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"WE ARE GATHERED HERE TODAY FOR THE FUNERAL OF AUBREY JEAN ANNE COVEY." Pastor Mitchell spoke as he glanced over the crowd. Lara Jean, Margot and Kitty both all sat in the front with their dad besides them. All of them dressed in black dresses and a tux. Lara Jean's head hung low, as she sniffled softly in the background. As Pastor Mitchell talked, Margot threw her arm over Lara and Kitty. She both pulled them into her arms as they all sobbed softly. Pastor Mitchell cleared his throat before he announced, "Here are some words from the family of Aubrey Jean Covey. And after that, if anyone would like they can share some words as well." With that, the Pastor exited off the stage. Margot was the first one to speak.
She arrived to the podium. She opened her mouth before she had to close it again. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She hastily caught them and wiped them away.
"Aubrey was the nicest person I ever known." Margot started off with.
Kitty spoke next. And after that, it was finally Lara's turn. Lara stood up from her seat and brushed her dress. Her knees were shaking, tears were threatening to spill. She slowly walked to the podium. She cleared her throat causing the microphone to project feedback. Everyone winced at the ear shattering noise. "Sorry." She whispered into the mic causing some people to chuckle softly. She looked up at the sea of people. She swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked away her tears. "Aubrey Jean was my sister. But, she was also my best friend as well. I knew that she would always be there for me any and all the time. However, I wasn't there for her. And that was the biggest mistake of my life."
With that, tears started to fall down her cheeks. "I-I should've been there. The last time I saw her was at school. We both walked in together to see that someone had vandalized our lockers. At that moment, I was only thinking about myself. It's like I blocked out the world and only focused on myself. And every time I think about it, the more vividly and clearly I remember it. Aubrey stood up for me like she didn't even care what was written on hers." Lara screwed her eyes shut. "Appreciate and stand up for the people you love. Because you never know when life is going to snatch them away from you. Because that is what Aubrey did everyday, she sacrificed her own needs for the people she truly loved and cared for. Thank you."
Lara walked off hastily before sitting back down next to Margot. Margot pulled her into a side hug and whispered in her ear, "You did great."
Pastor Mitchell walked up to the podium once again. "Does anyone have any other words that they would like to share?"
"Me!" A faint voice said in the crowd. Everyone turned to the brown haired boy who spoke. The brown haired boy made his way to the front. Lara furrowed her eyebrows, she had never seen him before.
"Hello. If you don't know my name, it's Elliot Peterson." He cleared his throat. "I only known Aubrey for only a few days. To you, it might seem crazy but in that couple of days, we developed a bond that I can't ever explain. It was one of the most realest bonds I've had yet. Aubrey and I met in a park. I had just got done playing music on the streets. I was walking down the park enjoying the scenery. Someone caught my eye. She was deeply focused on something however I noticed she was shivering. I offered her my jacket but she declined nicely. We started talking and I played for her. She started to sing along with me, she had the most beautiful voice I've heard before. I told her to sing again because I fell so in love with it. But she ran off before I could say anything more. Next time I found her was at the field. She was on her knees, looking like she was having a panic attack. I used to have panic attacks daily and my mum would always comfort by a hug. That's what I did. After that, we talked and hung out the whole day. To be honest, it was the best day I had in Richmond. I wish I could've known her more. Thank you." Elliot says before he hangs his head low.
There were a few other people who spoke. "Is there anyone else?" Pastor Mitchell asks.
"I will." Peter Kavinsky stood up. Lara nodded, urging for him to go up. Peter exited out from his row.
Peter placed his hands on the podium. He licked his lips before he glanced at his feet. "Aubrey Jean used to send me these notes everyday. I got them in my locker everyday since the first day of high school. Aubrey would pour her hearts onto the notes telling me how her day went and she would even ask me how my day went which I thought was cute. She would also sign it as 'Me', hiding her true identity. She told me her secrets, her feelings and her thoughts. At the time, I didn't understand how important her feelings were. I should've because she cared for my feelings. That's the biggest thing I regret. I should've been there with her. And I want to carry Aubrey's destiny. I'm going to write her notes now. And I know that she will get them somehow. I just have a feeling." Peter said mostly to himself. With that, he walked off the stage and joined Lara's side.
Peter pulled her to his side as she nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck.
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DON'T WORRY THIS IS NOT THE END!! i will have five more chapters at least. i'm sorry this took so long to post up. i took like a four hour nap and then i didn't know how to start it then i watched videos and procrastinated. but yeah. this was short i'm sorry. but yeah. i had like 5 tests today and i had to study a lot so that's why i didn't update for ya'll i had no time literally none. i stayed up til 1 doing homework and studied.
LOOK HOW MAJESTIC AND COOL IT IS. THE MANIP IS LIKE WTF. i love it and thanks for making time to make this! i absolutely love it.
still on team elliot or team peter?
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