A/N: How do you think Newt/Minho will find out what happened to Jane in the pub and her memories? And their reactions?
Eventually, the man, whose name appeared to be Jorge, decided that we would go look for Thomas and this Brenda I didn't know. So there we went, all of us walking through the woods, following Jorge who didn't bother to explain anything.
"So, Shebean." Minho sighed and jokingly wrapped an arm around my shoulders. My breathing got stuck in my throat.
"You gonna explain what happened instead of 'dying'?"
I didn't mean to, but roughly pushed Minho's arms off me and took a few steps away from him. Immediately the feeling of guilt for doing that washed over me, but I didn't feel like getting a flashback in front of Minho and Newt.
Minho frowned but didn't react to my sudden movement. "You gonna explain what happened?"
"I got picked up by a group, escaped them after I messaged you, met the siblings, and found you." I quickly summarized. Of course, I left the things that happened at the pub and my father behind. They didn't have to know about that.
"We got taken by this group of people we thought were good." Minho started.
"But Tommy over didn't trust them." Newt sighed while I smiled at the nickname. "So he went with this kid Aris." He motioned at the other boy walking in front of us. "And found out they were still WICKED."
"So we escaped, got into one of those tunnels, attacked by Cranks.." Minho lowered his voice. "And they infected Winston so.." He trailed off.
I looked around for Winston, but just then noticed he wasn't there. "Oh." Was all I could reply, a dark and sad feeling washing over me.
"Yeah." Newt cleared his throat. "But then we woke up by lighting and ran into Jorge's building."
"Man threatened me again, then hung us above an abyss," Minho explained. "We escaped, almost got shot, then music started to play, we went down a zip line into the woods, lost Brenda and Thomas, the building exploded and found you."
I nodded and kept walking, trying not to worry too much about how I was supposed to act normal against the two boys touching me.
"Hey, guys." Rye sped up his pace so he walked next to me. "What's up?"
Minho gave him a cold stare. "Nothin' for you to worry about."
"Minho," I warned.
The boy glanced at me but didn't reply.
"So what have you guys been doing this whole time?" Newt asked.
"Searching for you," I replied. "What did you expect?"
Minho made a movement with his hands I did certainly not approve of.
"What?" Minho asked innocently.
"You two getting back to the enemy thing now?" Newt frowned. "Please don't."
"Enemy? Was that why you rolled over the ground with him, Star?" Rye looked at me.
Minho spat out the water he appeared to be drinking, coughing loudly after. "Star? She's not in the sky."
"She isn't much of a female bean either, is she?" Rye said, causing me to giggle lightly.
"You think this is funny?" Minho gave me another offended glance. "Watch out, 'cause I'm ready to start calling you deformed chicken again!" He paused. "And how does that creep know we rolled over the ground?"
"I told him."
"Did you tell him your whole life story?" Minho whisper-screamed.
Well, I guessed I kind of did. Rye knew about my past, while no one else did. "Maybe."
Minho sighed and started walking faster as Rye walked back to Cyra.
"Hey, love?" Newt suddenly asked after a few minutes.
"Hmm?" I met his beautiful eyes, and wow, I somehow missed that so much.
He spoke softly, "Are you doing alright?"
"Yeah," I answered easily, lying, though. Of course I wasn't fine after I found out about the things my father did to me or the fact I couldn't get over what happened in the pub. So badly I wished for a shower. I wanted to wash those hands off. They had to get off. I felt so awful.. and even guilty.
"And you?"
"Oh, I'm fine." Newt smiled, but it disappeared quickly. He leaned in. "Be honest, Jane."
My stomach dropped. "What? I'm being honest."
"Minho and this guy might see right through you.. but I can see something is wrong." He stated.
"Nothing is wrong, Newt." I swallowed and walked faster, but Newt took my wrist. My eyes widened and I froze in my place before pulling back as fast as I could.
Newt stared at me, his expression mixed with confusion and disbelief after I pulled back, eyebrows furrowing deeply.
"Why did you do that?"
"Why did you grab my arm?" I asked in the same tone.
Newt bit his lip for a second. "I'm worried about you."
"Okay." I waited for Rye and Cyra to walk past us. "You shouldn't be."
"What really happened while we were gone, love?" Newt lowered his voice.
I stared at Newt for a few seconds, considering what I would reply. "Nothing happened."
A/N: Who do you like the most and why: Crassus, Rye, or Cyra?"
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