chapter thirty-seven
❝ Was there a lifetime waiting for us in a world where I was yours? ❞
(Y/N) tossed and turned on the Kambe's bed in their guestroom. Despite it actually a thousand times fluffier than her decade-old mattress at her own house, she still couldn't find it in her to get a shut-eye. She, once again, glanced at the silver linings of the wall clock prodded on the expensive beige wallpaper and caught sight of the hour hand pointing at the numerical value of 7.
Her teeth clutched unto the inside of her cheek as she stood up from the bed and proceeded to exit the room, her stomach grumbling as it beg her to be fed. Daisuke still haven't returned to the room for dinner so it wouldn't hurt if she roams around the manor while waiting, right?
The young woman's (e/c) irises landed on the fresh crimson dots trailing on the floor which seems to lead to a certain location. A bright beam crept unto the fragility of her cheeks as the nostalgic scene from The Wizard of Oz entered her mind. Giddily, she followed the chain of seemingly red paint blots and persuaded her self in seeing where it would take her like some character in a fantasy movie.
"Follow the yellow brick- uh.. I mean red dots!" She childishly remarked while raising her hand in the mid-air, thankfully no one was there to witness such an idiotic behavior from a 24-year old woman.
With her focus all poured down on the droplets, she never noticed the different rooms in the manor that she has already passed by. Her feet just halted its steps upon having a door in front of her which stopped her from going any further.
(Y/N) blinked after realizing that she was now standing a couple of inches away from the humongous freezer room of the Kambe's. She bit her lower lip to add suspense with the random excitement that she got from the desire to continue her following of the red dots, her hand getting closer to the handle.
"Ms. (Y/N), what are you doing?" The young woman jolted as she was surprised with the oh-so familiar voice of the ravenette. She hesitantly turned her body around, catching the view of the boy raising his eyebrow questioningly at her.
"I was.. following the trail of blots of red on the floor to see where it would lead me to. We can join forces in solving it if you want!"
Daisuke tried to process the playful and immature statement that she confidently spatted, a grin of anticipation painted brightly on her face. His oceanic hued orbs fell towards the floor and saw what the girl was talking about.
"That's.. the blood stain from the fresh steak cut that the kitchen staff obtained from Scotland. The transfer just happened a few minutes ago, I deeply apologize if the maids haven't managed to clean off the droplets in all of the hallways."
(Y/N)'s lips were formed into a pout of disappointment as her childhood addiction of magical mysteries were shattered. Dusts of pink clouded her puffy cheeks while her eyes stared at the male's blank expression.
"Yikes.. Thought it was actually red paint which leads to some kind of a treasure or something." She choked out some fake coughs to cover up the embarrassment that she was currently going through. Her nose was scrunched in a gullible manner before excusing herself out of the kitchen, sprinting back to the guest room in a split second afterwards.
Daisuke sighed in relief as he made sure that the young woman has already exited the kitchen. His breathing finally calmed down, him crouching down to take a good look on the red paint that he have splattered on the floor to make some kind of a trail towards the location where he was in this very moment.
He fixed his posture before proceeding to peek from the small glass partition on the freezer's door, his never-faltering ice-blue orbs darting towards the sumptuous mundane box inside the refrigerator room that he prepared just for (Y/N).
Mentally, he scolded his self for not being able to pull through his plan of surprise for the (h/c) haired girl. He hated his self for lacking the enough courage to actually stick with the ways that he have formulated for his childish confession.
He really needs to stop overthinking things.
The ravenette shuddered with the freezing evening breeze that brushed past the exposed skin on his neck. He shoved both of his hands in the comfort of his pockets, its warmth making him relax a bit as he strolled more on one of their manor's long hallways. He squinted his eyes after noticing a figure standing outside the east wing's balcony. Knowing already who it was, he slowly made his way to check on the person.
"It's way past midnight, may I ask why you're still not in your own room?"
(Y/N) winced because of the sudden speaking of the boy, her hands now gripping on the copper railway as she tilted her head to the side where he was standing.
"I.. I couldn't persuade myself to sleep. I figured that it would help me feel a little tired if I do a little strolling."
The sound of the crickets grazing over the dewy grass and mystifying owls guarding their nests conquered the silence that settled between the two as Daisuke found his self unable to formulate a topic to introduce into their conversation. With a defeated sigh, he fished out for a certain object in the depths of his jogger pockets. He gently grab ahold of the girl's petite hand before carefully placing the box on her palm.
"What's this? Is the contents of this box the key to your basement where you hide the dead bodies in your freezer?!?" The male slightly grimaced with her hysterical teasing as she laughed at his reaction. He scratched his arm awkwardly before locking his gaze at her.
"It's the treasure that the red trail of dots points to."
(Y/N)'s face lit up with his statement, an excited grin climbing in triumph towards her lips. Without any hesitation, she started to fiddle around with the velvet lace that was wrapped around the box.
"I knew it! Ha! I am the best treasure hunter!"
She took off the lid, her (e/c) eyes irises landing on what seems like a cloth. She tenderly took out the item from the box which revealed to be a thin fabric headband. However, it wasn't the ordinary one; it was made from silk wool where a small, aesthetically pleasing aquamarine gem was placed on the center.
"I.. wow.. is this really mine now?" Her sight shifted up to look directly at the male who was currently observing her flustered expression. He simply nodded as a response to this, earning a playful scrunch in the nose from the girl.
"Thank you! This is really nice."
She stretched the band a little before inserting it in her head until it reached around her neck. The boy assisted her by taking her hair that was being held into place on her neck with the headband, the coldness of his fingers tickling the fragility of her skin. Because of this, the young woman wasn't able to stop her self from bursting into snorts of laughter.
Daisuke didn't mind her immature actions since truth be told, he was entertained by this. He softly moved the fabric band to the top of her forehead while the other end stayed on her nape. Although this was his first time doing this, he still hoped that the instructions that he received from the shop clerk that he bought this accessory from was enough for him to do this right. He brushed against the stray (h/c) locks of hers away to make it more presentable. A satisfied beam conquered the best of him as he was now finally done.
(Y/N)'s grateful thank yous were an inaudible daze of blur while it whirred past his eardrums since all of his attention was entrapped into astonishment that he was feeling just by staring at her. The beguiling features that she possesses were alluring him more as the yellow light of the moon pooled all over her graceful being. Everything about her is magical and he is obsessed with every single inch of her; something that he will never be able to deny to his self .
"(Y/N).. can I.. can I embrace you?" A string of curses padded his mind after realizing what he just said out loud. His face's temperature rose in an alarming rate as he tried to formulate the words to cover up his very embarrassing statement yet all he could think about is silence.
His eyes darted towards the young woman to check on her reaction, readying his self to receive an enraged blabbering or one of her infamous teasing remarks. However, much to his surprise, he was being welcomed with something that made his heart flutter in pure utter bliss.
(Y/N)'s arms were open, inviting him into a big hug. Without being able to control his self, Daisuke stepped closer to the heavenly young woman and rested his forehead on the comfort of her shoulder. His back calmed its nerve-wracking posture after feeling a foreign sensation of warmth residing on it, realizing that her arms were now wrapped around him.
His fingers gripped on both sides of her waist while he slowly fluttered his eyes close, maintaining the position of his head on her shoulder. His breathing was now modified into a relaxed one as he engrossed his self with the feeling of his body pressed against her.
Even if all odds will be against him, this knight will still find his own ways just to be with the princess that he treasures the most.
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