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Collete was taken to the hospital and bandaged up. The hospital refused to let her go without a guardian, so when no one was paying attention, she escaped through the window.

As she walked through the parking lot, she saw jamie and Andrew about to go into the hospital.

When jamie spotted her, she ran and hugged her. "What are you doing? You just got stabbed. You shouldn't be walking. "

"I'll worry about my wellbeing when we get back home. What happened to Heather? No one is telling me anything."

Andrew and jamie looked at each other, not wanting to share the news after a few seconds, Andrew spoke up, " she died,"

Collete's heart dropped she failed again. "Why did he go after Heather marisa was the one who was supposed to die, not her?"

"We don't know he probably doesn't care what order they die in at least they die," Andrew said as he went to carry collete

Collete looked taken back. "What are you doing?"

"You are limping, and you just took a couple of steps, and I parker at the end of the parking lot. There is no way you're gonna make it there without your leg buckling under you, " Andrew said as collete nodded.

As they go to their car, jamie smiled at the two with a hint of sadness, knowing that Andrew and collete would never happen.


Lauren, collete and jamie walk to the school after collete took alot of pain pills and some of kara's leftover brownies.

"You know i was thinking it could also be two killers," jamie said as they passed the reporters in front of the school "like in Scream."


"It's a movie in the future about two killers they made like six sequels of the movie but the last one kinda sucked because neve campbell wasn't in it because the producers don't think women deserve to be as paid as much as the men" collete said remembering how many people were pissed the neve wasn't gonna be in the movie

Lauren looked at collete more confused than before. "Never mind, how is the time machine coming?"

"Uh good news and bad news, Andrew and I made this prototype" Lauren pulled put a round machine filled with wires and there was a date on top of the machine " I can pair with the TV satellite band's transmission to this converter that could be enough to get you home" Lauren smiled before dropping it remembering the bad news

"and now the bad news given your battery's rate of parasitic drain you have approximately seven and a half hours until you're stuck here forever"

"Fuck that's right around the time Heather's killed" Jamie said be she remembered what
The podcast said "or supposed to be killed"

"Where" Lauren asked realizing the machine doesn't have to be at the school it just need a satellite.

"The Halloween carnival at Billy's" collete answered, confused about why Lauren was suddenly smiling.

"but they always broadcast that's it that's how we'll get you guys home,we'll hijack the life broadcast at the Ford Walk. Okay, meet me at Billy's after school, I'll tell Andrew to meet us there we have to make sure this thing works so we can get you home tonight"

Collete interrupted Lauren's rant. "we can't go home until we stop the killer"

"well if we don't send you home tonight brush up on your regenomics because we have a social studies test on Wednesday" Lauren Said as she entered the school, leaving collete and jamie behind.

"Why does she always say somthing important and just leaves without saying anything else" collete said as she looked across the parking lot to see damon driving a brown van and parking at the end of the parking lot and it was the same van parked outside Tiffany's party

Jamie saw collete's gaze on Damon as collete turned to her sister and said, "How do you feel about doing one more crime before going back to the Future"

Jamie sighed "is this gonna hurt"

Collete just smiled and pulled jamie through the doors of the school.


Walking through to the emergency exit of the school collete and jamie made there way outside to the parking lot and went to damon's van.

They opened the door and a horrible smell jumped at them, making them step back.

"oh my God it smells bad" Jamie whines

Collete gave a look saying that she agrees with her "well just breath to your nose"

collete climbs into the van with jamie behind her and closes the door so no one sees them.

As they look around they saw a blanket with body shaped under it.

Jamie went to pull back the blanket "God if this is a body" but when she pulled it back it was just a bike "Thank god"

Before they can look around Damon opened the door of the van and grabbed jamie's ankle making her scream.

Damon was trying to pull her out, collete punches Damon which made him let go of jamie's leg.

"fine fine" Damon said with his hands up "take whatever you want just please leave the Thunder Cats"

Jamie and collete looked at him in confusion.

This was the violent brother?

Collete climbed out of the van "we don't want your video games"

"those are the only things worthwhile"

After a few moments of silence jamie spoke up "why we're you parked outside Tiffany's party"

"I wanted to go I was outside listening to meatloaf trying to build up the courage but... I know people think I'm scary but not a killer"

As he finishes talking somone came out of nowhere making them jump as they turned to face them they saw it was doug "what's going on only hall monitors are allowed outdoors during school hours"

"we were um we were just" Jamie tripped over her words trying to make up an excuse.

"video games much" doug pointed at the van filled with games.

"oh yeah I know it's nerdy but I'm gonna make him some day"

Doug smiled "you ever play Death Wish 3 the graphics are amazing when you kill someone they explode into pink mist"

Damon looked around them feeling uneasy "we should go inside it's not safe out here"

"you guys are safe with me I took karate for 8 years at Tom's Dojo at the mall" doug bragged "and the police cruise by here like every 2 minutes"

"I wouldn't trust Sheriff Lim to solve anything"

Collete looked at damon interested

"he was convinced it was Eddie even after I told him there's no way"

Jamie interrupted "we know it wasn't Eddie but how do you know it wasn't Eddie"

"he told me all about that night how he was making out with Tiffany but then left as soon as she said she doesn't do blowjobs... just think maybe if she did do blowjobs she'd still be alive"

"Yeah" Doug agreed

Collete looked at them disturbed that they had came into this conclusion "let's not make that the lesson"


Jamie and collete walked to Andrew and Lauren who were working on the machine.

"Hey you catch the killer yet enola" Andrew said as he noticed the twins.

"No is the photo booth working" collete said looking inside the machine.

"No" Lauren said getting out of the machine "there's a super futuristic generator in here but it's busted"

Andrew grabbed the prototype that Lauren showed them earlier " there's no way this thing can generate enough force to power the time machine"

"So we just need a new power source" collete said grabbing the time machine to make a closer look at it.

"Yes, one that can generate a shit ton of force enough to basically disrupt gravity" Andrew said looking at collete.

Collete looked around them and smiled when she saw the Quantum Drop " like that"

They looked at where collete was pointing and Andrew smiled at collete " yea that'll work"

They walked to the Quantum Drop as people got of the ride, jamie went to the ride operator "hey we've been sent by the city we gotta shut down the ride one of the exterior panel--"

The man interpreted jamie "quantum Drop goes down ted goes on break that's all I need to say"

The man left leaving the five kids alone "no he really just left... God the 80s are wild" collete said watching the man leave

Andrew and Lauren go to the operating system of the Quantum Drop Lauren turned to face the twins "okay we're good here you go catch the killer"

Jamie smiled at her "Okay good luck"

They make their way to the exit but were stopped by the sound of Andrew's voice "collete becareful alright"

Collete smiled before turned to leave.


Collete and jamie met up with the remaining Molly's, blake and randy to discuss the plan.

"so as I told Pam we're psychic and we thought Heather was gonna be killed tonight at the Halloween carnival in the parking lot but since she's already dead he's probably gonna go after Marissa

"oh my God" marisa whispered under her breath scared

"Or me if your visions are wrong then anything could happen" pam said

"Yea which means no one is safe so if anyone wants to leave it's the time to do so" collete said looking around at the four scared teenagers.

Pam was the first one to speak up "I wanna catch him even if he does kill Marissa and the rest of us live I don't wanna go my whole life knowing that that psycho killed my friends and he's still out there"

Blake who was looking at pam with love spoke up wanting to protect pam "me either let's break this motherfucker"

Randy nods agreeing with what blake said

Marisa looked at them hesitantly "i really don't wanna be the bait"

Jamie took the rape alarm that her mother bought her " it's gonna be ok now the second you see him press this it's a rape alarm it's insanely loud and if you get scared at all"

Jamie was interrupted by marisa pressing the alarm making them there ears ring.

Collete grabbed the alarm and turned it off "now you know how that works"

"but what if he slits her throat before she has a chance to press the rape button " Randy questions

"Because that isn't his mo the killer always stabs his victim 16 times" collete informed them

"Okay that does not make me feel better" marisa whined

"you're gonna be fine just just walk to the dollhouse of horrors as if you're planning to meet someone there to blow them and we'll be right there waiting okay" Jamie said frustrated

"Ok, ok" marisa said finally on board on the killer.

Collete smirked "Great let's go find ourselves a killer"

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