulder when Cindy came to stand beside her, looking to where Ali had kneeled beside the boy.

Seeing the blonde walk off in disappointment, Rory held up a finger to a curious Cindy and stalked over to the boy. She knelt down beside Daniel and hesitantly went to place a hand on his shoulder, but decided not to when she remembered that they weren't really friends.

"Uh, hey Daniel?"

"What now"

"Cindy and I are gonna go back to her place and we were wondering if you'd like to walk with us?"

"No, I think I'll be fine"

"Are you sure? You live legit right next to her, she's apartment 19 and I'm sleeping over anyway. I can also help with excuses for your mom and stuff, I'm a good...liar?" By this time, Rory was rambling on nervously, fiddling with her fingers on her lap "come on Danny"

Daniel smiled a little when he heard her whisper his nickname, and looked over his shoulder to nod even though it hurt "okay"

Suppressing a smile, Rory stood back up and held out a hand to the crippled boy "on three...one, two, three"

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