เณโโท THIS IS ME TRYING *เฉโฉโงโห
Juliette bid her farwell to ponyboy as she walked back to her house after spending a day with him at the library. Only to be greeted with both of her parents standing their with her dad having a disappointed look and her mom having a worried look along with her brother with a sly smirk standing behind them.
"Is something wrong?" She took her coat off hanging it up while looking to them worried, "Juliette is there something you need to tell us?" Her mom asked while her brows furrowed confused pondering on what even they would want to know.
"N-no?" She answered confused while she looked at her family infront of her, "are you sure?" Her dad asked impatiently looking back to her mom. "Why do you guys ask?" She questioned as her mom turned around to glance at Steven.
"Well, your brother told us about your boyfriend" her dad spoke up as her heart dropped and glared at her brother, "okay?" She scoffed at her parents while starting to get impatient.
"And apparently he's a greaser" Her mom looked to her as she rolled her eyes, "seriously guys?!" She exclaimed as her brother chuckled under his breath which earned a glare from her.
"Juliette, your dating a greaser. And we didnt even hear it from you! We heard it from your damn brother!" Her father yelled making her slightly flinch in response, she saw her mom touch his arm in order to soothe him which didnt work.
"Listen its none of your business! And hes not like most greasers! Its not like im dating a criminal!" She yelled back clenching her fists. "Your always away, doing gods know what probably sneaking out. And you probably were with him last night at the diner!" Her father brought up at she scoffed at him.
"Why do you care so much all of the sudden?" She asked as her parents looked to each other, "we care about your safety" her mom butt in as Juliette rolled her eyes.
"Well you sure dont care about my privacy" she mumbled under her breath. "What was that? I dont appreciate your attitude " Her dad told her with frustration lacing his voice and took a step forward. "Nothing" she replied calmly and looked to her brother who had a amused grin on his face.
"Juliette, the school called us and told us that your math grade is dropping" her Mom spoke calmly Juliettes eyes flicked to her mom. "What does that have to do with anything?" She asked raising a eyebrow.
"Its means that are spending all your study time on a stupid boy that's probably a criminal" her father shouted pointing a finger at her, she cringed while backing up. All She wanted to do was take a shower and relax the rest of the night, which was obviously not going to happen anytime soon.
"What happened to that boy Michael?" Her dad asked her she looked to him dumbfounded, "seriously dad?! He kissed another girl over summer vacation!" She defended while crossing her arms huffing.
"Look i get you guys dont like me dating a greaser but its not that big of a deal! Get over yourself!" She yelled at her parents before booking it for the steps and running up to her room.
She slammed the door and sank down to the floor and let out a huff of air while staring at her Beatles poster that was hung on her wall. She couldn't believe her brother would snitch to her parents about her and Ponyboy.
How did he even find out? She kept asking herself but she couldn't fathom how, unless he saw the two walking together at school or saw him walk her home. Or one of her friends mouth slipped but that was un likely
The anger that bubbled inside her chest soon died down a bit, but she still felt it settling in her chest. The sun was beginning to set and her mothers knocks along with her dad could be heard on the other side of the door.
Which resulted with Juliette yelling at them to go away and leave her alone, she laid in bed staring at her ceiling till she glanced down to her watch. It had already been hours since the argument passed and it was nearing nine o'clock.
Quickly grabbing the jacket ponyboy had gave her, she quickly put her shoes on a climbed out her window quietly and carefully. Juliette stuffed her hands into the jacket pocket and started down the sidewalk.
She started to near the south side, which meant soon enough she would see ponyboy. Juliette walked up the Curtis's house and walked inside, soda was on the couch and Darry was sitting in his chair reading today's magazine. None of the other gang was there, and the house was scarily calm and quiet.
"Julie is everything okay?" Soda got up and walked over to her concerned, "y- yeah im fine, is pony home?" She asked as he nodded his head. "He's in his room" Darry answered and looked up to the girl, "you sure ya okay?" Darry asked as Juliette nodded her head a bit.
"Yeah i just got in a argument with my parents and needed to get away" she told the brothers as they nodded their heads. "Thanks guys" Juliette gave them a small smile and walked past them to go to Ponyboys room.
She knocked on the doorframe snapping ponyboy out of trance on his book that be had been reading. "Julie? Are you okay? Did you walk here alone?" He asked while he shot up and ran over to as she shook her head. He looked to her with a concerned face and knew something was wrong and wrapped his arms around her, she melted into his touch.
"What happened?" He asked while rubbing her back, "me and parents got in this whole stupid argument about me and you. Because my asshole brother snitched on us" she explained to him and felt the anger and hatred come back.
"Im sorry" He mumbled while she rested her head onto his shoulder, "its not your fault its mine for not telling them" she replied as his hand toyed with her brunette strands that draped along her back.
"I just am so sick of my dad" she felt tears well into her eyes as he looked to her confused, "he brings up my ex that cheated on me, telling i should go back to him. Then have the nerve to tell me the reason im failing math is because im hanging out with you" Juliette ranted as he caressed her cheek listening to her rant.
"I dont think they understand that this is me trying" she started to sniffle and looked at him. He walked her over to the bed as they sat down, "i just im so drained, they think your some criminal and your going to corrupt me. And its so ridiculous on how my brothers so favored that they wouldn't care if he didnt come home for a whole night because he was out with his friends drinking."
"But when i come home a little after dinner time, its a huge thing" She sighed and felt tears prick into her eyes, he listened to her and rubbed her hand.
"Hes the golden child, and im just there" she finally let her tears spill because it came to much for her to hold in, Ponyboy gently wiped them away and held her close to him. She cried softly into his shoulder as he rubbed her back soothingly. "Its okay, im right here" He whispered as kissed her head. She hated putting him in this position on where he has to comfort her just because she has nobody else to do so.
She must've ran out of tears or she just felt to tired to keep crying, "im sorry" She apologized and rubbed her eyes. "Hey" ponyboy whispered and rubbed her arm, "dont apologize" he told her while looking into her brown eyes. Juliette realized he had washed the grease out of his hair, she lifted her hand to play with his hair. Which made him blush and have butterflies.
He gave her a quick kiss on the lips as she smiled a little, he laid back on the bed along with Juliette. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and continued to play with his soft brunette hair. "You should wear your hair without grease sometime" she whispered and looked up to his flustered face. "Maybe i will, just for you" he smiled a bit as she smiled and put her head back down. "Thank you ponyboy" She whispered quietly and fell asleep shortly after.
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Authors note!
I love their relationship so much, when is it my turn? โน๏ธ anyways hope you guys enjoyed. And also Juliette just gives me this is me trying vibes.
word count: 1501 โ
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