โนโธ: party / moonbae

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it hadn't been long since everybody arrived at sangyeon's house. the boys decided to sit down in the living room after they arrived to wait for the arrival of the rest. however, after they were complete, the atmosphere was pretty tense. no one dared to break the ice.

kevin and jacob made their way to the meet up together, since both of them got lost pretty quickly and none of them knew the area sangyeon lived in. but when they entered, their ways parted because jacob rushed over to greet changmin and haknyeon, leaving kevin alone with no one to talk to.

however he was glad he wasn't the only one. when looking through the room only a few actually talked to each other. the rest just sat there, letting time pass by in their own ways.

the awkward tension lingering in the air disappeared when haknyeon suddenly jumped up from the couch, startling changmin and sunwoo who were seated right next to him.

kevin peeked at the younger through his glass filled with an alcoholic beverage he thought had fancy packaging, as he wasn't experienced in drinking at all. this was the first time in forever he dared nearing himself towards alcohol, the previous time being years ago when he was still underage.

"since all of you decided to be boring, i have an idea," haknyeon said, walking to the middle of room to gain everyone's attention.

while most boys were rather quiet, probably unsure about their meet up, kevin was surprised how similar haknyeon was to his energetic texting style. especially the fact that he initiated ideas was present in person as well.

not to mention that this was indeed weirdly embarrassing, even though no one did anything except for helping themselves with the alcohol sangyeon provided, not holding back at all and either looking everywhere but at each other or staring at their phones. there were a few exceptions, small conversations emerging from the boys who met each other before.

when he said not holding back on the alcohol, he really meant it. kevin recalled eric's multiple failed attempts on trying to get ahold of at least one bottle, with jacob doing everything to prevent him from doing so. also, he was quite sure sangyeon was on to his fifth shot while it hasn't even been half an hour since everyone arrived. the oldest was already rubbing his temples in distress.

needless to say, almost everybody was already somewhat tipsy. the boy's gazes fell onto haknyeon who clapped his hands together. "how about party games?" he asked with a sheepish smile on his face, unsure about how the others would react.

"oh god no," chanhee whispered from next to kevin, hiding his face and whining. kevin elbowed him slighty, uncertain about how close he should act with not really a complete stranger, but someone he had never met before. "don't be like that." chanhee only gave kevin a displeased look, before turning away. "great way to make it awkward," kevin said under his breath.

due to his short exchange with chanhee, kevin didn't understand the topic they were discussing about, but he caught up quickly when he noticed juyeon and eric bickering about various game ideas. "you're just jealous of my creativity," juyeon huffed, crossing his arms and turning away from the younger

"come on, never have i ever isn't the most innovative idea, idiot." eric leaned back against the couch he was seated on. juyeon turned back around to face him. "but we could have exposed each other!" he pointed to sangyeon, "we could've found out about what he keeps in his basement!"

while what juyeon said was definitely drawing his interest, kevin tried to think of something better. it was irking him how pretty much no one tried to contribute to the conversation, however he himself wasn't comfortable in speaking up, either. but for the sake of improving the atmosphere, kevin gave his best.

"truth or dare?" he randomly butted in, interrupting eric and juyeon, who were still preoccupied with their argument. this caused all the attention shifting towards him and kevin subconsciously sank into his seat.

haknyeon scrunched his nose, unsure about kevin's idea. "that's very basic..." this resulted into more voices speaking up, trying to give their opinions about the ideas that got thrown into the room. "no one else has any better ideas now, do they?" hyunjoon said to kevin's defense, as he noticed the boy getting noticeably awkward each second passing.

"maybe we can spice it up?" changmin said, a smile on his face that could only be described as devious. "a fusion between spin the bottle and truth or dare!"

"wait," hyunjae complained from one of the couches, leaning against juyeon's shoulder, who finally stopped moving around excessively as his discussion with eric came to a halt, "truth is for little pissbabies."

chanhee rolled his eyes. "just because you write fanfictions on wattpad doesn't mean you can try to turn everything into a fanfiction." kevin chuckled at hyunjae aiming a pillow at the younger and hitting him right in the head.

eric got up from his seat and walked towards the table with all the alcoholic beverages. he grabbed one of the almost empty bottles, locked eyes with jacob before raising it towards his lips and drinking what was left. this caused jacob to gasp in shock. "okay, we already have the bottle."

"what do we do if we don't want to do a certain task?" sunwoo asked. hyunjoon spoke up, "strip."

"is everyone okay with this though?" jacob asked, a bit bothered. kevin thought it was sweet how he was worried about everyone elses wellbeing, so he nodded to reassure the older.

after everyone agreed to it and no more questions came up, they made enough space to sit down in a circle.

"who wants to go first?" eric asked a bit too enthusiastically, holding the empty bottle up. haknyeon immediately grabbed it. "me!" they all watched the boy placing it down at the center.

"we shouldn't start too extremely, right? the first person has to kiss the second person's feet." kevin choked on his spit. "didn't you just say we shouldn't- whatever."

kissing feet wasn't as bad of a task as kevin expected, to be honest. not like he would do it with joy if he had to, but nothing he would cry about, either. the bottle spun around, slowing down each second until it came to a halt.

sunwoo groaned in agony. "seriously?" haknyeon chuckled while spinning the bottle a second time to choose the lucky person who would get their feet kissed by sunwoo.

"you can be lucky i get pedicures regularly," chanhee said with an eyeroll after the bottle landed on him. kevin watched chanhee take of his socks, scoot closer to sunwoo and stretch his legs out so that they were in reach for the younger to touch.

hesitantly grabbing chanhee's ankles, sunwoo shut his eyes close tightly and puckered his lips. it was over as soon as it started, sunwoo immediately pulling away after slight contact with the other's bare skin.

he let out a short scream and jumped up, rushing to the kitchen sink to wash his mouth repeatedly. "stop overexaggerating, come here and give the next dare!" eric tried to call him back, but to no use. "i don't know, maybe a lapdance?" sunwoo replied, gurgling water in his mouth.

eric sighed and spun the bottle. a lapdance would normally seem very amusing to kevin, but not when it was him who had to do it, like this time for instance. the boy watched in horror as the bottle spun around a second time and came to a halt at changmin.

"yeah, no way in hell am i doing this," kevin said and took off his jacket, earning a few comments mocking him. changmin sighed in relief and thanked the other quickly.

"not you ditching out," hyunjae said, refilling his and younghoon's cups with wine. "i'll redirect the same dare then."

right as sunwoo came back to his place and sat down, the bottle stopped and pointed at him again. he jumped up. "this game is rigged!" "you just suck," haknyeon laughed at sunwoo, but stopped when the bottle landed on him as well.

"karma is a bitch," hyunjoon teased as he watched both haknyeon and sunwoo staring at each other awkwardly. "i'm not going to strip at all today." haknyeon stated, arms crossed. sunwoo defeatedly took off his socks. "i can't believe y'all are getting to see my toes for free."

the same task got redirected a third time. kevin found it funny how everyone wanted to see this happen, however no one actually dared to do it themselves. not that it wasn't understandable, but still.

surprisingly, the bottle landed on juyeon and eric. the older smirked. "i won't ditch." eric rolled his eyes and both of them stood up.

maybe someone should've thought this through a bit better, because when juyeon sat on eric's lap his long limbs interfered with carrying out the dare.

"if you don't hold me, i'll fall, idiot."

"you're crushing my fucking dick, you dumb little whore!"

"isn't that the whole point?"

"your ass is so flat, what the fuck."

needless to say, it was cringey to watch. no one even dared sparing a glance towards the duo's direction, as it was too much for their eyes to handle.

it didn't last long anyways, eric pushed juyeon down to the floor after a while. "you suck ass." "then suck my dick maybe?"

and so the game carried on.

some of the boys were lucky enough to not having to do any of the tasks like jacob, meanwhile others like sunwoo had to suffer throughout. more and more clothes piled up on the couch as the game continued, as well.

younghoon, who was covered in a few hickeys already, grinned at the task he just gave.

"fuck you, what do you mean let himee spit in your mouth?" juyeon sobbed, close to tears. "i already took so many clothes off, chanhee please!" but to no avail, the younger simply grinned. "no way in hell am i missing out on a chance to spit on you, lee juyeon."

humiliated, juyeon grabbed the hem of his shirt and took it off. pretty much everybody cheered him on as he did so, striving further away from being sober the longer the game went on. kevin assumed no one had the nerves to deal with this if they weren't drunk. the boy stole eric's pillow he was holding just now and hugged it tightly to his body to cover up. "don't do that, you're hot," hyunjoon said between a handfull of chips stuffed into his mouth.

"i dare the next two people to uhm... how come no one did the seven minutes in heaven thing yet? yeah okay, that's what we're doing."

for the first time that night, the bottle landed on sangyeon, who had been pretty quiet throughout the entire game. with a blank expression on his face, he watched as the bottle spun around a second time.

"i bet this will be scandalous!" haknyeon said, gleeful. when the bottle slowed down and came to a halt, everybody let out sounds of surprise. "i think this must've been faith." hyunjae was motionless. the boy stared at the bottle pointing right at him in distress.

"wait, let's change the dare!" before hyunjae could complain, though, changmin covered the older's mouth, causing both of them to fall to the ground together.

"we will grant you the freedom of doing it in sangyeon's bedroom, have fun!" haknyeon clapped his hands together. hyunjae, who had finally entangled himself from changmin, sat up. "what do you mean 'doing it'?"

the younger wiggled his eyebrows and waved hyunjae away, while sangyeon already got up and left, still not any emotions evident on his face. hyunjae followed with slow and unsure steps.

"close the door!" sunwoo shouted after the pair before they were out of sight. kevin sighed. "this is going to be a loud ass night," he said, before gulping down his entire cup.

since hyunjae wasn't available at the moment, chanhee volunteered to spin. "how about a full make out session?"

"sounds great," hyunjoon said, a trace of sarcasm lingering on his tongue when he got chosen. he crossed his arms, as his gaze followed the bottle.

during the entirety of the game, kevin counted himself lucky, as he was able to easily avoid doing the very few tasks he was given by taking some clothes off. however, when the bottle pointed directly at him this round, the boy slightly panicked. a cold feeling rushed through his body as realization hit him.

"uhm, hyunjoon can you strip?" kevin requested, pointing to his shirt and pants to signalize he had nothing left to take off, but the other shook his head. "if you're the one who doesn't want to do it, why should i strip?"

"don't be a dick," kevin begged, earning a shrug in response. "the person who ditches needs to take clothes off, that's the rule. not to mention i'm down to the same amount of clothing as you are."

it was more than frustrating. kissing wasn't a big problem for him, but it was just a very unpleasant task to do in front of a whole group of people. thank god he wasn't sober anymore, though. at least now it seemed somewhat possible to do.

kevin couldn't think of a solution for the problem either, as his mind fogged up quickly. how many drinks did he have? two? maybe three? yet he wasn't able to focus at all. obviously he did not want to do the task and yes, technically if he put in a lot of effort and acting skills he could get away with not doing it, but kevin was scared to ruin the atmosphere.

"are y'all gonna kiss already?" eric asked impatiently, fighting with juyeon to get his pillow back, tackling him down to the floor. "can you not fuck in front of us?" chanhee groaned before stretching his hand out towards their direction to block the view of eric straddling the older to get ahold of the pillow.

kevin sighed in defeat. there was no use in trying to fight against doing the task, so he moved over to hyunjoon, who looked indifferent. "we will make sure to cover our eyes!" changmin playfully said to lighten the mood, causing kevin to curse under his breathe. "let's get this over with quickly."

hyunjoon cusped kevin's cheeks as he leaned in. "sure thing." needless to say, kevin's first kiss in a very long time wasn't so bad after all.

their soft lips pressed against each other, kevin awkwardly trying to place his hands just somewhere onto hyunjoon's upper body. it was clear to everyone outside their kiss that kevin was absolutely inexperienced, meanwhile hyunjoon behaved like he did this every day.

yet both seemed unbothered by the lack of skill, practically melting into each other's embrace. it felt refreshing to finally have someone to be intimate with, even though this wasn't exactly the way kevin imagined it. however, his dizzy mind told him to keep going and hyunjoon didn't seem to stop either.

the moment made kevin almost forgot that they were surrounded by other people. the kiss soon turned into something more when hyunjoon slipped his tongue in, giggling between the ecstatic feelings of all the beverages he drank beforehand.

from next to them they could hear the boys cheer playfully, as the two kept going. "that's quite intense," changmin said with furrowed brows, lowkey concerned. "let them have fun!" haknyeon clapped his hands.

but an uneasy feeling built up inside changmin and an urge to turn to his side overtook him. there jacob sat, just staring at the pair. changmin grabbed one of his shoulders and shook him out of it. it was almost like he was in a trance, captivated by the situation going down in front of them.

"hey, are you good?" changmin whispered concerned and when jacob and him met eyes, he saw they were slightly watery. jacob slowly shook his head, now avoiding even facing the direction of the two boys. it was evident that whatever just happened hurt him. changmin couldn't stand the sight of jacob being in pain.

the boy pulled jacob into an awkward side hug. this was the perfect time to end the game, he figured. after kevin and hyunjoon ended their make out session and parted with bright smiles, he didn't have to speak up himself, though.

"i think that's enough for today, or else i'll barf," chanhee said, looking away and standing up. soon everybody else copied his actions and removed themselves from the circle too. changmin caught a glimpse of jacob leaving the room and decided not to follow him outside, as much as he wanted to check up on his friend. the better decision would be to give him some alone time, he figured.

this would be a long night.


feel like quality wise i put more effort into chapter 59 than this one, i hate it so much but :D <3

dont mind moonbae being y/n pls <3 also why is this bitch 2939 words long

uhm next chapter will be somewhat SPICY and im scared JSJDKS


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