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I was all ready fully dressed waiting downstairs. The restaurant Marta had selected was a really nice one and she had ordered the girls to wear something sexy but appropriate. I was dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a pair of white button ups. In fact all the guys were dressed in dress pants and a button up. Marta and Charlotte were the first to come down from the girls. They both did take the dress code from Marta serious. For some reason I knew Aleina would look even better because she knew how to beat them with any outfit. I heard heels come down the stairs and looked up to see Marie. She had a dark blue silky dress on as she joined the girls in the kitchen. I heard another pair of heels but didn't look up this time thinking that it was Alexandra.

"Damn Aleina... you're gonna make us look like we didn't even try."

I looked up and everything around me stopped. How did she keep looking so damn good.

The dress clung perfectly to her body and her figure looked perfect in it. Her hair was in a bun and I loved it on her. Her black dress and heels made the ice blue eyes pop out even stronger then before. The left side with the little diamonds were beautiful. When I saw the back I saw it did cover her bum just enough for it not to show but the back was a low cut so it was even sexier.

"Charles I think you need to share her because I'm about to start thinking I'm lesbian."

"I'm definitely not sharing."

She looked into my eyes and had a smile on her face. I was hoping it was a real smile just for me but this was all a pretend. I need to remind myself of that. Alexandra arrived as well now so it was time to go. I took Aleina her hand in mine and twirled her around gently before I let my hands rest on her hips. I placed a kiss on the tip of her nose and a soft giggle that didn't sound like the ones I have heard before left her mouth. This one sounded a little more fake and it kind of broke my heart that she had to fake that. I held her hand loosely as we walked out of the door. I helped her down steps in front of the house as she walked down them so elegantly.


"No problem ChΓ©rie."

We went to the car and then drove to the restaurant. We had staid silent the first part of the drive as she scrolled through her e-mails and texts. Workaholic who?

"I can't believe they believe that we're dating."

"Apparently it isn't that weird."

"I think it is. We're both faking it and apparently our acting skills are so good they believe it."

I staid silent as I parked my Ferrari. Maybe I should tell her I wasn't faking. Now isn't a good time I think. I turned off the engine and we both stepped out. We were the first to arrive so we just stood still and watched each other. It was the first time I had actually noticed a small butterfly on her right collar bone. I carried away and ket my index finger glide over it softly.

"Didn't know you had a tattoo."

"I've 2 actually."

"It's cute. What does it mean?"

"Oh uhm... I just... like butterflies."

She was hesitating with telling me what it was for and I knew she didn't tell the truth. She didn't feel comfortable talking about it.

"What other one you have?"

She turned around and on her left shoulder blade there were a tiny sun, moon and star.

"The sun is for my mother, the moon for my father and the star is for my sister."

"That's actually really cute."


She had a genuine smile on her face as I smiled back at her. The rest had arrived and our little moment was ruined by them. We all went inside and we had a great evening. Everybody was talking and my arm was resting on the backrest of Aleina's chair. My hand caressing her arm gently. After dessert the conversation switched to the topic parents and even though I tried to stop it I couldn't. I saw her eyes getting a little glossy.

"Excuse me I'm just going to the restroom. I'll be right back."

She left before anybody could say anything and instead of taking the turn for the restroom she took the door to go outside. I excused myself and walked after her. I was afraid that if I would leave her alone something bad would happen because she was looking way to beautiful to stand outside alone. I watched her a few meters away to give her some privacy.

"You don't have to watch me from afar Charles."

I was taken aback she had noticed my presence without seeing me. I walked towards her and stood next to her looking out over the wild see from the small wall.

"Leukemia... my dad died because of Leukemia. My mom couldn't take it. Living without her husband. So she ended her life the day after I turned 18. She would have an heir for the companies and she would be sure my sister and I could stay together."

"That... must be really hard to go through."

"Yea... it still is. She left us letters. Telling us why she did that so we wouldn't feel guilty."

We both staid silent. I was taken back by the information she had just given me.

"I know it's hard to lose your dad Charles. But don't forget the people you have right in front of you in that restaurant. They're your chosen family and you're so lucky to have friends like them. To have your mother walking on this earth and both of your brothers completely healthy."

"But you have your sister and your friends right?"

"I have my sister yes... friends? None actually."

"You don't have friends? I don't believe that. How can you survive that?"

"You walk straight through hell with a smile..."

"But how don't you have friends?"

"I had to drop everything when my mom died. I still have to drop everything for work. It's the last thing I have of them and I need it to keep myself going to make them proud."

We both sighed softly as we looked up at the stars. She definitely hadn't had an easy life.

"I think you might be the strongest person I have ever met."

"I'm not."

"No you are. You really are."

"I might appear that way because of my outsides but my insides are broken. I only don't show it to people and drown myself further into work."

"You really have to stop doing that. Your gonna have a burn out soon."


"You're shivering."

"Yea I know. It's fine."

"Do you want to go back inside."

"I don't know if I'm ready yet."

"That's okay. Come here."

I opened my arms and she was hesitating before she eventually did get into my arms. Her back resting against my chest. She let herself relax into my arms my arms wrapped around her shoulders. Her head laid against my shoulder as my head rested against her head. Her hands were gently stroking my hands and in this moment... I felt like nothing was faked about this. Like she did like me and she wanted to stay like this with me. I felt a hand of someone else on my back and saw Nico. For gods sake she must have seen him stand up in the restaurant when she looked past me a few minutes ago.

"Are you guys ready to head back?"

"I think we are right?"

"Yea. I'll be right behind you."

Aleina walked with Nico to the car and I rubbed my hands over my face as I kicked a small rock that was laying on the side walk. I was frustrated by the fact she was playing this so well even I started believing this.

(1371 words)

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