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The skies were painted with hues of pink and orange,slowly fading into the beautiful shades of dark blue and black as night time had come.

It was always so pretty to see the sun slowly setting in the horizons,and it was perfect to Dave as he watched it go down everyday on a cliff,the sun perfectly centered.

The sunset was something Dave found different than sunrise,it just gave him a different feeling. Speaking of different feelings,the sunset had given more feelings Dave would have never thought he could feel. Loneliness.

He enjoyed the loneliness the first time he watched the sunset,but as time flew and as he got older,the feeling of loneliness soon seemed boring to him. He wanted someone to be right next to him,watching the sunset with him.

He remembered the olden days when he watched the sunset with some of his friends,friends he was still in contact with like Phil,Wilbur and Schlatt,his buddies.

Though,it seemed like they never had much interest in sunsets. Sure,seeing it go down every other day was pretty,but as Dave would say,"They never saw the true beauty of sunsets and they're missing out on that."

He remembered those days as a kid. Yes,he's been doing it ever since he was a kid. But now,he was a teenager,an 18 year old. He missed those times,and he would love to relive those moments,but maybe even with someone more than a friend.

What was this daily visit to the cliff to see the sunset doing to him? He was confused with the feeling of love. Hell,he wasn't even sure how to react to this feeling. He sure has grown up.

He sighed,he was probably thinking too much about it. He had thought too deep into it that even he didn't even notice a short,tan boy infront of him. Ah,right. He had always walked with his friend,Zak. He'd bring him home right before going seeing the sunset almost everyday.

"Dave,you okay?" The small boy asked,concern hinted in his tone. Dave only nodded,smiling softly. Something about Zak was different from the rest of Dave's friends. He had something in him that made Dave smile so often. His laugh,his enthusiastic character,his personality and mostly,just himself. 

Zak had always confused Dave,though. As much as Dave wanted to believe Zak was 'just a friend' he knew he wasn't,but he was so new to this feeling. He didn't quite understand it,but he was willing to learn it. As long as it was with the small boy.

As they walked along the concrete walkway path back to their neighbourhood,Zak realised Dave was being much more quieter than usual. Although he had always started a conversation,Dave would sometimes also start one,but today was different. It was as if something was bothering him,so he asked again to make sure the taller was fine. 

"Dave,you look like something's bothering you. Are you sure you're okay?" 

Dave looked down at the boy,'Was it this obvious that I showed signs of botherness?' He asked himself. He really wanted to ask Zak if he wanted to come tag along with him to the cliff and see the skies slowly turning into clear terrestrial,but he was nervous. Despite being so,he took the chances anyways. It was once in a life time.

"Well,everyday we usually walk home together,right?"

The shorter boy nodded,curious.

"I go see the sunsets everyday on a nearby cliff after dropping you home,so I was..I was wondering if you,uh,wanted to..come?" The boy asked nervously. He swallowed the bump in his throat,worried than ever.

Zak's eyes filled with excitement,"Really? Dave,if I knew you watched the sunset everyday I would go with you everyday! Yeah,I'm definitely going!" 

Dave was surprised. He didn't think it would be a big deal to Zak to see the sunset,but he was glad. Heat ran up to his face,his cheeks becoming hot. Oh,what was Zak doing to him?

"Well,it's going to be late if we don't hurry,let's go."


Zak huffed,still not used to some of the steep steps they had to climb up in order to get to the cliff. How on earth was Dave able to manage this for a long time? But he figured Dave had done this ever since he was a child,so it made sense he got used to it. "Aw,are you tired? How cute." Dave snickered. Zak blushed,he wouldn't admit it,but he had always liked it when Dave teased him. Guess you say he liked being 'dominated'.

Dave sat down on the near edge of the cliff,looking back at Zak who was still standing up. He patted on the rocky,hard but smooth surface of the cliff,asking Zak to sit right beside him. He obeyed,waiting for the sun to set. 

A minute or two had passed,but Zak was always impatient. He crossed his arms,putting his head on Dave's shoulder. Dave blushed at the sudden action,but decided to put his head on top of Zak's fluffy hair. 

Three minutes had passed by,the sun finally setting down. Zak's eyes opened,sparked with amazement when he was met with the skies in hues of pinks,oranges and yellows. Dave,unfortunately,was unable to focus. There was something more beautiful than the sunset today. Zak.

The shorter boy didn't seem to notice Dave staring at him,but it was understandable. Zak had focused on something else he had never got to experience better than now. Dave smiled at how the boy looked amazing in the sun. The glimpse of the little light left for the day on Zak's face had given his face a golden shine. He looked stunning.

The sun was fully set now,the moon making its way up to the sky,replacing the sun's position. Zak had now finally noticed Dave was staring. He blushed at how Dave's eyes showed 'love'. "D-Dave?"

Dave snapped out of it,back in his state of mind. He blushed,turning his face away from the boy. 'Shit,I screwed myself,' he thought, 'I'm done for.'

Zak giggled at how embarrassed Dave was,lacing his fingers with Dave's and putting his head on Dave's shoulders once more. Dave looked back at Zak,his eyes meeting the shorter's. Zak smiled,knowing exactly what Dave felt.

"Dave,I think I love you."

Dave blushed harder,smiling,"Well I want to make you sure you love me,no 'I think' because I love you too."

Zak giggled,"Alright,loser,I love you too."

- <3

Thank you so much for 3K reads! I love you all,so here's a soft chapter <3

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