#.. SIX

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"they said they could identify knockout drops in your digestive system. someone spiked your drink," jooyeon explained what the doctor told him.Β 

"but who would do that?" hyeongjun still didn't really feel better. his head was spinning, he felt like vomiting once again. the boy has never felt so tired, even though he slept for twelve hours straight.

hyeongjun couldn't even remember how he ended up there. the last thing he remembered was entering jungsu's house, that's it.

not even paying attention to jooyeon, he seemed pretty zoned out, totally understandable. the doctors suggested that he'd talk to a therapist.

even though they knew that nothing happened to him, jooyeon and the others making sure of that, just the experience of being drugged could be quite traumatising.

at the moment, hyeongjun didn't really care. he couldn't really think, like his brain just turned into a fluid.

"suryeol and his friends were laughing" jooyeon recalled. "do they have some problems with you?"

hyeongjun shook his head weakly. "not really, no... not that i can recall."

how weird. who would do such cruel thing? who knows what would've happened if jooyeon wasn't there for him?

"you should eat" jooyeon then motioned to the tray of food on the bedside table, hyeongjun chuckled. "nah."

the younger rolled his eyes, grabbing the tray with a worried smile. "man, they just pumped out your whole stomach, you have to fill it again."

but hyeongjun didn't want to. "i feel like throwing up just by looking at food man, bro, get the fuck away with it."

jooyeon then sighed, looking down at the tray. the food looked disgusting, no wonder hyeongjun didn't want to.

but if he had to... "come on, i'll feed you."

after countless minutes of struggling and fighting, jooyeon had hyeongjun sitting still, waiting for jooyeon to feed him.

the younger couldn't lie, the proximity made him nervous. but why was he nervous?


jungsu woke up due to his phone ringing loudly, startling him. how did he end up in his bed?

sitting up, jungsu looked at the mirror across his bed, sighing. he didn't remove his makeup last night (or morning, probably...), his hair was wild and greasy, he still wore yesterday's outfit. he looked wrecked.

reaching for his phone, he quickly read the contact name - jiseok.

"what's up, bitch?"

"gunil and i fucked"

"you two WHAT?!"

"I DON'T KNOW! fuck i can't even remember drinking that much but i literally can't remember anything!

and now boom i'm waking up at his place, we're both in our boxers and shit, sleeping next to each other.

bro, i'm on my way to your place, you GOTTA see all the hickeys man, it's crazy"

"ji, i mean congrats but what..? didn't you want your first time to be special?"

"I KNOW, DUDE! i don't know what to do now..."

"where are you?"

"almost reached the rich district"

"it's not a rich district, bitch. your ass is just poor"

"shut the fuck up, there's a possibility that my ass is not just poor but also not a virgin anymore-"

"i mean you were wildin yesterday - we played seven minutes in heaven and you didn't even wait for us to choose your partner, bro, you just grabbed gunil and left."

"SHUT UP, i'm so embarrassed, oh. my. god. wait be right back, let me walk the last bit."

as jiseok hung up, jungsu used these minutes to remove his makeup and change into the clothes he wore at home.

he wondered about hyeongjun; jungsu made a mental note to ask jooyeon about the boy's well-being later.

the younger arrived faster than expected. and jungsu's jaw dropped.

"dude-" "shut up, bitch, i know!" jiseok's neck looked like he was beaten up, dark hickeys reaching up to his jawline, and disappearing down into his top.

jungsu couldn't help but laugh. "damn, so they're right when they say that nerds are the freakiest in bed-"

he received a light kick by jiseok, the younger pissed but still laughing, overwhelmed from the whole situation.

"how am i supposed to face gunil now?" jiseok thought out loud. jungsu was in his thoughts for a short while. "and you just left while he slept or...?"

jiseok nodded, letting himself fall down on jungsu's bed, spreading his short body all over it like a king.

jungsu couldn't restrain the urge to tickle his belly, receiving a harder kick again. "maybe he won't make it that awkward."

"i hope so."

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