Dating draco

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- he brushes your hair every night and every morning so he can keep it "nice and tidy." But he just wants to touch your hair.

- when he's drunk he's much more affectionate than he normally would be.

- when he buys you clothes he makes you walk around and pose.

- always makes sure your shower water is an appropriate temperature.

- when you caught him dying his hair he started asking you to help him.

- after the war you would have to comfort him 24/7 since he thought everyone died because of him.

- doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces because nobody taught him so he makes you tie them for him "why would I tie my own laces when you're right here?" Is his excuse.

- Kicks his feet around when he's thinking about you.

- you introduce him to muggle movies. Pretends he hates watching them but he actually rewatches them in his spare time.

- gets really sleepy during class so he uses you as a pillow.

- you would watch him write stories about him being friends with the golden trio. (Crying)

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