squid squad
2 members are active
ice bear
we need to talk
ice bear
ice bear
what did younghoon tell you?
he told me to make a choice
ice bear
yeah same
ice bear
and fuck him for that
ice bear
why does he put so much pressure on us?? as if this is something one can decide over night
dont curse him out
ice bear
why not? after all, hes really annoying and impatient
chanhee, this has been going on for ages now
to be fair, we really had a lot of time to actually think about it. we both knew he liked us two, we were simply in denial and that is our own fault
ice bear
if i was able to, i would just disappear instead of picking
i feel you
ice bear
i dont wanna lose younghoon, but i doubt this is gonna work out
you got a point
whats your answer though? i mean, you cant just not make a choice and leave
ice bear
i care about younghoon a lot
me too
ice bear
but i really dont know about this
ice bear
younghoon seems so selfish
no he does not
ice bear
yes he does, he isnt considering our feelings at all and only acts for himself by doing this
what else is he supposed to do if he likes two people at the same time who dislike each other but like him both?
i think what younghoon is doing is just desperately pushing answers out of us so he can finally settle
ice bear
oh so we dont need to settle or..??
it must be stressful liking two people who arent up for what he is up for
so i understand his point of view and personally think that he has every right to get an answer out of us
ice bear
its not enough time to think about something like this though
ice bear
this isnt "which color do u want ur iphone to be?" this is something very challenging to deal with
we dont have much time chanhee
ice bear
fuck no, dont you dare start with the same bullshit as younghoon now
face reality
ice bear
not now
you have to
ice bear
stop pressuring me oh my god
you act like i didnt have to make a choice, even while going through bad times???
seriously, instead of complaining, how about you sit down for a second and ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT IT?
i bet you didnt think it through even once
of course its equal to torture having to make a choice, but just go and get it done with
ice bear
seriously fuck you
grow up.
ice bear
i just dont know what to do, why is it that hard to understand?
i didnt know either
until i realized that younghoon always tried his best and put in so much effort to make us get along in some way and we were the ones ruining it all the time
ice bear
how is having your own emotions ruining it??
its not that
we never showed him any gratefulness
like yes, he was super dense about it, but in hindsight he did it because he loves us
ice bear
i just dont know
ice bear
but you seem to have made your choice already
i think i will agree to trying it out
after all, younghoon is extremely caring and loving. he would make sure that we are more than comfortable at all times, just like he would make us happy
i know that he doesnt have any intentions i disagree with in any way, despite not being interested in you
he has done much for me, so i can return this favor once
ice bear
you make it seem like going after my own needs is selfish
you called younghoon selfish for going after his own needs
ice bear
younghoons needs affect two other people
well, thats your opinion i guess
you seriously need to understand that your choice is very powerful right now
this puts you under a lot of pressure, i understand, but its the truth
there is no inbetween, your choice will either destroy our bond or challenge it
ice bear
changmin i came here for advice on what to pick
ice bear
and also a discussion
ice bear
but youre not making it any easier for me
i know
i had to realize that i would never be able to make a choice if i stayed the way i was before, which btw was exactly how youre like rn
let me help you then
ice bear
what do you want?
ice bear
i want to be with younghoon
what does younghoon want?
ice bear
he wants to be with both of us
what are his expectations of us?
ice bear
he expects us to be able to come to terms with the fact that he wants to have separate romantic bonds with the two of us
what is younghoons wish for the future?
ice bear
probably that the two of us get along well so that we can develop further i guess??
what is stopping you from getting what you want?
ice bear
why do you think im interfering?
ice bear
because you like younghoon and younghoon likes you back
what do you wish for younghoon?
ice bear
to be happy, always
what would make younghoon happy?
ice bear
being together with both of us
what makes you happy, regarding younghoon?
ice bear
if he does well in life
dont you want him to be happy then?
ice bear
youre manipulating the answers out of me
yeah i know
ice bear
stop being so selfish. youre trying to convince me just so that you can live your best life with younghoon while discarding me after a while
ice bear
my happiness isnt younghoons happiness and neither is his happiness mine
you make no sense
ice bear
i do
ice bear
im not talking about happiness as a feeling, but about the cause of our happiness
im gonna get a headache
ice bear
i dont want to lose younghoon
you know what the only option would be then
ice bear
changmin, just because you want to have something intimate with younghoon doesnt give you the right to pressure me to agree
ice bear
youre not helping me make a choice
chanhee i dont think that you grasp what younghoons idea is
not only will him and i have an intimate bond, but you two will too
i know the concept of sharing a romantic partner is just odd and that its really unfamiliar
and that feeling of unfamiliarity is probably what scares you away
i felt the same thing, until i decided to sit down and actually brainstorm ideas and then do research afterwards to find out how everything works
if you agree, we will either fall apart slowly or we can learn to build something new using our many imperfections as a fundamental
all of this isnt one inevitable, set choice
there are many ways of experimenting with this, after all, it would be something new for all three of us
what i think would make us unique are the many possibilities and the freedom monoarmorous people dont have
and again, younghoon is a good guy. he wants no harm and would learn how to accept it, if any of us ever decide to drop out of it
im sorry for pressuring you earlier, you were right. i was being selfish because i really want to keep my relationship with younghoon, but so do you, right?
i just want to stop with the rivalry, im so sick of it
if we communicate constantly and are open about our thoughts and feelings, we could give it a shot and see if its really as bad as we keep making it out to be
if it makes you feel more comfortable, we can establish rules too!
i just dont want to give this up without trying
ice bear
ice bear
see, if you say it like this everything is ten thousand times easier you moron
ice bear
i guess you are right in some way...
ice bear
if we really do agree to this then
ice bear
i have a few conditions
really??? youd agree????
ice bear
shut up dont interrupt my thought process
yes yes sorry!
ice bear
i would want to take things very very VERY slowly
ice bear
i still dont like you too much and i cant just switch my feelings towards you like turning the lights on or off
ice bear
i dont want to see any of your and younghoons romance bullshit before you grow on me
ice bear
once i find you decent enough, i still want to take it slow
ice bear
i need to feel comfortable first and im warning you that it could take YEARS for me to get used to this
ice bear
this is all i have to say. idc what you think about this and idc if any of you even agree with my conditions, goodbye.
ice bear is offline!
1 member is active
a start, i guess
hi like i promised, heres a summary of my new book which ill probably release in like five days or something <3
[insert title i havent decided yet] is a juyeon x jaehyun centered gang au with some sideships included. with themes like violence or rather sexual contents, it is a more mature story i wanted to challenge myself with.
it all starts when ex-police officer lee juyeon gets released out of prison after a bit longer than a year, imprisoned because he pointed his gun at his deputy chief kim younghoon.
shortly after his release, he walks into the bar owned by a well-respected member of one of seoul's most powerful gangs, lead by lee sangyeon. sipping on his drink while sitting at the counter, juyeon notices sangyeon's most prized posession, lee jaehyun, midst a conflict.
the younger decides to step in and involve himself in the fight to help jaehyun out, which he successfully manages to do so. not much longer after, he leaves. however, this incident sticks with jaehyun, who is now looking out for juyeon in hopes to come across the other another time, as the younger piqued his interest quite a bit.
their intentions are somewhat similar, yet juyeon is seeking something completely different. what will happen if the two cross paths, in a way that is far more impactful and unpredictable for both?
yeah lol idk, i hope it sounds interesting enough HAJSK-
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