¹⁷⁢: serious talk / +

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squid squad

2 members are active

lap kitty
sangyeon i...

founding daddy
i know what happened

founding daddy
unlike you, i dont suffer from memory loss when drunk

lap kitty
i never thought id see you like THAT

lap kitty
how much did you drink??? you already drink a lot and seem sober, so how come?

founding daddy
others wouldve gotten alcohol poisoning, thats all i can say

founding daddy
and with the stress it added up

lap kitty
:// sangyeon you remember that i didnt want to hear you open up, right?

founding daddy
clear as water

founding daddy
im not blaming you for anything

founding daddy
it was my responsibility to prevent it

founding daddy
i cant undo the oversharing, so do with that information whatever you please

lap kitty
i dont want to do anything with that information, but how are you? is there any way i can help?

founding daddy
doubt it

lap kitty
you said something about bottling up your feelings

lap kitty
you should know that you can rely on me

lap kitty
so im here to listen, if you want to of course

lap kitty
how did everything with your parents go?

founding daddy
for someone who did not want to know youre asking a lot of questions surprisingly

lap kitty
im worried for you, thats all...

founding daddy
might as well tell you everything, now that you know

founding daddy
it went as i had expected

founding daddy
the exact same thing that happens every time

lap kitty
how bad is that?

founding daddy
them pressuring me increasingly until it ends up to us just screaming at each other

lap kitty
about what exactly?

founding daddy
oversimplified, they want me to take over more business and expand theirs even further, but then i would have to neglect my life here which i do not want under any circumstances

lap kitty
im sorry if this is very personal, but whats the reason for you to refuse the offer?

lap kitty
from what i understand, your parents offer would bring you much more success and also, it seems like they would do all the work for you anyways

founding daddy
while thats true, it doesnt make me nearly happy as happy as my job right now

lap kitty

founding daddy
welcome to sangyeons emotional trauma

founding daddy
buckle your seatbelt

founding daddy
my parents own successful companies, which were a lot of work to fully establish

founding daddy
meaning they were barely around when i was growing up

lap kitty
so, neglect?

founding daddy
emotional absence

founding daddy
i dont know what receiving love feels like because i never got to experience it growing up

lap kitty
so thats why youre emotionally withdrawn as well?

founding daddy
pretty much

founding daddy
i am self-centered because i am the only person i can rely on

founding daddy
that lead to a series of bad decision in my teenage years, but its very uncomfortable to talk about

lap kitty
bad to what extent?

founding daddy
let the wrong people influence me

lap kitty

founding daddy
i can tell how hard youre trying to surpress the question

lap kitty
im just a curious guy, but im not asking you, am i? ;)

founding daddy
substance abuse

lap kitty

founding daddy
not doing any of that anymore

founding daddy
well, except for drinking alcohol

lap kitty
right, why did you even start drinking??

founding daddy
made me feel something

founding daddy
so i continued

lap kitty
doesnt your job as a k i n d e r g a r t e n t e a c h e r interfere..?

founding daddy
no, i know my alcohol tolerance and i know when i can and cannot drink

lap kitty
oh okay

lap kitty
why did you even choose the kindergarten job?

founding daddy
i want to make children who might not experience any affection at home feel loved because i didnt get to feel that

lap kitty
sangyeon you have such a good heart

lap kitty
youre not driven by money or success, but do what you think is right and i admire you for that

lap kitty
damn you would probably refuse your parents offer and work at the kindergarten, even if it meant being in the lower class and not having as much money...

lap kitty
im curious about one other thing though

founding daddy

lap kitty
why do your parents continue shoving money into your pockets, even though youre refusing to take over?

founding daddy
its funny because theyre fully aware of how little time they had spent taking care of me

founding daddy
theyre reasoning that with working for my future apparently

founding daddy
basically i think its a good mixture of their own guilt and guilt tripping me, but i wont fall for it

lap kitty
got it

lap kitty
so the effects of all of that are..?

founding daddy
you know exactly how i am like

founding daddy
i have hardships opening up and cant commit to anything out of fear

founding daddy
it sucks, but i came to terms with it and am fine living the way im doing right now

lap kitty
but i am not

lap kitty
you cant live like this, sangyeon

founding daddy
is there anything thats gonna make it easy to change though?

lap kitty
well, ill help you find that, whatever it may be

lap kitty
youre gonna be the coolest old hag once we are done

founding daddy
one year...

lap kitty
whatever, dilf

lap kitty
no but seriously, we will go through this together sangyeon!!

founding daddy

lap kitty
of course

founding daddy
why are you even trying to help me

founding daddy
it doesnt make sense

lap kitty
well, to me it does :)


ment. chapter 172

the sweet sunrays leaving patches of gold behind really sweetened hyunjae's morning even more. not like he wasn't a morning person, loving the pale blue sky when the world woke up, but the sunrise energized him a bit more than usual. understandable, with his little cousin running up to the doors of the kindergarten with a little skip in his steps, hyunjae felt refreshed - jiha really went after him.

of course none of these were the major reason for his immediate toothy smile the moment his alarm woke him up from peaceful slumber that day. it was the excitement of getting to witness lee sangyeon do all the human things that still seemed to fascinate the boy so much. seeing him outside the older's house was like seeing a completely different human being, with his more intimidating aura disappearing, leaving no traces behind whatsoever. to imagine he worked at a kindergarten was bizarre.

when his cousin pushed the door open with all of the strength in his tiny body, hyunjae couldn't help but laugh at the peppy scream filling his ears. jiha seemed to be in a surprisingly good mood too. in fact, he noticed how the young boy always seemed to be overflowing with delight and a huge part of hyunjae wished for sangyeon to be the cause, even though he knew little children could not recognize the impact of any authorities easily.

"hey jiha," he called his cousin over, waving his hand around with a big smile in a childish attempt to distract the child, which obviosuly failed, considering the younger not even sparing hyunjae the tiniest glance. "let's play a game!" seemed to work fairly well though, his head swiftly turned around to come face to face with his elder.

raising his index finger to his lips, he shushed jiha. "today we are on a secret mission, okay? that means we enter very carefully and most importantly quietly." a quick nod and the two boys snuck up the stairs, hyunjae trailing a bit further behind with a mischievous grin on his face.

no, he had nothing planned at all, except for the fact that he wanted to watch sangyeon working for a minute or two or maybe more - oh, hyunjae had all day. he would mess up his entire schedule if it meant reliving the moment he witnessed sangyeon's adorable eyesmile for the first time, as the man was devouring ice cream with the children seated around him. however, this wouldn't be possible if sangyeon took notice of the pair too quickly, so hyunjae improvised.

together the two boys entered through the door with colorful drawings glued onto the glass, hyunjae all of a sudden back in front of jiha. after helping his cousin change out of his jacket and into his slippers, hyunjae dashed to the door. one could almost say that it was hyunjae attending the kindergarten, that's how giddy he felt.

"hyunjae, you said we are secret agents," the young boy pouted, visibly disappointed at how bad hyunjae was at the game, as he did everything but sneak up. so the older stopped in his tracks and waited for jiha to catch up, before peeking into the room through the windows, both boys with their hands on each side of their heads pressed against the glass.

while jiha was probably searching for his best friends, hyunjae's eyes immediately wandered towards the man he was keen on seeing. there he stood, in a blue button up shirt with his strands of hair messily falling into his face, bending down to help a boy unpack his snack they brought from home.

"there!" both jiha and hyunjae whisper-yelled at the same time, looking at the same scene that just took place. another child tugged on sangyeon's shirt, causing the man to now shift towards the girl cutely stretching out her arms widely. with a smile, no, the smile, eyes turned into the crescent shape which hyunjae adored so much, sangyeon bent down and lifted the young girl up with ease.

they twirled around for a bit, sharing laughter until sangyeon abruptly stopped and whipped his head around to the two boys formerly glued to the glass, now taken aback with the exact same sheepish grin plastered across their faces. "oh no, our mission is over! we got caught," jiha cried out playfully, before they finally entered the room.

hyunjae watched as his cousin dashed to his girl friend sangyeon just lifted up mere seconds ago, while he walked over to sangyeon instead, waving happily. one brow raised, the older looked at hyunjae. "you could fit right into this group," he pointed out hyunjae's childish behaviour which he simply shrugged it off.

"don't be mean! we were secret agents," jiha exclaimed from a bit further away, making finger guns and various 'pew pew' noises. both men laughed, before turning their attention back to one another.

sangyeon took notice of the way hyunjae's eyes travelled down his upper body and when their eyes locked again hyunjae gave an awkward approving nod. "you have no business looking this good," he smiled.

sighing, sangyeon turned around and decided to wipe the tables with a wet cloth to avoid hyunjae's statement, while deciding to continue with a conversation, instead of making hyunjae, who seemed to enjoy his stay at the kindergarten a lot, leave so early. "is this gonna be a thing now? you dropping off your cousin, i mean."

hyunjae stepped forward to the table and lifted up the items that were placed on it to help sangyeon clean. "my aunt recently got sick," he said, earning a "my condolences," from sangyeon, which he shut down quickly, explaining how it wasn't anything serious. "and jiha's older sister is busy with studies, so i came to the rescue!"

hyunjae's silly pose he made after that statement caused a few children to giggle and sangyeon caught the corners of his lips rising, too. especially after hyunjae now had to argue with the children about how he was a true hero, which they did not believe in the slightest, it made relief wash over sangyeon.

he was glad that hyunjae's presence was far from being annoying or a burden. even though the younger was throwing a questionable fit that exact moment because he got overpowered by the crowd of children around him, telling him how he's fake and all, it was still entertaining for the group so he let any negativity drop right out of his mind.

"everyone, be quiet! he is a hero. once he climbed a tree just to get my ball and almost fell and risked his life," jiha stepped forward and protected his cousin and both boys had the very same toothy smile on their faces as they watched the children quickly adapting to the opposing opinion, now that jiha spoke up.

the influence hyunjae had on jiha was nothing one could miss. jiha was hyunjae's mini-me, no doubt. with the same bubbly energy and their bold behaviour, it was clear who the young boy got it from. their loudness though, especially combined, wasn't all too great. it was the reason jiha got into trouble quite a few times, but with hyunjae being some sort of rolemodel, he didn't stop. all in all, sangyeon was glad hyunjae's optimism was highly contagious.

it caused him to be delighted, as well.


accidentally took a nap and forgot to finish this chapter lmao

got a b in my maths classtest :D and a b in my politics presentation and probably an a+ in my english presentation! NOW IM DONE WITH SCHOOL SHIT FOR A FEW MONTHS, GOD BLESS!


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