23 - Thunder and Traitor

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For breakfast, we sat around a small fire again, eating some food until suddenly, I felt raindrops falling on me. The rain wasn't a lot, but when I started to hear some noises in the sky, we decided to hide.

Minho's face paled completely and he almost dropped his stuff. "Is it thunder?"

"I think it is, yes." Harriet sighed and put the fire out while Minho froze for a second. Soon the noise got louder and Minho shrank. He was not okay and I wanted to know why. Was it because he got hit by lighting?

"I'm gonna go to our tent." Minho got off his seat quickly and ran a hand through his hair. "To hide." He added before rushing away, almost running.

Not long after, I didn't hesitate to follow Minho. I found him in his bed, a blanket covering his whole body that was crawling up in a ball.

"Min?" I questioned carefully and took some slow steps toward him. "Are you okay?"

He didn't reply to me and just moved a bit. I bent down and slowly took the blanket off him, revealing Minho who had pressed his hands on both of his ears.

Full of pity, I looked at Minho for a second. His eyes were wide and afraid, and his face was still pale. Something I wasn't used to by him.

"Are you all right?" I almost whispered. Of course, I knew that he wasn't, but asking was polite.

Minho seemed to hesitate, but then talked. "Lighting is not really my favorite thing." He admitted before looking down in shame. "I'm scared." He then scoffed like he made fun of himself.

"That's okay," I told him quietly. "Can I help?"

Minho shrugged. "Can you control the weather?"

I chuckled lightly. "Sadly not." I sighed and looked at the spot next to Minho. A part of me wanted to lay there and comfort Minho, but at that moment I was not really in the mood of touch. It was so weird. The previous day I asked Minho to lay next to me, but if it was the other way around, I didn't want it, which I found horrible. 

"I'll just.." I took a raspy breath and lay down, face twitching into different emotions.

"Don't do this, Jane," Minho spoke. "You're not comfortable."

"I'll be fine," I assured Minho, but he shook his head.

"I'll be fine." He corrected. "Just go to the others, Shebean. It'll be over soon and Teresa wanted to talk to you." 

"But you- wait, Teresa?" I frowned. 

"Just go." Minho motioned for me to leave, which I ended up doing. 

The rain had already stopped and the thunder was going quieter, so the storm wasn't that long. The others already gathered around a new fire, all talking and some eating food, like Harriet and Cyra. 

"Thanks." Cyra smiled at Harriet when she got food pushed into her hands. I sat down close to them, Cyra turning to me. "Did you kiss Rye?" She whisper-screamed.


"Why would you kiss my brother?" Cyra looked like she found it disgusting, which I didn't blame her for. Chuck was like a brother to me, so he also had a point of thinking it was disgusting what I did with Minho and Newt. I couldn't imagine how weird I would find it if my sibling would do that.

"Or literally any boy at all," Cyra added. "Want one?" She handed me some food, but I gently pushed it away.

"I'm going to Teresa, thanks." I gave Cyra a nod and looked around. "Where is she?"

"Over there," Cyra replied with a mouth stuffed with food, pointing at the top of a mountain.


Once I arrived next to Teresa, my breaths were a bit heavy from climbing up there. "Hey."

She looked up, the expression on her face sad, for some reason. "Hi."

I took a breath before replying. "What's up? You wanted to talk, right?"

"Yes," Teresa said. "Just one thing..." She paused for a long time. The silence was tense and I almost flinched when she spoke up again. "Why didn't you obey? Why didn't you complete the tasks?"

My stomach dropped when I realized we were talking about my favorite subject again. "I didn't want to. Simple as it is."

"But if you would've listened," Teresa started. "Everything would've been done so much easier."

"Are you saying I should've killed Newt?" I lowered my voice.

"No." She shook her head lightly. "But the tasks would've improved the brain patterns."

I got a bad feeling about Teresa. The way she talked was just.. weird. "What team are you on, Teresa?"

She was silent for a few seconds. "You're all looking at them like they're the worst. But they only try to find a cure."

"Their methods aren't exactly the best." I snapped, annoyed by the girl. Something was definitely wrong.

"I know it was wrong for them to give you those nightmares and mind errors, but it was the best they could do," Teresa replied, tears burning in her eyes. 

My chest tightened in realization, face dropped. "How do you know about that?"

Her mask slipped for a split second, revealing another hurt expression. "What?"

"How do you know about those things? You weren't there yet." I talked a little more threateningly. 

"Jane, I-" Teresa stammered, not getting out of her words. 

The realization hit me once again. "You're one of them." I realized, almost stumbling over in shock. "You're one of them."

"I'm sorry." Teresa apologized, one single tear trickling down her cheek. I turned around just to see Thomas climbing up the mountain, towards us. I gave Teresa one last glance before going back down, leaving the two alone.


A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter and not the best written!

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