(This is probably my third favorite ship!)
βAshlyn's favorite song is Cake by melanie martinez, and every time taylor and her are in her room, Taylor plays it just to see Ashlyn get happy
βTaylor learned how to braid Ashlyn's hair, but she's one of the only people ash allows to touch her hair, the only other person being Ben
βBoth of them often have sleepovers, and Ashlyn's mom absolutely adores Taylor
βAshlyn has VERY soft hair that taylor loves playing with
βblack cat+golden retriever dynamic
βTaylor's favorite song is Force of Nature by Melina KB because it reminds her so much of Ashlyn
βAshlyn's nicknames for Taylor are: Tay, Doll, Love, Pretty Girl, and Sunshine
βTaylor's nicknames for ashlyn are: Ash, Black Cat, Dove, Babe, Dancer, and Clover
βAshlyn is a dog person, and Taylor is a cat person
βTaylor's favorite spots to kiss ash are: forehead, neck, collarbone, and lips
βAshlyn's favorite spots to kiss tay are: cheek, collarbone, and lips
βWhen taylor has a nightmare or gets in a fight with tyler, ashlyn is always there for her
βTyler often makes fun of Taylor for having a short girlfriend, but Taylor doesn't mind, and neither does Ashlyn
βAshlyn often plans date nights for the girls because she likes being able to get all of Taylor's favorite snacks
βTaylor is fluent in spanish and often calls ashlyn romantic things in spanish to get her flustered because she taught Ashlyn a bit of spanish, and she finds it adorable when Ashlyn turns red
βAshlyn knows a bit of French and likes learning the language
βTaylor often tries to always go to ashlyns dance recitals and gets sad when she misses even one
βAshlyn likes laying and Taylor's chest while on her phone because she likes hearing Taylor's heartbeat, and Taylor often plays with her hair
βThe girls often play roblox together whenever they aren't busy
βTaylor's favorite roblox game is Flee The Facility because of how good she is at it
βAshlyn's favorite roblox game is Dress to Impress, and she loves doing the themes, and she usually gets at least third place
βTaylor always tries to protect Ashlyn in the phantom realm
βAshlyn is pansexual
βTaylor is lesbain
(I have so many headcanons of these two, lol)
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